ATLA: Book 4

Por obsessedwithATLA

51.8K 912 1.5K

My take on avatargurumaster's "Avatar The Last Airbender Book 4 Air". Team Avatar will have to face many new... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10a
Chapter 10b
Chapter 10c
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

2.2K 39 47
Por obsessedwithATLA

Sorry if it seems as if the chapters are getting shorter! The original writer made it this way, and I'm doing everything I can to extend it.

Please leave a review.

Disclaimer: I do not own ATLA, but I wish I did.


Aang, Sokka, and Zuko walked through the Upper Ring looking for a restaurant Katara would like. They had been walking for two hours and hadn't found a perfect one yet. Sokka and Zuko were losing their patience.

"Come on Aang! Just pick a restaurant," Sokka said, getting frustrated.

"Yeah, I don't feel like walking much longer and soon someone will see through our disguises," Zuko said.

Aang and Zuko had been wearing disguises so they wouldn't be mobbed by people who wanted to see the Fire Lord and the Avatar.

"Hey, there is a restaurant over there," he said, pointing. "It specializes in Water Tribe cuisine, that's perfect!"

"Finally, my legs were getting tired," Sokka said.

They walked into the restaurant to book a table at night.

"How may I help you?" asked the hostess.

"I would like to book a table for two for tonight. It's a special dinner," Aang said.

"Oh, of course, name?" asked the hostess.

"Aang... wait nononono I-I meant Kuzon," Aang stuttered. Sokka facepalmed and Zuko shook his head.

"My, oh my, Avatar Aang? Why you can have the best table in the restaurant tonight."

"Uhhhhhh," Aang said while scratching his neck.

"Is this a romantic evening?"

Aang started thinking about Katara and got lost in his train of thought.


"Yes, sorry."

"Okay. I'll make sure that tonight will be special, young Avatar,"

Sokka and Zuko were waiting outside for Aang.

"Ooh, Aang. Look!" Sokka said, pointing to a place across the street.

"What is it?" Aang asked.

"It's a carriage service," Zuko said. "It can bring you and Katara to the dance hall."

"The city will pay for any expenses, remember? It may even be free since they're serving the Avatar," Sokka said.

"I dunno guys. I don't like to take free stuff, and I don't want to run the city for its money," Aang said.

"Come on, it's for Katara. You want it to be special, right?" Sokka asked.

"Yeah. I want us to remember this night for the rest of our lives."

"Then order a carriage," Sokka said, trying to persuade Aang.

"Fine, I'll do it. For Katara."

Aang went in and ordered a carriage to their address, and for it to pick them up at 6:00. The owner didn't want Aang to pay, but Aang insisted on paying on it. The owner refused to allow Aang to pay. Aang walked back outside.

"They refused to take my money."

"Good, that means ther... I mean 'oh no, that's terrible'," Sokka said.

Aang rolled his eyes at Sokka and the boys started walking back to the house.

"So Aang do you have anything to wear for your date?" Sokka asked.

"Yeah, I have some special dress robes. I've been waiting to wear them for the right moment."

While Aang and Sokka were talking, Zuko spotted Mai. He realized that it meant the other girls were there. Mai noticed the boys and she had a silent conversation with Zuko. She pointed towards the direction that the boys came from and Zuko nodded. Then, Zuko grabbed Aang and Sokka, turned them around, and started pushing them towards the way they came.

"Oww! Zuko, what's your problem?" Sokka asked with an angry tone.

"Umm... i-it looked too crowded!" Zuko responded. "We'll need to make a detour. If we walked through, someone would've seen through our disguises."

"Yeah, that's true Sokka. There were a lot of people there," Aang said.

"That doesn't mean that Zuko had to grab us! He could've just told us!" Sokka yelled.

Aang and Zuko shrugged and walked back to the house through a different route. Sokka trailed behind, grumbling to himself. 


"Phew!" Mai wiped her brow as she watched the boys leave in the opposite direction.

"Hey Mai!" Katara yelled. "How does this one look?!"

Katara pulled out an authentic Water Tribe kimono, with classic Water Tribe designs.

"It's pretty," Mai said, "and very Water Tribe-y."

"TOPH! SUKI!" Katara yelled out.

Toph and Suki rushed over to Katara.

"Wow! It's beautiful!" Suki said admiring the dress.

"Yeah, it soooooo pretty Katara," Toph joked. "Sugar Queen, you could be wearing nothing but a trash bag and Twinkletoes would still be drooling all over you."

Katara started blushing, Suki rolled over laughing and Mai put a hand on her mouth trying to conceal her laughter.

"I mean, she does have a point," Mai said.

The shopkeeper heard the commotion and went over to see what they were laughing about. "Ah, this robe," she said as she approached Katara. "It's a fine kimono, I bought it from a Watertribes-woman a few years back."

"I'm surprised nobody has bought this yet," Katara responded.

"I am as well. Come to the front so this fine kimono will finally have an owner."

Katara smiled and purchased the dress.


The girls started heading back and the boys got back only a few minutes earlier than them. Aang laid on the couch, while Zuko and Sokka 'played' Pai Sho.

"Hey, guys. So... uhm, what are you doing?" Suki asked.

"Just playing Pai Sho and nothing else," Sokka said nervously.

"Since when did you two learn to play Pai Sho?" Katara asked suspiciously.

"Sokka and I like to play whenever you guys are gone," Zuko said.

"Yeah, we know how to play! See look," Sokka said as he was moving a piece, "BOOM! Touchdown!"

Zuko groaned and slammed his forehead on the table. The girls were just staring at Sokka.

"Come on, Sokka," Toph said, "I don't even need to use my earthbending to tell that was a lie."

Aang walked into the room caught a glimpse of her and got all dreamy.

"Wow, Katara you look, um-uh, so..." he started as he blushed.

Katara understood what Aang was trying to say. "Awww, thanks Aang. You're so sweet, I should get ready for tonight," she said.

She kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs to her room to change into her newly-bought kimono. Aang soon followed and dressed in a pair of dress robes he had been saving for a special day and waited in the living room for Katara.

She walked downstairs nervously. "Hey Aang, ready to go?" she asked.

"You look stunning, and that kimono looks gorgeous. You're like a princess," he said. She blushed and he continued. "And what is a princess without her chariot?" He opened the door to reveal a carriage. She smiled and took his hand. Then they entered the carriage.

"So, where are we going?" she asked, curious.

"It's a surprise, but I know you'll like it," he said.

The carriage started moving towards the dance hall.

"The owner of the carriage service wouldn't let me pay," Aang said.

"Aww, Aang. I know you hate taking free stuff, but why'd you take it?

"I wanted tonight to be special, so I did it for you."

They shared a kiss and then the carriage arrived at the dance hall.

"Thanks, please back in about an hour," Aang said to the driver before he led Katara out.

"We're going dancing!?" Katara said, excited.

"Yeah, I thought you would lik..." before Aang could finish he was pulled into the dance hall by Katara.

The music was playing an uptempo song. Aang and Katara started doing a similar dance to the Kataango. They were both smiling and people started noticing them and soon realized Aang was the Avatar. A group of girls started to talk. The music stopped and another uptempo song started. The head of the dance hall announced this would be a group dance song, not a partner one.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," Katara said as she walked off.

The group of girls started dancing near Aang who was dancing by himself. Within seconds, a horde of girls surrounded him. The girls were giggling as they danced. Aang started to realize the crowd around him. Katara walked out of the bathroom. She was smiling, excited to dance some more, but the sight of those girls with Aang wiped the smile off her face and made her blood boil. She started marching towards Aang, ready to prove that he wasn't single.

"Oh, hey Kata..." Aang was cut off by Katara's lips crashing into his. He started to kiss back and the crowd broke up.

"Wha... why did you do that?" he asked, grinning.

"To prove that you are my boyfriend," she said.

"What made you doubt that?" Aang asked innocently.

"Those girls were a bit too close for my preference."

They danced for a few more minutes.

"I'm pretty hungry, you wanna head to the restaurant?" Aang asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired and I haven't eaten much today."

They departed to the carriage outside. The ride was quick and Katara's face lit up when she saw the restaurant.

"Aang, that is so sweet, you know how much I missed Water Tribe cuisine," she said and then kissed him on the cheek.

They walked into the restaurant and the hostess showed them to a candle-lit table for two. A waiter approached their table.

"So, are you two ready to order?"

"What are your specials for tonight?" Katara asked.

The waiter started explaining each of the dishes to Katara. The waiter's voice phased out of his mind when started looking around the restaurant. He heard a familiar voice. No, wait. TWO familiar voices. And tracked it to a table that wasn't too far away.

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