Classified Files- Human Untou...

By SydCarv

2.8K 171 80


Interview Transcript #1
Interview Transcript #2
Interview Transcript #3
Interview Transcript #4
Audio Transmitter Recordings #1
Audio Transmitter Recordings #2
Audio Transmitter Recordings #3

Section D Interview Notes

281 23 30
By SydCarv

The following transcripts are a consolidation of all the important information taken from interviewing Section D residents assumed to be close to Terra.


Interview Excerpt #1

Subject: Jonathan Makër
Gender: M
Age: 43
Occupation: Bar owner/ Alleged gang leader

Interviewer: —R E D A C T E D—
Gender: R E D A C T E D—
Age: R E D A C T E D—
Occupation: State Employee

In the following transcript based on the interviews taken, the interviewer will be termed as 'A' and the interviewee will be termed as 'B'.


A: So, Jon, tell us about your relationship with Terra Carai.

B: Terra who?

A: Terra Carai.

B: Sarayee? Is that even a real name?

A: Don't act dumb. We know Terra once worked for you.

B: I've had a lot of girls work for my attention, if you know what I mean. -laugh-

A: We know she was at your bar. Her fingerprints were found on your desk and a glass.

B: She was never there. I never saw her.

A: There was tranquilizer in your blood work.

B: It helps me sleep.

A: Really? A tranquilizer?

B: I have intense insomnia.

A: It's not in your medical records.

B: I'm self-diagnosed.

A: -exhale- Come on, Maker. We have a recording of Terra talking to you.

B: Oh, really now? Interesting. -chair squeak- Do you know how many people are named 'Maker'?

A: It was in the vicinity of your bar.

B: Do you know the population density of Section D?

A: We know it was to you, Maker. Don't play around with us.

B: This is entirely circumstantial. Do you have a phone number she called to?

A: Yes, we do.

B: Was the said phone with phone number in my possession?

A: Maybe it was.

B: -scoff- I have one phone with me. It's a landline. Mobile phones... I don't understand how they work. The phone you think she called me from, it wasn't there. It didn't happen.

A: Fine. Your safe has Terra's fingerprints all over. How do you explain that?

B: It does? -gasp- Does that mean I was robbed?

A: No, you let her take that stuff. There was no evidence of the safe being broken into.

B: I can't believe it! I was robbed.

A: Maker, yo-


A: Maker, st-


A: Maker, you don't have th-


A: Fuck this. -papers shuffle--chair screech-

B: Oh thank you! Thank you! The number will be in my wallet and-and -door slam- And go fuck yourself, State sucker. -laugh-


Interview Notes:

Clearly lying about knowing Terra. Needs more pushing. A deal?

Terra stole some items of worth from Maker. She's running with items she needs to fence to get a worth for it. Place BOLO on all jewellery/pawn shops.


Interview Excerpt #2

Subject: Jared Willams

Gender: M
Age: 49
Occupation: State Employee

Interviewer: —R E D A C T E D—
Gender: —R E D A C T E D—
Age: —R E D A C T E D—
Occupation: State Employee

In the following transcript based on the interviews taken, the interviewer will be termed as 'A' and the interviewee will be termed as 'B'.


A: Sir, tell me everything you know about Terra.

B: I don't know a lot about her. She only comes around to help in the shop with cleaning. She never talks about her work.

A: Did she come to you after killing th-

B: No. I was hoping she would. But she didnt. -sniff-

A: We did find her fingerprints in your daughter's bedroom and some DNA in her bathroom.

B: She has been up to Sandy's room a few times. Even stayed over once when her friends weren't around. Sandy doesn't let anyone in her room to clean so it would make sense if all that was still around.

A: I see. Are your daughter and Terra close?

B: Not at all. Sandy has taken a lot of time to start being civil to Terra after she started working for the State. But civil is putting it very optimistically. Now, she no longer leaves the room each time Terra comes over and doesn't answer in one word anymore.

A: I see. And your wife?

B: Same as me. She helps out in the kitchen now and then. Took us all out once for lunch and bought her a dress. It was... It was one of the last times she came over alone. I think it was her goodbye to us.

A: Moving on, did you know about Lionel Mackenzie?

B: Terra didn't talk about her personal life much. She mentioned him once or twice, no names, just 'boyfriend' or 'this guy I'm seeing'. I was happy for her. She sounded happy with him too. It's just... such a shock.

A: Did she ever mention anyone else?

B: No. Her teammates came up a lot. She loves them like family. She would die for them. After her parents passed away, they and us are all we have.


Interview Notes:

Terra is close to this family.

Jared runs a custom metal parts workshop. Does she have any expertise in making a gun? Was that where she sourced the tranquiliser?

No love lost between the kid and Terra. Worth questioning anyway.

Jared's statement matches his wife's.


Interview Transcript #3

Subject: Sandy Williams
Gender: F
Age: 17
Occupation: Unemployed/Student Dropout

Interviewer: —R E D A C T E D—
Gender: R E D A C T E D—
Age: R E D A C T E D—
Occupation: State Employee

In the following transcript based on the interviews taken, the interviewer will be termed as 'A' and the interviewee will be termed as 'B'.


B: Are you even allowed to interview me without my parents present?

A: These are special circumstances where certain rights have been waived.

B: Fucking great. Waive away. You guys are used to that shit, aren't you?

A: We don't do this but State Statute-

B: I couldn't give two shits, Baldy. Ask what you want so I can get the fuck out of here.

A: Hey, I'm not bald yet!

B: Not far off though. -laugh-

A: Tell me about your relationship with Terra.

B: Non-existent. I don't like the bitch.

A: Why is that?

B: She played with my brother's feelings, then she left him behind and refuses to tell me what happened to him, and then she starts working for the State and then she tried to weasel herself back into mine and my family's life like nothing ever fucking happened. I don't fucking forget. That bitch should have died and Marcus should have been the one at home.

A: Interesting. Why does she come to your house?

B: She feels guilty about leaving my brother behind, who's like, her only friend anyway. But she won't do anything to get rid of that guilt and refuses to tell us what happened to him.

A: An-

B: Not to mention she's a cold-blooded murderer! She killed a man in cold blood! And what the fuck is she? Like what the fuck are those wings?? Are they even wings? Who the fuck did that? What kind of sicko freak would do that to someone? Is my brother like that too?

A: We don't have any information about your brother.


A: Unfortunately, we can't reveal that information.

B: Well, you're about as useless as her then, aren't you?

A: Not the point here. Do you have any idea where she is?

B: She's probably gone. It's the smart thing to do. And she's smart.

A: Do you know where she might be headed?

B: I'm sorry- somewhere through this did you get the misconception that I'm her best friend or something? Because I'm not.

A: How did you react when you found out she was the Angel of Death?

B: Honestly, not something I have a problem with. The more State scum dead, the better for me. But she killed an innocent man in cold blood. Someone she's supposed to love. It seems unreasonable. I don't get her. She's a fucking psycho.

A: Do you know anything about her relation to Maker?

B: No. I don't like the man. I don't listen to any news or gossip about him. He's got ears everywhere.


Interview Notes:

Her demeanour towards Terra matches the father's statement.

Anger against the State- common in Section D residents. Would it be enough for her to get through her hate for Terra and help her in anyway?

Guilt making her visit the family - matches the team's statement.

Possibility of her helping Terra- unsure. She hates the State, she hates Terra. Who would she go for in this case?


Interview Excerpt #4

Subject: Rahul Singh Rajput
Gender: M
Age: 29
Occupation: Unemployed

Interviewer: —R E D A C T E D—
Gender: R E D A C T E D—
Age: R E D A C T E D—

Occupation: Unemployed/Student Dropout

In the following transcript based on the interviews taken, the interviewer will be termed as 'A' and the interviewee will be termed as 'B'.


B: No, I'm not a pickpocket. I just find stuff lying around.

A: And take the money from it?

B: The owners are generous enough to provide me compensation.

A: Without their consent?

B: What proof do you have that they didn't consent?

A: Moving on, how well do you know Terra?

B: I was her brother's friend. Then we met a few times on a train. Then her brother died, then she went away, and then she came back. Then she was working for the State, and then her parents also died, by the State- what a coincidence, right? And then I started seeing her on the train again.

A: Anything she talked about that stood out?

B: No. She told me she wasn't allowed to talk about her job. She did mention her teammates a few times. They're like family to her.

A: Nothing ever stood out?

B: She was quieter. Sadder. Everyone in Sector 11 knows Terra. She's worked for everyone, her connections are more good-natured and more extensive than that asshole Maker. -laugh- I've always thought about her being a great local gang leader. There's something about her that's just so... sexy when she's mad. Imagined her in leather once when I was on the train. I swear to god, the straight up bo-

A: Stick to the point, please.

B: Right. Terra is sexy. And as the Angel of Death with those wings? Sexier. Do you think her wings are sensitive?

A: This is not information I'm privy too.

B: God, those looked so good on her. Almost natural. Fucking sexy with that streaming black hair and those bright green eyes and those giant wings. What is it about unnatural looks being so hot? I had a dream about her last night and-

A: Back on topic, Rahul.

B: Right. No, she didn't say anything special. Always heading to that metal shop. Bought me breakfast a few times... I... I just realised something.

A: What?

B: She's never laughed with me. What you guys did really fucked her up.

A: What do you know of her relationship with Maker?

B: Not much. Heard through the grapevine she worked for him once or twice. Fucking creep. She paid for his protection after it came out that she's now working for the State.

A: Protection?

B: Yeah. Heard that a mob gathered outside her house. Terra got a stone thrown at her, she left Section D bleeding.

A: We do have an incident report for that.

B: Did you see that video?

A: Yes, we did. Any insights?

B: Sexy, isn't it? I never knew how ripped she was. That sports bra was an absolute boon to me. She's got really great arm muscles. She could chokehold me to death and I'd thank her for it.

A: Rahul, pl-

B: And her back muscles? So toned because of the wings. Ugh, I'm hard just thinking ab-

A: Stick to the topic, Rahul.


Interview Notes-

Clearly wishes to sleep with Terra. Could be manipulated.

Not like her other relationships in Section D. One of the only ties which relates to her deceased brother.

Section D mob- Terra was injured

Paid Maker for protection for her parents- indicated prior relationship

Earlier transactions from her father's account prove they were paying protection money ever since they moved to Sector 11. Why?


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