
By EssoLloydMpetha

93K 6.6K 890

My whole life just changed in one day. I was kidnapped by a scientist gone rogue. Experimented on with nanote... More

Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A note from the Author
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 Part 1
Chapter 20 Part 2
Chapter 21 Part 1
Chaper 21 Part 2
Chapter 22 Part 1
Chapter 22 Part 2
Chapter 23 Part 1
Chapter 23 Part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A note from the author

Chapter 5

4K 250 46
By EssoLloydMpetha

I lay on my bed, pumping myself with music. I jump up and dance around my room as I listen to Skrillex's music on my earphones. My playlist this morning is only songs by him.

My mother had returned during the night. I didn't bother to check; it wouldn't change anything if I did.

I dance around my room making a lot of noise, I never act like this when my mom is around. It still bugs me that my mother sneaks around leaving at night. Could she be seeing someone?

I shake off the thought, finally paying attention to the notification I had received last night.

When I check the notification, it tells me that the Controller has posted another video. I watch the video, listening to every single word he spoke.

The Controller will launch an attack on the Fritz Bank downtown. He has gladly welcomed anyone who thinks they can stop him. He mentioned something about crippling the world's economy step by step. Attacking a highly fortified bank was his way of doing this.

I run down the stairs; he has told us the exact time that this will happen. He is obviously too cocky. The police will be there guarding the bank now. All those innocent souls who will die because of him.

I make my way to the kitchen, I'm not hungry, but I'd sure like something to run down my throat. I will eat because I can, not because I have to.

I grab some cereal and milk and rush to the living room. I sit on the three sitter navy couch in the living room. The couch here doesn't have any armrests on the sides. There are two of them and she has brought them together to make an L shape.

The Controller says he will attack the bank at 13:00. He has told us the exact time and the Bank he will hit. The only thing left is for us to stop him.

I may not have any training, but I sure won't let him kill everyone and destroy that bank and walk away with it.

The Controller spoke of a few of his experiments that had broken his link with them and escape. Maybe Josh was one of them, Josh can escape. If there's a way, I'm sure he'll find it. He'll break free, if I don't break him out first.

My mother suggested I shouldn't go to school today because of what recently happened. She also repeated that we should make our way to the police station.

I eat, grabbing the remote and changing into the news channel. Josh would freak out if he saw. He would say I need to go to the doctor and get a check-up.

I don't mind the tv as the man reads the news. I eat my cereal, my focus now on it, and it only. I lift my head to look at the tv when I hear the words the town of Mac being said by the man.

"... and now the police have formed a blockade around the entrance of the bank. We will search anyone who enters and exits the building. Several police have come to the scene, all expecting the worst. The attack would take place at 13:00 but the police have guarded the bank now. Just in case he plans on hitting it from the inside. On other news..."

I change the channel; I doubt they know anything more. The bank must've refused to close because of threats from a scientist gone mad.

I place the empty bowl beside me; I straighten my legs before placing them over the couch. My mother would be furious if she found out I ate whilst sitting in the living room. She is very strict with this.

She would always want me to eat in the dining room. I don't know what difference it makes, plus I enjoy the living room. I'd sometimes sleep here when watching movies at night.

I stand up, placing the bowl in the sink. I'll wash it later, now I feel like taking a bath. It is only 10 o'clock. I use the main bathroom this time, not using the one in my room.

I finally exit the bathroom, I check the time to see that it is only 12:13. I jump on the couch in the living and watch some tv.

My foot keeps tapping on the ground as I watch tv. I keep my eye on the clock, again time seems to rush it. It flies past as I watch some tv.

Getting killed is not on my to-do list, I can't help but feel like I'm committing suicide by even trying to stop him. I have hope that if I team up with the experiments that had escaped. We would be a formidable team.

The Controller tried to put fear into their hearts by saying they would only get themselves captured again, but they must at least try to help today. Our everyday police can't handle superhumans.

When I check the clock again, the time is 13:05, I'm late. This one time when being on time is very important I be late. I'm always early for school, but this time, I'm late.

I get up. Now this is where flying could come in handy, I think to myself. I grab the remote, turning back to the news channel. The Fritz Bank is being shown on tv. The policemen stand there with their weapons in hand, their gazes continually wondering. I sigh of relief escapes my lips; it is still all peaceful.

I get up and run up the stairs to my room, I grab a hoodie and wear it whilst running down the stairs. My heart skips a beat as I skip a step, it then starts compensating for the beat it had missed by pumping several rushed ones. Just as thoughts of taking my bike cross my mind, I remember how I got here. I jumped from one place to another, without moving a single muscle.

The roof of the bank is probably the best place to teleport to. If I teleport right in front of the police, they'll probably shoot me by accident.

I close my eyes and start imagining like I did before nothing happens. Imagining a place I've never been to turns out to be harder than I expected. From below, I can't really see the bank's top, so I do not know what it looks likes. My eyes widen as I raise my finger up, several possibilities flash through my mind processing my idea.

I take in a deep breath before I close my eyes as I imagine. My body glows, though my eyes are closed, I can feel the glow on my eyelids. I can feel my body break apart as the nanobots in me hasten.

When I open my eyes, I am 4 feet in the air on top of the bank. I fall, I look around trying to grasp my surroundings as I wonder how I ended up lying backwards when I teleported standing upright. My eyebrows furrow as time passes before I reach the roof.

My back hits the concrete, this sends a gust of wind rushing up to my ribs. I now feel a sharp pain when breathing. It feels like my rib keeps stabbing my lungs every time I try to move, as I continue my slow breaths.

My broken rib positions itself properly. I groan in pain as it shifts to its original position. I clutch my chest, trying to stop the horrid process. I finally stand up, as my healing process continues.

I look at the street; the streets are still just filled with people. The cops have come prepared for anything. They have come packed with heavy artillery. They use cars as a barricade closing the primary entrance of the bank. There are dozens of people inside the bank, and some people are still walking up and down this street. Many must have not seen the video posted, or they think it's just some trick a person is pulling.

I should have brought something to cover my face with. The hoodie I'm wearing will have to do for now. I've got nothing better at the moment.

I look around, no signs of the Controller. The police are placing their guns down and chat. Did the Controller stop his attack? I stand there continually tapping my fingers onto my hand, my eyes roam around before I let out an annoyed sigh. I should have brought my phone, then again that's not a superb idea if I'll be fighting. People continue on their day-to-day duties, nothing out of the ordinary.

A group of people make their way up the street, I lift my head to see before I go back down. They are all wearing what look like spandex suits; the suits are all white and have letters on their chests. Some are wearing jackets over the suits like the big guy with a B on his chest.

The police notice this and start picking up their guns. They get ready for anything, some duck under cover whilst pointing their guns at the guys. Somehow they get the feeling that this is trouble.

The police tighten their grips on their guns whilst continually looking at each other. The men in white don't have any weapons, they just keep coming straight at the police.

"Hold your fire," a cop yells.

The man with a T on his chest walks forward, "Like this?" He asks, flames crackling over his hand.

The police look at each other, thoughts of running roam their mind. They tighten their grips on their guns again, they continually look at each other as this happens, as if communicating with their eyes.

A man with two letters on his chest moves forward. The first letter is a W and so is the second letter. His head held high as he walks forward. His posture so rigid you could break a plank on him.

He moves straight forward as a cop raises his gun to point at the guy's head. The guy doesn't stop striding forward until the gun's point touches his forehead. He looks like a man doing his weekly groceries at a store, not a worry in the world.

The man lifts his hand, the hand slowly turns into a gun. The cop's eyes shoot up as he looks at the guy's hand that has transformed into a gun. The cop is used to guns, but he wasn't expecting this.

The man raises his other free hand, "I'm the Walking Weapon," he says signalling for the cop to shake the hand. After waiting for a while, he drops his hand.

"Looks like we have ourselves a Mexican standoff," the man says looking back at the group of five people he had arrived with.

"Put the gun down, sir," the policeman orders with all the courage he could muster.

"Whatever you say officer," he chuckles deviously as he changes his gun back into a hand.

He then opens his mouth, a blaster forms inside his mouth. The blaster's handle doesn't appear, only the front. This makes it look much like a canon. The gun starts off as if a liquid, it then morphs and changes into the object or weapon he requires.

A light glows from the man's mouth and gets brighter with time. It is as if a shot is being fired as a ball moves from the back of the blaster. The cop just stands there looking at the light, he doesn't move as a sweat trickles down his nose.

I jump down; I land and roll. The guy with a B on his chest sees me first and attempts to swing a punch at me. I duck under the fist, not stopping my run. I jump to push the policeman out of the way as the blast hits the ground, leaving an enormous hole where the cop was standing.

The Walking Weapon joins his hands to form a huge blaster. The blaster fires immediately, the shot a lot faster than the previous. I have no time to move out of the way, let alone move with the cop next to me.

I grab the man's hand and start phasing. An explosion goes off, the Walking Weapon's hands goes back to normal as he waits for the dust and smoke to clear.

When the dust clears, there we stand looking at them unscathed. Not even a scorch mark on the clothes we are wearing. The Walking Weapon's mouth drops, as his hands forms two different blasters that look much like canons.

He rapidly fires at us as we stand there, explosion after explosion goes off, leaving an even greater hole below us. After satisfied, he stops, his teeth gritted together as he wears a smile on face, his jaw tightened.

The blast creates an enormous hole beneath us. The Walking Weapon looks at us both, as his blasters disappear and his hands appear.

His eyes shoot up again, words can't form in his mouth to describe what had just happened. I run at the dumbfounded Walking Weapon. I form a fist and throw it straight at him, my fist connects with the man's jaw.

I could hear the bones in my fingers break, the snap sound cuts through the air like a knife. My hand looks like a deformed or mutated mouse that has been beaten to a pulp.

The man now looks at me as he laughs. A metal now covers the side of his face I tried punching. It looks much like a component to a gun.

I scream in agony. Before all these powers, I had never broken a bone. I had punched no one. My first punch brings me nothing but pain and my opponent enjoyment.

I test if my fingers can move, I can now feel them heal as I do this. Just as I try to process this, a fist sends me flying backwards into a wall.

My body feels like a fleet of trucks just hit me, my jaw throbs, at least there's no pain in my legs, in fact I can't even feel them. I think I should worry about that one. My jaw has shifted its position and I can't move my feet. The guy with a B blows his fist before wiping it on his costume.

He runs straight into the blockade of cars. He throws cars and policemen to the sides. He grabs two police cars and smashes them together. He ignores the gunshots; the bullets bend on impact as if they were just paper planes flying against a wall, almost becoming as flat as a pancake.

He grabs a policeman and throws him up like a rag doll. The cop flies up and starts descending. All I could do was watch as the cop hits the ground. The man runs into the Bank's wall where several people are start piling up in one corner. The corner is the one furthest from the man who just ran through a brick wall. He then shouts, "I am the Boulder."

My jaw moves back to its position, I can feel my spine healing. I didn't know I broke it until now. In no time, I can move my feet again. It feels as if blood just rushed back into my feet and legs; I feel like I could run a marathon.

I need an attack plan that isn't head on. I look at the people in front of me. Sizing them up, trying to find the weakest link, or the easiest target. I see one guy that is almost my size; I smile inside my head.

I teleport and grab him, he quickly turns after feeling my hands on him. I teleport again into mid-air, he then looks around to grasp his bearings, he then looks back to me, his eyes as the colour of fire. I teleported so high that I'm sure he won't be conscious when he hits the ground, but I made sure that it's not so high that he doesn't survive.

I let go of the man and teleport back down. He descends as I watch, almost feeling bad. He places his hands on his thighs as he straightens his body, his head now facing the floor. This increases his speed as he descends, flames engulf his entire body. His body lights up and he flies up when less than 20cm from the ground.

Great, he can fly, I think to myself. Why does my life have to be so hard, I think as I watch the guy showing off with his flight. He then descends, coming closer to me. I take a step back the closer he gets.

"I'm Torch," he says displaying the most friendly smile I've ever seen. He then fires fireballs at me, I dodge around and let some phase through me. He then shoots a wave of fire that engulfs me, I can see myself getting shorter as the tar melts under my feet as the fire passes through me.

I move out of the melted tar before I stop phasing. The Walking Weapon makes a dash at me. His hands now swords, he jumps up trying to stab me. I move out of the way; the attack leaves him open to an attack. He lands on the ground, and I counter attack. I dash at him with my jaw tightened and fists clenched, my fist connects with his face.

He staggers backwards, before catching his balance, I watch as he does this. With no time to celebrate my successful hit, I dodge flames from Torch, I can feel the heat of the blasts as they pass near me. Torch lands on the ground, I dodge his flames as I move closer.

I know this will hurt, I think as I form a fist. I punch Torch in the abdomen, burning my hand. His flames immediately disappear as he clutches his stomach. I punch him again, this time the only pain I receive is from the wound my hand has. He staggers backwards before properly regaining his footing.

"An escapee, trying to be a hero," the Walking Weapon spits, he then wipes his mouth. He utters the words escapee as if forced and disgusted by the word.

"You should know boy, that all heroes have one weakness." He moves closer to the policeman I had saved earlier. The policeman turns around and runs whilst shooting. The shots hit the Walking Weapon who now has a bulletproof torso.

A whip circles around the cop's waist, I follow the whip to find the origin. The Walking Weapon pulling the man closer. The Walking Weapon holds the cop, before making him kneel in front of him. The other policeman do not fire at him, afraid they might hit their fellow policeman.

"Now here is how this will go," he seethes as a blaster forms in his hands, "you're going to surrender, or I'll blow his head off. It's all up to you."

Should I surrender, or should I try to save him but risk getting the man killed? Why does my life have to be so hard?

Author's note:

Well, that's chapter 5, I hope you enjoyed it.

What do you think Shaun should do?
Should he risk it or just surrender

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter.

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