
By XyreiFlame

58 14 0

Kali Aya loves her boyfriends more than anything, but she's worried a polyamorous relationship may have a sho... More



14 4 0
By XyreiFlame

"Here, put this on."

Alejandro groaned as Jaymes passed him a shirt. He hated dressing up. He hated all the buttons and the fact the pants were never tight enough and that he couldn't wear converse and that he knew fine well he looked so much cuter in an oversized sweater.

But, apparently it was necessary tonight.

"Why do I even need to dress like a waiter?" Alejandro rolled his eyes as Jaymes fussed over his top button. He couldn't even have that undone? Seriously? He felt like he was going to choke.

Jaymes shrugged.

"Mei and Rhaj are having a get together and wanted us to dress up. Apparently they have a surprise."

Alejandro tried his hardest not to roll his eyes again. It's not that he didn't like Mei it's just- Well, she was really fucking loud and he would much rather lie around at home with his lovers than listen to Mei's screeching.

"Are you two ready?"

Alejandro's eyes lit up as Kali entered their bedroom. Crisp white shirt tucked into high waisted black shorts, hair were curled,lips are mighty red which is very kissable by the way.

Kali was one of the few people he preferred all dressed up. She looked so fucking good.

"Ready, Sexy." Alejandro purred, arms wrapping around the back of Kali's neck to bring the woman into a kiss.

"Stop calling me that." Kali whined, a complete juxtaposition to how she was currently dressed, but it made Alejandro smile. She was so cute.

"It's not my fault you look like you're going to beg me to take you over a table and fuck you like the dirty little whore you are." Alejandro giggled as Kali flushed. Seriously. Where did she get off being so fucking adorable?

He leaned in closer, lips grazing against the shell of Kali's ear as he spoke.

"Even though we both know you'd prefer it having us both sandwiching you."

Kalis queaked as Alejandro latched onto her earlobe, pulling away from the older man with a start, which only made him laugh harder. He seriously got off on teasing her. And it didn't exactly take much for Kali to turn a less than attractive shade of beetroot.

"Okay, you two, break it up. Taxi's outside." Jaymes usually tried to play the attentive mother role, tried to stop Alejandro teasing Kali so mercilessly the younger one nearly died of embarrassment, but he had to admit, Kali was pretty cute when she was flustered.

The ride to Rhaj and Mei's place as longer than any of them could really be bothered with, but the couple were some of their best friends, and it sounded like they had something really important to tell them.

"What do you think their surprise is?"

"Maybe they're moving away."

Alejandro hissed as Jaymes slapped his arm.

"What? I didn't say I hope they're moving away. Just maybe."

"Maybe Rhaj is finally coming out as gay." Kali scoffed, making Alejandro laugh and Jaymes roll his eyes. He could swear Alejandro was a bad influence on their girlfriend.

"Maybe he got someone knocked up."

"And Mei is gonna pretend to be pregnant for nine months and pass it off as her like on Desperate Housewives."

"Oh my god! Yes!"

Jaymes sighed. How the fuck did he end up with these two?

"I can't believe I actually have to say this, considering we're all adults, but will you both promise me you'll be on your best behavior?" Alejandro gasped as Jaymes shot him a look. He was always the instigator.

"They all still think I'm a sweet little kitten I'm not going to shatter that illusion." Alejandro smiled to himself. Despite being at least three years older, Rhaj's friends had a tendency to baby him, and he absolutely reveled in it.

"Anyway, you're the one that had one too many tequila's last time we were at theirs and ended up in ER after you tried to death drop from the kitchen bench. We were the sensible ones."

Alejandro cackled at the memory as Kali spoke. Tequila-Jaymes was his favourite.

"Shut up." Jaymes hissed with a pout. That wasn't even funny; he got a concussion from that night he literally could have died. "If you see anyone offer me a shot be good lovers and do it for me."

"We'd rather watch you suffer." Alejandro muttered with a butter-wouldn't melt-smile on his lips as the taxi finally pulled up at Rhaj and Mei's place. There was no booming music, no gathering of people smoking outside of the front door, and he was pretty sure he could see an afternoon tea style cake stand through the window. This was going to be fucking boring, he could just sense it.

"I wonder why they're making such a big deal of this." Kali mused as they walked up the path. There seemed to be a fair few people here already, Mei and Rhaj didn't really do big parties very often, unless it was one of their birthdays. But it was September. Those were both way off.

"Maybe they just want to be sociable." Jaymes rolled his eyes as he pressed the doorbell. Why were his lovers so goddamn suspicious?

"Oh my god, hi!" Alejandro flinched as the door opened and Mei all but squawked at them. Here we go. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"What's this surprise, then?" Jaymes asked with a soft laugh as Mei's arms wrapped around his waist, reciprocating the hug.

"You'll find out later. Help yourself to drinks and food for now, but don't you dare get drunk. If you ruin this for me I swear to g-"

"He already has us on shot duty, don't worry. He's not getting a single drop of tequila tonight." Kali smiled, giving Mei a hug of her own, knowing that was exactly what her bestfriend was waiting for.

"Okay, good. Because I want tonight to be memorable. And not because we had to phone you an ambulance." Rhaj smirked, sending Jaymes a pointed look as he wrapped a reluctant Kali up in his arms.

"I wish he'd just tell us what it is already, I hate surprises." Alejandro huffed as they flounced off to socialise with some of his other guests. He couldn't be bothered with the suspense of the waiting around. He'd rather just know and then he'd be able to get on with enjoying himself.

"Stop being such a moody baby." Jaymes reached up on his toes slightly to press a kiss to the taller boy's cheek. "Let's go get some food."

Alejandro let Jaymes drag him off to the kitchen, fingers looping around Kali's wrist, urging her to come along with them.

Honestly, they were lucky to have the friends they did. Really lucky.

In the beginning it was hard for some of them to understand, the whole second threesome thing, and not all of them accepted Alejandro. They found it kind of...disgusting, almost.

But the majority of their friends welcomed the change. They may have been confused at first, but they looked past that, because it was obvious how happy Kali and Jaymes were now Alejandro was in their lives. It may not be conventional, but what did that matter?

Over time the three of them learnt to cut toxic people out of their lives, to surround themselves with friends who loved and supported them. They may have sacrificed their friendships with a few closed minded people they had once been close with, but it resulted in them being able to act like anyone else in a relationship could. They could hold hands and kiss and cuddle in front of their friends, all three of them. They didn't have to feel uncomfortable because they knew they weren't making other people uncomfortable.

They really were lucky that everyone didn't disapprove of their relationship, that they didn't shun Alejandro when the two of them began to introduce him to people.

And Mei and Rhaj were at the forefront of that. Sure, it had been a shock that their seemingly uptight friend Kali and the love of her life Jaymes had gotten another lover. Neither of them had really heard of anything like that before. Maybe on TV, but never in real life. But it was obvious how much the two of them liked Alejandro, loved him even. From the very start they could see the twinkle in both of their friend's eyes whenever they talked about the Fil-Am boy. This wasn't just a sex thing anymore. It may have started that way, but this clearly went way deeper. And while it was something Mei and Rhaj would never choose for themselves, they found it kind of beautiful that Kali and Jaymes had enough room in their hearts to let someone else in.

"These macaroons are so good." Alejandro mumbled through a mouthful of biscuit. Mei knew how to put on a spread. He'd give the younger that.

"I wouldn't know," Jaymes started as he stuffed the last one in his mouth, "I never got to try one-"

He was interrupted by a spoon clinking against glass, a signal for everyone to be quiet.

"Hey, everyone! Thanks for coming; it means a lot to us that you're here to share this moment." Rhaj was stood in the middle of their living room, a glass of champagne in his hand. He was smiling wider than Jaymes had even seen, and the two of them had been friends since they were in high school. What was going on here?

"We just got back from Bali and, well, something happened there. It was kind of spur of the moment and I wasn't fully prepared and we wanted to make it official with all our friends and family and-"

"Just get on with it." Mei nudged her boyfriend with a giggle. She knew Rhaj had the tendency to ramble when he was nervous.

Jaymes' heart skipped a beat, fingers intertwining with Kali and Alejandro's, one each side of him. Was Rhaj going to-?

"Okay, uh-" Rhaj fumbled around in his pocket, pulling out a tiny box before taking Mei's hands in his own. "Mei, I know I've already done the big, soppy speech about how much I love you but I didn't have a ring, and-"

The elder dropped to one knee, breath around the room hitching as he cracked the box open.

"Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!"

Jaymes squeezed his lovers' hands. Was this really happening? Mei and Rhaj were getting married? Would it be too far for him to say this was the best day of his life? He wasn't even the one getting married but- Rhaj was his baby.

"Oh my god!" Jaymes let go of his lovers' hands, running over to the newly engaged couple as Rhaj slid the ring on Mei's finger. "I'm so happy for you!"

He pulled the two of them close to his chest, not wanting to let go. This was, like, fucking magical. He loved Mei and Rhaj together and he was so proud of the two of them before making a life together and they were so damn happy and oh god-

"Jay, are you crying?"

"No!" Jaymes sniffled, trying to wipe his eyes on Rhaj's shoulder. "Of course not!"

Mei laughed as more of their friends came over to congratulate them. She had already said yes when Rhaj popped the question out of nowhere while they were on holiday. Apparently the way the moonlight caught Mei's eyes as they shared a late night gelato outside some little cafe was when Rhaj just knew that he wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. He didn't have a ring or anything but he just...couldn't resist asking.

It was romantic, if not a little mushy, but Mei absolutely loved it. But she had always wanted a big engagement, for everyone she loved to be part of it, which was why they had kept things on the down low until they could get everyone together.

Even Alejandro was cuddling her, rocking her back and forth with excitement.

This was perfect.

For everyone but Kali,that is.

For her, everything just seemed to...stop. She couldn't hear anything above the dull ringing in her ears. Couldn't really grasp what was going on around her, because she had completely checked out.

Mei and...Mei and Rhaj were getting married? Married? They'd only been together a year unlike-

Unlike she and Jaymes. Or she and Alejandro for that matter. The three of them were in their mid-twenties. She'd been with Jaymes forever.

Because...they'd never be able to get married. Not the three of them.

That was the ultimate symbol of commitment. The ultimate sign that you loved someone more than anything in the world that you shared with all of the other people you loved.

But they'd never have that. Because she didn't just love someone, she loved two someone's. And according to the world that wasn't right.

Kali could never profess to the world how much she loved Jaymes and Alejandro. They'd never be bound together in matrimony till death do they part.


They'd never have that.

Kali couldn't do this.


She had to get out of here.


She ran for the door, ignoring Alejandro calling her name. Kali couldn't cope with this right now. The last thing she wanted was to talk to her boyfriends because- well, she was pretty sure she'd just break down because honestly what was the point? If they couldn't get married then what was the fucking point?

That was the end game. That was always the end game when it came to relationships, right? That and kids- oh god, she hadn't even thought about kids. They...How would three people, who were all in this fucking weird relationship,be able to conceive? What about their babies?! They're gonna find it weird if they 2 different daddies?!

Kali leaned against the painted brick of Mei and Rhaj's house, tears blurring her vision. She absolutely hated this. Just what had she gotten herself into?

She was in a position where she could never get married or have kids all because she was in this stupid polyamorous relationship. What did that even mean? Was this really sustainable? Just how long could the three of them go on like this? Their relationship had peaked. There was no way up from here.

This was it. For the rest of her life.

She'd always just be a girlfriend. Never a fiancée or a wife. Just a girlfriend. You could have the title of girlfriend after only just meeting someone a couple of days ago. It didn't really mean anything. It was just a word that didn't really hold any real gravity.

Not like a wife did.

Her thumb subconsciously rubbed against her left ring finger. The one that would always be bare.

How had she never thought about this before? Not properly, anyway. Kali had always pushed it to the back of her mind because she loved Jaymes and Alejandro, so fucking much, and the last thing she wanted was to ruin what they had. But now...now Mei and Rhaj were getting married, and her sister-

Oh for fucks sake, Kali forgotten about her sister's wedding and she'd never even response to her because it was addressed to Kali Aya plus one because her parents had no idea she was even in a relationship, never mind in a relationship with two different guys and how was she meant to pick? She couldn't turn up with the two of them; her family would go off it.

But she was so sick of hiding. Sure, she had always hidden hers and Jaymes' relationship because back then her parents never would have approved, if now she felt like they were in a place where she could finally tell them that she was in a relationship with Jaymes and they wouldn't absolutely hate her for it. They probably wouldn't fully understand, but she was sure they'd accept him.

Only now she'd gone and fucked that up. There wasn't only Jaymes anymore. There was Alejandro too. How the fuck would she ever explain that?

So, not only would Kali never get married or have kids., but she couldn't even tell her family that she was head over heels in love because she'd gotten herself into this impossible situation that they would never understand.

This was too fucking much.

She just wanted to go home.

Kali wanted to lie down and cry herself to sleep because everything was completely fucked and her life had essentially plateaued.

Maybe inviting Alejandro into their lives wasn't such a good idea, after all.


Kali rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand as she heard Alejandro around the corner. She couldn't let her boyfriend know what was going on in her head. That she was having doubts about their relationship.

"Oh, there you are. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just- I needed some air."

"Ah, okay, well- Have you been crying?" Kali avoided Alejandro's gaze as the man's fingers ghosted over her damp cheeks. She didn't want to see the concern in his eyes because despite knowing it wasn't fair, part of her blamed Alejandro for all of this.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just, happy, you know?"

"You're so cute."

Kali squeezed her eyes shut as Alejandro pulled her close, stopping any more tears from falling. She willed all of those awful thoughts away as he held her, because this wasn't his fault. It was society's, right? What they had was beautiful, and she couldn't let a stupid wedding get in the way of that.

She loved Alejandro and she loved Jaymes. So fucking much.

That was all that mattered, right?

"Let's go back inside, Mei's brought out this huge cake and I want to get some before Xyrei eats it all."

Kali smiled weakly as Alejandro drew back.

She knew that was all that mattered, the fact they were in love. All three of them.

But Kali couldn't stop thinking about the future.

Whether they had a future. Realistically.

"I'm not really that hungry. I think I'll just stay out here."

"No way! It's freezing." Alejandro took Kali by the hand, insisting the younger to come back inside. Kali didn't want to follow, she wanted to be alone, but she did anyway. She couldn't quite think of an excuse to cover why she wanted to be alone.

Kali tried to smile as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. As Jaymes waved at them from across the room.

She was meant to be in love with these two boys. They were meant to be her everything. She always said that she'd love them forever and nothing would ever tear them apart.

So why did she feel like she just wanted up and leave?


Kali didn't say a whole lot throughout the rest of the party, or on the taxi ride home. Luckily for her, both of her boyfriends were a little on the tipsy side so they didn't really notice. She was in no way in the mood for a serious conversation tonight.

As soon as they got in she went straight up to bed. But not their bed, the spare bed. She didn't really feel like sleeping in there tonight. She just wanted to be alone.

Kali curled up; bed covers pulled up over her head as silent tears rolled down her cheeks. What was she going to do? She loved Jaymes and Alejandro, she really did. But what if their relationship fell completely stagnant with no kids or marriage on the horizon?

This was it for them. There was nowhere else for them to go. Their relationship had hit its ultimate high already, so now the only way was down.

Kali sniffled softly. She hated this. She tried her hardest to ignore that nagging voice in the back of her head, but after the engagement party it got too loud to ignore.

What were they thinking? She and Jaymes could be engaged, maybe even married by now if it wasn't for Alejandro. How did they honestly think this could work out in the long run? There was no longevity in a polyamorous relationship. There were so many things they couldn't do as a triad.

Why didn't they just keep things the way they are?

Why did they have to invite Alejandro into their relationship?

Kali hadn't realized she'd been sobbing quietly until she heard a giggling outside of the bedroom door, followed by soft words of confusion as her boyfriends realized she wasn't in their bed.

"Maybe she's still downstairs."

"I dunno, I'll check in here."

Kali held her breath as the door cracked open. She really didn't want to see Jaymes right now, but she was glad it was her to choose to check the spare bedroom and not Alejandro.


Kali tensed up as the mattress dipped beside her, as fingers carded through her hair.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I just...don't feel well, that's all."

"You've been awfully quiet all night."

"I have a migraine."

"Poor baby." Kali squeezed her eyes shut as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. All she wanted was to bury her face in the man's chest and sob her heart out, but she couldn't very well do that without having to fess up to what was going through her head. And Jaymes would absolutely hate her for it.

"She's not downstairs, but I did find these." Alejandro bound into the room with a giggle, black silk ties in his hand. He hadn't been tied up forever. "You wanna gag me with them lat-" He paused as he saw Kali's curled up form under the bed covers. What was going on?

"Kal, are you okay?" He rounded the bed, crawling next to her so he could see her face. It looked red...kind of blotchy. Was she coming down with a fever?

"She's got a migraine." Jaymes stated as Alejandro pressed the back of his hand to their girlfriend's forehead, unable to miss the way Kali physically shied away from the blonde's touch. Weird.

"Poor baby." Alejandro repeated Jaymes's words, shuffling a little closer to Kali. He hated seeing his girlfriend suffer. "Do you want me to get you anything? Or stay in here with you tonight?"

Kali shook her head, fighting back a fresh wave of tears because Alejandro was being so lovely to her and he didn't deserve it. Not after what she had just been thinking.

"You two go have fun." She let her eyes fall shut, hoping they'd get the hint that she needed sleep and would go away. She couldn't share a bed with either of them right now.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Don't let me spoil your night; Jandro wants you to tie him up."

Alejandro giggled as he leaned in to kiss Kali, not thinking much of it when the girl didn't react, figuring it was just because she didn't feel well. She was clearly shattered, bless her.

"I'll come check on you later." Another kiss. "Love you."

Those words made Kali's gut twist, waiting until the door clicked shut behind the two of them before she let out a shaky sob.

This was so fucked up.

She had not only one, but two boyfriends that loved her more than anything and she was thinking about calling it off between them. She was regretting falling for Alejandro and for what? A wedding? Some overrated party that was only really an excuse to show off. Did she really need that? What they had was...well, perfect, right?

They were in love, all three of them. That should be all that mattered.

Kali was such a fucking asshole, how could she even think that Alejandro was a mistake? He made both Kali and Jaymes so, so happy.

Her head was such a mess; she didn't even know what she was thinking anymore.

She buried her face in her pillow in an attempt to dry her eyes before sitting up to grab something from the bedside table. Something she'd been hiding in here from her boyfriends because they very rarely used their spare room. What was the point?

Kali Aya plus one,

You are invited to the wedding of Cliene Alleah and Butchi Sandoval

4pm Friday 28th of September 2021

Her eyes unfocused as she stared at the discarded invitation. Kali couldn't even bring herself to go to her own sister's wedding because she didn't know how to bring it up with her boyfriends. She couldn't only ask one of them, it wouldn't be fair. But at the same time she couldn't really take either of them...and that was already a sore spot with her and Jaymes. The fact she had never told her parents she was in a relationship with him. It had been five years, after all.

Kali knew it bothered the Jaymes, being kept her dirty little secret for so long. He hadn't met Kali's family because her mom didn't really like his reputation. She knew it killed him, but he never pushed to be formally introduced, never wanted to make Kali feel uncomfortable.

But...now she'd never be able to tell them. How could she possibly? She couldn't tell them about Alejandro and not Jaymes, but there was no way in hell she could tell them about both of her boyfriends. She knew fine well her parents would never speak to her again. That they'd be disgusted at the very idea.

She crumpled the invite up, throwing it across the room as sobs began to wrack through her body again.

She couldn't do this. She couldn't keep living like this. She just wanted to be normal. She wanted a normal relationship where she could hold her boyfriends hand in public and go on dates and go to her sister's wedding with the hope that one day she'd be the one walking down the aisle.

She wasn't sure she'd be able to cope seeing her do that knowing it would never happen for her.

Kali wasn't sure he'd be able to cope seeing Mei and Rhaj.

Why...Why hadn't she thought this through? Why did she rush into this stupid polyamorous relationship that meant she'd never have a normal life? They'd never be accepted, not fully. Sure, they had a handful of people that didn't judge them for their relationship dynamic. But in the real world? People just thought they were greedy, sexual deviants that needed more than one person to satisfy their needs. They didn't see the love between them.

And they never would.


"For fucks sake!"

Jaymes ripped his earphones out as someone shouted from what sounded like the kitchen. He'd only just that second walked in the door, what the fuck was going on?


"Wait! Don't come in!"

Too late. He had already opened the door, unveiling the kitchen in complete disarray. The sink was full of dishes, the remains of chopped vegetables strewn across the benches and Alejandro was on the floor, surrounded by trash.

"...What are you doing?"

"I was trying to make dinner but it's all going wrong and then the garbage bag split on me and now-" He whined, struggling to pick up all the shit off the floor. "I'm having chopseuy."

Jaymes ran over to the hob, turning down the flame before whatever sauce Alejandro had concocted boiled over.

"You literally never cook, why did you even try?" Jaymes laughed softly as he got out a new bag to scrape the numerous vegetable peelings into. Alejandro was notoriously messy in the kitchen, so much so that Jaymes usually banned him from even helping when he cooked. It was just easier that way.

"I was trying to do something nice for you and Kali." Alejandro groaned, nose crinkling as he put his hand in...something. Being domestic was gross. "She's been so...weird lately I thought maybe she's like stressed or something."

Jaymes hummed. He had picked up on that too.

Kali was the loudest or most energetic of people at the best times, but she usually let herself be quiet and just relax when she wasn't in the mood but lately it was like she was a completely different person. She seemed upright, almost uncomfortable to be around them. She wasn't as cuddly or affectionate and Jaymes couldn't put his finger on why.

That was, when they actually saw her.

Kali had been working extra-long hours recently, claiming she had to go overtime due to lack of nurses which required her to stay back late, but sometimes she wouldn't be back until the two of them were getting ready for bed.

"I'm sure that's it, she's just stressed with work." Jaymes wasn't even sure he believed his own words, but he didn't want Alejandro to worry.

"Yeah... It's just-" Alejandro sighed, not sure how to put this. Talking wasn't his strong point. "I feel like she's being really distant with me. Like...she's avoiding me."

"I'm sure that's not the case."

"I dunno..." Alejandro's eyes unfocused on the tin can in his hand. This really should have been recycled... "It's just- Kali never wants to sleep in the middle anymore, and like- I feel like she doesn't even look me in the eye on the rare occasions we do speak and...I can't even remember the last time we kissed. Probably before Mei and Rhaj's party."

Jaymes' eyebrows furrowed. Mei and Rhaj's party? Actually...Kali had been kinda weird since then. Quiet. Withdrawn. They hadn't slept together, they had barely kissed.

Had something happened that night? Something he hadn't picked up on?

He had just finished loading the dishwasher when a soft sniffling caught his attention.

"Baby- Oh, baby don't cry."

"I'm not, I-" Alejandro laughed bitterly, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "I just don't know what I've done wrong."

"Nothing! I'm sure it's nothing, she's been weird with me too, I'm sure it's not a big deal, okay? Don't worry about it. We'll speak when Kali gets home. Everything will be fine."

Jaymes thumbed away a stray tear. He hated seeing Alejandro like this; when the younger got all insecure, when he felt like he was just plugging the gaps Kali and Jaymes' relationship. It wasn't like that at all. They both loved him so, so much.

"I just- I feel like I mess everything up, like- I don't have a good job or anything. I couldn't even make you guys dinner and you had to come home to this mess and-"

"Shhh, no." Jaymes leaned in, pressing a kiss to Alejandro's lips in the hope it would calm him down, or at least stop him talking. The last thing he wanted to hear was his boyfriend doubting himself. "Stop thinking like that, okay? I love you more than anything. We both do. Just- Stop stressing. Everything's gonna be fine."

Alejandro nodded. He believed Jaymes, he really did. It was just difficult to understand how that could be true sometimes.

"Why don't you go upstairs and sort yourself out and I'll finish up down here?"

"No! I'm fine, I made all this mess, I should really clean it up."

"Alejandro." Jaymes put on his stern voice, the one he used when he wanted Kali to go to bed earlier so she didn't tire herself out, or when Alejandro was being particularly stubborn. "Don't worry about it, she won't want to see you all upset when she gets home, will she?"

Alejandro guessed Jaymes was right. He was always right. He threw the can he still had in his hand in the bin, uttering a soft 'thanks' as he headed off upstairs.

Jaymes sighed, getting to work on the rest of the garbage scattered across the floor. He really wished Alejandro wouldn't get himself in such a fret over such menial things. Well, maybe not menial, they were clearly a huge deal to him, but he and Kali had done everything to reassure the man just how much they cared about him, how much they wanted him.

"What's this?" He muttered to himself, coming across a crumpled piece of pastel pink paper.

You are invited to the wedding of Cliene Alleah and Butchi Sandoval

Wedding? Kali's sister was getting married? Next month? Why didn't he know about this? Why hadn't Kali told him? This was huge... They didn't keep things from each other, especially not things like this.

"Hey- woah what happened in here?"

Jaymes had been so absorbed in his thoughts he hadn't even heard the front door open, hadn't heard Kali come home from her night shift.

He blinked, looking up at his girlfriend. At the love of his life.

"Why didn't you tell me your sister was getting married?"

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