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Alejandro combed through his hair, fresh out of the shower. Thank god for Jaymes, honestly. He'd probably still be sobbing into a pile of trash downstairs if it wasn't for his boyfriend saving the day. He should really get back downstairs and help him, actually. Kali would be home soon and he still wanted his girlfriend to have something nice to come home to. She'd been so distant lately.

He bounded down the stairs, figuring he could just let his hair air-dry. He didn't want to make Jaymes suffer alone any longer.

"Jay, I was going to tell you, I-"

"When? It's next fucking month, Kali!"

Alejandro paused at the bottom of the stairs. Were Jaymes and Kali fighting? They never fought.

"I just-"

"I've known your sister forever. Why wouldn't you tell me she's getting married?"

Kali's sister was getting married...? Alejandro's eyebrows furrowed. He wanted to know what was going on, but he didn't want to get caught up in the middle of anything. Arguing made him uncomfortable.

"Because I'm not even going."

"She's your sister."

"Yeah, well, I can't go. I'm not turning up alone, my parents will ask why I haven't brought a date and-"

"I'm still a secret, I get it."

"I'm not, of course I'm not!"

"It's been five fucking years and you still haven't told you parents about me."

"You know fine well why."

"Do I? Because how can I improve myself to your family when you don't want me to meet them in the first place!"

"Look, they- They're not as scary as they used to be, but-"

"But what? They're not going to hate you for having a relationship with me, for fucks sake!"

"Because if I tell them about you then I have to tell them about Alejandro too!"

Alejandro winced as a deafening silence came from the kitchen. It wasn't Jaymes he was embarrassed of, it was him...? Of course it was. He was a fucking mess.

"Is... Is that why you've been so weird with him?"

Alejandro sat down on the stairs. Part of him felt like he shouldn't be listening, but they were talking about him, after all. He wanted to hear what they would say, without knowing he was there.

"W-What do you mean?"

"He said you've been avoiding him. Ignoring him. Is that why?"

"I haven't!"

"You have, Kali. He was in fucking tears before because he thinks he's done something to upset you! You're ashamed of our relationship, aren't you?"

Alejandro cursed himself as a small whimper escaped his lips. He felt like such a burden sometimes. Like he was completely ruining the beautiful, normal relationship Jaymes and Kali could have if it wasn't for him.

"He- He hasn't it's just- I dunno, Jay, my heads a mess. This whole thing is starting to get to me."

"Whole thing? That's what you're describing our relationship as now?" Jaymes laughed bitterly. "Who said romance was dead, huh?"

"It's just-"

"Just what, Kali? We've been together since you were seventeen and your parents don't even know about me. I get that you're scared and everything, but I'm sick of feeling like your dirty little secret."

EndlessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora