Forever & Always

By enigmatic_erratum

34.1K 1.4K 1.4K

In an alternative universe where Alphas, Betas, and Omegas exits, loves binds two souls together and proves t... More

I'M (kinda) BACK!


697 34 19
By enigmatic_erratum

"Aadooo!" Hikari squealed as she lifted her body up and struggled to crawl over the mattress with Izuku watching her with a smile.

"Would you look at that? She's already trying to crawl," Keigo said with a smile as Kato nibbled on his toy and watched Hikari crawl all over her parents' bed.

"She just started doing that this morning," Izuku said with a smile. "Maybe she want to impress her dad once he arrives,"

"Well she still have two more days so that's enough time to practice," Touya said, snatching the toy from Kato and waving it over at a height that his son can't reach, making the toddler whine.

"Why are you so immature?" Keigo said, snatching the toy and giving it back to his son before he placed Kato down on the bed with Hikari.

"Hi-cha!" Kato called over his younger cousin and struggled to walk over the uneven mattress, Izuku having to help him walk so he won't end up falling over Hikari.

Hikari babbled happily as she rolled over her stomach and reached for the toy Kato was holding.

Izuku watch his now eight-month-old daughter with a smile as she played with her one-year-old cousin. Kato has just turned one last week and the day after that, Enji had taken Shoto on a business trip overseas that was to last for a week.

The younger alpha had voiced his disapproval regarding this matter, not wanting to be apart from both his mate and his child especially at a crucial moment wherein Hikari was starting to learn from her surrounding and was close to uttering her first words. However, Izuku talked him out of it especially after Enji stressed how important it was for Shoto to be present at said trip as someone who will be taking over their family business soon enough. And so, with a heavy heart, Shoto bid a short goodbye to his omega and his baby girl that will last only for seven agonizing days.

"So, how's Kyoto?" Izuku asked as he lifted his phone up to his eye-level wherein he shared a video call when the alpha called after a long business meeting with their potential partners there.

"Exhausting and boring, as usual,"  Shoto answered, making Izuku chuckle.

"You saw the video I sent you earlier?"

"Yeah, I saw it as soon as I received it and almost got in trouble for using a phone during the meeting but the old man vouched for me," Shoto said.

"You really shouldn't do that, Sho," Izuku giggled, "Those clients seem important to Enji-san and to your business,"

Shoto made a face that Izuku found adorable. Often times, Shoto is the cool and aloof alpha he showed the public but he can also be immature, especially around Izuku and Hikari.

"It'll only just be two more days before you can go home," Izuku said with a smile, changing the subject. "Up until then, you just have to endure the forty eight hours that you're apart from me and your daughter,"

"Where is she, anyway?"

"Keigo-san kidnapped her," Izuku chuckled before switching to his back camera and showed Shoto the scene happening at the living room.

Keigo was holding Hikari upright, standing her up, while their daughter babbled happily in her bunny onesie as she clapped her hands and watched Kato do a strange dance that had a sitting down and standing up motion. Touya was lying on the couch, watching his son with lazy eyes and a small smile.

Shoto chuckled at the scene. "Kato's got the moves,"

Izuku laughed before switching his camera back for Shoto to see him. "Well, you better get some rest there, it's also almost time for Hikari's bedtime so I'll be needing to wash her up and feed her,"

Shoto smiled. "I'll see you in two days, okay? Until then, tell Hikari she cannot utter her first word without me filming the whole thing... okay?"

Izuku snorted. 

The couple ended up talking a few more minutes before finally bidding goodnight when Izuku heard Hikari's frustrated babbling-- a signal that she was starting to get hungry or was looking for her mommy.

As soon as the call ended, Shoto sighed and plopped down on the hotel bed-- staring up the ceiling-- as his mind drifted back to Izuku and Hikari. Letting a small smile tug the corner of his lips, as he rewatched the videos Izuku had been sending him throughout the last five days he had been apart from his mate and his daughter.

One video showed Hikari eating breakfast with Kato with his daughter taking in the baby food Izuku was giving her while she babbled happily over to Kato who was messily eating up his breakfast-- he could faintly hear Keigo berating Touya for laughing at his son instead of cleaning him up in the background of the video.

"Say hello to daddy," Izuku said with a chuckle as Hikari reached up at Izuku, letting out a few squeals, before the video was cut off. Following the video was a good morning greeting from his mate, complete with a bunch of heart emojis.

The second video showed Hikari taking a bath with Inko still aiding Izuku to bathe their daughter-- Shoto chuckled at how Hikari would giggle at the splashes she was making everytime she would flap her arms, unaware of how wet Izuku was getting from her little splash.

This was his first time being apart from Izuku and Hikari ever since they found out that they were going to have a child and when he spent the first night sleeping on some hotel room rather than next to his mate, Shoto had to fight the urge to buy a plane ticket back to Tokyo and be with his family.

Sighing, Shoto decided that it would be better for him to sleep rather than to sulk and curse his father for dragging him across the country for a whole week and as he was about to put his phone away, it vibrated after he received a message from Izuku that contained a video of Hikari smiling up at the camera and reaching for it.

"Say goodnight to daddy, Hikari..." Shoto heard Izuku's voice from the video as Hikari reached up and giggled at the video-- babbling incohenrently-- that made Shoto smile.


"I still cannot believe how beautiful Hikari-chan is, especially with her hair like that," Keigo said as Izuku combed Hikari's hair and tie into pigtails that dangled at both sides of his baby's hair.

Izuku craving for Shoto and his unique hair during his pregnancy was starting to pay off as Hikari inherited her father's unique hair that as she grew, they noticed how Hikari's silver hair started turning red as it neared the roots-- giving out that unique gradient effect.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Izuku said with a smile as soon as he finished gearing Hikari up before putting her in her stroller.

Last night, Keigo sensed how Izuku felt lonely after having a videocall with his mate that he offered to take the younger omega's mind off things by taking the kids on a stroll at the local park and since it was a Sunday morning, Izuku agreed and woke up early to prepare Hikari for it.

"Nothing beats a morning sunday stroll at the park," Keigo sighed in content as he inhaled the morning air with a smile.

Izuku smiled at Keigo before he looked dow at Hikari who was taking in her surroundings with her wide green eyes. "Are you enjoying the stroll, Hikari?" he asked his daughter but the child just kept on looking around in awe, too busy to admire her surroundings.

"Kawaii," Keigo mumbled before he got out his phone. "Okay, Izu-chan. Stand next to Hikari please and let's take a picture of the two of you and send it to Shoto-kun,"

Izuku giggled before he unclipped Hikari's harness and carried his daughter in his arms and looked at the camera, waving Hikari's hand to catch his daughter's attention. "Hikari, look at uncle Keigo, look at the camera, sweetheart," he said and Keigo managed to take a perfect shot of both Izuku and Hikari looking at the camera-- smiling.

"Ah, that's adorable," Keigo said with a smile before he looked up at Izuku to show him the photo who smiled back at him. "Look, Hikari-chan is a photogenic kid, no matter how many pictures you take her, she'd still look just as adorable and as cute as she is in person,"

Hikari have out a squeal and gave Keigo a toothy smile before her attention got caught when she saw a stranger with red hair pass by, causing her to reach over and babble loudly as if she was trying to catch the stranger's attention.

"Huh? What is it, Hikari-chan? You know who that guy is?" Keigo asked.

"Aaadaaa!" Hikari babbled, her tiny hands clenching and unclenching. "Aaah!"

"Oh, sweetheart, that's not daddy," Izuku said with a chuckle before he unbuckled Hikari's harness and carried his daughter in his arms. "You miss daddy too, huh?"

"Buuuh!" Hikari answered before she buried her face at the crook of Izuku's neck, like how she usually does whenever Shoto carries her-- making Izuku smile as he caress his daughter's hair.


Shoto tapped his foot impatiently as he, Enji and a few other co-workers waited for their luggage to be pushed out from the conveyer belt and every second that passed by made the young alpha impatient and agitated.

He had just got back from his flight after the week-long business trip they had in Kyoto finally came to an end-- successfully sealing a partnership deal that would help them expand their family business across the country-- and Shoto couldn't have been more happy and excited, knowing that he would finally get to see his mate and daughter again.

"I just received a text from Touya that they've arrived here now and are waiting for us while they take the children for a little stroll to keep them from being bored," Enji said as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"Okay," Shoto answered before he turned back to the conveyer belt and waited for their luggage.

Once everyone has settled and said their goodbyes, Shoto and Enji then went out to try and find where Izuku and the others were, when he heard his mate's voice calling his name.

"Shoto! Sho! Over here!" Shoto's immediately headed towards the direction where he heard Izuku's voice and found the green-haired omega waving at him  with one hand while holding their daughter in the other, along with Touya and Keigo who had brought Kato along.

Shoto smiled, waving back as the alpha went around the exit before meeting Izuku and Hikari with a tight hug. "I missed you guys," he said.

"Calm down, bro," Touya snickered. "You've only been gone for a week, don't act as if you've been gone the whole year,"

"Shut up," Shoto rolled his eyes before his smile widened at the sight of Hikari looking up at him curiously. "Hello, sunshine... daddy missed you,"

Hikari blinked up at Shoto before she smiled up at her father as Izuku handed her over to Shoto who peppered her with kisses all over her plump face, making their daughter squeal in joy.

"She missed you too, you know," Izuku said with a smile.

"Yeah, she even mistook you for some random red-haired we saw at the park the other day," Keigo chuckled.

"You and mommy must've been lonely without daddy, weren't you?" Shoto said with a smile as Hikari replied with a babble-- as if his daughter was telling him stories he had missed the past seven days.

"Well you two must've been tired from the flight, why don't we all go back to the car and start driving home?" Touya said.

"Let's stop somewhere to grab something to eat, I'm starving," Keigo said as he handed Kato to Touya who put his son on his shoulder.

"I missed you," Izuku said, holding Shoto's hand with a smile as he helped his mate with his luggage.

"I missed you too," Shoto said, planting a kiss on Izuku's head before moving over to kiss Hikari once more. "And daddy missed you too, little sunshine,"

"Aadaa!" Hikari giggled. "Daa! Dada!"

Izuku and Shoto's eyes widened as the whole group halted to a stop upon hearing what Hikari said as the child continued to giggle up at her father and call him.

"Daaadaaa!" Hikari squealed.

"W-was that..." Touya said, meeting Keigo's equally wide eyes.

"Her first words..." Enji muttered with a smile on his face.

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