
By a-writing-potato

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it's chaos... but it's their family chaos. and they love it. ◈¨°◑¸»¯✺﹢°⇤∴∝∗ [[ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]] ◈¨°... More

letters from asshole aunts
surprise, bitch
penthouse life
finding out
planting love with lilies
i'm problematic lmao why did i start a book
meet the malfoys
crazy rich wizards
unknown numbers
i'm sorry

glasses ; oneshot

789 14 29
By a-writing-potato

"give your heart and soul to me and life
will always be— la vie en rose."


"damn," hermione hissed as she looked at the blurry words on her book. she looked nearer, still not being able to see it. she kept blinking and eventually, her head started to ache.

finally, she gave up and closed the book. groaning and sliding down the sofa chair, feeling quite useless as she did nothing.

draco walked in from the living room, supposedly to get a quill and some parchment, when he saw hermione looking pathetic on the chair.

he raised a brow at her. "what... the fuck are you doing, granger?"

"i'm drowning in the sorrows of not reading a book," she murmured, looking up at the ceiling.

draco rolled his eyes and picked up a book, handing it to her. she shook her head and pouted.

hesitantly, she said, "i can't read it."

"read what? is there a much-too-forward paragraph that doesn't appeal to your nerdiness?" draco asked sarcastically.

"n-no, i- it's just that- i-" she stuttered.

"spit it out, granger," he said frustratedly. malfoy wasn't a very patient person.

"i can't read them because they get blurry, alright?" hermione yelled out and slinked back into her chair, fumbling with the book she tried to read.

the boy was silent. well, it would make sense if she needed glasses. she reads anywhere at anytime. he would expect that her vision get a bit fucked up with all those words.

"well why don't you get glasses then, princess?" draco asked in a mocking tone, hiding the concern in his voice as he crouched down to meet her height while she sat on the chair.

"i do have glasses. i just don't like wearing them 'cause they're unflattering," she said shyly. draco got even more surprised, though he wouldn't show.

he left the room, and hermione looked at his retreating form. he was probably tired or exasperated, the girl guessed.

hermione was never a person to care about what others thought of her, but those glasses just look ugly in her opinion.

hugging her legs silently, she stared blankly at the intricately designed carpet on the floor of the head dorm's study.

that's when her pair of glasses showed up in front of her and she looked up to see draco handing them with an annoyed expression. "wear them."

"i don't want to, they're ghastly," hermione frowned, cringing at the pair of gold thin-wired spectacles.

"getting low marks because you can't study by reading your textbooks are much more ghastly and i'd rather not deal with your sulking arse," draco reasoned.

the head girl huffed, taking them and slowly inched the spectacles onto her face. she pushed it up to her nosebridge and avoided his stare.

"thanks," she said as she looked down. the other thought she looked ridiculous trying to hide her face.

"you look stupid, granger. look at me," draco demanded. the girl whined.

"i don't want t-"

"i said look," he said firmly. hermione sighed and looked up at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact, thinking he probably will be teasing her for all eternity.

"happy?" she asked and rolled her eyes. she was expecting some pretty mean comments right about now, but she looked at him and saw a blushing, wide-eyed malfoy.

draco was quite captivated by how she looked. sure, he thought she was pretty— gorgeous even, but hermione with glasses is different. and understating what he felt, he liked it.

"so i look that horrible, huh? fine, i'll just take it off—"

"no!" he yelled. hermione was shocked at how he reacted, apparently he was too.

"i-i mean— keep it on. it looks... f-fine," draco said, thinking about how bullshit saying it just looks fine.

"o...kay? well I'm gonna read now..." hermione trailed off, staring at a flushed malfoy, who looked out the window acting casual and cool with everything, though his neck and ears were reddening with his cheeks too.

"yeah, alright. uh, see you?" draco said unsurely, walking out the room. he grimaced once he was out the door, muttering to himself.

"see you? fucking stupid, draco! damn you, granger. fucking up my speech," he whispered angrily at himself.


a week later

it was morning, and hermione went down to breakfast— her glasses still on. she was nose-deep into a book she was reading, and was glad to see the words clearly.

when she had gone down for class last week, everyone complimented the way she looked. she hadn't realized she was still wearing them, but after their remarks, she decided to keep them on.

across the hall, draco had his chin on his hand as he played around with the food on his plate. pansy, having noticed this, raised her brow at him.

"what's up with you? you never play with your food," she asked. blaise nodded, agreeing with her statement.

"you look quite distant, mate," blaise said, but draco hadn't been listening. he simply stared at his plate.

pansy rolled her eyes. "hey draco, guess what? i'm pregnant, and it's dumbledore's!"

"good for you," the head boy replied mindlessly, completely out of it.

blaise laughed. "hey, draco. i heard quidditch is banned! what do you think about that, captain?"

"uh huh. wicked," he replied boredly. blaise and pansy were practically cackling.

"hey, malfoy. i heard longbottom took your virginity. is that true?" pansy asked. "a hundred percent," he replied, making them cry of laughter.

"draco, i heard you fancied granger—"

"huh? what? where? wh-who told you that?" draco said, his voice getting higher and higher each word he stuttered out.

"wha— you actually fancy granger? well, she is pretty, i suppose. but come on, you live with her!" blaise said.

"pretty is an understatement. did you see her adorable glasses? i want a pair now but i think i'd just look like a grandma. it suits her well. what do you think, draco?" pansy asked.

"she—" draco looked across the hall to see her laughing at weaslette's joke, glasses perched calmly on her face. his face, once again, turned pink. "she looks— it's— she's—"

"salazar's balls! are those glasses like a turn on, mate? geez, never pegged you that type of guy..." blaise laughed, teasing him.

draco gaped at him and looked back at the gryffindor table, only to see curious brown eyes peering at him, her head cocked to the side.

his eyes widened and he felt his entire body get warmer, burying his face in his arms on the table.

"i loathe all of you," draco said, his voice muffled against the table, as he tried to control the fluttering feeling of butterflies swarming around his stomach.


hermione's smile dropped slightly and scrunched up her brows, wondering what malfoy's problem was. since she's been wearing the glasses, he seemed frazzled or flustered, and she honestly didn't know why.

as if reading her mind, the redhead next to her spoke up.

"he fancies you, you know," ginny said, taking a bite of toast. hermione laughed at her, only to realize that she was serious. luna, who had arrived just in time to hear ginny's statement, sat down.

"who? draco?" luna asked. ginny nodded.

"oh, yes, he definitely does. the sprites told me so," the ravenclaw stated. ginny clapped her hands and gestured to luna. "vindicated."

"what? no. he's just... stressed i suppose. maybe that's what's causing this. it's simple, really," hermione denied.

"is it though? i mean, i've noticed him looking at you for a while, even during class. remember last week during potions, he blew up his entire cauldron 'cause you said thank you for helping you get your things?" ginny said, smirking.

"that was merely because i showed him gratitude. it probably shocked him, being former enemies and all," hermione reasoned. luna shook her head.

"how about the last quidditch game? as an announcer, i see everything. and when draco heard you cheer, not even for him— he just heard your voice, and saw you wearing both a gryffindor and a slytherin scarf, he nearly got hit by a bludger—"

"had i not told him to watch out, the idiot. he could have been seriously hurt," hermione said, shaking her head worriedly.

"ugh, can't you two see? 'cause everyone does. even the sprites, mione. we all know you two are in love, and even the slytherins have accepted that."

"ridiculous, the lot of you." hermione scoffed, standing up and leaving, hastily putting her bag on her shoulder. walking out, a book dropped out of her bag.

ginny noticed and stood to pick it up, but from the corner of her eye she saw someone stand as well. she looked to see malfoy, who saw her too.

the redhead smiled and nodded, gesturing at the book. draco nodded right back and ran to get the book, rushing out the great hall.

as ginny sat back down, luna said thoughtfully, "they would make gorgeous children."

ginny looked back at her. "they totally would, wouldn't they?" she said. luna nodded, agreeing to her own statement.


draco looked around the corridor as he crept about silently, the fallen book in his hand. he frowned when he realized she'd already run off, not seeing the girl.

"you were here just a moment ago. where the actual f— oh. right," the slytherin muttered as he walked to the direction of the library, mentally scolding himself at his stupidity.

idiot, where else would she be? the fucking dungeons? think malfoy, he thought to himself.

his steps got quicker as he saw a familiar mop of curly brown hair now entering the library. he started to run, wondering how she was faster than him despite the boy having extraneous training.

as he got to the door, his eyes darted around for a moment before seeing her sitting peacefully in the chair next to the window. the light from outside grazed her face gently along with the book she read.

and of course, her pair of glasses still lay on her nose. draco's breath hitched as he had forgot about them being his weakness, feeling his cheeks burn at the mere thought of them.

hermione, having felt a gaze on her, looked up to see her fellow head student looking at her with wide eyes, his cheeks red and his expression unreadable. she raised an eyebrow questioningly before looking down at the book in his hand.

"oh, hi malfoy. thanks for bringing my book, i hadn't realize i dropped it," she said, closing the book she was reading beforehand and standing up to retrieve her belonging from the boy.

draco still remained silent however, still staring at her with a pink face, not hearing a single word she said.

"hello? earth to malfoy. draco?" the gryffindor frowned at him, waving a hand in front of his face as his head suddenly snapped and conscious eyes looked down at her.

"huh? o-oh— here's your book," the boy said, trying to hide the fact that he was freaking out over her calling him by his first name.

draco now, huh?

"it is your name, is it not?" hermione said, looking at him weirdly. the boy's behavior completely confused her and she couldn't make anything of it.

malfoy's eyes widened as he realized he said that out loud. he quickly mumbled, "yeah, i suppose so."

"are you feeling alright, draco? you seem unwell." ha, there his name goes again.

it's like his heart decided to throw a bouncehouse party with the rest of his body and everything is now malfunctioning. could it get any worse?

just as he thought it, hermione placed a gentle hand on his neck softly, checking his temperature. her frown deepened when she felt his skin. He felt himself getting shivers down his spine from her touch.

yes. yes it could. loads.

"you're burning! we should take you to madame pomfrey right now. i'm sure she has a quick potion that'll get rid of your fever. c'mon," she said, tugging at his arm for them to leave.

draco internally cooed at how adorable she looked attempting to drag him away. "that's quite alright, granger—"



"well," the girl said firmly but steadily, "since i call you draco now, i think it's only fair that you call me hermione."

"a-ah... i-i see. alright, hermione, thank you but i'm perfectly okay. i don't need a potion," he said, sort of stuttering but eventually he found some confidence.

"but you're all red and your temperature is high. i felt your pulse too, it was really quick. you have to go to madame pomfrey's."

"i told you mione," okay, maybe the bookworm kinda sorta felt giddy when he called her by her nickname, "i am fine."



"what if—"

"i said i'm okay, love. now let's go please, we have a meeting to plan for the one scheduled later with the prefects," draco said, grabbing her bag and stuffing her things inside before slinging an arm around her shoulders, the bag held safely by his other arm.

hermione, at this point, happens to be the same colour as the owner of the arm safely clutching her. not to mention how her brain was still trying to comprehend the fact that he called her love.

"fine. we won't go. instead, we will go to the dorm for you to lie down for a bit. you are not getting sick and leaving me with the head duties. no thank you."

"but whyyyyyyyyy? i'm perfectly well. you, on the other hand, are the one looking flushed," draco said, pointing a finger at her.

hermione looked at the finger, her eyes crossing cutely. she felt her face heat up slightly. "no, i'm not. i'm good, thank you very much."

"are you blushing, granger?" draco teased, leaning towards her and eyes peering with that famous smirk plastered on his face.

"you're delusional, malfoy. you really are ill. let's go before i hit you in the head to fix your brain," hermione said defensively, rolling her eyes and shoving her hands on his chest to push him away.

"whatever you say, princess," he winked at her, making her stomp ahead of him, leaving the slytherin laughing hysterically at the way she reacted.


"you're a bunch of flirts— keep in the bedroom, will you?" ginny said, shaking her head at the bookworm. luna nodded along with her, looking up from the quibbler issue she was reading.

they were sitting in the gryffindor common room, and the head girl told them all about the events that happened earlier.

hermione's eyes widened. "we were not flirting! it was a friendly squabble."

"yeah right. more like a lover's quarrel, if you ask me. you fought because you wanted to take care of him. i mean what kind of couply bullshit is tha—"

"ginevra," hermione warned. just then, two people entered the room and situated themselves on the big leather sofa.

"ha! ginevra," ron said, pointing a finger at his sister and clutching his chest as he let out loud, boisterous laughs.

"excuse you, bilius? are you laughing at me?" ginny said, eyes glaring at the other redhead, whose laughing seemingly died down as his face held a frightened look.

"n-no. do i look like i'm laughing? i'm not laughing. i'm completely serious. was i laughing harry?" ron asked the boy beside him, who simply shrugged.

"you're on your own, bilius," harry replied, raising his hands beside his head as he returned the grin given to him by his girlfriend.

ron grumbled. "bloody hell. what were you lot arguing about anyway?"

luna lowered the magazine she was reading. "about whether draco and hermione were flirting. which they definitely were, might i add."

"WHAT?!" the two boys yelled, standing up and eyes holding the same amount of shock and anger as they looked at their best friend.

"you were flirting..." harry trailed off.

"...wITH THE FERRET?" ron yelled, baffled.

"no, i wasn't! we were just having a friendly squabble," hermione yelled right back. ginny snorted.

"fRiEnDlY sQuAbBlE— yeah right, mione. and snape is a comedian. we're all just lying to ourselves here, aren't we?" ginny exclaimed tiredly.

"it seems to me that she and draco are in denial," luna answered softly. now the boys were really gaping.

ron turned his head from the ravenclaw to the head girl. "you fancy him? what the fuck? what the absolute— why?!"

luna shrugged, looking up spacily at the portraits on the wall. "well, draco is attractive. he excels in his studies almost as much as hermione. he has charm. he's captain of his quidditch team. he's head boy—"

"and he is one hot piece of arse. don't tell him i told you that," ginny finished.


"sorry, harry. i still love you, darling."

"you are all mental. all of you. now i have to leave because i'm a sane and responsible human being," hermione huffed, grabbing all her things before stalking out of the dorm.

when she reached the door, ginny called out after her. "have fun with your boyfriend! tell the ferret i said that he can go fuck himself! bye!"


hermione was muttering incoherent things to herself as she walked over to the head's dorm, a book pressed against her chest, clutching it in a rage of emotions.

did she like draco?

well, all the things luna said about him are undeniably true, and hermione has been fantasizing about someone with those qualities for a very long time.

she had a very simple type.

they don't have to be a genius, but smart enough to be able to challenge her. they don't have to be funny, but enough to keep her smiling. they don't have to have the same exact interests, but just supportive of the things that make her happy.

she didn't want someone she wants, she wanted someone she needs. and if malfoy just happened to be that someone, she wouldn't necessarily complain about it.

too deep in thought, she wasn't looking at where she was going and had found herself slamming into what she thought was the wall.

at least... until the wall groaned.

she lifted her head up from the ground to see malfoy holding his chest, his expression filled pain and discomfort.

he had a scar there, from that one time potter decided to use a spell he'd never heard of, and it would cause him pain every once in a while. it'll sting or twitch, which ultimately makes him wince or hiss.

"oh! i'm sorry, draco i wasn't looki— here let me help you," she stood up, immediately feeling a sharp sting on the side of her head where she fell, but decided to ignore it and offered a hand to him, which he gladly accepted as he got up and both brushed themselves off.

draco eased his breathing a little, soothingly rubbing the middle of his chest as he gave hermione a small grin. "just an accident."

"i should've paid more attention. i'm sorry, i really am. come, i'll give you an ice pack. i'm so sorry, this is all my fau—"

draco took her hands in his and looked at her reassuringly. "hey, hey, hey. it really is no problem, love. i'm fine— see? it isn't entirely your fault, either. i should've been looking at where i was going as well."

hermione felt her head pounding in pain as she nodded and gulped at the piercing stare he was giving her. "where are your glasses?"

"hm? they should be—" hermione started feeling her face and pocket to find that she didn't know where her glasses are, "i— i think i may have lost them from bumping into you."

"i'll help you fi— oh there they are," draco pointed near a column, and sure enough the pair of thin-framed spectacles sat— slightly scratched.

draco quickly retrieved them, peering at the scathed lenses, pulling out his wand and muttering 'reparo'. pleased with the brand new looking pair, he gave it back to the witch who simply stood there— frozen as a frown on her face as she clutched the side of her head.

the room was spinning, the pain throbbed throughout her head as her sight turned blurrier and sounds drifted into muffles.

"a-are you alright? hermione?" draco's eyes widened as she slowly closed her eyes, leaning slowly toward him.

he swiftly wrapped his arms around her waist, crouching down to catch her head on his shoulder. her head leaned back slightly, and he saw her completely unconcious— the side of her head slightly swelling.

her eyes were closed and brows slightly scrunched up while his eyes grazed every feature on her face, mesmerized. he shooked his head lightly before hooking one arm under her legs and the other supporting her head.

the head boy started sprinting towards the hospital wing, saying 'excuse me' or 'out of the way' to the people in the hallway— ignoring the growing volume of muttering as rumours started to circulate around the student body.

what were they even doing there? it's nearly curfew— idiot rebel students.

once he got there, madame pomfrey peered at him before her eyes landed on the unconscious girl in his arms. she stood up quickly, telling him to lay her down on a bed near them.

"what happened to her, mister malfoy?" madame pomfrey asked, waving her wand above and around the girl, checking her state.

draco rubbed the back of his neck. "she sort of bumped into me while she was walking and she fell. i-i think the side of her head hit the floor too hard."

"i see. thank you for bringing her here. if you want, you can spend the night here with her and take one of the beds— it is getting quite late, you should get some rest as well." The elder told him.


the door suddenly bursted open and in came three gryffindors, two slytherins, and a ravenclaw.

"mione! where is she? what hap- malfoy!" ginny exclaimed, going up to him and seeing her best friend on the bed. "what happened to her?"

"she— she passed out," draco mumbled, glancing at his friends. "what are you two doing here?"

"heard from bullstrode that you rushed here with granger in your arms. just wanted to see what was up," pansy shrugged. ron glared at her.

"why do you care?" ron asked, venom dripping in his voice. the slytherin, however, remained unfazed and simply rolled her eyes at him.

"draco's here too, red. he's our friend and we were simply worried, no need to get so defensive," pansy shot back at him, glaring with the same fury he had.

"hey, hey. none of that. we're all worried, we should all just calm down," harry tried to break it up but they seemed to be too focused on being annoyed with each other.

pansy muttered under her breath. "he started it."

that started a small squabble between the two, with harry helplessly attempting to quiet them. ginny was talking to madame pomfrey, and draco simply stared at hermione— watching the blanket over her chest rise and fall to be sure she was still breathing.

"quite a situation, isn't it?" luna said, the statement directed to blaise, who was taken aback by her sudden comment.

"u-uh, yeah. i suppose it is," blaise replied, glancing at the girl who looked at the others arguing.

"i think they would make a good pair, you see. draco and hermione. they care for each other deeply, you can see it when they're together. don't you think?" she turned her head and looked at him.

blaise found himself staring at her bright blue eyes, shining from the moonlight that came in from the window. his face slightly heated up before he answered back. "yeah, yeah. they look nice together."

she gave him a small sincere smile before she looked back toward the front once more, her long, wavy, platinum locks draping over her shoulder.

draco had to force his gaze off of the sleeping girl, looking annoyed at the rest of the visitors. "oi— you lot. out, now. come visit her tomorrow and shit, she needs to rest."

"doesn't she need someone to look after her throughout the night?" ginny asked.

madame pomfrey came in with a tray in her hands, a pitcher of water and some medicines being held by it.

"indeed she does, miss weasley. and i have rightfully appointed mister malfoy here to watch over her. he is right, you should all leave. you can come visit her in the morning."


"but nothing, mister weasley. miss granger needs rest and i'm afraid she only needs one person around her while she does so. go back to your dorms before filch gets to you. off with you now."

the others begrudgingly left— well all except luna, of course, who simply skipped all the way to the ravenclaw dormitory. ron and pansy were still glaring at each other, while ginny and blaise simply looked exasperated with the both of them.

harry stayed back for a little bit.

"hey, uh, malfoy—" the raven haired boy said uncertainly, "take care of mione well, will you?"

the slytherin nodded. "i will."

potter sighed in relief, nodding his head as well while he tried to look for the right words to say. "thank you. for, erm, doing this for her."

"it's no trouble." silence consumes them for a bit, before harry hesitantly continued.

"you know, when i said take care of her, i don't just mean right now..."

draco's eye flickered up to meet his for a moment, before going back down to the sleeping brunette on the bed.

"don't hurt her, malfoy. she— she deserves a lot more than that. can i trust you not to do that?"

"i— i don't—" harry gave him a look, and malfoy sighed.

"i don't even think she thinks of me that way," he muttered bitterly under his breath. harry still heard it, though.

the chosen one snorted before saying, "then you're just as daft as she is." just as the blonde was about to ask what he meant, harry had made his way to the door.

"we'll be back in the morning, malfoy. no funny business."

as the door gently closed, draco blinked for a moment before smiling softly to himself — looking down, then to the door, and then back to hermione.

"just as daft as she is, huh?"


sunlight drifted through the window, illuminating a pale yellow hue throughout the stone walls of the room. it shone gently across the beds, along the walls and curtains.

in the middle of the wing, a curly haired girl started to stir, waking up from her deep slumber. she blinked a few times, adjusting to the light.

looking around, her eyes fell on a mop of platinum blond hair by the foot of her bed. she stared curiously at it before realizing that it was malfoy, head buried into his arms as he crouched down from his seat, fast asleep.

hermione smiled at him. he looked very peaceful and seemed to calm her. kind of assuring her that everything is fine.

just then, the door opened slowly and entered madame pomfrey holding a tray of medicines, water, and breakfast. she smiled kindly at her.

"i see you've woken up, miss granger. you've been out for a few hours, you should drink some water and eat," the older woman said, placing the tray on the bedside table.

the brunette glanced at the food before looking back at her. "what exactly happened?"

"you hit your head too harshly on the ground last night. that's not all though."

"oh?" hermione asked, furrowing her brows.

"well, i checked your glasses. apparently, you've not been wearing them as often as you were ought to and it worsened your eyesight. that's why the grade of the lenses did not fit the needed grade for your eyes. it may have seemed clear, but it was just a tad bit off."

"oh, hermione said, biting her lip slightly. whoops.

"not to worry. i already altered your pair and it should be right for your eyes. do keep them on, will you? or at least use one of those muggle contact lenses," madame pomfrey told her sternly

"yes, madame pomfrey. thank you," hermione nodded at her politely.

the nurse smiled. "no need to thank me, dearie. thank mister malfoy here— he brought you all on his own and agreed to look after you all night."

with a quick glance at draco, pomfrey reminded hermione to take her medicine before leaving.

at the thud of the door closing, the slytherin jolted awake, frantically looking around the room like a maniac. "who is— wha— hermione? are you alright? what do you need?"

the head girl laughed. "i'm fine, draco. calm down." she looked at the tray next to her and tried to reach for it.

"i got it, i got it." draco rushed next to her and slowly brought the tray to her, unlatching the legs beneath making them look like a small table in front of her.

"thank you," hermione smiled warmly at him, looking up with sincere eyes, "for bringing me here and taking care of me."

the blonde looked at her, leaning his arms on the bed, before giving her a small grin. "anytime, princess."

heat bloomed on the girl's cheeks, looking down at her food before quietly shoving waffles into her mouth trying not to make eye contact with the smirking boy next to her.

"slow down, granger, we've got all morning," draco laughed at how cute she looked with her cheeks puffed and full of waffles.

the patient simply pouted as she chew, washing it down with orange juice and avoiding having to speak at all. malfoy cocked his head at her, fond of how she was acting.


"mm?" the girl answered with a mouthful of food.

"are you... ignoring me?" draco asked, his face inching towards hers as she backed away, soon hitting the pillows on the duvet.

"n-no, of course not. i was just hungry..." hermione stuttered, watching as his eyes drifted down to her lips, feeling her cheeks redden.

"hungry, ey?" he replied, breaking the stare and grabbing a forkful of waffle, "eat up then."

she shook her head, saying she was okay. draco pouted, putting the fork closer to her. "i thought you said you were hungry? c'mon granger, you need it."

hesistantly, she moved forward a little, just about to open her mouth for the food— until the slytherin removed the fork and pressed his lips against hers.

the brunette jumped slightly in shock, before her eyes slowly fluttered shut and kissed back. malfoy was surprised, but ended smirking into the kiss.

pulling away, hermione panted lightly, unable to form proper sentences. "i— i'm—"

"i'm in love with you."

"w-what?" the girl's eyes widened.

"i, draco malfoy," he said, taking her hands in his and muttering about how all dignity is lost, "am truly, madly, deeply in love with you, hermione granger."

she just stared, not knowing how to respond. yes, hermione was happy— elated even, but it was a lot to process. draco took it as a bad thing.

"i, er, understand if you don't like me back, whatever makes you happy. i just didn't think i could keep it in much longer. and i don't really want to ruin our friendship."

that's when the brunette snapped out of her trance. "draco."

"no, it's fine. i get it. i'm sorry if i jeopardized our relationship— it really wasn't my intention. i didn't necessarily mean for it to happen... nor could i control it."


"i suppose i should give you space, huh? i can just dorm with blaise... unless he's with another one of his shags. or worse," he blinked, "reality shows. that would be horri—"

the girl quickly grabbed his face and kissed him once more. draco quickly shut up and deepened the kiss by wrapping his arms around her waist, as if he was scared to let her go.

they stayed like that for a solid twenty minutes. pulling away every so often and giving pecks in between to catch their breath. eventually they had to stop, having draco already on top of her.

"draco, love," hermione said gently, her hands still holding his face. the other gulped, holding himself up by his arms on either side of her body. "yes?"

granger smiled, almost laughing at his nervousness. "i'm in love with you too."

"i know, i know. i'm sorry i had to rui— wait... i beg your pardon?"

"i, hermione granger," she said, squishing his cheeks and making him look life a fish, "am truly, madly, deeply in love with you too, draco malfoy."

the boy grinned, his hands trailing up to those encasing his face. "really? i-i mean," he cleared his throat, "i mean i already knew, it's obviou— ow!"

hermione watched as the boy winced from her hitting the back of his head. "i'll take it back."

"no you woooooon't," the boy sang teasingly, "you're in love with meee. truly, madly, deeply."

"haven't got a clue why," she said, shaking her head tiredly at the other. he scoffed and smirked proudly.

"well," malfoy started, "i'm brilliant, talented, exceptionally good-looking—"

"arrogant, egotistic, boisterous," granger continued, counting off of her fingers. draco gawked at her in offense.

"you're the one who finds me attractive. it's your problem," he said with a pout. hermione giggled. sighing, she reached a hand out to ruffle his blond locks, resting his head in the crook of her neck which he gave small kisses to.

"opposites attract, i suppose."


5635 words eye— WHAT.

this has been in my notes since voldemort had a nose and since i accidentally deleted the marriage story, i hoped this can compensate for it.

i'm really sorry i can't write another book ;-; i hope you still liked it tho.

this might as well be the last dramione related piece i'll ever write and i'm very thankful that you guys are somewhat entertained by it.

so that's it, i guess. goodbye T^T.

i love y'all 3000.

ps. thanks for 28k <3

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