
De Teddy006

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Natalia Falto has been blind her whole life. But that never bothered her. When you live in New York it does... Mais

Chapter One: You Guys are Idiots, of Course I'll be your friend
Chapter Two: Does it Look like i can see where im Going?!?
Chapter Three: Feeling Colors (yeah it sounded stupid to me too)
Chapter Four: Oh sh*t i forgot avout gravity
Chapter Six: mm yes nothing will go wrong if youve got a blind girls help
Chapter Seven: How am I supposed to SEzie the day if i cant See the day
Chapter Eight: Spottie Boy makes an entrence
Chapter Nine: Olivia if i cant see my self why should i care how i look
Chapter Ten: Well bailing you out of jail wasnt the original plan
Chapter Eleven: The Calvary (Aka Katherine cause she'll kick your ass)
Chapter 12: Bill how were we supposed to know it was 3 am
Chapter 13: Our real good pals the Delancys
Chapter 14: so i have to almost die to get you to talk?!?
Chapter 15: Jackie Boys a traitor
Chapter 16: Key Changeeee!!!!!!
Chapter 17: WE WON

Chapter Five: PSA just because I am a female does not mean I am yours to touch

1K 26 51
De Teddy006

Since lessons had ended in early June I had been able to hang around the newsies more.

I would meet them at the circulation gate each morning and then sometimes go with Tommy Boy or Race well they sold.

Some days I would go down to central park and meet Spot.
We would wander around the city, trying new things and sitting around in Brooklyn.

"Heya Sights!"
"Hey boys."

I joined them as we started for the gate.
Everyone gathered around the gate and I stood back as I heard footsteps on the other side.

"Oh deary me what is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewers may have backed up in the night." Race said as the chain on the gate was being unlocked.

"Nah to rotten to be the sewers." Boots chimed in.

"Then it must be...." Crutchie began.

"The Delancey brothers!" We all yelled.

The gate swung open and the brothers stepped through.

"Back of the line shrimp." Morris threw someone to the ground at the back of the group next to me, I suspected Sniper.

Tommy Boy who had been walking with me quickly helped him up as Jack started at Morris.

"You shouldn't be callin people shrimps morris. Unless youse referin to da family resemblance in ya brother here."

"5 ta 1 Jack sukunks 'em. Who bets?" Race called.

"Yeah dat was an insult. So's this."

It sounded like a scuffle and then someone, I assumed Jack took off running.

"Jack stole Morris's hat an' took off runnin." Tommy Boy said quietly, ever the narrator for me in these situations.

"Oh 'e bumped inta someone."

Tommy Boy's arm jerked off my shoulder as Oscar pushed his way next to me.

"Whats the matter Natalia? Can't you see whats happening for yourself."

I shoved him away with my cane "Go away Oscar."

"Why Natalia? Don't you like me?"

"Oscar back off!" Tommy Boy yelled shoving him away from me.

"Can't she tell me no herself?" Oscar said, grabbing me by the waist.

Blue placed himself between us and growled.
"In case your brain is the size of a pea. Wait no, your brain is the size of a pea. I already told you to go away. So back off!" I put my cane agaist his chest and shoved him.

Eventually he left me alone and we all made it through the gate. I sat down on the wagon and waited for the boys to buy there papes.

"Hiya Weasel, ya miss me?" Jack asked.

"It's Wisel."

"Ain't dat what I said? I'll take da usual."

"Hundred papes for da wise guy."

Jack grabbed his papes and wandered away.

"How's it goin Weasel?" Race said snarkily.
"At least call me mister."

"While I'll call ya sweetheart if ya spot me fifty papes."

"Drop the cash and move on." Mr. Wisel said angrily.
"What ever happened to romance?"

Race grabbed his papes and came to sit next to me.

"Hows the headline?"

"Horrible, 'trolley strike drags into third week' there killin us wit dis."

I scratched at the back of my neck "Well it has to get better at some point."


Tommy Boy got his papes and sat on my other side, just as a new voice entered the group.
"I'll take 20 newspapers please."

I looked around confused "Who is that?"

"Some new kid. Jacks age maybe, gotta kid with him, maybe 11." Tommy said.

"Oh look a new kid."

"Hey I'm new too." A high pitch voice said, most likely  the little one.

"Don't worry kid it rubs right off." I said.
Race barley held in a giggle.

"Now there lookin atcha." Tommy whispered.

"Excuse me, I paid for 20 but I only got 19."

"Did you see how nice I was to this new kid?" Mr. Wisel half yelled.

"Actually I didn't!" I called.

"Can it Sights!" about half the people in the square yelled.

"Jacks countin new kids papes." Tommy Boy muttered.

"Ay new kids right you only gave 'im 19. I'm sure it's an honest mistake on a count dat Oscar 'ere can't count to 20 wit 'is shoes on." Jack said.

Eventually they sorted it out and Jack bought the kid 50 more papes, with the two bits I lent him.

He and the little one, whos name turned out to be Les, made a deal about selling papers.
Everyone started to leave the square when Les stopped in front of me.

"Can I pet your dog?"

I stood up from the wagon "Sorry kid, he's on duty. It's a no can do for now."

"What do you mean on duty?" Davie asked.

I grabbed my cane and Blue's harness "He's on duty."

"Davie, she's blind." Les whispered.

"Oh I am so sorry."

"Save it man. It's fine. Blue here is my guide and emotional support dog."

I began to walk out of the square with Les while Jack and Davie walked behind us talking about seling.

"So what can he do?"

"Well, he navigates, keeps me from walking into people, most of the time at least. He can retrieve things, help me up if I fall. And he can tell if I'm having a panic attack or a sensory overload."

"Woah. thats so cool."

I grinned getting an idea.
"Gimme your hand kid."

Once his hand found mine I placed it on Blue's harness as I let go.

"Okay now close your eyes. Keep walking and let your pace match his. He'll guide you around the square and back to me. Got it?"

"Got it." The boy giggled.

"Make sure you keep your eyes closed. You have to trust the dog."

The boy giggled as Blue walked away continuing to guide him around the square.
"Hey what did you do with my brother?"

I laughed "Relax he's with Blue."

I could hear Jack trying to stifle a laugh as Blue walked Les back over.

"That was so cool!"

As I grabbed back onto Blue's harness Jack grabbed my shoulder. "You wanna come wit us ta sell?"

"Nah, I promised Spottie I'd be at the park."
I could hear Jack shake his head.

"But you always go ta hang out wit 'Spottie' come wit us fa da day." I could almost hear him putting air quotes around 'spottie'

They still hadn't realized that when I talked about 'Spottie' I wasn't talking about some girl but the actual king of Brooklyn.

"It's to late Jackie boy, I can't go back on a promise."
He sighed "Fine."

"I heard youse were da queen a snark town dis mornin."

I almost snorted at Spots words. "I made one comment when Mr. Wisel asked if we had seen how nice to the new kid he was. And then I said that being new rubs off real fast."

"Exactly my point." We rounded another corner as he spoke.

"Do I get to know where we're going yet?"

"No, steps up, 6 of 'em."

I sighed as we went up the stairs. "Why?"
"Calm down we're almost dere."

I could hear people laughing and yelling not too far off. Even further beyond that I could just make out the sound of water.

"Seriously where are we? I can't figure this out."

Spot chuckled "Have you ever been to an amusement park?"

"A what now?"

"Ise gonna take dat as a no." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I sighed "Why are you like this?"

"Like what? charming, and thoughtful?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of an asshole, who takes pleasure in my being exasperated."

"Only a little. Cause ya get dis look on ya face, it's pretty cute."

As soon as he said that I got that stupid feeling again.
The one that I had kept getting over the last few months.

"Okay we're here."

All the sounds of the people laughing, talking, yelling and screaming were louder now. It was a lot to take in.

"Where is here?"

"Welcome to SteepleChase amusement park. It's like the biggest thing at Coney Island."


"Yeah. I tought it'd be fun."

"Is this why we left Blue back at the house? Theres a million people here though Spottie."


I began to fiddle with the strap on my bag.

"Youse are gonna be okay. I promise. Ise 'ill be right 'ere."


Spot led me over to the side "Okay wait 'ere."

A few minutes later he came back and looped my arm through his again.

"So Ise gonna guess ya never been on a rolla coster right?"

I nodded "I've heard about them though. My dad said I wasn't missing out on much, considering I can't see."

"Well wes bout ta change dat come on."

We moved through the crowd carefully, trying to bump into as few people as possible.
I found myself practically clinging to Spots arm, trying to keep an anxiety flare up at bay.

"Okay theres a step up onto the first platform with the line."

We stood in line for a while making jokes as we waited.
"Have you been here before?"

He shrugged "To dis park yes. On dis ride no. It's new."
I nodded.

"Okay we're gonna be on dis next run." I heard the carts return to the start and people get off.

"Okay next round!" Someone called.

Spot led me through a gate and over to the carts.
Carefully I sat down in one, as Spot set my bag and cane to the side with his hat.

"Are ya ready?" He asked as he came and sat down next to me.

"I mean I guess."

He pulled down the little lap bar and we sat waiting for the ride to start.

People were chattering and I could hear the other rides moving past.

Slowly the cart jerked forward and the ride started.

"Here we go."

I couldn't help but grin as we started up the first hill.
I could tell as we got nearer to the top because Spot grabbed at my hand.

"What? Scared of heights?"

"Just makin sure youse okay." I could tell by his voice that a small lie had been told.

The little set of carts reached the top of the hill and dropped suddenly.

A bunch of people in the other carts screamed, Spot tightened his grip on my arm and I couldn't help but giggle as we rushed around the track and my hair was blown into my face.
We sped to a stop, and I turned to Spot grinning.
"That was awesome!"

He laughed. "Alright come on."

We got off the ride, Spot grabbed our stuff and we continued to wander through the park.
After a while Spot found an empty picnic table and told me to wait, while he went and got some food.
I insisted on giving him some of the money I had brought with me because it didn't seem right to make him pay for it.
After a little while he came back.
"I got water, a lemonade and a funnel cake."

"Funnel cake?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's good."

A moment later we were sitting with the funnel cake between us. I took a sip of the water, "So what is funnel cake exactly?"

"It's, well ya know what Ise don't actually know buts its good." I tried to hold in a laugh as he spoke around a bite of the cake.

"Don't youse laugh at me!" He tried to sound angry but the laugh stayed in his voice.

"What? Who's laughing? No one's laughing and they definitely aren't laughing at you."

"Shuddup. Here try it."

A fork with a piece stabbed on was pressed into my hand.

Reluctantly I popped the piece into my mouth.
Instantly  a wave of sweetness washed over me. 
The texture was a bit strange but I quite liked the sweet taste of the dough.

"So? How is it?"

"Not what I expected." I said curtly.

"Well den I guess deres more fer me."

I grabbed the plate pulling it away from him "Never said it wasnt good."

He snickered and pulled the plate back into the middle.

"Ya got powdered sugar on ya face."

"Yeah cause you threw funnel cake at me." I began to wipe at my face with my sleeve.

"You deserved dat. 'Ere let me get it." He reached across the table and wiped the last of it off my cheek.

Spot's hand lingered on my face for a moment, it was probably only a second or two but I could feel the rough calluses of his hand.
I could feel my face get hot. "Uh th..thanks."


That stupid feeling was back.
What the hell was that?

A little while later Spot said he had something to take care of and stepped away telling me it would only be a minute.

So I sat against a wall fiddling with my bag when someone siddled up next to me.

"Well hello there baby. What's a girl like you doin all alone?"

"I'm waiting for someone."

I moved down the wall a little but he grabbed my wist and pulled me back over.

"Where you goin baby?"

"Leave me alone." I shoved him away from me and tried to walk in the direction it sounded Spot had walked off in.

The man quickly grabbed me and dragged me back towards him, knocking the cane from my hand.

"What if I don't want too?"
His voice growled in my ear.

Suddenly he was on me, touching me and kissing me.

I shoved him away from me the best I could but no one around seemed to care about my yelling and crying.

"I said get off of me." I managed to knock him away enough to scramble back but he still had a grip on my arm.

"And I said I don't want to."

"And I says ya gonna." Spot's voice cut through the crowd.

"Why should you tell me what to do wit my girl?"

"Many tings, da foist a which bein dat's my goil, not ya's."

The man let go of me and I quickly backed up into Spot who half wrapped an arm around me.
"I'm so sorry man, I uh-"

He was cut off by Spot stepping around me, and the sound of skin hitting skin hit my ears.
As they scuffled I pressed back against the wall, slowly sliding down it.

"Just because ya see a goil wearin a skirt don't mean she's yours ta touch!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Just let me go!"
The sound of one last punch being thrown reached me, and then Spot's near yell of "An' I don't wanna see ya any where near my goil again!"

I could hear the man scrambling away as Spot crouched next to me.

"Lia?" he asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine." I mumbled into my arms.


I pulled my head up from where it rested on my arms, quickly wiping away tears.
"I said I'm fine."

"Come on, let's get ya outta 'ere."

He helped me to my feet, and handed me my cane before looping our arms together.
We didn't speak as we slowly made our way through the park.
Spot rubbed small circles into my wrist as we walked away.

"I'm sorry Lia. I shouldnta left ya alone. He didn't hurt ya did 'e?"

I shook my head "No. Just grabbed me, tried to kiss me."

Spot's grip on my arm tightened a little, "Dat Bastard, I shouldnta let 'im go." He had been snarling but his voice changed very quickly to say "Careful, steps down 6 of 'em."

We ended up back at my house, sitting on the stoop with Blue between us for the rest of the day.

"Hey, dinners ready." Olivia called "Am I setting an extra plate or not?"

"Uh no thanks. I gotta be goin." Spot said as we stood up.

"You sure? There's plenty, and my parents love having my friends over."

"No I gotta check on da guys."

"Okay, have a good night Spottie."

"You too Lia."

Blue nudged me towards him.
"Thanks Blue." Spot muttered.

He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, before heading down the steps, leaving me in partial shock.

A day later I walked around with Les after he had finished selling when we ended up back with Jack and Davie.

Jack had been ranting about Santa Fe again, but this was probably the first time Davie actually heard it.

"Hey guys!" Les greeted them.

"Hey, Sights thanks for keeping an eye on him." Davie said.

"I mean technically Blue did that, but no problem." I said.

"Still, thanks."

"-The moon is bigger in Santa Fe too. There's no buildings in the way and you can actually see the stars without squinting."  Jack said.
"Mhhhhhm." I nodded pretending his facts were right.

We listened to him a while longer till he headed off to the lodging house, saying something about needing to check on the younger kids.

Les ran off saying he saw someone he knew.

"Just be careful!" I called after him.

"Sights we're friends right?"

I nodded "Course we are."

"Can I ask you something then? What do you think about Jack?"

"What about him? He's nice, looks after the other kids, he does have a delusion about Santa Fe but its okay to have dreams."

"It's just he's so ughh I don't know, perfect? He's strong, and smart, and a million other things."

"Seriously? He says that the moon is bigger in Santa Fe, like really? The moon, a natural satellite of the earth," I couldn't help but start to sing "Latin name luna, hundreds of thousands of miles away from here. No signs of water or light or atmosphere. This is the truth about the moon."

He sighed "I know, The facts are black and white, and yet I couldn't think of one, while watching it that night. I saw the words all fly away, so fast so far. Till every letter, every number, turned into a star! And was the moon especially bright? I really can't recall. It was the first time the facts of the matter, didn't matter at all! Shall I try, To deny, All I know from moments thats gone? Will my heart, let me be? Someone different from me? From now on?"

I rested a hand on his shoulder he murmured a quiet 'no'  "We learned the truth about the moon, the facts, they are right."

"But I only wish they made me feel the like the lies I learned that night!"

"Lies from that dreamer? That 'dime novel cowboy'? The one who believes in a fantasy about Santa Fe? His lies gave you emotion?"

He ignored me "Given name, Jack. Someone who seems to get by with a smile. Having no substance he compensates with style."

"That is the truth about that boy. Theres nothing else to say."

"But I found when he looked into my eyes, I could not look away. And If I first thought, he was who he claimed he was, well then that sort of boy, must be good at what he does!"

"Well he is but-"

"And then as gentle as a breath his hand was touching mine, and I discovered a feeling, I did not hope to find."

Realization struck me as Davie started to walk away down the street, half singing to himself.

So that happened.
Little bit of Truth about the moon for you folks.
Theres something between Jack and Natalia isn't there.
*evil laughter*

Also somewhere, I'm pretty sure on the reading cards? Maybe? It said Spot was rumored to have beaten someone up on the steeple chase ride, so that's gonna come into play.

Continue lendo

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