Sugar and Spice

By laceygreen2967

55.8K 1.7K 103

Sam wasn't ready for the end of the world, but neither was anyone else. Before this he had a fiance, a good... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

2.6K 115 30
By laceygreen2967

I sat on the ground cradling a sobbing Carol trying to make her feel better in any kind of way. "Carol its all going to be okay." I tried to reassure her only to be suddenly pushed away with enough force to fall backwards on the dirt floor, the short haired woman didn't stop as she sprinted away sobbing her heart out. Daryl came up behind me lifting me up under my arms to stand on my own two feet, I turned to thank him only to be cut off by screams erupting from next to the farm. Without thinking I ran over with most people spotting Beth being grabbed at by a walker on the floor, I looked around as everyone tried to pull the walker off I grabbed a sickle that was leaning against the barn. T-Dog ran out the way just in time as I swung the sickle back before driving it through the walkers head putting a stop to the growling, but it was quickly overtaken by Beth's sobbing. I dropped the wooden handle letting it hang loosely from the corpse's head, I let out a sigh watching the Greene family walk away before glancing to see a shovel left on the side of the barn.

I marched over to the barn snatching up the shovel and heading over to where Otis was buried. This felt like the best distraction and at least I was being useful, I took my aggression out on the task harshly digging into the soil. However, truthfully I didn't know why I was angry. By the time I finished one grave there was sweat pouring down my face.

"Sam." I heard a voice call out but I continued to dig ignoring whoever it was. "Sam."

"What?" I snapped turning to see Dale looking a bit shocked at my sudden outburst, the older man looked behind me at the two graves. "Maybe you should take a break and let the others do that." The anger in me only seemed to grow at that as I jammed the shovel into the dirt as hard as possible. "Why can I do it myself? I'm not some pathetic bitch." Dale tried to back track but I was already over it jamming the shovel into the dirt again and again only looking up when I felt eyes on me.

"You alright?" Shane asked softly coming to dig another grave next to me looking down into the hole I was standing in, I just glared at him though. "You don't think I didn the right thing?"

"No you did the right thing." I told him sternly, focusing back on the grave. "Then why'd you look so pissed at me then?" Shane spoke up again making me sigh as I thought over the question. "I'm pissed at you or anyone else I just- I don't know okay." The ex sherif reached out a hand which I took gratefully allowing myself to be easily lifted, I let out a sigh looking up at him. "Everyone put in all that effort, Daryl almost got killed and it was all for nothing." I let out a dry chuckle and a sniffle as tears cascaded down my face. "They had her - a little girl - locked up in that barn while the group did everything." I got out between sobs, before I knew it I was pulled into the other man's chest though I knew I would regret it later I let myself rest against him sobbing as I wrapped my arms around his body.

"You did the right thing," I whispered out when the tears stopped, slowly I leaned the back till I was out of his arms. "You gave Carol closure, it's what she deserved." After that the two of us dug the graves in silence preparing everything for the service.

Later that day I stood with the others at the service between Daryl and Shane, all I could do was stare blankly at the graves for the Greene family and Sophia. No one spoke, just standing in silence till eventually we dispersed. I turned to speak to Daryl, but he was already making his way over to Carol again. I shrugged it over instead going with Andrea, Rick and T-Dog to help with the body clean up.

I stood on the truck organising the bodies making sure they weren't going to fall while watching T-Dog and Andrea carry the bodies.

"We're lucky if that barn was anymore full we could have been over run." Andrea spoke up as she placed the body on the bed allowing me to move it further back. "It's good Shane did what he did now then." Dale made a noise from where he was watching us work, which tickled at my nerves but I knew it would be wrong to just snap at him again.

"You think what he did was right?" Dale asked in disbelief, I scoffed jumping down to sit on the bed. "It wasn't, it will cost us with Hershel." Rick piped up, I looked between everyone interested to see how they felt.

"He's grieving he'll come around," Andrea told Rick leaning against the truck, she noticed the look Dale was giving her. "Hey I shot too this wasn't just Shane." I sighed bringing their attention to me. "Andrea's right whether you like it or not Dale this needed to happen Shane protected the group and it gave Carol and everyone here closure." Dale went to object but I cut him off. "T-Dog we need to get this done before sunset." The other man nodded heading around to the drivers side, while Andrea came to sit beside me. We drove across the dirt road connecting the farm slowly.

"Andrea." I called looking up to meet her eyes. "When we first met I called you out in the woods I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry." The blonde smiled at me leaning against the side. "I forgive you if you forgive me for what happened with Daryl." I smiled back at her flashing my teeth and giving him a small nod. I'd taken note over the past days of the way she changed it was almost like she got it now.

After we finished burning the bodies we were all left with nothing to do, I glanced over to camp to spot Daryl putting everything in the truck. I made my way over instantly getting his attention.

"Hey where are you going?" I asked, watching as he packed up the tent, the hunter made his way over. "I'm sick of these people moving a bit further out like we should have done in the beginning." Daryl grumbled out shoving the tent into the back seat. "Okay." I muttered to myself jumping into the driver's seat as Daryl jumped on his bike, I followed him out to where he wanted to stay. The spot was a bit away from the farm under a tree, it was nice to be away from everyone. The two of us set up the tent together this time Daryl moved things around to the way he liked everything. Something was off with him though, he was quite something he never was with me.

"Is everything okay? I mean with us did I do something wrong?" I asked quietly looking down, we really didn't need this right now. Daryl glanced at me as if contemplating whether to speak up or not. "I saw you, with Shane." The hunter grumbled out, I looked at him confused before remembering the hug. "It wasn't anything Daryl you know I wouldn't do to you, I was angry and upset everything just bubbled over," I glanced down at the ground swallowing. "I was going to come to you but Carol needed you, I'm sorry."

"Hey," Daryl called, making me look up, he stepped up wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me closer. "You've got nothing to be sorry about I just worry about you. He ain't a good man Sammy and I don't want to see you get hurt." I leaned up to peck his lips smiling brightly up at him. "I'm gonna set up the bed, now be a good fiance and make a fire ready for tonight." Daryl smiled, pecking my lips once again, before pulling. "Yes sir." I laughed to myself ducking into the tent to try and make the bed as comfortable as possible for the two of us once again. Once I was finished I headed out spotting Daryl leaning against a brick ruin that still stood between the trees, I made my way over crawling in between his legs leaning back into his chest.

"What if we left the group?" I asked, the idea had come out of nowhere as I played with Daryl's fingers he hummed encouraging me to go on. "We found our own farm or a small house gated in, we could hunt together and have a garden. It would be safe just the two of us together." Daryl kissed the top of my head smiling into my hair. "Is that what you want?" I shrugged my shoulders. "It was just a thought, I don't think they'd survive without you here." I told him yawning as I snuggled back into his arms, all the digging and anger finally catching up with me just as I was beginning to fall asleep a voice woke me up. I groaned looking up to spot Lori coming over I glanced back to see Daryl looking slightly annoyed but when I attempted to move he pressed me back against him.

"Look Beths in some kind of shock we need Hershel." I looked over as she came to squat down next to us. "So what?" Daryl grumbled out not even looking at her. "So I need you one of you to run into town real quick and go bring him and Rick back." Now that caught my attention, but I decided to not say anything and neither did Daryl as she called our names a second later. "Your bitch went window shopping if you want him to go get him yourself." Lori gave him a look of disbelief, it took everything in me to not turn around and snap at her. "What's a matter with you? How could you be so selfish?" As soon as the words left her mouth Daryl's head snapped towards her.

"Selfish? Listen to me olive oil. I was out there looking for that little girl everyday. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process so don't you tell me about getting your hands dirty, you want those idiots, have a nice ride. I'm done looking for people." Daryl yelled at her slumping down and pulling me closer, seeing she wasn't going to get much from him she turned to me. "Sam, are you gonna go?" I could tell by the way she was spoken she already expected me to accept, I laughed in disbelief.

"So do nothing but sit on your ass all day in camp and then come down here and insult my husband, but now you want me to do something for you." By the end of it Lori was staring between the two of us gobsmacked eyes wide unsure of what to say. "Once you start contributing in camp for something other than washing and putting your feet up I'll help you all I want." That was all it took for Lori to jump up practical running back to the house. Daryl groaned from behind me kissing my neck.

"You're hot when you're aggressive." I turned myself around in his lap smirking at him as I glanced back at the tent. "Yeah?" I asked , connecting our lips quickly, teasing him. "Yeah." Daryl confirmed grabbing the back of my thighs and lifting me up, forcing me two wrap my legs around his waist as I was carried back to the tent. I was placed gently on the bed with Daryl hovering over me.

"You know the best part about us being up here?" Daryl asked, making me shake my head with an eyebrow raised, he smirked down at me. "You can be as loud as you want."

{It's been so long I've missed them so much, also just to clarify Shane/Sam will never happen I know it might seem like it would but I promise it won't}

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