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By silverslimes

574K 9.7K 3.7K

in which she told herself she wouldn't fall, but he makes it hard to simply say goodnight and go. More

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6.2K 111 22
By silverslimes

october 7th
maison's pov

    ɪ ᴇᴍʙʀᴀᴄᴇ ʏ mum so tight it hurts. "i missed you so much." i cry. she rubs my back comfortingly though i can tell she's crying too.

we detach a few minutes later, wiping tears and laughing at each other. we gather my luggage and anakin's crate before mum hands me a hat and a pair of sunglasses and we head outside. paps are everywhere constantly. i understand its their job but they really don't need pictures of us crying in an airport? watch them twist it into i'm coming home because someone died. they always twist everything.

we make it to the car after pushing through the crowd. "chris and liam have your father preoccupied until three-ish so we have about an hour and a half to get home, get you showered and changed, and get you back to the house. i didn't tell your brothers you were coming either so this will be quite the surprise for all of them." mum explains as i let anakin out of his crate. he meows loudly as he stretches, reaching up to give me a kiss, and then padding over my lap and the center console to sit on mum's seat with her.

  she drives with one hand in order to pet him.

"mum they'll kill me!" i complain, slouching against the seat. all i wanted to do was stand after sitting for twenty-one hours but i had to suffer through a drive first.

"sorry love." mum giggles. she's not sorry at all. "i just thought i'd be nice for them all to get a surprise since they haven't seen you in months."

i sigh. that much was true.

mum finally pulls into the driveway about forty minutes later. i slide down in my seat. axl is standing on the doorstep and i don't want him to see me quite yet. mum asks him to come help with groceries as i crawl to the back. my youngest brother comes at her calling, ever the best child as usual. mum opens the trunk as axl is rounding the side of the car.

"macie?" he gasps. his jaw drops and his eyes are wide in shock. i laugh and crawl towards the edge of the trunk. i can see mum taking a video out of the corner of my eye. i also see anakin jump out of the car to stretch his legs before he wanders off towards the barn. he was probably going to go curl up with my horse, rio, until i go and find him later.

"hi." i say simply, holding my arms out. axl practically dives right into them. we're both laughing through tears as we embrace tightly.

"i missed you so much." axl sobs from where his head is buried in my neck at an awkward angle. i'm barely five foot five and he's nearing six foot three so the height difference always made it difficult to hug.

"you missed who so much?"

"hi z." i say though i can't see him. i hear him gasp loudly and suddenly there's a whole lot more pressure on my body. zeppelin almost pushes us back into the car with his force.

"what the fuck are you doing here?! i thought you were still filming!" he shouts excitedly. he pushes axl's head away so he can wrap his arms around my head and press a kiss to my hair.

"what the fuck is who doing here?" this time it's james. wherever one twin is, the other is bound to follow. he answers his own question as he squeals my name. he wraps his arms around his twins arms. he also presses a kiss to my hair.

these two freak me out sometimes.

"okay get off i was here first." axl grumbles while trying to pull me away. they start fighting over me but i refuse to let go of axl so i'm being dragged along too.

"boys!" mum shouts. they all immediately stop with their hands in the air in surrender. i'm still clinging to axl so i can only imagine how weird the two of us appear.

"mum?" bellamy's voice calls. "what's going on? is everything okay?" his voice gets closer the more he speaks.

"bell!" i exclaim, latching into him as he comes up to stand between axl and james.

"macie!" he yells in the same amount of excitement if not more.

  i'm dampening his flannel through my tears though i doubt he cares. i'm almost sure he's crying into my hair. he tries to pull away to get a proper look at me but i don't let him.

  "bell, who are you hugging?" my eldest brother mack asks as he comes strolling over from the barn. he can only see my arms around bellamy's torso. but i'm surprised he didn't guess by the horse hair bracelet secured around my wrist.

  "hi mackie." i say, not bothering to wipe the tears off my cheeks as bellamy and i separate.

  mack's eyes widen and he sets the saddle he was holding down, making it to me in three strides. he bundles me up so tight to his chest i can hardly breathe but neither of us care. mack was practically my idol for years and it was hard being away from him for so long because we spent so much time together growing up. we did everything together. he loved having a baby sister, having someone to teach and look after. i loved having an older brother, someone to look up to and learn from.

"what are you doing here?" mack cries. he must've really missed me because he never cries. only when he's acting or really, really emotional.

"well filming for black widow ended so here i am." i answer.

"you guys are making me cry." zeppelin sniffles. the rest of our brothers laugh making him whine and wipe at his eyes.

when mack and i finally depart i notice everyone's eyes are a little red and puffy. even mum's. "why are you crying?" i question, wiping the rest of my tears away.

"i missed having all my kiddos together." she answers, wrapping her arms around axl who was closest to her. he hugs her back instantly. he's such a mama's boy.

"okay well i have to go shower and change so i'll meet you guys back here soon." i say.

"i'll drive you." bellamy jumps up from where he'd been sitting in the trunk. mack follows immediately and the three of us head to a golf cart sitting near the fence as mum corrals axl and the twins inside.

the three of us chat as bell drives us to my house just down the road. it's a three minute walk but no one felt like walking.

i practically sprint up the stairs and take the quickest shower of my life. i opt for a yellow champion shirt and light wash denim shorts. i shove my feet into a pair of socks and then wiggle them back into my converse. i brush my teeth and my hair and then head back downstairs.

"let's go surprise dad!"

  the best cure of boredom, to me, is producing a song. it didn't necessarily have to be a certain genre, or even one with music. hence why i was getting ready to drop another song i'd just produced, featuring zeppelin. sort of. he aided in producing the underlying track while i played the trumpet.

  "is everyone about to lose their shit?" dad asks, striding into the barn. he had a saddle over one shoulder and a bale of hay on the other.

  "probably." bellamy says from beside me. he was playing some sort of hockey game on his phone. i think he was playing against axl because every so often my youngest brother would groan from across the room while bellamy broke out in a smile.

  "well hurry up and post it." dad answers. "we gotta get goin'."

  i press share and wait till it uploads before handing my phone over to mack. the pockets in my jeans weren't big enough to hold my phone. my eldest brother switches on do not disturb so he won't get constant buzzing on our ride.

  i walk over to rio, easily swinging myself up thanks to years of expertise. my horse huffs as he shifts his weight around. 

  "race you!" mack calls to me. he's already mounted on his horse, pepper, who's trotting away at a steady pace.

  "hey!" i gasp. he laughs as i direct rio after them, urging him into a run. we pass them and mack shouts something about cheating, making me laugh.

  i feel rio ready himself to jump the gate and clench my legs around him tighter as not to fall off. he clears it easily and i praise him as we gallop away, my laughter being carried back to my brothers and father in the wind as i race ahead to our usual hang out spot.

  i missed being home.


liked by imsebastianstan and 973,082 others
maisoncooper i did it again oops. ps, you have zeppelin to thank for this one
[tagged: zeppelincooper]

𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

username whoever convinced maison to start producing songs, i owe you my life

username i wasn't expecting this but i LOVE IT

jonathandaviss best collaboration!! it's so soothing
madisonbaileybabe periodt.

austinnorth55 i love it when my best friends don't tell me they're releasing new music. anyways stream what am i by why don't we🥰
jamescooper AUS AHAHA

username why's maison actually producing music? it's not like she needs more money than she already has
anthonymackie ever stop to think she's doing it because she loves it?
madelyncline her songs are a whole 30 cents compared to other artists who put out less for $1.30. hop off her dick thnx
username madelyn coming to her girlfriends defense
drewstarkey we love to see it

rudeth extremely offended i wasn't told about this prior to release. dms open for a new best friend
rudeth OMG TWINS
username what the hell

. . .
there's about to be a lot of time skips i'm sorry in advance lmao
enjoy this long chapter because you probably won't get another one and that's on writers block 😚✨

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