
By phoenix3081619

62.5K 1.7K 2K

DISCONTINUED (but still okay ig?) Kenma Kozume transferred to Nekoma high during his second year of high sch... More

My first day (1)
Some tall rooster lookin dude (2)
I will protect you (4)
A girl? (5)
I don't like her (6)
Training camp (7)
Unknown number (8)
Warning (9)
Ouch (10)
Why me? (11)
Cheater (12)
Huh? (13)
The bathroom door (14)
Petals (15)
Hospital (16)
Blackmail (17)
Five reasons (18)
Hurting (19)
Darkness (20)
Broken (21)
Away (22)
Home? (23)
Oxygen (24)
Dreams (25)
Kenma's birthday special!
Author note, please read!
Another author note sorryyy
Ladies and gentlemen...we gottem (26)
Im rlly struggling with this rn lol(28)
Weary (29) (the end)
Where I've been

Am I...happy? (3)

2.9K 75 19
By phoenix3081619

Kenma's POV:

I heard the door open downstairs and I assumed it was Kuroo. The click of the door half woke me up. I had just started to get better with storms. They would usually just keep me up, this time it was different... The storm is really harsh and I'm in a house I've only been living in for a week. I don't feel safe here. I couldn't bring myself to be fully awake so I drifted off back to sleep.

(A/N: So this next part is a flashback but also his dream.)

'Mom why isn't Lucy getting better?'  My parents didn't explain to me what was wrong with her but I heard the doctors talking. They think I'm too young. I can handle it. I'm 10 years old.

'Sweety...Lucy isn't going to get better....The doctors are helping her the best she can.' They think I don't know anything but I know she is going to die.

~intense beeping~


I watched as a bunch of doctors and nurses rushed into my sisters room. My mom broke down into tears and my father clung onto her the best he could. A moment later I heard a long beeping noise. The doctor walked out and told my parents something. I couldn't hear what they were saying to eachother. My dad grabbed my hand and walked me and my mother out to the car. I don't know why we are leaving so early. We usually don't go til later.

'Why are we leaving so early? I didn't get to say by to Lucy.'

My mom started to cry harder.

'Kenma. Your sister has passed away.'


That's all my father said. Just those five words and my name. This is the end. The last time I would ever see her. She's gone. My eyes started to fill with tears. I silently cried in the backseat wishing I could just disappear. She was my best friend. I loved her so much, and now... I'll never see her again.

Kuroo's POV:


I immediately ran to Kenma's room. He was tossing and turning in his sleep. He was laying in a puddle of sweat. I tried to shake him awake but he wouldn't wake up.

'Wake up damnit!'

He stopped thrashing around but he was shaking really bad. I put my arms around him and held him tight. Once he stopped shaking I tried to wake him again. To my surprise he woke up.

"Ugh~ Kuroo what are you doing?"

Then I realized I'm still hugging him. I blushed...Oops.

"Are you okay?! You screamed in your sleep and when I came in you looked like you were dying."

"Oh uh yeah just a nightmare. That's the first one I've had in a while." He said.

I looked at him longingly waiting for an explanation. He sighed and started to speak,

"A-after my sister died I got night terrors. They eventually s-stopped. I also started getting better with storms, b-but because I've only lived here for a week i-it freaked me out." He explained and I could tell it was weird for him. He must not express his feelings often. Either he doesn't like to or no one asks.

"It's alright. I can stay in here for the night? If your okay with it that is." That was awkward. All he did was shyly nod his head.

"Hey wait. I just realized this is your room. It's really cool. I like it more that mine." I chuckled. His walls are a light shade of grey. He has posters all over the walls. Most of them are from video games. There is a blue gaming chair in the corner of his room with a tv on the wall in front of it. A white desk is in the other corner. On his desk I can see a photo of him and his sister. She's beautiful. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts,

"Do you want to play Mario cart?"

I looked over and saw him pulling out his switch.

"Hell yeah."

We played Mario cart until 2am when I noticed him yawn.

"Hey we should probably sleep now. We do have school in the morning."

He must be drained from the night. He seemed to have calmed down and the storm slowed down. Now there is just a light tapping on the widows from the rain.

Kenma's POV:

~Tap... Tap... Tap... Tap~

'Shut. Up.'

Apparently I screamed in my sleep. Kuroo came in an I woke up in a pool of sweat with him holding me. My face started to get hot. I'm blushing again, but why? After we talked for a little I asked if he wanted to play Mario cart. He said yes and we played til 2am. I beat him every time. He pouted a little about it and I found it cute. I chuckled. 'Wait did I just call him cute?!' I started to blush again.

I fell asleep thinking about the day and how it was so crappy til he showed up. I think I might like having a new friend. Even if I don't talk much I like his presence. I hope we can call each other friends from now on.

Time skip to morning:

~beep beep beep~

I groggily shut off my alarm while groaning. I'm not a morning person. I look to my right and see Kuroo sleeping. He looks so peaceful. I slipped out of the bed to get ready. I figured I would let him have ten more minutes. I bumped into my mom on the way to the bathroom.

"Kenma who's your new friend? You two looked awfully cute snuggled up together." She said this in a teasing tone.

My eyes grew wide. Excuse me what? Did we cuddle while we were asleep.... My mom took out her phone and showed me a picture. Kuroo has his arm wrapped around my waist while I was snuggled up against him. I decided I was not going to say a word about this to him. I told my mom how he is a third year who I bumped into and that we are friends.


"Kuroo, wake up."

"Huh...Oh, morning Kenma." His morning voice is cute. His voice was deep and raspy.

He groaned as he stretched. We both went downstairs and ate breakfast. My mom insisted that we did. After he finished getting ready we started to make our way to the train station.

While we were on the train I pulled out my switch and started playing animal crossing. Kuroo was reading his book again. When it was our stop we got off and started walking to the school.

When we got to the entrance I realized he would have to leave. I stopped at the entrance. Once we enter these doors I won't see him. I'm not sure how long actually. 'Does he want to be friends? Are we ever going to talk again? Does he want to hangout after school? Are we going to walk home together?' My thoughts are going at a rapid pace. I could feel my breathing getting heavier. He noticed that I stopped in my tracks.

Kuroo's POV:

Is he okay? He just...stopped...dead in his tracks. I noticed he was starting to breathe heavier. Oh crap. He must be worried about that guy from yesterday.

"Hey Kenma, I never got your number."

We exchanged phones and put our numbers in. He still seemed shaken up.

"Want to meet behind the school once the last bell rings? That way we can walk home together. Also if that guy or any of his buddies decide to give you issues let me know."

He nodded his head. I assumed he wanted to meet there. I said goodbye and we both started walking to our separate classes.

'I really hope nothing happens...'

Kenma's POV:

Kuroo gave me his phone number and said to meet him behind the school after the last bell. I nodded my head and we both went to our respective classes. I'm praying that I don't run into that kid all day...

Home room went fine and I made my way to my next class. School is boring.

By time lunch rolled around I was getting hungry. I was going to go behind the school and sit under the beautiful cherry blossom tree. Then I noticed him. The guy from yesterday. I kept my head low and tried to slip past...but he saw me.


'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit."

He walked up to me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. I didn't care to do anything about it. Then he saw my bento. He smacked it out of my hand.

"Dang I was really hungry." That was probably a bad idea to say that....I should think before I speak.

"SO YOU THINK YOU CAN TALK BACK TO ME?!" He started to laugh. I just wanted to eat my lunch. I rolled my eyes.

Just as he was about to slam me against the wall my science teacher came over.


She grabbed his arm and started taking him to the principal's office.

"Please just call me Kurai."

I went and sat in her room. 'Nakamura, Kurai huh.' When she came back she asked me what happened. I explained in short because I don't like talking. I didn't make any eye contact. All I could hear was the clock on the wall.

~Tick, tick, tick, tick~

The ticking started to make me anxious. I didn't even realize she was still talking. My attention was brought back to her.

"Well since your next class is mine you can sit here til the bell if you want." She said.

I decided to stay there.

Time skip to the end of the day:

It was last period and the bell was about to ring. I watched the clock waiting. The bell rang and I packed up all my stuff. I made my way out of the class when I saw him...but this time he also had friends.

There was three of them. I ran. I was running as fast as I could. They were right on my tail...

Yoo-hoo author-Chan once again~ I actually like this chapter. It's not too bad I guess. See ya next chapter (ω)💖

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