Only Time Will Tell || Sirius...

By _Leigh_Lupin

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Hermione is in her third year at Hogwarts. She was given a Time-Turner to get to all of her classes bacause s... More

Chapter 2: Hermione Dumbledore.
Chapter 3: New Friends.
Chapter 4: The Infirmary.
Chapter 5: "Leave her alone!"
Chapter 6: Homework and Late Night Talks.
Chapter 7: Telling the marauders.
Chapter 8: Detentions.

Chapter 1: The Time-Turner.

656 15 12
By _Leigh_Lupin

"Hermione, dear!" Hermione's mother, Helen, called up to her.

"Yes mum?" she called down, even though she knew what her mother was going to say.

"Time to leave for the Train! Don't want to be late!" Helen was fairly exited for Hermione to be going back to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. Helen and Richard Granger, Muggles, they only see their daughter on holidays like, Chirstmas and Easter. It had came as a shock at first when they found out about magic and the whole Wizarding World. Hermione was a bookish person, reading things about magic but never thinking it was real. Until, of course, a tall witch, with darch hair pulled into a bun, knocked on the door of the 'Granger' home.

The tall witch stood at the door, waiting for someone in the 'Granger House' to answer the door. In fact, the person she wanted to see, opend the door.

"H-hello, miss..." the young girl said, she had bushy honey brown hair and hazel eyes, her two front teeth were bigger than the natural size but her parents wanted to wait for braces. The young girl was slightly intimadated by the tall, sturn witch infront of her.

"Good morning dear, are your parents home?" the tallert woman said said in a strong scottish accsent. Just as she asked about them Helen came into the hall.

"Hello, i'm her mother." she extend her hand for the older woman in green and black robes and half circle glasses, and she took it.

"Hello, my name is Minerva Mcgonagll. Professor and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am here about you daughter, Hermione Granger!"

When Hermione walked downstairs, wand in her jeans pocket, her mother looked at her.

"Right, are you ready to leave?" Helen asked as she straightened Hermione's jumper.

"Yes mum, can we go now. I want to see Harry and Ron!" She was practicly bouncing up and down with excitement, for seeing her two best friends again. Helen laughed.

"Okay dear, let's go."

Hermione practically ran to the car. As they were on their way to kingscross station her father started to talk.

"You know Hermione, I never understand how that wall works." He said to her with curiosity. Knowing how much his daughter loves to explain the wizarding works to her parents. But she just laughed and explained.

"Dad it's magic. Anything can happen. From mountain trolls attacking first years, and at the end of the year finding out that a dark Lord still wants to kill your best friend, all for a stone that can make you immortal. To having a soak trapped in a diary, then possessing an 11 year old, to try and kill you best friend once again with a batalisk. And to whatever happens this year. Although it's confusing it's amazing." Helen and Richard both laughed at Hermione for saying all of that as if it were normal. Which, to her, it was. Just because she was muggle-born does not mean she is any less a witch than the rest.

When they got to the train station, Hermione was even more exited. She was pushing her trolly with all her hogwarts things on, making sure to hold onto Crockshanks' carry case so he didnt fall off. She ran into the wall platforms 9 and 10. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the train and her bestfriends running towards her.


she heard someone call, it sounded like Ron. Until she saw a mess of jet-black hair she knew then is was Harry. Harry James Potter. He had helped Hermione through so much with Malfoy calling her 'mudblood' and bullying her through the years.

"Oh my gosh, Harry!" Hermione squealed she ran to him and left her parents with her trunk. She got to Harry and envoloped him in a bone-crushing hug. Before Ron came up behind her and tickled her neck.

"Do I not get a hug to?" he laughed as Hermione let go of Harry and squealed.

"Ron! You arse!" She said hugging him.

"Hermione dear! Come and get your things!" Helen called over. She looked at the boys as if to say 'stay here' Obviously they understood and gave her a quick nod. Hermione grabbed her things and walked up to the boys, who also had their things now.

"Lets get a compartment." Ron said sounding bored. They all nodded.

"come on, this is the only one left..." Hermione said. But there was someone in there.

"Who do you reckon he is?" Ron said looking at the man with sandy-blond hair and an old tattered travel cloak on him. looking as if he is asleep. "professor R.J.Lupin." Hermione answered, Harry looked amused while Ron looked annoyed.

"You know everything!" Ron asked. "How is it she knows everything?!" He asked annoyed.

"Its on the suitcase Ronald." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Do you think he is really asleep?" Harry asked worried.

"Seems to be, why?" Hermione asked.

"I need to tell you something." Harry said quietly, while shutting the door.

*3 day time skip*

"Miss Granger! What is the use of Wolfsbane?" Ron asked trying to sound somewhat sufisticated.

"Ronald, is this for you DADA Homework?" Hermione asked seeing straight through him. Harry replied with a scoff.

"Of course, it is! Its Ron, you know he never listens." Ron rolled his eyes.

"Please, this is the last time!" He begged.

"Fine! Wolfsbane also known as Monkshood and Aconite. They are put into a potion to ease the symptoms of lycanthropy. But doesnt cure it. do you need anything else Ronald?" She explained and asked. Ron shook his head and Harry laughed.

Hermione went to bed an hour later after the feast, she walked up to her room and to the bathroom. After she had finished in there, she went to bed but didnt know she had the Time-turner that McGonagall gave to her, so she could get to all her classes that she had chosen for the year. She rolled over and there was a bright flash of light. Just then she awoke in a familiar bedroom that she shared with Pavarti and Pamda Patil and Lavender brown. But there was nobody in the room. She looked around and saw all but one bed, the one Hermione was at, had a trunk at the end if it. Hermione looked under the bed and saw her trunk, She pulled it out and looked at the initals that read 'H.J.G'.

"Hermione. Jean. Granger. Okay thats good my trunk is here, thats good." She thought out loud. "But where am I? What does this mean?" She asked herself.


So, the first chapter is up. Ive been writing this since the start of September. Now it is up! I really hope you like it, although its not very good, i love it. I have Chapter 2 in the making so that should be coming soon. If there are gamatical errors im so sorry. Im not a very good writer. if there is any error you can see please let me know. So i can fix it. Also if you have any ships you want me to add then please say. You can also tell me things you want me to add to the plot and i will take your requests and i will credit you!

please let me know how many parts you want in this story. and if you want smaller or longer chapters!

thankyou for reading! 

i do NOT own any of the characters in this story or the Harry Potter stories in general. I own the plot thats it! Please do not copy the story, if you want to please ask me if you want to. Can anyone make a cover pic foir this story?? would much be apriciated.


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