A Black Thorned Rose (discont...

By 444TheNumber4

41.3K 427 384

The story of Raiden Rose, Ruby's twin brother who was abused and wanted to run away from his family and start... More

Prologue: A Hero's Beginning
Chapter 1: Six Years Later
Chapter 2: Our Performace Begins
Chapter 3: From Zero To Hero
Chapter 4: Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 5: The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 6: Friends Reunited
Chapter 7: Rebuilding Bonds
Chapter 8: Learn To Let Go
Chapter 9: Tales From The Past
Chapter 10: Setting The Stage
Chapter 11: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 13: Two Terrors
Chapter 14: A Needed Conversation
Chapter 15: Mending Bonds
Chapter 16: Welcome To Haven
Chapter 17: The Desert Rose
After a long while I have decided....
An Important Announcement

Chapter 12: Attack On Vale

472 8 2
By 444TheNumber4

----( Ozpin POV )----

While the fight between Alex and Quinn vs Y/N and Yang was happening, Ironwood and I were having a conversation about some future plans and the huntsman Ironwood sent to stop the breach

Ozpin: So James, how many huntsmen did you send on mount glenn

Ironwood: Teams CRMN, SHDW, and RNGR all of them are experienced 2nd year students

Ozpin: I thought you were gonna send professional huntsman for this

Ironwood: Sadly no one wants to take it even when I increased the price

Ozpin: Sadly.... that's the current state of some huntsman, only wanting to save their own skin and others don't even want to help unless you give them "pleasuring" reward, team CRDL almost would've ended up like them if it wasn't for Y/N

Ironwood: The kid has a good heart, but that doesn't explain his knowledge about Salem

Ozpin:*sigh* Maybe I should tell you the truth

Ironwood: Please do

Ozpin: Its because of Abaddon

Ironwood: Who's.... Abaddon?

Ozpin: Y/N's foster father and a creature from another world or rather I should say.... another universe

Ironwood: What?

Ozpin: Apparently Abaddon seems to came from an alternate version of Remnant since he knew my true identity and Salem as well as our age old conflict, and I never met him throughout my whole reincarnations

Ironwood: An alternate version of Remnant? Does that mean, the multiverse exist?

Ozpin: I believe so, and if there's a Salem in Abaddon's world, there could be a Salem in every other Remnant as well

Ironwood: Shit, I might need to start drinking whatever Qrow drinks

I walked to a nearby cabinet, opened it and took out some vodka with 2 shot glasses

Ironwood: Didn't know you had that here

Ozpin: Well Qrow does like this and now I could see why, they make your worries go away quite fast

Ironwood: Indeed

----( Ruby's POV )----

I was in the infirmary watching the fight through my scroll and noticed Raiden and Yang just teleported, I'm not sure if anyone noticed that, but then again with the amount of semblance my brother is packing, its almost impossible to learn his attacks

Ruby: Looks like Raiden and Yang won

Yasuo: So who's gonna be in the Vale finals?

Ruby: Gonna be Yang, we all agreed on it already

Laura: Well it seems like Haven is coming up, we should get going now, come on Wayne I'll carry you

Wayne: What? No

Laura: Just shut up and let me carry you, you big baby

Wayne:*blushes* Shut up

Yasuo: Stop fooling around you two, we should be going now

Elise: Bye Ruby

Ruby: Bye guys and good luck!

As I wished them luck, I heard Weiss groaning, I looked over and saw her getting up

Ruby: Oh thank Oum you're alright Weiss

Weiss: R-Ruby? Where.... am I?

She looked to her right and saw Blake and panicked then she about to fall from her medical bed but luckily I was able catch her before she could fall

Weiss: Thank you Ruby

Ruby: No problem Weiss.... so uhhhh.... how did the fight start?

Weiss: Fight? What fight?

I pointed at Blake, that's when Weiss realized what fight I was referring to

Weiss: Oh that! Well, they were insulting Blake and I couldn't let that slide, when Blake tried to protect me when that Alex guy started sweet talking to me then she got attacked by those 2 women, that guy named Allen tried to calm them down but they didn't listen to him

Ruby: At least one of them is nicer, but the others just makes my blood boil

?????: Ughh.... tell me about it

I looked at Weiss' side and saw Blake rubbing her head while closing her left eye

Blake: That Ursula bitch is as tough as Yang

Weiss: Then there's Quinn, a puppet nonetheless

Blake: And Alex, the piece of shit that tried to flirt with my snow angel

I saw Weiss' blush when Blake said snow angel, I heard a gasp and saw Blake with wide eyes

Blake: Oh no, the tournament! What are we going to do!?

Ruby: Blake, calm down, while you were knocked out, Raiden took your place and fought with Yang

Blake: Did they win?

????: Yep!

I turned around again and saw Yang, Raiden, and Jaune. Yang rushed towards Weiss and Blake, and hugged them

Weiss: Ow Ow Yang!

Blake: You're.... killing.... us!

Yang: Oops sorry *stops hugging Weiss and Blake* Anyways, vomit boy is here to patch Blake up

Jaune walked to Blake and held both her hands as Jaune began to use his semblance to speed up Blake's aura to heal herself

Jaune: So Y/N, Blake how does it feel to majorly injure yourself twice

This angered Weiss as she smacked Jaune's head from the back

Blake: Thanks snow angel

Weiss: Anytime kitty

Raiden: Aww, you two have pet names now? How cute

----( 3rd Person POV )----

After Jaune finished healing Blake and Weiss, Yang checked up on her partner to see how she's feeling

Yang: How are you feeling Blake?

Blake: Better than before

Jaune: Great, my job here is done, I'll be leaving you with your harem, Y/N


Jaune:*runs away* Bye!


Jaune:*in an echo tone* IT'S A JOKE, LEARN TO TAKE IT BALL BREAKER!

Yang:*eye color swap to red* OH I'LL BREAK YOUR BALLS ALRIGHT

Y/N: Yang, calm down

Yang:*sighs* He's still getting a punch from me anyways, lets address the goliath in the room

Weiss: What goliath?

Yang: Ruby kissed Y/N on the lips earlier

Weiss' eyes widen, and so did Blake, but she had an extra nosebleed on top of that, the 2 people in question were both madly blushing

Y/N | Ruby: YANG!

Yang: Come on, were a team, and nothing we say here leaves, we keep this to ourselves

The room felt silent as everyone but Yang tried to make eye contact with anyone, that's when Y/N sighed and spoke up

Y/N: My feelings for Ruby began when were just kids, but those feelings became stronger ever since we've gotten closer to each other, Ruby was the only person that cared for me back then and I want to repay Ruby by staying by her side and never leaving her

Yang: And what about you Ruby?

Ruby: Well, just like Raiden said, I want to stay by his side and never leave him, but sometimes I would forget that he's my twin brother just because of how much he has changed that.... I couldn't even recognize him by his personality

Blake: That sounds like something from my books

Weiss: Quiet Blake, you're ruining their moment

Yang: Is that so? Well in that case I hope both if you will live a happy life together

Ruby: You support this?

Yang: Of course, if both of you being together makes you both happy, then I won't get in your way, its the least I can do

Y/N: Least? What's the most you can do?

Yang: Beat up the people who'd try to separate both of you

Y/N: Of course you would

Weiss: So how did you and Yang won the tournament?

Before Y/N or Yang could answer, Ruby received a call from her scroll, she answered it and saw it was Tai asking them to rush towards the bullhead docks

Ruby: Huh.... dad said that they need us and there's a bullhead that's ready to take us to Mount Glenn

Blake: Why mount Glenn?

Y/N: I might have an idea

Y/N and team RWBY began walking out of the infirmary and straight to the bullhead docks and saw team JNPR going towards their direction

Y/N: You guys got a mission too?

Pyrrha: Yes, and probably the same as yours too, isn't this exciting!

Yang: Hell yeah! The gang is back together

Nora: YEAH! We get to fight GRIMM side by side again!

Jaune: Come on guys, we're in a hurry

Yang: I'm still hitting you

Jaune: Is that really necessary!?

Y/N | Yang | Ruby: Yes

Jaune: Oh fu----

----( Raven's POV )----

When Ozpin told us that 3 teams needed backup at mount glenn, Summer thought that we would be fine, except thousands of GRIMM began swarming us instead

?????: So mrs. Branwen, when is backup arriving?

Raven: Soon, just stop talking and keep fighting kid!

Tai:*tosses an ursa to 3 beowolves* Qrow, can you give GRIMM some bad luck?

Qrow: I used it much earlier it works but.... I can only affect them one at a time

Summer meanwhile was using her weapon 《Bleeding Heart》 a scythe/rifle weapon to mow down a line of GRIMM

Summer: There's so many of them

??????: Darcy! Watch out! *slashes a beowolf*

Darcy: Thanks Martin

Raven: (These kids aren't bad fighters *looks around and sees a bullhead* at seems like they're late at the party)

????: Finally, backup has arrived

The bullhead's doors opened up as teams RWBY, JNPR and Y/N dropped down, I smiled as I saw them helping us

----( Y/N's POV )----

I active [Pyromaniac] and shot fireballs infused with [High Voltage]'s electric shocks to clear a landing zone for everyone, as everyone landed safely they began to charge towards the GRIMM except for Nora, who was looking at me with a smile

Nora: Hey Y/N~ I need your help

Y/N: Let me guess, power? *places my right hand on Nora's left shoulder*

Nora: Yep! Now come on, charge me up!

Y/N: Alright calm down, there's plenty of GRIMM for you to kill

My hands began to charge with electricity as Nora's hair became spiky and electricity began flowing on it, after 10 more seconds I let go as she began to go crazy towards all the GRIMM

Y/N: Now that's taken care of----

I suddenly heard a scream, I looked at its direction as I saw a familiar face

Y/N: (----Is that----)

Abaddon: (----Rebecca!?)

----( Rebecca's POV )----

When Gavin took the ursa slash for me, I felt my heart sink down into an abyss, was this the end for me, I closed my eyes and accepted death, but at that moment I heard the sound of a blade piercing through something, I opened my eyes and saw a face I never thought I'd be seeing again

Rebecca: Y/N....

Flashback Start•

Many years ago, I used to live in an orphanage, but.... no one ever adopted me, maybe it was because I was a snow fox faunus in Atlas, I cried everyday and beg for someone to adopt me, but I ended up getting harrassed by just asking them to adopt me to the point that the orphanage kicked me out

Caretaker: You've been causing too much trouble with my customers Rebecca, I'm sorry but you've crossed the line

Rebecca:*crying* W-What d-d-d-id.... I-I do wr-w-wro-wrong?

Caretaker:*sighs* Your faunus heritage is the problem....

Hearing those words and the sounds of the door closing in front of me broke my heart, I began wandering the streets when I bumped into someone who would change my life forever

Rebecca:*bumps into someone* I'm sorry, I-I didn't know where I was going, please.... don't hurt me

??????: Don't worry, I won't hurt you

I looked at him, he was much younger than me, but he had a smile that looked like it could brighten the endless abyss around me

??????: My name is Y/N, what's yours?

Rebecca: R-Rebecca Dawson, nice to meet you Y/N, I'm sorry for bumping into you

Y/N: Its ok, why do you look so down?

Rebecca: Its nothing....

Y/N: Oh come on, why don't we go and get some food, you seem to be hungry

Rebecca: I uhhhh.... sure, I guess

Y/N: Great! Come on

After I met Y/N, my life changed forever, a few days later he taught me how to fight and how to survive, in exchange I told him about my past, about how my parents were killed

Y/N: That's horrible

Rebecca: Yeah....

Y/N: Don't you have any relatives?

Rebecca: I do but.... they're in Mistral

Y/N: I'll take you there then

Rebecca: R-Really?

Y/N: Yup, and besides.... they know you more than I do, and from the few days we've been hanging out I don't think you're ready to see what I am capable of

Rebecca: Ok then? (What does he mean by that? I'll probably know someday)

Y/N took me to Mistral where I was able to reunite with my relatives, after saying our goodbyes he went back to his journey, while I study on becoming a huntress

Flashback End•

Rebecca: Y-You're back!

Y/N: Yeah, its been a while hasn't it

Rebecca: Well you've certainly grown

Y/N: So did you

Darcy: Hey you two! Less talking and more fighting!

Rebecca: O-Ok Darcy!

Y/N: We'll talk later *charges towards a deathstalker and slices its head off*

Rebecca: Sure

----( 3rd Person POV )----

As everyone fought the horde of GRIMM, team STRQ with Ruby, Weiss and Yang were fighting the griffins and nevermores, that's when Summer jumped down and stabbed an ursa with 《Bleeding Heart》 as she landed down, she sighed and looked at the city and saw something that horrified her, she took out her scroll on contacted the V.P.D


The Vale police department was soon alerted and began evacuating the citizens, while Ironwood sent atlas soldiers to deal with the invading GRIMM, as Y/N with teams STRQ, RWBY, JNPR, SHDW, CRMN, RNGR rode a bullhead heading back to Vale after theY cleared a landing zone for the bullhead to pick them up

Gavin: FUCK! I can't believe we failed that

Harold: We were getting overwhelmed Gavin, of course we were going to fail that

Y/N: Well what matters now is that we need to start saving lives

Martin: That's a good idea.... uhhhh.... what's your name again?

Y/N: Oh right, why don't we introduce ourselves to each other so we know who's name to scream for help, oh and I'm Y/N Bloodborne by the way

Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose, leader of team RWBY

Weiss: Weiss Schnee

Blake: I'm Blake Belladonna

Yang: The name's Yang Xiao Long

Jaune: I'm Jaune Arc, leader of team JNPR

Nora: Nora Valkyrie

Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha Nikos and hello to you all

Ren: Lie Ren

Rebecca: Nice to meet you all, I'm Rebecca Dawson, leader of team RNGR

Natasha: Natasha Ironwood

Gavin: I'm Gavin Winchester

Damien: I'm Damien Rhodes

Carly: Carly Anderson, leader of team CRMN

Reilly: Reilly Smitherman

Martin: I'm Martin Cromwell

Nancy: Nancy Connor

Sven: I'm Sven Ledezma, leader of team SHDW

Harold: I'm Harold Whitlock

Darcy: Darcy Conner, and yes me and Nancy are twins

William: William Vurnsid

Jaune: Nice to meet you all, oh and Gavin, what's Cardin to you?

Gavin: Oh? You've met my little brother?

Jaune: He's my best friend

Gavin: He did mention about someone changing his mind about the faunus, thank Oum he changed for the better

Weiss: And you Natasha? Are you general Ironwood's daughter?

Natasha: Yes, I am the daughter of general James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch


Rebecca:*giggles* Yep, of course general Ironwood wouldn't announce the public that he had a daughter cause it would make my life very difficult

Carly: Indeed

Y/N: It does make sense

As everyone was still recovering from the shocking reveal, Winter's voice was heard throughout the bullhead

Winter: [Alright, we're opening the doors, get ready to jump down and kill some GRIMM]

Weiss gasped hearing Winter's voice while Qrow, sighed and rolled his eyes, Blake heard Weiss' gasp and question her

Blake: You know that voice?

Weiss: That was my sister

Blake: That was your sister!?

Qrow:*sighs* Quiet down kid, you two can talk about Ice Princess' big sister later, right now, we do our job as huntsmen and huntresses

Everyone: RIGHT!

The doors opens and everyone jumped down and began fighting the horde of GRIMM as they fought, more and more GRIMM kept on coming, that's when Ironwood and Winter arrived with hundreds of atlestian-kinghts coming out the landing bullheads

Qrow: Finally, about time back up arrived

Ironwood: Protect Vale and its citizens, buy everyone time to evacuate

As the huntsmen splited up into their own groups and fought while the citizens ran, Cinder was seen above the arena watching over them with 4 other people around her

Cinder: Darius.... its time for you to use your semblance

She looked at the man with a black coat with white fur and purple tie, as he held his GRIMM infused axe on his right hand

Darius: With pleasure

Darius jumped down and rode a nevermore going down, he landed on top of a nearby roof and jumped towards an atlestian-knight, he grabbed its head and began using his semblance [Corruption]

Darius: (One link breaks the rest will follow)

Suddenly all atlestian-kinghts began to shake wildly, this confused any of the nearby huntsmen since the GRIMM began to ignore those knights

Random Huntsman #1: What the heck is going on with those tin cans

Random Huntsman #2: No idea, just keep fighting

As he said those words, the atlestian-kinghts stopped shaking and stood up

Random Huntsman #3: Something is not right

Random Huntress: What are you talking abo----

Before she could say anything her head was blown off by an atlestian-kinght, the others looked at her terrified of what they just witnessed

Random Huntsman #2: WHAT!?

Random Huntsman #3: Quick! Destro----

He wasn't able to finish as the atlestian-kinght shot him, they began to charge at it only to die at the hands of the other atlestian-kinghts

Darius: (Hmph, machines.... easy to control, like a shepherd with his herd)

Darius began to order them to attack any huntsman they say, when Qrow witness the slaughter, he tried to help some of the civilians but failed as the civilians were shot down one by one, Qrow screamed and transformed into a bird to find Ironwood, he did find him with Winter by his side fighting some GRIMM, Qrow transformed back into his human self and attempted to kill Ironwood, but the attack was blocked by Winter


Qrow: What am I doing? What are your robots doing!?

Ironwood: They're saving liv----

Qrow: ----They're taking lives!

As they argued a mother was running with her child from 2 atlestian-knigts while Qrow fought Ironwood and Winter who were holding back

Ironwood: Qrow, listen I wouldn't take any lives with my soldiers I made a promise to protect them!

As he said this, the mother was shot as her child fell from her hands, the child stood up and looked at his mother with tears on his eyes, he looked at her who signaled him to run away, and as he did the atlestian-knights shot his mother making sure she's dead meanwhile Qrow slashed his blade at Ironwood and the blade's edge struck Ironwood's left eye causing him to scream in pain, Winter rushed for his aid and was able to successfully disarm Qrow

Winter: You have no evidence of----

????: ----Help me!

Qrow, Winter, and Ironwood's attention was now focused on a child who was running towards them, as he got closer to them, the 2 atlesian-knights shot him at the back and at the head killing the boy instantly

Qrow: NO!

Winter and Ironwood looked in horror, the robots they made to protect Vale were killing them instead, Qrow was telling them the truth, that's when Qrow suddenly transformed 《Harbinger》 into its Shotgun form and shot both the robots with fire dusts, he looked at Ironwood in anger and tears running down his eyes, Qrow passes Winter while slowly walked towards Ironwood transforming 《Harbinger》 into its scythe form dragging it on the ground

Winter:*runs behind Qrow and hugs him* Qrow please, stop, this isn't the general's doing

Qrow: Stop defending him Ice Queen *turns to look at Winter* he's a traitor

Winter: Qrow.... *looks at him crying* please, believe me, this isn't his doing

Qrow: Then who!? The CCT got its software upgraded and stopped the virus, how else would these robots attack these people

Winter: I----

An ursa roared as it charged towards them, but what's odd was the 4 atlestian-knights running with it, which made Qrow and Ironwood realize whoever corrupted the robots are from Salem's faction

Qrow: Looks like they found another way

Winter: I'm sorry but.... who's "they"?

Ironwood:*stands up* I'll tell you once we save everyone

Winter: I.... *sighs* yes sir

Winter and Qrow got into a fighting stance as Ironwood pulled his gun and started shooting the robots while Qrow and Winter deal with the Jrsa

Winter: (Something is going on in the shadows, and I need to uncover it for my sister, and for everyone else..... especially you.... Qrow)

As the 3 of them fought the Ursa JNPR, CFVY, CRDL, SHDW, were busy fighting some rogue bots and GRIMM

Fox: Why are the robots attacking us!?

Coco: I don't know, but hold them off!

With Y/N and team RWBY and STR_ they went to the arena to find burnt corpses, along with team YELW fighting a familiar face to Y/N

Y/N: It can't be....

Team YELW notices them and reposition themselves beside team RWBY while Y/N stepped forward as Cinder looked at him with a lustful smile

Cinder: Y/N, darling! Do you love my work? I hope you do, I worked very hard on it~


Cinder: Hmph.... no one is innocent Y/N, you and I know that, your family is the best example for that

Raven: This bitch----

Summer: ----must be Cinder

Cinder: Oh! You got it right! And you two must be my future "mothers-in-law" *laughs* If only that's happening

Y/N: It won't, cause you're dead!

In an instant, Ruby dashes towards Cinder with her scythe but Cinder blocked the attack by creating a sword made of flames as she looked into Ruby's silver eyes with her glowing amber eyes and a wicked smile

Cinder: You must be his twin sister


Ruby's scythe and Cinder's blade began clashing towards one another as Yasuo slashed his blade summoning a tornado towards them, Ruby teleported out but Cinder unluckily got caught by it and was slammed into the wall

Cinder: Such power....

Her eyes widen as she saw Tai and Yang with red eyes charging towards her and punched her through the wall, Raven teleported above them with Summer as they both slashed her mid-air with their blades as Weiss uses her semblance to pull Cinder down to the floor

Weiss: Now Elise!

Elise then uses her semblance 《Swarm》 to summon an army of tiny spiders to swarm Cinder, but the spiders were immediately killed as Cinder's body began to heat up as she stood up while Weiss got tired from using her semblance and nearly fainted

Wayne: Everyone look away!

Everyone looked away from Laura as her body began to glow bright enough to make someone blind just by looking at her, that's when Blake, Wayne, and Y/N charged at Cinder with an army of Shadow clones as the shadows began to strike Cinder with no mercy, Cinder then faints as everyone looked around expecting a much longer fight

Wayne: That was it!?

Yasuo: Wayne, we barely gave her time to react of course that was it

Summer: Yeah, we should do this more often

Raven: Didn't I give you the same idea back then?

Summer: I was more naive back then Rae

Weiss: So what are going to do with her

Before anyone could say anything Ruby ran towards Cinder's body and stomped on her back repeatedly


Yang: Go beat her unconscious body sis!



STR_: Y/N!

Weiss: If only my family could be like this

Blake:*hugs Weiss* Don't worry, I'll make sure that happens

Weiss: Thanks kitty~

As Ruby was about to do a piledriver, GRIMM like plants erupted from the ground as they almost struck Ruby as she dodge the attack and landed beside Y/N

Y/N:*holds onto Ruby* Are you okay?

Ruby: I'm fine Y/N

The GRIMM plants began to decay as 4 figures were seen walking towards them

Zyra: So these are the last 3 silver-eyed warriors?

Tobias: Indeed

Tai: Who are you?

Tobias: You want to start with introductions? Fine then, I'll humor you, the names Tobias Fate

Zyra: Zyra Koen

Akali: I'm Akali Jhomen Tethi

Darius: Darius Herrschaft

Summer: Wait.... Akali?

Akali: Yep, nice to see you again Rose, to bad your kindness earlier won't make me hurt you less

Elise noticed the GRIMM around Zyra's body has eyes and were directly looking at as if it was looking at its prey

Elise: You.... you're part GRIMM!?

Zyra: All 5 of us are, Cinder is only a quarter of it but luckily she doesn't need to kill humans or fauni just to remain sane

Yang: W-What?

Darius: Let's just say.... we need human or faunus brains to remain sane

Yasuo:*tightens his grip* Like that's happening

Tobias:*summons cards from his hands* Oh it is happening

Y/N, RWBY, YELW, and STR_ charged at the 4 new threats that just arrived, meanwhile Cinder woke up from and witnessed the fight going on in front of her, she looked for her scroll and called someone

Cinder: Come on.... pick up.... [contact reached]

???????: Oh, I wasn't expecting you to call me of all people Cinder

Cinder: Shut up Watts, are they ready?

Watts: Indeed they are, which ones do you need or do you need all of them?

Cinder: Send in the Flock and the Hunter

--------[ TO BE CONTINUED ]--------

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