Bossy Vibes (Editing)

By Angela_salvator

744K 21.1K 928

It was a sinner's suicide for anyone to work at Coopers Incorporation. It was no surprise that people aimed t... More

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8.5K 244 18
By Angela_salvator

Please listen to the above song.

Elian's P.O.V

I have never seen Elijah this nervous before. I know he was thinking about Nora. Though Elijah was trying to be calm, I knew that he was not. We don't know about Nora's condition, I hope she is fine.

"How did they knew that Nora was in Mark's house? Unless Mark betrayed us" I said. He was tapping on the table with his fingers. I wonder if he even heard me.

"No not Mark, if he had told them then I would have knew it, it was someone else" he said. Who it can be? It obviously cannot be that little girl, Nina. She wouldn't do that.

"Who else knew about this?" I asked.

"I cannot believe my people betrayed me" he said. I cannot believe that too, they choose the wrong side. Eventually Rico and Steven will kill the person. Rico and Steven both are selfish.

"How much time will it take to track Nora's location?" Said Elijah. He now had a angry look on his face. He is just like a ticking time bomb right now, I have to handle him carefully.

"It will take some time brother, be patient" I said with a smile. If we didn't find her quickly, she might be dead.

"I never understand this but why did you took Nora's responsibility? You never told me about it" I asked. He was in a deep thought. He ignored my question.

"She didn't had any experience of jobs and we always take the best people for our company, then why did you choose Nora Jones? I know she had a scary family background and maybe because of Lucas but still" I asked. He never told me this stuffs. The only thing I knew that Lucas was the leader of the gang 'el cráneo ensangrentado' and after his death the leadership goes to Nora, that was the rule Lucas made. But if Nora dies then Steven gets it, Steven was also a group member but he was kicked out because he killed two people of the gang. Steven was a selfish psycho, he didn't care about anyone except himself and Ben is awful.

"I owed Lucas and his death wish was that I keep Nora safe, he helped me a lot and I couldn't deny his last wish" said Elijah. Lucas really helped us a lot but as far as I know Elijah would never bring any girl to his house specially his assistant.

"Ok, but don't tell me that by keeping her safe, you fell in love with her" o said sarcastically. I didn't expect Elijah would actually love someone. There was an awkward silent.

"Yes, I love her and I don't want her to die, so find her" he said with a frustrated look on his face. I smile.

"We will" I said. Suddenly there was knock on the door, I open it and it was
Max. Max is a very good hacker, we told him to hack Nora's phone and try to track her location.

"Did you do it" I asked.

"Yes, I found her location. She is in Shanghai 21, it's fixed, it's not moving or anything" said Max.

"What are they doing in a Chinese restaurant? Are you sure it's the right location?" I asked.

"It means it's not just a restaurant, it's just a disguise" said Elijah. Disguise? That is possible.

"We have to save her, Elian go and check on Mark and Nina, I am going to that restaurant" said Elijah. He was furious.

"Wait are you going alone?" I asked. He turn towards me.

"Yes so that they didn't hurt her, when you are done come to Shanghai with others, we have to catch Steven" he said. I trust Elijah, he can take them down alone. He is like a lone wolf.

"But why catch Steven and not kill him" I asked with a smirk.

"That will be decided later, for now focus" he said. He took his gun and left.

I couldn't stop thinking about the betrayer, there is a mole in our gang. But who it can be? If we didn't find out the mole then it might be a huge problem for our future business. He or she can be dangerous, we have to stop it before it's too late. I don't think this person hates Nora but instead hates Elijah, why?


This chapter is little bit short,
Sorry for that.
Hope you are liking it so far.

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