The Cupid's Rain

By nadiar2488

211 29 14

Brie hates cold and rain, also doesn't interest in dating. She never know how it feels to share a life with s... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

59 4 7
By nadiar2488

Graduated from college is one of the things on my wishlist. I waited that so bad because I really wanted to get a job outside my hometown. Not that I don't like this place, I do love it, it's just I want to get out of here and explore the world.

I'm the only child that my parents have, so I understand that they never let me go too far from home. And it sucks. I couldn't even join my friends to travelled like wherever they can go, even though when I was in college. It made me feel like I'm a forever kid.

After my graduation, I've applied a job at one of the biggest magazine companies in London. And lucky me, after going through in several online interviews, two days ago I got an email which said that they were very confident about hiring me. I've been accepted! And it was a very good reason for my parents to let me go, they won't ruin my dream as they know that I'm very obsessed to work in that industry.

They have rent an apartment for me and will be there accompany me for couple days just to make sure that I'll be okay to live alone. I've told them to not do that for me, I mean, I'm a big girl. So it doesn't really necessary, besides, I'll have Suzie there.

Suzie is my very best friend since we're at elementary school. We always have an amazing connection and never apart since that time and ever, I guess. She's not going to work in any company like me because she decided to be take part in her family own business which is furniture. Suzie and her mom will have a business trip in London for two weeks. That's why I'll have her there and I'm so glad.

But my parents especially Mom, insisted that they have to be there with me at least just for three days. And three days can be a month, in this case. Yup, she's just too worried about me.

"Brianne!" Mom's voices make me jump from my daydreaming, so I decide to downstairs quickly before it turns louder.

"Yes?" I answered after met her in the kitchen.

"Have you done packed all of your stuffs? We have to go to the airport in an hour." She asked with her worried face.

"Actually everything was done last night, Mom. Nothing will be left. You don't need to worry." I calmed her down with a smile.

Then she smiled and rubbed my hair, "Oh honey, I can't believe you will leave this house soon. Then it will gonna be only me and your Dad here." I can see the sadness and happiness at the same time of her eyes when she said that. She shed the tears.

"Mom, please don't cry. I don't want to make you sad. It makes me feel guilty." I said as I wiped the tears from her cheek.

"No, no. Don't be honey. It's just a joy tears." She smiles. "I'm very proud of you. You've tried so hard to get the job that you really want. And this is it, you got it!" She hugged me so tightly and I hugged her back.

"Thank you, Mom. For everything."

"Brie?" she releases her arms from me.


"Is it really has to be in London?" She frowned.

"Oh Mom, c'mon ..."

"Just kidding, honey." She laughed and winked at me. "C'mon let's help your Dad to put things in the car." She embraced and led me out of the house to help Dad.

I knew that all of these emotional feeling would happened today. Deep in me, it's a little bit hard to leave my parents, and for not having them near me. But c'mon big girl, you can do it. This is what I want. Get a job, move, and have a new life.

After thirty minutes, we left the house and go to the airport. I'm wearing my black high waist skinny jeans and black and white striped t-shirt, also my comfy white sneaker, my dark brown hair is on messy bun, and I put the sunglasses at the top of my head. Yeah, it's my favorite style. I love being simple in fashion. It makes me freely move and of course, confident.

Finally, we're on the plane. Having a seat by the window is my favorite thing. Mom is sitting next to me, while Dad's next to her. I put my earphone on and choose Viva La Vida from Coldplay for the first song to be play on my I-pod. I love this song by the way.

The plane is take off now and will take around six hours from Boston to London in non-stop flight. Yeah, it's long enough but I feel so excited for this flight, can't wait to touch down to London. See ya, Boston! I'm gonna miss ya!

Woohoo! London, here I am! I can't stop smiling as I'm step out of the plane. My eyes are close, I take a deep breath for a new air. The new adventures will begin soon.

Suzie and her mom were in London earlier than me, and she offered to drive me and my parents from the airport to my apartment. Plus, she will help us to fix everything up there. Oh, what a sweet Suzie!

After finishing with our luggage which was taking a while, I texted Suzie to let her know that my parents and I were already in London.

Hi Suzie! I'm arrived!

Then just a few second, my phone buzzed. It's Suzie, Great! Just wait at the arrival gate, I'll be there soon, okay?

I quickly replied, I will, thank you so much!!

With that, I put my phone on my pocket and walk to Dad. "Dad, Suzie will arrive here soon to pick us. She said that we just need to wait at arrival gate, she'll be there."

"Will she??" his eyes widened, and I nodded. "You really have a sweet best friend, Brie. Let's go tell your Mom." I smiled as he embraced me, and we walked towards Mom.

I looked for the 'ARRIVAL GATE' sign as we walked with our luggage, and there it is. Several people had signboards in their hands. I'm sure they're picking up someone they've never met before, so the board would be a big help, but Suzie didn't need it to pick me up.

Suddenly my eyes widened, and I laughed when I recognized there was a board with 'WELCOME TO LONDON BENNETT'S FAMILY' written on it. That's so cute! Once in a while, Suzie jumped with that board and waved her hands to me as she said 'Hi'. I can't hear her voice because there's so many crowds, but I can read her lips. I quickly pushed my trolley towards Suzie and giving her a best friend hug, with Mom and Dad behind me. "I can't believe you made that board. So cute!"

"I know you'll like it, Bestie!" She laughed and we released our hug. "Welcome to London, Mr. And Mrs. Bennett." Suzie opened her arms to my Mom and Dad, hug them.

"Suzie, it's really nice of you." Mom rubbed Suzie's cheek and smiled. "Thank you for picking us here, dear."

"That's no problem. You guys are my family!" Suzie said. And yes, we are family. Actually, I really want to have a sister when I was a kid. But my Mom miscarried when she was six months pregnant my sister be. And the doctor said that Mom could not have more children. That was a worst day in our life. Having Suzie in my life such a blessed. My parents always treated Suzie just like their own daughter. They love Suzie, just like me.

Suzie has been to London at many times, so I think it's right to entrust her to drive me to my apartment. I sat next to Suzie on passenger seat, while of course my parents were on the backseat. Because I'm going to live here, so I'm trying to start memorizing the roads that we passed. Suzie deliberately droves the car not as fast as usual she did to tell me what we encountered on the road. She acted like a professional tour guide. But sometimes she also forgets what the name of the street or building she pointed on, and when she did, she named it with whatever she liked. It made the whole in the car laughed.

This city is so incredible. By this time I still don't believe in myself that I'm going to live here. I think London is a beautiful working city that has a past and present in one time, I mean you can feel the antiquity on one spot while others feel so modern, there's just no place like it. Oh, I have fallen in love with London!

I saw red bricks architectural in some buildings. And I think that's might the dominant here, classic architecture. Once I've heard that London has a clothing store that sells for unbelievable price. Even if you convert the price in US dollars or consider it as pounds, they are still cheap. Beside that clothing store which I forgot the name, London also has million galleries and museums you can go. They are open every day and it's free! See? London has lots to do.

The company where I will work on gave me two days to prepare all of things, and with Suzie here, I want to get to know the city as much as possible. Maybe I could spend my days exploring the neighborhood on foot, to see all around me. So this is my plan, after finishing all the things up at my apartment, I'm gonna freshen up, have a dinner, and go outside to take a walk around with Suzie. The more time the better.

Finally, we reached the apartment. Just like the others building I've seen before; it has red bricks wall and black stairs for entry. My dad has asked Suzie to help him to find a suitable apartment for me, and here it is. It's just needs fifteen minutes to reach my office so I can walk to go to work. Besides, I don't have any vehicle here, so this is perfect.

"Here we are!" Suzie said then turned the engine off. I got out of the car and took my luggage. I'm so excited to see inside of the apartment. Suzie then reached into her pocket to take the apartment key, and in one click she opened the door.

I stepped inside and my jaw dropped, my eyes widened. It's a small stylish apartment which is really beautiful. Suzie just did a very good job by chosen this apartment for me. The first room I met was a living room.

There's a grey comfy couch and looks like it was made of a soft material, with pillows neatly arranged on it. Of course there's a fireplace, because the weather here is unpredictable with mostly rainy and my dad know me so well, I don't like the cold. Separated by it, there's two racks where I can place some of decorations on it.

I found the kitchen and dining room on left of the living room. There's a round glass dining table with pairs of grey chair, and the kitchen is next to it. Simple white up counters and sink were placed there, and in front of it are black counters. I really love the hanging lamp above the dining table, it's so stylish. I think white is dominant in both of the rooms, makes it all looks clean.

Then I am wondering, what will I do with this beautiful kitchen, I'm not good in cooking anything but burn something. Suddenly I remembered the day when Mom and Dad were having their wedding anniversary at a restaurant, I was home alone and starving. I knew, it was a bad idea to refuse their invitation to come along but I did it because I wanted to be a sweet daughter who let the parents to have a romantic night without me. That night, I decided to make a Lasagna for dinner. I've watched Mom made it in many times because it's one of my favorite pasta, so I thought I can did it, easily. I tried to remember every stepped she made, but that was not my lucky day. After a few moment I turn the microwave on, then boom! The microwave was broken and there was a burn Lasagna. I just found out later that aluminium foil shouldn't be placed in the microwave, and Mom always uses an oven instead of a microwave, that's why she never gets a burned Lasagna. The oven was placed underneath the microwave and I didn't even realize it. What a silly me! And yes, that starving night ended with pizza delivery. Thanks to delivery man!

Okay let's back travelling this new apartment. I'm so curious with my new bedroom, and voila! It's gorgeous! I love this bedroom! There's a king size bed, big white wardrobe in front of it, standing mirror next to the door, a white dresser, and a grey chair. Actually it's a small room, but very well designed, so it's awesome! I love it so much that I jumped and lay myself on the comfy bed. "Hold on baby, you're not taking a bath yet." Mom said pulling my hands so that I stood up again and groaned. She's a typical person who is very concerned with cleanliness indeed. So, freshen up before getting into bed is a must.

Next is bathroom. It's a small room but enough to place a white bathtub. Wait, a bathtub?? Great, it would make me feel fancy when taking a bath, thanks again Suzie. Big mirror is hanging on the wall, it made the bathroom looks bigger because of its reflection. Cool idea. Overall, white and grey are dominating this beautiful apartment, and it's a modern minimalism design. I'm gonna say it again, I love it.

Since this is one bedroom apartment and knowing my parents will be here for a week, so I'll let them sleep at the bedroom while I choose that comfy grey couch for my temporary nest.

"Well, it's awesome Suzie, thank you very much." Dad said starring the whole room with satisfied face.

"Yeah. You always have a good taste in everything. That's why my dad entrusted this to you." I nodded and rounded my arms in her shoulder.

"You're the best, Suzie." Mom said and kissed Suzie's cheek.

"No problem." She crossed her leg and do the thank you gesture like a dancer with applause from the audience.

"Okay, now let's unpacking the stuffs, freshen up, and have a dinner." Mom cupped her hands together, "Suzie, is your mother okay if you are having dinner here with us?"

"Yeah, it's okay Mrs. Bennett. She probably will be home late today, you know, the furniture exhibition takes a long time."

"I know it, dear. So that's perfect to having dinner with us, right?"

"Absolutely." Suzie said as she rubbed her tummy and that made me laughed.

Usually Mom always cook for us, but not today. Since we just arrived in a new place, we didn't have anything yet to cook. Again, Suzie saved us. She told us that there's a delicious Japanese food delivery around here. Actually I don't really like sushi, but my dad likes it. So, we decided to order it. It took about thirty minutes, then the bell rang. The food is coming!

And yes, Suzie was right. My tongue is dancing when I put a bite of that sushi. It's a rice rolled up with seaweed, a little bit avocado or something inside, and a slice of fish which I guess it's Salmon on top of it. I didn't know what was this exactly named. What I know is, this is yummy on my tummy. And I can see that everyone feels the same. They're all eat well.

After everybody finished with the dinner, I clean the food wrappers on the table, just a little bit mess, it doesn't take much time. I need to carry out my today's plan, which is take a walk around with Suzie after having a dinner.

Mom and Dad were sitting together in the couch, watching TV. I kissed them on cheek and said will be back soon by wave my hands and left. It's 7 pm. Suzie wears a grey hoodie to cover her long curly blonde hair, and black ripped jeans for the bottom also the black and white sneakers. While I wear light yellow sweatshirt combined with blue jeans and black flip-flops, I let my hair down naturally, it's still a bit wet somehow even I've been showered an hour ago. Maybe because my hair is thick.

The weather feels nice outside, means it's a good time to take a walk. Suzie snapped a selfie with me and posted in on her Instagram. I look everyone walks everywhere. This is the city that never sleeps. I really enjoying the air, the street, the city lamps, everything. But next time it would be better if I'm wearing a sneakers to take a walk, because we've been walking only for a few moments and my legs already hurt. Maybe it's also because I forced myself for doing this, my body feel very tired today. "You know what, I think it seems like we should just go home and continue this tomorrow." I said as I stop walking with Suzie do the same.

"Doesn't it too soon, Brie? I mean, you said that you want to explore this city as much as you can." She laughed.

"I knew it. But I feel so tired today. And stop laughing, cause my legs feel so sore like a grandma."

Suzie's laugh louder instead of stop. "Well, alright grandma, let's go home. Should I piggy-back you?"

"Shut up!" I punch her arm then we turn around to go back home in giggles.

When I get back to my apartment Mom and Dad were fall asleep in my room. Suzie said goodbye and left. It's 9 pm. I go to the bathroom and doing my routine before bed which are, brush teeth, cleaning my face with cleanser and face wash, put essence, serum, and cream on my face. I love doing this skincare steps, it makes me feel so clean and fresh.

I put my socks on then climb on the couch and dive in the blanket. I pull my blanket to my chin, even it's not cold enough, but I love covering almost all of my body like this to get a better sleep. Despite my eyes are heavy right now, I reach the remote and turn the TV on in very low volume hoping that it won't waking up my parents. I don't really have any idea what to watch, so I just keep clicking the buttons but still don't get any of good channel right now. The lamp is off, so the light is just come from the TV. With just in a few minutes, my eyes are getting heavier, and I fall asleep.

The next day, I go to the mall with Suzie to buy some clothes since I didn't brought lots of office look clothes. My hands are already hold three paper-bags filled with clothes, then my eye goes to a glossy black heels. The heel is just about five centimeters, so I think it won't make me fall when I walk within. Wearing a heels just not so me, but I should start to learn from now. Suzie said that I should buy it to make me looks more feminine. Well, agreed with that.

Finish with the mall, we go to the park. That city park is not far from my apartment. Suzie and I just sitting on a bench, eating ice cream and watching people around. There's a group of young mom with their babies, and I chuckles when suddenly I'm wandering, what if one day I become one of them. Well, babies are cute, but having a baby? That's just ... umm, I don't know... "What?" I shook my head to throw my ridiculous thought when Suzie speaks.

"What is so funny?"

"Nothing." I smile and keep enjoying my ice cream. "I was just watching them." I move my head gesturing to point that group of young mom to Suzie.

"The babies? Are you sure?" Suzie laughed. I know she will.

"You should watching him instead of the moms and their babies." Suzie point on a jogging guy in white t-shirt, black short, black hat, and ear-pod on.

"What is so interesting with that guy? We can't even see his face but back."

"You've just missed it when he passed by Brie. I was thinking he's perfect for you." I giggle, she always had a funny random statement.

"You can't just picking on a random guy for me, Suzie."

"Why not? Maybe he's your real prince charming, Brie. It's England, where the palace in. So who knows?" she laughed. I never have a boyfriend ever in my life, while Suzie twice. I don't know, I just not interest in yet. In my opinion, having a boyfriend means I will have no time for myself and my friends, and the worst part is it can turn us to be not like us, loose ourselves. I've seen it in some of my friend when in high school and college. Mom asked me and even worry sometimes to why didn't I have a boyfriend yet? But I just brushed it off, I feel okay with myself, there's no worries. I believe that the time will come to me, and that's the way it is.

Todayis almost over, that means tomorrow will be come soon, and my workday is comingsoon. I've prepared what clothes, bag, and shoes should I wear for tomorrow butstill, my stomach fluttered in nervous. It makes me can't sleep. Oh come on Brie,just close your eyes and sleep. I don't want there's an eye bag because of badsleep for my first day tomorrow. I turn the calm music on in low volume, hopingit will help. And yes, it does makes me calmer and relax, then sleep in peace.

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