Love on The Brain

By JReezyyyy

172K 6.9K 1.5K

Y/n, 28, is a famous rapper and r&b singer, who has a run in with the gorgeous Rihanna at an award show. Y/n... More



10.1K 417 48
By JReezyyyy


Last week, Rihanna and I met with a graphic designer, and out of that meeting came some ideas I'm super excited about.

I can't wait to share this with the world. Besides music, fashion has always been a big interest to me. I love to express myself through clothing, shoes, and accessories.

Robyn has basically become my unofficial business partner. I offered to set up pay for her because of all the work she's done to help me on this, but the singer declined, stating she's here and helping as a friend, and because it's fun, not because she wants money.

I felt that was very respectable, but still. She's done a lot in just the past two weeks alone. Still though, she assures me she get's a lot out of it, so who am to tell her otherwise?

We've been seen a lot, hanging out in public together since the Grammy's, which has caused a lot of speculation on social media. I see headlines and tweets everyday about Rihanna and I's 'ship' and the tons of fan accounts dedicated to posting edits of us and 'y/s/n proof'.

I had a good laugh over it with Drake, but Rihanna hasn't brought it up, so I haven't either. Watching the edits and shit kind of makes me wish it were true. But the odds of her liking me are literally none

The shorter woman flirts with me a lot, which never fails to either make me blush, feel giddy, or long for something I'll never have. I flirt back of course, and if she asked me, I'd tell her I'm joking, just as she is, but I know I'm not.

When I call her beautiful when she compliments me, I mean it. How can I not?

I know for a fact that she is single, but I'm too scared to make any sort of move on her. If friends is the only relationship I'm going to get, I'll figure out how to make due with it.

Currently I was laying in my bed, having just woken up. It was around 8 am, which is normally waaayyy to early for me. I'm more of a 9:30-10 kind of guy, but today, my phone was ringing, which woke me up.

"Hello?" My voice was deep and raspy from sleep, and I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Well good morning to you too, sleepy head." Rihanna's voice rang out from the other end, making a smile break out onto my face.


"I was wondering you wanted to maybe grab some breakfast? I have to go to the studio today-later this afternoon-but I'm free right now, and I'm bored."

"You can't call Melissa?" I joked, feeling honored that she chose to call me.

"I can, but I called you first. I think she's busy with Aub anyway. So either be honored that I picked you, or don't, but either way, get your ass out of bed. I'm hungry." She said with a laugh.

"Fine, I'll be there soon. We taking two cars or one?"

"One. I don't feel like driving."

"Oh great, so I'm also your uber now?" I said, feigning a groan. I knew that if the shorter woman was here right now, she'd probably wack me, and that thought made me chuckle.

"Don't act like you hate it when I know you love it. But yes. Yes you are." 

"Okay, be there in 30."

"See you soon."

With one last flop face first into my pillow, I reluctantly got out of bed and jumped in the shower. I really didn't feel like putting effort into my outfit, so I just grabbed some sweats and a random shirt.

I didn't even bother doing my hair either, opting instead to just let it air dry. If it's ugly, it's ugly. Who cares.

As promised, I arrived at Rihanna's house 30 minutes later on the dot. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw her locking her front door. Her outfit wasn't intricate either.

She wore high-waisted sweat pants, which I didn't know was a thing, with a messy bun, and a tank top. And she still looked fucking gorgeous.

I've always been one of those people who loves the messy look on girls. They always look so adorable. Don't get me wrong, I love when they dress up too.

"I didn't know if you'd actually come." The chocolate skinned woman said with a smirk, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Oh ye of little faith. You want breakfast, I am here to oblige, as both your uber, and your servant."

She knew I was joking, but I could tell she was enjoying this. "That's what I like to here! Now let's go! The croissants won't eat themselves!"

The other woman gave me the directions to a cute little coffee shop a few minutes away, and we parked in the back, hoping to avoid any paps.

I'm not sure how, but we managed to get a table and order without people coming up to us, but we were getting a lot of stares.

"This food is to die for." Robyn said, taking a bite of her muffin. I nodded in agreement, my mouth full of food.

"I used to come here almost everyday, but then I thought it might make me fat, so now I only come like once a month." She said, giggling.

"I'd for sure eat here everyday, but I'd have to workout for an extra ten hours to keep in shape." I said, taking a sip of my latte.

"Well how much do you workout now?" The singer asked, wiping her hands on her napkin.

I shrugged. "Depends on how busy I am, but usually I'm always able to fit a workout in either early morning, or at night. Most of the time for about an hour, hour and a half. Sometimes D and I workout together, but he's been busy the last few months."

The brunette nodded. "That sounds like a lot more commitment than I have. Lis and I try to workout at least 5 times a week, but most of the time end up fooling around or get distracted by hot people."

I snickered. "Yeah, I get that."

"We should be work out partners. At least then I can get distracted by you." Rihanna had a devilish smirk on her face, which made me laugh.

"I mean, if you think I'm that distracting..." 

"Oh trust me. You are."

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