From Friends to Lovers - Book...

By KrisBlowe

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The fourth installment of the series, From Friends to Lovers. If you haven't read Book III, please stop! Save... More

Chapter 1 - Crimes of Passion - May
Chapter 2 - Paging Doctor Jackson - May
Chapter 3 - Revelations - May
Chapter 4 - Next Level Bromance - May
Chapter 5 - Who He Cheating With? - Early June
Chapter 6 - Retail Therapy - June
Chapter 7 - Everybody's Plotting - June
Chapter 8 - This Thing Called Love - June
Chapter 9 - The "Comeback" Divo - Late June
Chapter 10 - The Darker Side - Late June
Chapter 11 - Cheers To You - Early July
Chapter 12 - Breaking Boundaries - Mid July
Chapter 13 - Busy Bodies - Late August
Chapter 14 - Don't Be Suspicious - September
Chapter 15 - That's What Love Can Do - Mid September
Chapter 16 - Bad Influence - Late September
Chapter 17 - I'm The Real Deal - Early October
Chapter 18 - The Interviews & The Confession - November
Chapter 19 - Tying Up Some Loose Ends - November
Chapter 20 - Family Ties - Thanksgiving Week Late November
Chapter 22 - Sexual Eruption - Early December
Chapter 23 - Ultimatums - Mid December
Chapter 24 - Many Hours Later - Mid December
Chapter 25 - Sexploration - Mid December
Chapter 26 - Six Degree of CĀ² - Late December - Early January
Chapter 27 - In Conclusion - February - August

Chapter 21 - Getting Caught Up - Late November

274 16 26
By KrisBlowe





After making last-minute arrangements to meet up with Dequan and Alex, Sydney sends them a thousand dollars to reserve them for dates. The plan he hatched was that he needed to flaunt some good looking men to make his ex jealous at a party later that night. He claimed he was coming to meet them and take them shopping.

On his way to fix another potential incident that Chris found himself, Sydney sees Addison. She was leaving the hotel, using one of the side entrances with a young man, someone much younger than her. The young man walked with Addison towards the front doors, before turning back around and rushing to catch the elevator Sydney was in. The young man waves at Sydney to holds the door for him, as Alex enters the elevator, he thanks Sydney for holding the door.


Sydney: of course. [looks at Alex in the corner of his eye]

Alex: [looks at the floor buttons on the panel] Oh, we're going to the same floor.

Sydney: [putting on a fake smile] indeed.


When the doors opened on the third floor, Sydney allows Alex to exit first. Sydney walks slowly behind Alex, hoping to see what room he was going. Sydney was looking at the numbers on the room doors while watching the young man, to see what room he went into. Sydney was very protective of his nieces and nephew, ever since their father was killed. He wanted to ensure that Addison wasn't getting entangled with anyone "unsavory." After Alex opens the door to his room and steps in, a loud argument ensued.


Voice From the Room (Dequan): every fucking time she calls, you just drop everything.

Alex: [pushing his way into the room] move outta the way, DAMN! [enters the room and slams the door, Sydney moves closer to the room and listens to the argument]

... I don't say shit when you go see Keyon, Jason, Kenny, Stephon, or Eddie!

Voice From the Room (Dequan): yeah, but she used to pay, now she getting free dick!

Alex: at least it's only one person. You give free ass to every fucking body Dequan.


When Sydney hears the name, he realized that these guys were the ones Chris and Clay hired. After he looks at the number to the room door, it confirmed that they were the people he was supposed to see. Sydney decides the best thing to do is to leave and not confront Alex and Dequan. On his way out of the hotel, he removes the SIM card from the phone and factory resets it before throwing it down into the sewer.


After returning to Chris' house, Sydney told Chris that he needed to avoid those men and that he wouldn't be able to anything until he knew more about them. Chris didn't question his uncle; he simply thanks him for all he had already done.


Sydney: dear boy, that's my job.

Chris: [hugs his uncle] I'll promise not to get involved with any more sketchy people.

Sydney: [chuckles] my boy, never make promises you cannot ensure happens ... or does ... not.

Clay: [walks into the study] ... hey baby, I'm going to the range with Carl.

Sydney: [eyes lit up] ... RANGE? What kind of range?

Clay: indoor shooting range. I need to keep my skills up.

Sydney: [extremely excited] would you mind if I tag along?

Clay: [shrugs his shoulders] sure why not. Are you familiar with guns?

Sydney: [scoffs] young man, I've handled more firearms than you have months on this Earth.

Clay: [slightly impressed] ... oh okay, then maybe you can get Chris to come with us.

Chris: no thank you. [walks away]

Sydney: What are you bringing?

Clay: only my SIG Sauer P226

Sydney: [nodding his approval] an excellent choice.

Clay: yeah, my brother keeps all of the rifles.

Sydney: I prefer these. [takes out his phone and shows Clay an old photo of him and some foreign countries combat fatigues]

Clay: I didn't know you were in the military.

Sydney: I served with the Korps Commandotroepen ... that's Commando Corps of the Royal Netherlands Army for just under ten years before returning home after Chris' father died.

Clay: oh wow. Any cool stories?

Sydney: not any that I can tell you truthfully about.

Clay: oh, like special forces type stuff.

Sydney: yes dear boy. [smiles proudly]




Sydney: I need to speak to you about your activities. I know that you're divorced, but the young man you saw this weekend works for men as well. He knows your brother. I just hope you haven't put yourself in a position that came be used against either one of you.

Addison: really? Are you coming to me with this because you're worried about me and my reputation? Or is this about the "golden boy?"

Sydney: I'm concern for you both. [rubbing Addison on the side of her shoulder]

... Christopher doesn't know about you and this young man, and I intend to keep it that way. I told him to avoid any further contact with that man. But you know your brother is young and most likely will do the opposite of what I asked him to. [sighs]

... you are the eldest and the wisest. You know what this family has been through. More so than your sister and brother. So for the sake of your old uncle and your lovely family, please avoid this young man also.

Addison: [sighs] I know, I shouldn't be running to him every time, I go to Columbia or praying that he's in Atlanta. But, I know you know how it is.

Sydney: yes, I do, but once money is involved and the things you're doing are done in secret. That's a prime opportunity for exploitation. Just be more careful from now one.

Addison: how do you know all of this?

Sydney: I was going to clean up Chris' mess when I saw you leaving the hotel.

Addison: [shaking her head] ... I won't even ask. [extends her arms to hug her uncle]

... Chris wants to host us for the New Year, will you be here?

Sydney: of course. [hugging Addison and gives her European style kisses her on cheeks]




With a house full of kids, even the overstock of milk ran out. Erica drove to the supermarket to pick some up, as she was going inside a car lost control and crashed through doors. Erica had her back to the car as it smashed through glass doors. The car narrowly missed her, but a razor-sharp chunk of glass cut her posterior tibial artery. Erica scream as the intense pain shoots throughout her entire body. If it wasn't for the off duty nurse in the rear of the store, Erica would have bled out in the supermarket.


After getting the call about the accident, Chris, Clay, Addison, and Sydney all rush to the hospital. When they get there, the first question that the doctor asked was if anyone was related to Erica or had A positive blood.


Sydney: I am, I'm compatible with her.

Doctor: are you sure?

Sydney: yes, she's my daughter.


When Sydney said that, it was like a bomb had been dropped and it sucked the air out of the room.


Addison: [nervously chuckles due to the shock] ... Wait, what? Your daughter? How do you have a daughter?

Sydney: that same way that Kelvin is the father of your children, my dear.

Addison: [walks away] I can't deal with any more surprises and bombs you've been detonating on me this weekend.





The van der Berg family was once connected to royalty. But after Chris' great granduncle on his father's side passed away without any children at all, that connection was severed. Chris' grandfather was putting intense pressure on Christopher Sr. and Sydney to have sons to continue to family's name. Since they were the only males to carry the family surname.

After Addison gave birth to her, she soon discovered that she was unable to carry any other fetus to full term. When Christopher Sr.'s found out, he began to make her life a living hell until she abandons them. He met Chris' mother Paula, four years later and Brooke was born a year later.

The pressure of having male heirs fell on Sydney's shoulders. Sydney knew that he was gay ever since he was six years old. He hid his feelings for years until he started high school and began a secret relationship with a boy that was the son of Chris' grandfather's chauffeur. One day Sydney's mother discovered him in the servant's quarter getting a blow job from the boy.

Sydney's mother was more upset at the fact he was in a secret relationship with the son of the chauffeur more than she was upset that it was a boy. She kept the fact that Sydney was gay from Sydney's father and made all of the servants promise to keep the same-sex relationship hidden. Sydney's father wasn't pleased with the fact that his son was "slumming" with the child of a servant. However, he did share a laugh with Sydney, and he understood that he was trying to "sow his oats."

Sydney was sent off to military school as a way to instill discipline into him. He learned the discipline his father wanted, but he found other boys that were in the closet as well. Sydney enjoyed the structure and camaraderie. He found one boy that he fell in love with, they decided to enter the military academy in the Netherlands and later served in the Royal Netherlands Army together. Sydney was an outstanding military officer and served in the Commando Corps.

When Sydney would come back to Curacao to visit, his parents would always attempt to fix him up with eligible socialists. One day he got fed up and went out on a date with a young lady, his mother set him up with. They long-distance dated for several months until he returned to Curacao and tried to see if he could keep up the charade. He had sex with her and got her pregnant. Fearing that he would have to marry her, Sydney confessed to her and returned to the Netherlands and didn't return for years.

Erica was told that her biological father died months before she was born. Her mother met someone a year later and married him. Sydney would send money and gifts for Erica's birthday and for Christmas.




While all of those family gatherings and sexual experiments were happening with Chris and Clay, Luis was left to fend for himself.

After Luis was interviewed by the police, Ashley asked Chris not to have any contact with them. She wanted to avoid any of the negative publicity that Giovonni received after all of the horrible news on Latroy, aka "Lil Murda" was broadcasted.

The detail surrounding the death of Keidrick was that some unknown group of men at least two were captured on camera breaking into Keidrick's hotel room. The men trashed the room to make it look like they were looking for something hidden in the room. They took everything of value, but they were looking for any electronic devices and written materials. The made sure that they took any drug paraphernalia along with them to make the break look like a drug-related robbery.

Once the crew finished up at the hotel, they raced to Luis' townhouse to finish the second part of the plan. They needed to ensure that Luis wasn't around. They lured him away with a new model that was interested in performing in one of Luis' Onlyfans videos.


Luis went to meet the potential new model at a restaurant. The guy said he wanted to make sure that Luis' wouldn't kidnap him use him for a sex slave or something.


Luis: wow, you the one with all the muscles. I'm the one that should be worried.

Marques: [chuckles] if you say so, I'm a big soft. Plus, I ain't even that big?

Luis: [giggles] not big, then you might be sore. Nothing personal, be my followers like em big.

Marques: [laughs] oh no, I'm big where it really counts.

Luis: Okay, I need proof.

Marques: pics or videos?

Luis: both, and some of you fucking or getting fucked.


Marques takes out his phone and shows Luis a video of him playing with himself. Scrolling through the pictures and videos, Luis noticed that they were all in the same location. Hands the phone back to Marques.


Luis: you ever do this before?

Marques: no ... but I got bills and loans to repay.

Luis: honestly, I don't think you got what it takes.

Marques: damn, that's cold.

Luis: I mean, I just don't feel it. You got a nice-looking dick, but nothing with you and somebody else. No ass shots. You a top?

Marques: yeah.

Luis: I like using verse models. But I'll keep you in mind. [extends his hand towards Marques]

Marques: ... wait, how can I change your mind?


While Luis was away, the crew broke into his townhouse and immediately shot Keidrick in the legs. Once the men got Keidrick tied into the chair, he showed him pictures of his mother and sister in New Orleans. They also showed him pictures of other members of his family. But when they showed him a live stream video of his younger sister playing with her friends.


Keidrick: [the pain in his legs was unbearable] ... I don't got no money, but I'll give you anything you want. Just leave my little sister outta this.

Hitman #1: good answer. [hands Keidrick the phone]

... unlock it! [takes the phone back and hands Keidrick the laptop]

... and this too!

Keidrick: [crying] iight, iight! [enters the pin for the laptop and hands it to the hitman]

Hitman #2: five minutes.


As soon as Keidrick unlocks the phone and laptop, the first guy takes it and reviews it. He begins to delete everything stored in the document folders. Handing the laptop back first and then the phone.


Hitman #1: open the cloud and anywhere else you got stuff stored.

Keidrick: [crying] I'm sorry. [realizing that they wanted what was on his phone and laptop and not money]

... please don't kill me.

Hitman #1: I won't.

Hitman #2: three minutes. [after Keidrick unlocks the laptop and phone, the first guy begins to delete everything on his accounts]

... if you're keeping anything from me, we're coming after your family.

Keidrick: [crying] I swear, I swear. It's all there. I'm not lying.

Hitman #2: [walks in front of Keidrick and fires the killing shot] ... one minute.



They finish making the staging the room to make it look like another robbery. The two men fired blank rounds to get the attention of the neighbors after they secured the laptop and phone.

Since Luis' home was a crime scene, he wasn't allowed to enter it. Luis didn't want to spend the night where someone was killed. He stayed at a hotel for a few days, before reaching out to his father for help in finding a new place to live. Luis' father told him that he should return to Miami if he was free to do so? Luis lied and said that he was told not to leave to state. Seeing that his father wasn't going to help him the way he wanted, Luis bought Anthony a one-way ticket to Atlanta.


Anthony: so, he asked you not to come to the house and hasn't spoken to you since they interview?

Luis: [almost sobbing as he sighs] ... yeah.

Anthony: that's fucked up. I thought that was your boy!

Luis: he said it's about the perception or some shit.

Anthony: so he ghosted you cause it might make him look bad? Well, I'm here to take care of my little buddy.

Luis: aww! I know I don't treat you as good as I should. But you always there for when I need you.

Anthony: of course, I'm that nigga.

Luis: [giggles] yes ... my nigga.

Anthony: always. [hugs Luis]

... what you gonna do 'bout a place to live?

Luis: the homeowner's association claiming I'm a drug dealer with no fucking proof. They said I violated the contract and bought me out. So I'mma look for a new place next week. I still got two weeks in the hotel.

Anthony: Okay, once the final grades get applied, I'll graduate next week. Soooo ...

Luis: [gets extremely excited] YOU GONNA MOVE HERE?

Anthony: you want me to?

Luis: yeah, you been there for me, so sure. But what you gonna do?

Anthony: use that business degree.

Luis: good, I'mma start a new porn company. I'mma call it "Raw Patrol!"

Anthony: [laughs loudly] nah, not "Raw Patrol!" You can't fuck my cousin's favorite cartoon.

Luis: [laughs] okay, we'll come up with another name, now let thank you properly for coming to see me.




Looking at affordable townhouses and condos online, Luis and Anthony were rubbing on each other. Anthony was massaging Luis' neck and shoulders.


Luis: I know I don't treat you as good as I shoulda. People say the ones that stick by you when you down, are the real ones. [hugging Anthony]

... you one of the realest. I'm really happy I met you, even though I wasn't feeling you when we first met.

Anthony: [laughs] you was being a big ass bitch. Just nasty for no reason.

Luis: [giggles] but ... but ... you here.

Anthony: [smiling at Luis] yes I am.

Luis: [becomes giddy] yes you AREEEE!

Anthony: you gonna do that with no clothes on?

Luis: as long as you ain't got none on either. Cause I'mma do it on that dick.

Anthony: nah, I ain't tasted you for way too long.




(I know that was a lazy way to explain the interactions, but I'm trying to wrap this book up)


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