The Cure for Immaturity

By HolyEmpressKira

1K 71 34

When a mysterious phenomenon turns Endou into a 6-month-old baby, Gouenji is stuck with the responsibility of... More

2. Don't ask that
3. Sleep Deprived
4. Crib shopping

1. Baby on board

288 20 8
By HolyEmpressKira

Gouenji switched his gait from a power walk to a jog as he looked at his watch. Late again. He was supposed to meet Endou at the fountain park to discuss something. He was sure this time he had begun getting ready with enough time to spare and yet somehow now he was running.

He could already picture Endou making fun of him for that. Every time Gouenji did this Endou didn't miss the opportunity to comment how he was "always late". This began in junior high yet after all these years the joke was still alive. Endou was childish like that to still find it funny even though they were all grown up and he was now even married.

Endou had barely changed, if at all, since his junior high days. He still had the same enthusiasm, same habits, same sense of humor. Sometimes he could be really immature too and he needed to be told that he should act his age.


Endou was pacing around waiting for Gouenji. After a while, he got tired and sat down at the ledge of the fountain. He began scrolling through social media. He came across a short video and ended up laughing so hard he almost fell back into the fountain. Just as he was about to share it his eyes fell on the comments.

"This isn't even funny."

"Who can possibly find it funny? Probably someone with a dumb sense of humor."

"Literally only children would find it funny. "

These were some of the top comments with thousands of likes with everyone in the reply agreeing.

Endou's face fell upon reading that.

"Am I really immature and childish like everyone says?" He began thinking. He fell into a spiral thinking about it. Eventually he decided he didn't want to be that way anymore. He would begin acting like a serious and mature person. But he didn't know how to change himself. It sounded difficult and he didn't have the time for it. If only he could find a way to just wish it and it would happen.


Gouenji stopped at the gate of the park to catch his breath a bit. He then straightened up and assumed his regular stoic state and moved forward. He already knew where Endou would be waiting for him.

"I know, I know I'm late again. I'm always..." He already began speaking as he approached the fountain expecting Endou to hear him. To his surprise, there was no one immediately visible. He looked around in confusion searching for him. Could it be that he was finally early for once?

"Endou?" He called out, as a feeling of smugness crept up his face. He was hoping he wasn't around and was yet to arrive. His mind was already racing to figure out ways to rub it in his face.

"Wah!" A cry directed his attention to the ground.

"What the hell?!" There was a baby on the ground sitting between a pile of clothes that resembled Endou's usual outfit. An orange headband was loosely wrapped around his body.

Gouenji was struck dumb for a moment at the bizarre scene in front of him. He wasn't sure what to make of it all. The baby was now staring at him as if expecting to be picked up. Gouenji didn't know what to do. He didn't want to pick up a random baby and possibly get in trouble but at the same time leaving him there was out of the question.

A few moments went by as Gouenji and the baby remained staring at each other. It was strange how the baby seemed familiar. Not to mention the clothes that oddly resembled Endou's.

"Endou?" Gouenji quietly said, eyeing the baby suspiciously.

The baby immediately flailed it's stubby arms at him.

"Endou?" He called out again louder and with more surety.

"Wahhh!!!" The baby shrieked, flailing his arms.

Gouenji immediately dropped to the floor to level with him.

"Oh my God! What happened to you? How did this happen? Are you okay?" He fired a series of questions.

In response, Endou gave him a death glare.

"Oh right, you cannot speak. " Gouenji quieted down sheepishly.

Gouenji was still at his wits' end on what to do next so he thought it best to get some help. He pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"What is it?" Kidou answered in a reluctant fashion. He was enjoying some leisure after long and the call disturbed him.

"Come to the fountain park. Now!" Gouenji directed him, ignoring his bored tone.

"Why? I'm reading a book. Whatever it is, tell me later. " He wanted to hang up but Gouenji interjected before that.

"No! This is urgent! Come here right now!" He said and then quietly added, "Oh and, bring a stroller. "

"Excuse me?" Kidou's interest was piqued at this bizarre request from Gouenji, "What's going on?"

"I can't explain over the phone. Just bring the stroller. "

"Do you think I just have strollers lying around my house for no apparent reason??" Kidou exclaimed.

"Okay then buy one on your way!" Gouenji answered annoyedly.

Kidou arrived one long thirty minutes later. He was taken aback to see Gouenji holding a baby wrapped in a jacket and talking to him as he paced back and forth,

"Don't worry, Kidou is going to be here any moment. Don't cry again. "

"What is going on here? " Kidou addressed them loudly, "Why do you have this baby, Gouenji? Don't tell me you're going to get me in trouble. This is the last thing..."

"This is Endou!" Gouenji stressfully cut him off.

Kidou was taken aback as well as Gouenji briefly narrated everything he had witnessed.

"How did this happen?" Kidou asked the same question.

"We can't know because Endou can't speak now. " Gouenji shrugged, "Anyway, can we just leave here and figure it out later? " He suggested as he put baby Endou down in the stroller.

Kidou looked around investigatively for five minutes before they all made their way to Gouenji's house.

They set Endou down on a table as they sat down surrounding him.

"Now what?" Gouenji said as he sat with his hand on his cheek.

"We need to find out who's behind this. " Kidou said seriously, "Who could it be?" He thought quietly for a while and then remarked, "Kageyama?"

"Did you forget he is dead?" Gouenji immediately responded.

"Maybe he is somehow still alive. I wouldn't put it past him." He was getting excited now, "I bet it's him. It's a new trick. " He slammed his fist on the table.

The next moment the house echoed with the shrieks of the baby.

"What the hell, Kidou! You scared him!" Gouenji rebuked him and tried to shush Endou. A few seconds later, he became abruptly quiet, seemingly confused at his own behaviour.

"Anyway! I'll get to the bottom of this no matter what! I'll think about it at home. " Kidou said as he got up swiftly.

"Woah, woah! Excuse me?" Gouenji exclaimed, "You're just going to leave me here with this baby?"

"Uhh...what would I do?" Kidou replied awkwardly.

"Help me??!" Gouenji exclaimed.

"If I'll spend time here how will I find out the solution? " He shrugged.

"So you expect me to deal with him alone?" Gouenji argued.

"Shouldn't be a problem for you. "

"Why is that?"

"" Kidou fumbled, "you...Yuuka!" He suddenly exclaimed.


"You have Yuuka. Didn't you take care of her? Just do what you did then. " He mentally patted himself on the back for managing the situation.

"You have a sister too. " Gouenji retorted.

"I didn't live with her though. So I wouldn't know. " Kidou shrugged evasively.

"Oh c'mon! Really? That's your excuse?"

"It is what it is. " Kidou shrugged again with a sheepish grin and rushed to the door before Gouenji could protest further.

"Wait! What do I tell Natsumi? " Gouenji yelled after him but by that time he was already gone.

The door closed with a 'thud' and the next moment baby Endou began crying again. Gouenji sighed in exasperation and then looked up at Endou.

"You must be hungry, right? " He remarked. He then realised he didn't have anything that would be required to take care of a baby. So he put baby Endou in the stroller again for a trip to the supermarket.


He followed a list he found on the internet to buy the basic things he needed. As he pushed the stroller around the aisle looking for things, suddenly his phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket only to be filled with dread as he looked at the caller's name.

It was Natsumi. 

Gouenji wiped the sweat forming on his forehead now and picked up the phone.

"H-hello? " He cleared his throat as he answered.

"Is Moru with you? He was supposed to be home an hour ago and now I'm getting worried. Please tell me he's with you. " She sounded so worried it made Gouenji feel bad for her. He decided it wasn't the best time to let her know what had become of her husband, especially since even he and Kidou didn't understand what exactly transpired in the park and how to fix it.

"Yes of course he is with me." This part was not exactly a lie, "Something really important has come up and this work needs to be finished urgently so he will be staying with me today. We will be working all night. " Now he lied.

"What? Why didn't he tell me? I was going to make his favourite dish today!" She seemed upset.

"His phone died." Gouenji answered abruptly as he thought of the excuse.

"Anyway, if you don't mind I'll hang up now because we're very busy. " He ended the conversation before she could ask more.

"I can't believe he's doing this. If he was just going to stay at Gouenji's place he should have at least told me. " These words fell on Gouenji's ears the next moment, sending him into an alarmed state immediately. He frantically looked around trying to locate the owner of the voice.

He found her in time, as she was just about to turn to his aisle talking to Haruna. He quickly pushed the stroller to a side and hid himself behind a corner shelf.

"Now I've already got all these ingredients to make his favourite dish and he isn't even gonna come home. What do I do with all this?" Natsumi was still complaining.

"Why don't you join me for dinner?!"She suddenly exclaimed after a pause.

"What?No!" Haruna panicked and exclaimed at once but then covered up, "I mean I wish but I already have plans. Why don't you send the extra food over to Gouenji's? They both will finish it easily. "

Gouenji facepalmed at Haruna's suggestion and wondered if he had ever offended her and now inflicting Natsumi's food upon him was her revenge. He would definitely ask if he ever got the chance.

"That's a great idea! " Natsumi's face lit up.

He waited for them to leave and then immediately rushed home with everything he had bought. He prepared a bowl of baby food and then settled down to feed him.

Endou looked at the bowl of food and scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"I know it sucks but this is what you can eat. " Gouenji informed him. He then took a spoonful and extended it towards Endou.

But instead of opening his mouth, Endou looked away.

"Are you serious right now? Why are you making this more difficult than it has to be?" Gouenji spoke in exasperation.

But this did not affect Endou at all. He continued to look away and frowned.

"I know you can understand me so please don't do this. " Gouenji spoke again and tried to bring the food up to his mouth again.

But Endou looked to the other side. Gouenji tried to follow his action but then he switched sides again. This went on for a while until Gouenji finally tricked him and was able to get the spoon into his mouth.

Endou glared at him with puffed cheeks and then slowly began moving his mouth to chew and swallow.

"See, it's not that bad. " Gouenji tried to lighten the mood but Endou only looked at him like he wanted to chase him down the street.

Somehow, Gouenji managed to get Endou to eat the entire bowl food but by the end of it he felt tired. Now he realised he too was hungry and he hadn't made any preparation for dinner.

He was planning to order something when suddenly the bell rang.

"Oh shit, Natsumi!" He muttered under his breath. He quickly picked up Endou and put him in another room.

In the meantime, the bell rang again. Gouenji faced Endou and warned him, "That's your wife outside. You know she can't find out about your situation or she will be devastated so please don't make a noise until she is gone. Got it?"

Endou nodded in agreement. Gouenji then rushed to the door.

"Hey, Natsumi. What are you doing here?" Gouenji tried his best to sound casual.

"You guys must be really busy, that's why I had to ring the bell twice." Natsumi remarked as she tried to peek in to locate Endou.

"Yah we were in the study room, it's hard to hear it from there." Gouenji answered.

"I brought you guys dinner." She chimed delightfully as she showed him the bento box.

"What? You really didn't have to go through the trouble. " He answered.

"Of course I had to! Moru was so looking forward to me making this dish. It's his favourite. He was excited about it since yesterday. " She explained and then peeked in, "Can I see him?"

"No!" Gouenji exclaimed a little too loudly startling her. He then composed himself immediately, "I mean, he's working on some new plays to teach Tenma and it really needs focus so it's best not to disturb him right now. "

"Oh that's okay then. I'll just leave the box with you. Don't forget to eat on time. " With that she handed him the bento box and left.

Gouenji heaved a sigh of relief and closed the door. Natsumi was content with the explanation and didn't have any doubts.

Gouenji put the bento box on the dining table and brought Endou out of the room again. As soon as he saw the bento box he began flailing his arms again and making noises.

"Oh no no. You're too young to survive Natsumi's food. " Gouenji commented as he opened it. Endou immediately cried at this.

"I don't mean to disrespect your wife but it is a fact. " Gouenji responded casually.

"Guess I'll just have to throw this away. " He said to himself. He opened the box and was about to empty it into the trash when Endou began making loud noises again.

"What else can I do?" Gouenji insisted strongly. Endou narrowed his eyes and continued to stare at him. They remained staring at each silently for a few seconds as Gouenji tried to understand what he was saying.

"No!" Gouenji then suddenly exclaimed, "You want me to eat it?"

Endou smiled mischievously,

"I will not! No way!" Gouenji interjected, "This is going in the trash!" He tried to do it again.

The next moment Endou began crying in a diabolically high pitched volume. He also began throwing his hands onto his high chair. Gouenji covered his ears immediately but it did him no good.

"Okay!Okay! Fine! I'll eat it. Please just stop!" He pleaded loudly.

Reluctantly he emptied it on a plate and settled down at the table. He slowly picked up a tiny morsel and brought it near his mouth. He sighed and glanced towards Endou who was watching him with interest.

"You're only doing it because I fed you that baby food, don't you?"

Endou giggled in response.

"But that was for your benefit. " Gouenji commented and then quickly ate as if he was trying to swallow a pill.

His face scrunched up as he slammed his fist on the table in suffering. Endou began clapping with his tiny palms.

"If this food kills me you're going to Kidou. I don't think you'll like that a lot. " Gouenji said as he quickly stuffed a few more bites in his mouth and finished the plate. He washed it down with half a jug of water and coughed when he was done. He glanced towards Endou again and he looked content.

Gouenji put away the leftovers in the fridge and did the dishes. When he turned again, he saw Endou dozing off.

"Of course, babies need a lot of sleep. " He muttered to himself but he didn't know where Endou should sleep since he didn't have a crib.

After thinking and looking online for a while, he finally settled on creating a barrier of pillows on his bed and putting Endou in the centre of it. He himself lay down on the narrow space left.

"These are expensive sheets so don't drool on it, okay?" He warned. Endou glared at him one last time before falling asleep and snoring softly.

And so the weirdest day of their life came to an end. 

But this was only the beginning.

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