The Rick Chronicles. Part1: A...

By Iambeastofhell

766 359 267

𝕿𝕳𝕰 𝕽𝕴𝕮𝕶 𝕮𝕳𝕽𝕺𝕹𝕴𝕮𝕷𝕰𝕾:- Highest Rank:- #1 in newhere For Rick Jordan, a boy of 14, life ta... More

My best friend is a werewolf
People fight for their lives....I eat a chocolate
And he took it personally...
My willing to die form
The land of Ka
Your pet is loose and trying to kill me
I accidentally stumble into ghostly rooms
Let's all go to deadly quests again
Nice, Little, Monster Chicken!

I met Santa Claus

96 43 106
By Iambeastofhell

Let me brief you with the events of my ultimate doom that have happened till now. Simon, my best friend, transmogrified into a werewolf, a guy in a black suit with magic knives wants to kill me, and Werewolf Simon is fighting the guy-who-wants-to-kill-me so that he doesn't gift my head to some dude called Marcus. Just my luck.

So the guy-in-the-black-suit (You know what, I think I should call him Blac from now on) approached Simon, he slashed his knife at Simon and thankfully he ducked. Simon growled (literal deep wolf growl) and then swinged his sharp claws towards Blac. Blac ducked, grabbed Simon's hand and slammed him on the ground. Simon turned and sprang about five foot high in the air straight on Blac. But Blac muttered some spell and out of nowhere a long knife solidified in the air and pierced Simon.

Simon yelped and then slowly began to transform back into his human form. I saw blood oozing out of his stomach like a tap. Black blood. Meanwhile, Blac turned towards me. He was a little wounded too, but he had enough strength in him to kill me.

Suddenly, he stopped, his mouth aghast and as a knife (seemingly out of nowhere) made a hole right through his forehead. It was pretty big, I'm sure I could've put my hand in it and touched his brain (Though I highly doubt he had any).

Blac vaporized in a puff of black smoke, screaming. Once he vanished, the knife flew back to the hand of the thrower. Wait, the thrower? Turns out, it was them, the 3 weird people back at the restaurant. The stare-hoo-party.

I should've ran for my life, I know. But I have seen enough movies to know that it would do me no good. They eventually catch you and... well, kill you. The best option is to confront the danger, even if the odds aren't in your favour. Dying as a hero is better than dying as a coward. Yes dear readers, I am great, I know.

I rushed to Simon. Yeah, ignoring the stare-peeps. Haha, you should have seen the look on their faces (MWHAHAHA ). Simon was barely breathing. Alive but very much unconscious.

The girl approached and said, "Hey, um would you mind moving for a bit? I have to heal him"

"Lucy, last time you tried to heal someone, his wound got even bigger," the boy next to her said.

"That was an accident Edward!" Lucy said.

"Woah woah woah! I don't want any amateur 'healing' my best friend. 

The girl patted my shoulder. "Relax! I'm not gonna kill him. If we sit back and do nothing, THAT will kill him".
She bent down towards Simon and pulled out a stick from her cloak, which kinda looked like a magic wand (but hey, you aren't allowed to use magic outside hogwartz!). She drew a type of symbol in the air above Simon's wound, and said "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Just kidding.

She said "Lutimus totalus" and the symbol glowed. I could see blood going back into his body (wait. On second thought maybe I shouldn't describe the 'healing'). She kept chanting "Lutimus totalus" till Simon's wound closed up. When she finished, Simon looked a lot better, but he was still unconscious.

"We have to take him to the warehouse." Lucy said, " It was good that he missed all of Simon's organs, it's just a scratch."

"Do we take him too? He looks pretty normal to me." Edward said.

"Yeah we must. But if he doesn't have magic, then we'll have to take him for a mind wipe." The other boy said.

That folks, was the last straw.

"First of all, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!



I screamed with all my remaining energy. 

 Edward and the other quiet guy stayed where they were. Lucy took a few steps towards me. Just as Lucy was about to speak, a rune suddenly formed behind her, making her turn around. The rune reformed into a hologram of an old man with a beard. In my exhausted state, I thought he was Santa Claus.

"Santa Claus?" I managed to croak out.

Before I finished, Lucy slapped my shoulder.

"Hey! Watch it. That's my grandfather, dumbass" Lucy snapped.

Hey, how can an old man with a long white beard not be Santa Claus?

The hologram Santa Claus (he is not Santa Claus Rick!) turned and gasped in relief,

"Lu-Lucy? Lucy! I-"

Lucy's grandfather froze and the hologram started flickering. It disappeared with a scream.

Why? Just why does it have to stop at the most important part every time! . WHY?!

Lucy looked as if she saw a ghost.
"S-something has happened. We h-have to go b-back. Take-take them along." Lucy said. Her voice was shaking and she was on the verge of crying.

"If it's urgent, shouldn't we, like, teleport?" Edward said.

"Y-you know teleporting drains m-me. But m-maybe you're right."

Sighing, she made some kind of movement that turned into a symbol in the air and chanted something like "Ianuae magicae", about a hundred times. The rune glowed until it opened wide enough to form a portal.

Everyone went inside it and they took Simon and me too. I don't know why. Once we were in, the world started shrinking. The air drained out of my lungs, only for a moment. Everything went black and I almost lost consciousness. Suddenly, we reached the front door of a large palace, which was totally wrecked. Lucy had fainted from all the chanting, and the other boy caught her before she fell down. He took her to the porch, laid her down and fed her a liquid. Meanwhile, I went to the front door. It was slightly open, so I gave it a push.

But Edward panicked and yelled,"Don't! The door has spell on it!"

But... nothing happened. Edward stood beside me

"That's strange. If a non-invited person opened the door, he is electrocuted. The spell always worked before."

Shrugging, I opened the door. It was a pretty scary house, kinda like the ones in the Conjuring series. The floorboard creaked as we walked in. The house was ruined, furniture smashed, like it had just been godzilla vs kong in here.

Edward lit a few candles on a candlestick, which he found on a shelf. That's when we saw it. At the end of the corridor, there was a body.

And guess what? It was Santa Claus. Yes, the man who tried to talk with us through that hologram, Lucy's grandfather, was dead...

Just great......

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