Breaking Nightmares

By Scarletred1990

8.3K 518 127

Sequel to Remembering Nightmares! They didn't know. That was the thing, they weren't suppose to know. None of... More

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Little Lesson
Brotherly Bonding
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362 24 2
By Scarletred1990

He sat on his dark throne, look out to the room. It was empty of life.

The floor was rough and covered in dust, as though no one had walked along it for years. Or at all.

He just sat there and stared out into the lifeless room. Yet, the longer he stared, the more it hurt him.

He tried to get up from the throne, to close his eyes or turn his head, almost anything! But he couldn't move.

A mocking chuckle sounded from behind him, cold hands gripping onto his shoulders tightly.

"This is what you did." A voice purred, it sounded so familiar. "You made them all run away. How cruel~" The voice laughed bitterly in his ear.

He felt his body stiffen and his mouth moved quickly.

"They left on their own! I didn't do anything!" He shouted to the voice.

Horrid laughter grew from the thing as its hands left his shoulders.

"You didn't do anything?" The thing barked out as though it was insulted. "Of course you did something! You are the King of Nightmares after all! You always were a bastard to be around!" The voice grew deeper in pitch, slowly matching that of him.

"No! I'm not! Who the hell are you?" He shouted, his eyes widening.

The room grew silent, but tense. The shadows grew tall and fatter, their dark fingers brushing against the dirty floor with malice intent.

Soon a shadow passed in the corner of his eye, moving slow. But when it was in front of him, he felt his throat close on him.

The shadowy, gooey mass smiled a cyan smile, chuckling a demonic chuckle. They held only one eye, but it gleamed lifelessly and menacingly.

"Like looking in a mirror~" They mocked.

He couldn't say anything to them. They looked so much like him, but they were crueler, they had no sense of mercy.

"No mercy, you say!" They teased, laughing almost gleefully before continuing. "I am not the one who had beaten and nearly killed his beloved!" Despite that their face twisted in anger, it's voice only held laughter.

"I-I didn't know what I was doing..." He tried to explain but they laughed at him.

Their grin grew as the darkness in their eyes focused on him.

"How pathetic you are~" It cooed. "Trying so desperately to keep everyone away, but keep them so close~ You just end up loosing them all~" They looked so monstrous. "You are nothing but a  helpless, weak monster. You couldn't even kill your brother when he was in stone. All you had to do was strike him down and there goes his ashes~" The creature purred. "No, you let him escape. And then you claimed to be the King of Nightmares as you pull in idiotic monsters from all over~"

Laughter bellowed from the creature, it even doubled over with it. Yet, the laughter was cold and harsh, bitter on the ears.

"No! I needed them to-"

"Help you?" The grin grew horribly. "How pathetic! You could've wiped those Stars out of the Multiverse! You are the great and Powerful Guardian of Nightmares!" The beast roared, yet it near lost the smile. "But instead, you called upon morons who killed and ruined their own Universes!" The laughter grew louder. "The best part is, they're all stronger than you! They have more than you and they're nothing!" 

He shook his head, trying to defend himself, to defend them, but it wouldn't allow him.

It shouted and laughed and spoke without mercy. It told every little secret about him to him. It exposed all the lies that he had told himself.

It did all that with a crazed smile and evil in its eye. It knew him well. It was what he could've been, yet it was what he refused to become.

"Such a pathetic, helpless pretender~" It purred out. "Just sit there and wait for your little Knight to come and save you~ If he ever wants to see your face again~"

The shadows lurched from their corners, consuming the room in darkness. Consuming everything in its path with pain and anguish.

And all he could do was sit on his throne and feel it eat at him, helplessly.

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