Draal x Reader - A Warriors H...

By Fury1416

29.4K 848 862

(y/n) Lake is the stubborn, loyal, protective, and standoffish older twin of Jim Lake. When they get dragged... More

Who Knew Trolls Were Stalkers
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted Part 1
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted Part 2
A Not So Warm Welcome Part 2
Going on short Hiatus
Tiny Problems Require Tiny Solutions Part 1
Voting is almost over!

A Not So Warm Welcome Part 1

2.9K 93 129
By Fury1416

You all made you way down into Trollmarket, that had trolls of all shapes and sizes. You were wary of the trolls, but you had to admit that they had some nice digs.

"This is your home?" Asked Jim amazed.

"This place is not to shabby. Nice." You commented starring at the crystals.

"Trollmarket is home and hearth and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way my friends. There is much to see." Said Blinky proudly.

"Dang and here I thought the only thing underneath our town was dirt and plumbing." Said Toby.

You all followed Blinky through Trollmarket. So far you guys were going unnoticed to the other trolls. But that didn't mean you weren't keeping an eye on them. Blinki and Aaarrrgghh seemed alright, but you didn't have any trust for the rest of these trolls. You all walked with Blinky in the lead, humans in the middle, and Aaarrrgghh in the back.

"Stay close. Human feet have never graces the ground of Trollmarket before." Said Blinky.

"And I have a feeling that is being here won't be appreciated." You must mumbled to yourself.

"Human?" Said a troll.

You were about to get ready for a fight, but Aaarrrgghh stepped in.

"Friends." He growled.

"This is crazy! Are you getting this Tobes?" Jim asked.

"Oh yeah, on it." Said Toby taking pictures.

"You really shouldn't be taking pictures." You warned, but we're ignored.

You all passed by a place that had a dead cat sign, and you hear cats coming from inside. They eat cats? Gross. At least we haven't any sign they eat humans. Yet. You also passed by a blacksmiths and a tattoo parlor. Toby kept taking lotsvof photos which was making some of the trolls annoyed. As you passed by more crystals, Toby started fanboying. You roles your eyes in annoyance.

"Check it out! Peridot, Topaz, Cassiterite!" Said Toby.

He ran over to another rock.

"Kornerupine!" He exclaimed.

He heard growling and looked up to see an angry troll.

"Hi." He said nervously.

Just when it looked like the troll was going punch him, You pulled Toby out of the way. You gave the Troll a warning glare, before dragging Toby back to the group. Once back with the group you let him go.

"Try not to upset the locals, will you? And don't wander off." You reprimanded him.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Your knowledge of minerals is almost troll-like, Tobias." Said Blinky.

"So your kind, you all live here?" Asked Jim.

"Trolls travel from afar to our market to find comfort and remedies. You'll find almost anything you need and sometimes you'll find what you never knew you needed." Said Blinky.

As you all passed by a shadowy corner, you heard a low angry growl. When you turned to look, all you saw was a blue blue fade into the darkness. Jim noticed you stopped walking.

"Everything alright?" Asked Jim.

You glared hard at the shadows.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's keep moving." You said.

The two of you made it back to the group. You heard little pattering around yous. You and Jim looked down to see a little garden gnome looking thing. Jim bent down to get a closer look at the little guy.

"Oh, hey, little guy! That's a cute pointy hat." He said.

"And pointy teeth!" He yelled as the creature hissed and launched at him.

You quickly smacked it out if the air and to the ground. You and Blinky then started trying to step on them, trying to chase them away.

"Look out! Get away! Get out if here creepy freaks!" You shouted.

"Vile vermin! Be gone!" Shouted Blinky.

The gnomes stuck thier tounges out at us, before running off.

"What was that?" Asked Jim.

"Gnomes are vermin. Pickpockets, scum of the earth! We only tolerate them for thier grooming services." Said Blinky.

"Grooming?" You asked confused.

"They eat the parasites on the larger trolls." Said Blinky.

Aaarrrgghh flicked off a couple gnomes that were on him.

"So you guys have parisites now? I hope they're only flees." You cringed.

"Jim! (Y/n)! Check it out! Maximum coolosity there!" Called Toby.

He ran around the corner to show us a giant glowing orange crystal that seemed to be pulsing with life.

"Look at that. It's amazing!" Said Jim.

"It's alright." You said.

"Heartstone." Said Aaarrrgghh.

"The life force if Troll kind. The means that keeps us from crumbling to stone and the source of light and sustenance." Explained Blinky.

"Okay it's cooler now." You said.

"Okay, that's totally the bomb." Said Toby.

"What are humans doing here?" Asked a Male troll.

You all turned around to see a gathering of trolls around you. Just great. I knew this would happen. You subtly got in a stance to defend yourself if needed.



The trolls shouted out insults and you guys.

"I think we've attached the paparazzi." Said Toby.

"Oh no. I thought these were just a bunch off trolls forming an Angry mob. Guess I was mistaken." You growled out annoyed,now in a fighting stance.

"Friends there is no need to be afraid. He is the trollhu-" said Blinky.

"What is this?" Growled a loud Angry voice.

The crowd parted as a large angry blue troll pushed his way threw the crowd to Blinky. He had a nose ring, spikes all over his body, a large set of horns on his head, and large spikes on his back. His appearance reminded you of something.

"I was just getting to that, Draal." Blinky said nervously.

Blinky backed up, Toby hid behind Blinky, Jim stood still, and you stood next to him.

"Human feet have never sullied the ground of Trollmarket before." Growled out Draal.

He walked around you and Jim, glaring you down.

"Who are these Fleshbags?" He growled out getting right up in your faces. Jim backed away, but you stood your ground glaring back at him. Your eyes were locked in deadly glares, your faces inches apart. Close enough to feel eachothers breath. Man this guy needs a breathmint. Draal was a tad confused that you didn't have even a speck of fear of him.

"Believe it or not, he is, um... How do I put this?" Blinky said trying to find the right words.

"My brother's your new troll Hunter." You said smugly knowing the news would piss him off.

All the trolls gasped in fear.

"He can't be the Trollhunter! He's not a troll!" Shouted Draal angerly.

You jumped back, as he smashed the ground where you once were with his fists.

"Hey watch it!" You growled.

Draal turned his glare back to you.

"Amulet chose." Growled Aaarrrgghh.

Aaarrrgghh stood behind you and Jim to protect yous in nessacary, but Draal's glare was still on you and Jim. Draal roared in anger.

"Draal try to remain calm. Destiny is just-" said Blinky.

"Show him, Jimbo." Said Toby.

Jim took out the amulet.

"For the power of Merlin-" said Jim.

"Glory." You corrected.

"Right, sorry. For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command." Said Jim.

With a flash of blue light, Jim was now wearing his special armour.

"Pretty cool right?" Said Jim.

Some gnomes ran away in fear, making you a bit amused.

"A human? Protecting us?" Asked a female troll in disbelief.

One troll fainted.

"Bushigal! I am Draal, son of Kanjigar and the amulet's rightful heir!" Draal proclaimed angerly.

Oh great.

"I can't believe this." You sighed.

"You're his son? He's his son?" Asked Jim in disbelief.

"Yeah, I can see how this could be a problem." Said Toby.

"When my father fell, the honor should have passed to me." Said Draal.

Before you could stop him, he grabbed the amulet. The amulet blasted him and Jim apart. You were relived that Aaarrrgghh caught Jim. Draal was on his back with a stunned look. You marched up to him angerly.

"The amulet chose my brother! Get it through your head! None of us likes this situation, but it's the way things are! " You shouted at him.

He glared at you as he stood up.

"We'll see what vendal has to say about this." He spoke mainly to Blinky, but kept his glare on you.

You glared right back, not moving. The others started making thier escape.

"Feel free to fetch him. In the meanwhile, lots of Trollhunter business to be done. Draal, wonderful to see you as always." Said Blinky.

Draal growled at Blinky's words, while you wore a snug grin. Jim noticed you were still having a glare off with Draal, and quickly pulled you away.

"Come on, (y/n). Before he kills you." Jim said panicked.

"Like to see him try. Bye Sonic the hedgehog!" You said with a smug laugh.

Draal just glared at you as you went fustrated, but also confused at what the name you called him ment. Out if all humans he has met, this one was by far the most infuriating.

You all continued to make your way threw Trollmarket, when suddenly Jim's amulet deactivated. Toby and Aaarrrgghh walked ahead not noticing.

"What just happened?" Asked Jim.

"The amulet responded to your unconscious command, Master Jim. You are at ease, are you not?" Asked Blinky.

"I am actually." Said Jim.

"It senses that. You are beginning to master it." Said Blinky.

"I don't get how you can be at ease, when some troll almost killed you if I didn't step in." You said.

Jim just rolled his eyes.

"And I'm at ease knowing your my personal bodyguard." He said jokingly.

"Uh huh. I want a raise." You said.

This made him laugh, and you wear a small smile. You all turned the corner and were amazed at the giant Battle arena before you.

"Holy trolls! Is this a palace?" Said Jim.

"This is so much better than my training room." You said in envy.

"This is The Hero's Forge." Said Blinky, his voice echoing in the huge room.

You walked along a narrow path with strep drops on Ethier side to get to the arena. You noticed Jim and Toby walk over to the edge to look down at the bottomless abyss. Toby was taking a picture. With an evil smirk, you went behind them. You pushed them towards, and hand them halfway dangling over the edge. They screamed like little girls. You laughed, and pulled them back. They turned to you with angry glares.

"Never do that again!" They both shouted.

"Haha! You screamed like ite girls! Haha. Come on losers." You said laughing waving them to follow you.

You heard them grumble angerly behind you, making you laugh some more. You were now all in the arena.

"Magnifico! Wait are these...?" Said Jim.

"Trollhunters." Said Aaarrrgghh.

"Your predecessors, Master Jim. A line of heroism that reaches back to the age of Merlin. This is the place if the final repose for Kanjigar The Courageous. One day, there will be a statue of you hear master Jim. One day very far off in the future of course." Said Blinky.

You starred at the empty pedestal that would go to Kanjigar.

"Yeah, about that, there's just one thing I'm not getting." Said Toby.

"Just one?" Asked Jim.

"You guys are trolls. So, Trollhunter sounds like you hunt yourselves, you know?" Said Toby.

"I agree with Tubby." You said, with him giving you a glare at the nickname.

"Hunt bad trolls. Gumm-Gumms." Said Aaarrrgghh.

"Again not a scary name. It's a funny one though." You stated with a chuckle.

"In troll speak, Gumm-Gumm means 'Bringer of horrible, slow, painful and thoroughly calculated death.'" said Blinky.

You all had wide eyes.

"Nevermind. I take it back." You said.

"But do not be too concerned, Master Jim. The Gumm-Gumms were exiled to the Darklands centuries ago. Only one roams free." Said Blinky.

"And wants to kill you." Said Aaarrrgghh.

"Wait, you're telling me Bular is one of the unspeakably evil trolls? And you made us face him alone?" You asked annoyed.

"Indeed. His father and the rest of their numbers remain exiled to the Darklands, but they have been trying to escape for centuries. I sense ill times upon us. Jensen the need for us to begin Master Jim's training now. Step back please." Said Blinky.

"Why?" You asked as the others stepped back.

Blinky gave you and annoyed glare, and without warning pushed a button. Suddenly giant blades started swinging at all of you, you just managing to dodge the one the would have killed you if you stayed in your current spot. You all dodged until you found safety along the edges of the room. You glared at Blinky.

"I make you annoyed, and you try to kill me?!" You shouted in disbelief.

"Well now you know to do what your told, Angry one. And besides you have proved to have excellent reflexes." He said.

"Complementing me won't make me forget that threat." You shouted annoyed.

Blinky chuckled to himself, and looked at Jim.

"You have proven to have excellent reflexes as well, Master Jim." Said Blinky.

"Great, but maybe we could start off east? Like, you know, with less grindy things?" Asked Jim.

"Blinkous Galadrigal." Called out a loud voice.

Blinky quick pressed the button, turning off the death blades. You all gathered together as an old looking troll walked up to you all.

"Blinkous Galadrigal." The old troll said disapproving.

You snickered.

"That's your name?" You asked with a chuckle.

"Horrible, I know." Groaned Blinky.

"I wish to meet the Fleshbag supposedly chosen by the amulet." Said the old Troll.

Toby took out his phone, but the old troll grabbed it out if curiosity. He accidentally broke it, shrugged, and dropped the pieces.

"My phone!" Toby cried out.

You chuckled amused. The old troll looked at you, and noticed your muscles that showed through your tight shirt. He approached you.

"I am Vendel, son of Rundle, Son of Kilfred." He said.

"Ookay... I'm (y/n), daughter of Barbara." You said akwardly.

He hummed and grabbed your arm, to examine the muscles on your arm.

"Hey! Hands off old man!" You shouted.

You ripped your arm back.

"Jeez, ever here of personal space?" You asked annoyed.

"Produce the amulet, Trollhunter." He told you.

"Wrong Fleshbag. The one you want is my brother Jim, over there." You said pointing.

Jim chuckled akwardly and pulled out the amulet.

"Amulet chose." Said Aaarrrgghh pointing at Jim.

"Hmm... So Draal tells me. Ridiculous! However, the amulet has been known to make Ill-fated choices, as you know better than most." Vendel said looking at Blinky.

"What am I missing here?" You asked.

"Blinky trained troll Hunter before. Unkar the Unfortunate." Said Aaarrrgghh.

"Why is he unfortunate?" Jim asked.

"First night out, torn." Said Aaarrrgghh.

"Like conflicted?" Asked Jim.

"No. Limb from limb." Said Aaarrrgghh.

"Yikes." You commented.

A piece of Unkars statue fell and almost hit Toby who helped in suprise.

"If the amulet chose true, the Soothscryer will reveal it." Said Vendel.

"Please! Master Jim hasn't had even an hour's training." Begged Blinky.

Vendel pointed to the ground with an angry grunt. Jim approached the spot nervously. Suddenly the ground lit up, and a giant troll head came out of the ground. It opened it's mouth to reveal rotating sharp teeth.

"Behold the Soothscryer! It will judge your true spirit. Insert your right hand, Trollhunter." Said Vendel.

"Um, I'm gonna get it back right?" Jim asked.

"That is part of the test." Said Vendel.

I already don't like this guy.

"Umm, guys come here and help me." Called Jim.

"Okay Jimbo, but I'm not sticking my hand in there." Said Toby.

You and Toby went over to Jim. You turned to Vendel.

"If my brother loses his hand, I'm chopping off yours." You warned.

"I don't take kindly to threats." Vendel retorted.

"Well neither do I. Nor do I take kindly to people putting my brother in danger." You said with a hard glare.

"Little help?" Asked Jim.

Giving one last glare to Vendel, you and Toby helped lift Jim up so he could reach inside.

Jim hesitantly put his hand in, and yelped when the mouth clamped down on his arm. He started screaming and kicking yous. You grabbed hold of his waist and pulled to try to get him free. Suddenly the mouth opened causing you both to fall to the ground, taking Toby down with you.

"I'm okay!" Said Jim relieved to see his hand.

"Ooh, everything hurts." Complained Toby at the bottom of your dog pile.

"Oh, shut up Tubby. So old man, what's the verdict?" You said.

"Hmm... Inconclusive." Said Vendel.

"Inconclusive? Pff. Not doing that again." Said Toby.

"Wait, wait, wait. What dose inconclusive mean?" Asked Jim.

"It means, Trollhunter, that there's never been a human to bear the mantle before. The Soothscryer needs more time to render it's judgment. Let us hope you live long enough to see." Said Vendel.

You groaned annoyed as Vendel left. You then kicked Jim off of you as you were win the middle of the pile.

"Get off me already." You snapped.

You got up and dusted yourself off.

"Let's just go home already." You said with a sigh.

You all soon left troll market and headed home. It was already past curfew. You walked your bikes home and talked.

"Ugh, what have I gotten myself into?" Groaned Jim.

"You mean what have you dragged us into." You corrected annoyed with the events of the day.

"Um Trolls, underground city, indigenous gemstones, heartstone. What you've gotten yourself into is total awesome mania dude!" Said Toby.

"If he survives all the trolls down there that want us dead." You groaned.

"Oh come on! Jim is going to be trained by the best. Blinky is-" said Toby.

"His last guy got torn limb from limb on his first night!" You argued.

"Exactly." Agreed Jim.

There was then silence between you all.

"Then there's nowhere to go but up." Said Toby.

You both sent him an annoyed glare.

"Oh no, looks like your mom's home." Said Toby noticing your mom's car.

"Shit." You groaned.

"Okay quick. So I was jumped by 3, no make it 4, members of the Russian Mafia, and you guys broke into thier hideout to save me-" said Toby.

"How bout no? We'll just tell her your bike got run over but your fine." You said.

"That works too I guess." Said Toby.

"Night Tobes." Said Jim.

You then went your seperate ways. You put your bikes away and headed inside. Jim closed the door behind you. You both tried to sneak to your rooms, but your mom heard you.

"(Y/n),Jim, I'm in the kitchen." She called out.

"Coming." You said.

"Hey mom, you wouldn't believe what happened to us on our way home from-" said Jim.

"Look who stopped by." Said your mom.

You froze confused at the sight of your teacher sitting at the counter.

"Hello Jim, (y/n)." Said Mr.Strickler.

"Mr.Strickler?" Asked Jim confused.

"Mom what is our teacher doing here?" You asked.

"Isn't it great? He came by to congratulate Jim." She said.

You were still confused. You have Jim a look to explain, but he just shugged as clueless as you.

"Oh, that's really nice." Said Jim akwardly.

"It's a great honor you've been chosen to wield this Mantle. I have no doubt you prove up to the task." Said Mr Strickler.

You ayed him suspiciously. He talked like he knew something. You wondered if he knew about the amulet.

"Why didn't you tell me you were trying out for Romeo and Juliet?"asked Barbra pouring a cup of tea for your teacher.

Ookay. Now I get it. But he sure talked about it wierdly.

"Maybe we could back up a few steps?" Asked Jim confused.

"Jim, surely you knew you won the part of Romeo, after your breathtaking audition yesterday."said Mr.strickler.

"After the audition I had to run but-" said Jim.

"Wait your telling me this good landed the lead roll?" You asked.

Jim punched you in the arm making you laugh.

"I was just talking to your mother about home I'm concerned about you being spread so thin. Particularly In light if your new commitment to the chest club." Said Mr. Strickler.

"You joined the chess club? Since when?" You asked confused.

Jim have you an, I'll explain later, look.

"Surprisingly isn't it? I didn't even know you knew how to play chess. Chess... The play... It's like you have a secret life I know nothing about." You mom said as she laughed.

Jim sweat dropped, while you chuuvker at your teacher that spot his drink out casue it was too hot.

"You have no idea." Said Jim.

"Atlas too carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I'm concerned that like him your over extending yourself." Said Mr.Stricker.

"He can Handel it." You defended.

"Ah yes, just like Athena, always ready for a fight. But in this your wrong. Why just a few days ago Jim was falling asleep in class." Said Mr.strickler.

"But now I'm recharged and ready to go! To be or not to be, right?" Said Jim.

"Jim, that's hamlet." Said your mom with a chuckle.

Your mom was about to hand Mr.Strikler a new cup of teas, but he refused.

"I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome. But here is my number if you need to call." Said Mr.Strickler hand your mom his number.

"Please call me Barbra." You mom said.

"Barbara. Pleased to meet you." He said kissing the back of her hand.

You cringed at the act. He then left.

"You know I think he really likes you. Both of you. I've never seen a teacher take such interest before. And yet he has a point. There's only so many hours in the day Jim. If your grades slip even a little, I'm gonna have to insist you cut back. Starting with the things you to for me. This house for both of you." She said.

"But I like taking care of you." Said Jim.

"And I take care of Jim. So it's all good." You said.

"Except it's my job to take care of yous." She said sadly.

"Do you remember when we were old enough to ask about dad? Do you remember what you told us?" Said Jim.

"You said we just need to take care of eachother. That's all were doing mom." You finished.

Your mom gave you both a happy proud smile. She then brought you both in for a hug. You weren't normally a higher, but you always made the exception for your family. She kissed both your foreheads, before letting you go.

"You guys must be starving. How bout breakfast for dinner? Even I can't screw up an omelette." Your mom said.

"Wouldn't be so sure about that." You said to Jim.

You both chuckled.

"What was that?" Asked your Mom.

"Ah, I said sure." You said quickly.

She laughed.

Your mom started cooking. When she turned around Jim tasted the food, and by his face it was horrible. He quickly added stuff in to fix it, and make it taste good. You mom came back and tasted it.

"Hmm... It's actually pretty good." She said.

Jim sighed in relief and you chuckled.

"So Mr.Strickler. He seems nice. Is he single?" Asked your mom.

"Ewe mom. Don't hit on my teacher." You cringed.

"I-i don't know." Said Jim shocked.

You felt like you were being watched. You stuck your head out the window, and starred into the darkness. You didn't see anyone, but you had a feeling that someone was there.

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