𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 {Louis x F...


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Stage Manager and Lead Actor to lovers, I wonder how that happened? Slowish updates due to the fact of I am i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20

Chapter Seventeen

3.8K 147 26

Take the fluff at the end of the chapter for not updating last week you heathens XD

I stand on the stage, looking out at the empty seats of the auditorium. I cross my arms over my stomach before turning away from the empty room and to the piano sitting to the side of the stage. I walk over to it, pressing a few random keys. I sit on the bench, continuing to press random keys without much effort. It was well after dark when I snuck in. I needed some time to think about everything. Haru really loves Louis... but I don't know how Louis feels about her. Do I help get them together officially? He didn't know the basic things about her though. I frown, banging my head on the piano. The noise I create causes me to cringe. Those keys all together do not sound pleasant. Why do I even care what Louis feels anyways? It's not like I like him like that or anything. Maybe it's because I've never had a close friend like this before? I sit up, glaring at the keys of the piano in front of me. Emotions are confusing. "Are... you alright?" I jump, ears twitching. I whip around to see Legosi standing there, stepping into the light of the stage. I hold my hand to my heart, letting out a breath.

"Legosi! You scared me! I thought you were someone else." Legosi tilts his head.

"Who?" I shrug.

"They still haven't caught Tem's killer." We both go silent, my words making the area thick. I frown. "Sorry, that joke was in poor taste." Legosi gives a smile, walking over to me and sitting next to me.

"It's okay. Are... are you alright?" My frown deepens and I lean back against the piano.

"I.. I'm honestly not sure..." I look up at the wolf. "How do you and Haru know each other if I may ask?" Legosi looks forwards, resting his hands onto his knees.

"We're friends." I scoff.

"You like her though." Legosi freezes, his eyes widening. He starts to stutter, trying to deny my statement. I laugh.

"It's okay! I don't care who you like." I shrug, swinging my leg back and forth. I pause. "But she loves Louis." Legosi's ears dip as he nods slightly.

"Yeah... she does." I lean on him slightly, resting my head on his arm.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know how to help you. I'm not good at this sort of stuff." Legosi is tense as I lean against him, as if anything he moves will hurt me.

"It's okay... whatever makes her happy I guess. You're kind of in the same boat though." I make a face of confusion and look up to see Legosi is already looking down at me.

"What do you mean? I don't like Louis like that." Legosi begins to freak out.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to assume!" I laugh, telling him it's okay. I explain how Louis and I have just been getting closer. Legosi and I continue to chat and it lifts my mood up. It is well into the night at this point and Legosi decided to head back to his dorm. I'm currently turning off the lights to the auditorium and stage, choosing to head out myself. I hum quietly as I leave and begin walking back to my dorm. I place my hands into my sweatshirt, the cool night air getting to me a little bit. I let out a puff of air and smile when I see my breath. I continue to walk down the sidewalk, looking at the stars every now and again as I do. It wasn't a far walk to the dorm but I was planning to take my time. I wasn't in a rush.

I pause as I feel like somebody's watching me. I slowly turn, looking around at my surroundings and seeing nothing. I'm on edge now, my shoulders tense as I walk. I hear movement again and whip around to frantically look. I look back after seeing nothing, increasing my pace by quite a bit. I hear them following me and before I know it, I'm in a full on sprint to get back to my dorm. I burst through the front door quickly and slam it shut, sprinting up my stairs to get to my dorm. I burst open the door and instantly all my dorm mates sit up in a daze from me waking them up. I'm panting as I go and sit on my bed, everybody questioning what I was doing. I begin to explain to them what happened until Kiara speaks up. "(Y/N)... what's that on your shoulder? I hear the other two gasp and I look down at the shoulder she's pointing at. I see two droplets of something on my sweatshirt. It doesn't take me long to realize it's saliva. I gasp, instantly working to get the sweatshirt off, hyperventilating a bit. I almost died, I just almost got eaten. I'm in hysterics at this point as my dorm mates try to calm me down. Kiara grabs my phone and unlocks it, going on it. I see her leave the room while calling someone.

It feels like hours before we all hear Kiara talking to someone outside the room. All of us look over when we hear the door open to see Louis walking in. He ignores everyone else and walks over to me, pulling me into a hug. He holds me tight, like he never wants to let go. "You're staying with me tonight." He mumbles and releases me from the hug, I blink a tear falling and seeping into my fur. He holds out his hand for me to take and help me stand but I shake my head no. He sighs, grabbing it and pulling me up. I stand there before Louis easily picks me up bridal style and walks out of my dorm. We're silent as he walks to his door.

We eventually get there and he opens up the door with his hand with some difficulty. He places me on the couch before sitting next to me. We sit in silence for a bit before I mumble, "I almost died..." Louis lets out an audible sigh.

"I know, it's okay though, you're still here." I shake my head, wrapping my arms around my legs and pulling myself into a ball.

"That's not the point." I mumble. Louis sighs before pulling me back into a hug once again. His scent calms me, it's something I'm familiar with. I hiccup at the thought as my eyes begin to water again. Louis rubs my back, shushing me. I am able to calm back down with his soothing words. We pull back, I decide I should speak up about Haru. "Louis... Haru loves you." The buck sighs before turning away from me slightly.

"I know," he mumbles, "I don't like her in that way though. Someone else is starting to fall into that category." I sigh, rubbing my eyes slightly.

"You can't give her a false sense of hope though Louis." I store in my mind what he said about someone else, now is not the time.

"I plan to talk to her soon. I know you are trying to change the topic. We should both get some sleep. I'll lend you some clothes." I nod as he stands up, going to the bedroom. I hear rustling as he comes back with a t-shirt and sweatpants for me. I stand and make my way into the bathroom quietly after mumbling a quiet thank you. I shut the door and begin taking off the clothing that makes me feel restricted at the moment due to previous events. I look in the mirror at my white spots and sigh, running my fingers over them slightly before putting on Louis's clothing. I exit the bathroom, my clothes bunched up in my hands.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." Louis sighs, rubbing the fur on his head.

"You can share with me tonight, I don't mind." I pause, feeling my shoulder tense. He really just said that.

"Oh- uh, okay. Are you sure? I mean- I do-" He cuts me off.

"You're rambling." My ears flatten as he takes my clothes, throwing them on the couch. "Let's go." He grabs my hand, pulling me to his bedroom and we both eventually lay on the bed. I make sure to move to the very edge to make sure he doesn't feel uncomfortable. Louis sighs, wrapping his arms around my middle and pulling me to the middle of the bed with him. "Honestly, you're being annoying. I said I didn't mind." I tense as he doesn't let go, instead opting to hold onto me tighter. "Goodnight (Y/N)." I'm quiet for a moment. I then rotate to face Louis's chest, snuggling into him.

"Goodnight Louis."

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