A Pirate Story

By Hydranga2

481 35 7

This is sort of based on the game Pirate 101 since me and the girls (if you read my other stories about wizar... More

Characters 1
Skull Cave
Moving Forward
Jonah Town
Quid Pro Quo
One-Eyed Jack
The Antique Store
The Crew Makes the Home
The Crew's New Home
Puerto Mico
Gortez Part 1
Funny Scenarios
Troggy Trouble
Rumble in the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle
Hear no Evil, See no Evil
Hear no Evil, See no Evil pt 2
Three Queens pt. 1
Rachel's Birthday

Troggie business

32 2 0
By Hydranga2

The group make their way over to Chief Gunner Rigby while dodging the cannon balls that were being shot in their direction.

"Ahoy, there. Keep yer head down, unless ye're lookin' to be blown up! Blasted Troggies, they've gone mad, they have!" Rigby said as the group dodge another cannonball.

"I'll say..." Warwick states looking at Sally who was eyeing the rickety bridge.

"How can we help?" Sally asked Rigby.

"You want to help?" Rigby said surprised.

"She just said that didn't she?" Warwick said causing Rachel to smirk.

"We need to stop this bombardment. Go find Bonnie Anne." Rigby said before pointing at the bridge behind him. "She went across the bridge to teach the Troggies a lesson. You'll do more good there."

Sally gives him a nod and begins to walk across the bridge while Rachel and Warwick eye the bridge.

"Ah hell no." Warwick said when he noticed the bridge creaking. He grabs Sally's arm stopping her from going any further.

Rachel takes a hesitant step forward, "I'll go first just in case." She tells Sally who shrugs not sure why the group was acting the way they were.

Sally follows practically dragging Warwick behind her.

The group make it to the other side and Warwick frantically kisses the ground.

Sally spots a fox holding a large shot gun and goes over to her.

"Excuse me are ye Bonnie Anne?" Sally asks while Warwick looks a Bonnie's swaying tail.

Rachel noticing smacks him upside the head causing him to snap out of it and look at her with a hurt look on his face.

Bonnie turns to face Sally, Rachel and Warwick. "So who're you then?"

"We're Sally, Rachel and Warwick, nice to meet ye!" Warwick said eagerly shaking her paw.

Rachel rolls her eyes, "Avery sent us."

Bonnie removes her paw from Warwick's eager hands and turn to Rachel and Sally, "Avery sent ye? Good- ye've come just in time! That Fin, he's a wily one. He riled up the Troggies till they're mad as badgers." Bonnie explains to the girls as the group walk closer to the area the Troggies were roaming around.

"The slimy devils raided us last night-took half our powder stores. Now they're flingin' it back at the town!  We'r trying to fight back, but there's too many of them! Soften 'em up a bit, and I'll help ye find Fin. Report to Lieutenant Smollet after." Bonnie said before rushing off to help others nearby.

Sally looks to Warwick expecting him to make smart ass comment but he just stares back at her and shrugs and walks ahead eager to fight something.

The group make quick work of the Troggies causing enough to flee to give way to a safe path.

The group make it over to Smollet. "Yo Smell It! We finished." Warwick told the male who looks at them. 

"Smartly done, pirates! Now we'll show these croaking fiends the error of the ways." Smollet said as Bonnie makes her way over happy at the sight she was witnessing.

"Well Done indeed- ye're good to have around in a fight." Bonnie said smiling at the group.

"Aw thank ye." Warwick said playfully waving her off and putting his hands on his cheeks.

Sally and Rachel both shake their heads at him, Sally amused and Rachel annoyed.

"I said I'd help ye find Fin, an' I'm a girl o' me word." Bonnie Anne says she turns to Sally, she had seen Sally come up with the battle strategies while the group were in battle and assumed she was the captain. 

"Do ye have room for another on ye our Crew, Captain?" Bonnie asked Sally who smiles and turns to Rachel and Warwick for their opinion.

Warwick gives her a smile and nod while Rachel gives her a thumbs up.

Sally turns back to Bonnie, "Welcome aboard!"

"Wait, you're here for Fin? There'll be time for that soon enough- Skull Island's threatened, Pirates, and it's up to us to save it!" Smollet said jumping back into the conversation.

Warwick and Rachel give Smollet the side eye while Sally looks at him her and Bonnie sharing a small exasperated look.

"The Troggies are using three great Slingshots to hurl fire bombs at the West Bastion. The bombardment's wearing down the town's defenses." Smollet hands Sally a small map causing Bonnie, Rachel and Warwick to look over her shoulder at it.

"Our cannons could destroy them, but the farthest Slingshot's out of range. Not only that, but the gunners can't see the other two through all this jungle." Smollet explains to the group who were half listening. "Go to the Third Slingshot and set off the Powder Kegs they're flinging to destroy it. Scout out the other two Slingshots, and mark them on this map."

Warwick walks off eager to get this done. 

Rachel looks at Sally who nods at her as Smollet continues talking. "You'll have to get pretty close to mark them- be careful! Report back when you're finished. Good hunting!" He is surprised to see the group already gone.

Warwick takes down the one Slingshot while Sally and Rachel mark the location of the other two.

Bonnie struggles not to laugh at how the group practically ignored Smollet and got things done quickly. "I think i'm gonna love being on this crew." She says following the young adults.

The group regroup at Smollet a minute later.

"Oh You guys did it! So quickly too... Now we'll answer their slingshots with cannons." Smollet said proudly.

Warwick sweat drops, "Can't we just destroy them all and call it a day?" Sally shrugs and turns back to Smollet.

"Now that the Troggie artillery is out of action, we can look to getting Captain Avery his bauble back." Smollet said. Rachel and Sally sway impatiently eager to get moving again while Warwick dozes off standing up.

"Fine fled up the trail. I'd wager he's hiding in the Skull Cave. I sent two of my best scouts, Livsey and Shepherd, up the trail to see. They've been gone for hours. Go see if the Troggies got them. If Livsey and Shepherd are alive, they'll know where Fin is."

"Fucking finally!" Warwick said before grabbing Sally's hand and walking up the trail.

Rachel and Bonnie follow after him equally as eager.

**This time skip is brought to you by Doctor Strange and Fred ***

They walk and eye the Troggies ahead of them.

"You there! Help!" 

The group and see a ugly frog in a cage. 

"Jabba?" Sally asked causing Rachel and Bonnie to let out unattractive snorts while Warwick rolls on the floor laughing.

Sally embarrassed walks over to the caged frog. "Thank heaven you're here! You need to get me out of here, and right quick, before the Troggies come back!" Ensign Livsey demanded.

Rachel grabs Sally's hands and walks away. No one was going to demand anything of this crew.

"WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Livsey screamed at the group in panic.

Warwick and Rachel turn their head to look at Livsey over their shoulders with heavy glares, "No demands shit from us!" They said before turning back around dragging Sally with them.

"OK OK I'M SORRY JUST COME BACK PLEASE!" Livsey shouts as he shakes the cage in fear.

Sally ducks out of their arms with amazing speed that shocks them.

She looks at them. "I know he was very rude, but we won't be able to get to Fin without his help. The next time I'll let you guys hit him when he tries to demand things." Sally told them.

Rachel and Warwick eye each other while Bonnie eyes Livsey also disliking how he talked to the group.

Warwick sighs a drunkenly walks over to Sally and ruffles her dark brown hair, "Alright Lass. But this is his last chance, ye hear?"

Sally gives him a bright smile and she, Warwick and Bonnie look at Rachel who glares at Livsey.

"Fine. But if he says a word to me, I get full permission to punch his face in. Or unload a bullet in him and cook him later." Rachel said as she walks ahead of the group and to the cage.

Sally hi-5's Bonnie and the group walk over.

"I can't get the lock open- we need the key-" Livsey is interrupted by Rachel shooting the lock off with her gun. She and the others walk off leaving Livsey jaw dropped.

"Ain't no body got time to be fighting the same people time and time again let's go Jabba!" Warwick said.

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