Undeniable Chemistry

By Thingimajiga

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I suddenly crashed to the floor, my papers flying everywhere "Watch where you're going, Jesus!" The middle on... More

Chapter 1 | Hey asshole!
Chapter 2 | Might as well move
Chapter 3 | Office...now!
Chapter 4 | Detention
Chapter 5 | *cough* Tyler *cough*
Chapter 7 | Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner
Chapter 8 | Amusement park
Chapter 9 | Panic! At the cafeteria (1/2)
Chapter 10 | Panic! At the cafeteria (2/2)
Chapter 11 | Lovers
Chapter 12 | Seven Minutes In Hell
Chapter 13 | What a day
Chapter 14 | Lilah
Chapter 15 | Warrior
Chapter 16 | Uncharted Territory
Chapter 17 | I won't Rosalie, I promise
Chapter 18 | I'd melt the entire building with these looks.
Chapter 19 | 20 Questions
Chapter 20 | November 25
Chapter 21 | Froyo & Friends
Chapter 22 | Always? Always.
Chapter 23 | Boyfriend
Chapter 24 | That's What I'm Trying To Figure Out
Chapter 25 | Chemistry
Author's Note (please read)
Chapter 26 | The Sleepover Part 1
Chapter 27 | The Sleepover Part 2
⚠️ Important Message ⚠️
Chapter 28 | The Sleepover Part 3
Chapter 29 | The Sleepover Part 4
Information Session
Chapter 30 | Superhero
⚠️ Attention ⚠️
Chapter 31 | Rollercoaster
Chapter 32 | A Sky Full of Stars
Chapter 33 | Karaoke
Chapter 34 | No Answer
Chapter 35 | I get it now
Chapter 36 | My Story
Chapter 37 | Football and Mishaps
Chapter 38 | Someone You Loved
Chapter 39 | The Truth Revealed
Chapter 40 | I'll never forgive you
Chapter 41 | Just Watch Me
Chapter 42 | I Guess I'm In Love
Chapter 43 | The Beginning of The End

Chapter 6 | Oh it's on like Donkey Kong

3K 96 76
By Thingimajiga

Chapter 6 | Oh it's on like Donkey Kong

"Ethan, a word?" I asked and stood up. "You're in trouble," Dylan teased and I glared. He stood up and followed me outside. Once the door closed, I whipped around and faced him "what are you doing!?" "what do you mean?" "I mean why are you sitting with us?" "You, Alison and Tessa are my friends so is that really a problem?" I gave him a look "okay sorry I just can't stand them they're all look at my hair look at my nails no one gives a fuck!" He groaned.

I felt bad and dropped the topic and went back to the cafeteria.

After a few awkward minutes, chatter filled the cafeteria. The boys and the girls were talking well, the girls were talking and the boys looked bored out of their minds. I even felt bad for Tyler.

I know, shocking.

"Hey you, with the black hair," Bianca said. Obviously, she was talking to me since Ali had blonde hair and Tess was a brunette but I ignored her. "Hello?" She said and started snapping her fingers in my face.

After a few more minutes of hello and excuse me, I turned around and glared at her. "One, get your overly manicured hands out of my face. Two, my name isn't hello? Or hey you with the black hair." I said through gritted teeth. She pulled back her hand and rolled her eyes. "Fine then what's your name?" I looked at her, "wouldn't you like to know" I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Tyler bun, what's her name?" I snickered and mouthed "Tyler bun?" To him and he rolled his eyes. "Bella," He said his eyes never left mine. She looked back and forth between us and went back to talking. "So, Belle," I stiffened at that "Bella" he corrected. Thank you! At least he's done one thing right in the few weeks I've known him.

I faced her "how are you friends with the boys, I mean obviously you're not in our league so what did you do, put a spell on them?" Tyler leaned back clearly amused and watched as the scene played out. I scoffed. I looked at Ethan and mouthed "is she serious?" But he simply shrugged and mouthed back "you'll get used to it, sorta."

"Look Bianca" I hissed but before I could continue Dylan cut me off "Ethan and I have the first period with them-" he was referring to Alison, Tessa and I "-Tyler has the second period with her and all three girls have gym together" "Okay but why are we here I mean they are obviously not popular enough to be our friends." "Excuse you?" Alison said

Finally, she speaks!

"and who are you?" She sneered "a very unhappy person and if you don't stop being such a bitch I'll be your worst nightmare." Alison said

"Thank you!!" I said exasperatedly. We high-fived each other and turned to face her.

"Look it was just a question, no need to be rude. Anyway, do we have any classes together?" "I hope not" I muttered and she glared at me which I returned with a fake smile. "Well if you have gym last period then we have a class with you guys." I froze.

Ah, fuck this!!

We all went back to our conversations and soon the lunch bell rang. I ran out and I mean ran out of the cafeteria. I shoved my books angrily into my locker.

"See you in the gym Isabelle," She-who-shall-not-be-named said as they walked by me.

I tensed up at the name Isabelle, only one person ever called me that.

"Oh, Isabelle come out come out wherever you are" I giggled and hid further in the cupboard "belle!" I giggled again. I'm a genius, he'll never catch me. "Aha!" "Ahhh!!" I screamed and hit his leg "Matty don't scare me like that!!" He picked me up and twirled me around and I screamed "again! Again!!" He put me down and started counting so I ran to hide.



"Bella!" I whipped around and saw Tyler, Dylan and Ethan standing beside me and Ali and Tess on the other side of me. "Oh yea sorry, I gotta go." I packed up my stuff and walked away. I saw them following me so I stopped and turned

"Izzy I am so sorry, I didn't think she was gonna be that bad."

"It was actually entertaining to watch, I don't know why you're apologizing."

I rolled my eyes at Tyler

"of course you found it entertaining"

He shrugged "what? I can't lie." I snorted "you make Pinocchio look like a saint."

"She's got a point," Dylan said.

The late bell rang and we said our goodbyes before rushing off to class.


Phys Ed. I have Phys Ed now.

I looked longingly at my third-period class which was chemistry then I slowly walked away. I could hear her hyena-like voice saying my name. I made my way to the girl's change room and quickly changed but not fast enough "oh Bella!" She said in a sing-songy voice and I banged my head on my locker and turned around. "Hi Bianca, what do you want?" "Oh nothing, I just want you to know that Tyler is mine." "um-" "And Ethan is mine." Ashley said "Dylan is mine," Rachel said


"Firstly, you can have them. I'm not interested, secondly, they're not property you can't own them and thirdly they don't like you so good luck with that." With that, I walked away. "What took you so long? Coach was gonna make late-comers run ten laps." Tessa said. I told them about my little encounter with the girls and they were well...you'll see.

"What the f**k does she mean mine?"

"Are they high?"

"How are they popular? They are so freaking rude!!"

Yea, they were pissed...

The class began and we played a game of dodgeball. I targeted mostly Bianca, who cried over her chipped nail, Ali targeted Ashley and Tessa targeted Rachel.

Let's just say we made three new enemies today.


I was on my way to the parking lot since school had ended when I was yanked back by none other than BAR. In case you're wondering BAR is Bianca, Ashley and Rachel.

I think the name suited them quite nicely since I learned that they usually got wasted at parties.

"What now?" I huffed "look, Bella, we run this school not you, if I were you I'd be very very careful, we can make or break you with a snap of our fingers understood?" I rolled my eyes. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to scare me so better luck next time." "I'd start moving if I were you because your experience at the school is about to get a whole lot worse." With the flip of her hair, she walked away.

Oh, it's on like donkey kong.

Hope you enjoyed it!!!

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