Emberly Johnsonn | A Love Sto...

By klarohunter

544 8 2

When a human girl falls for a vampire how will her life change? How will her life change? Will it become bett... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Fourteen

13 0 0
By klarohunter

I started my way back to Forks from Port Angeles. The drive is about an hour away from Forks. So in total, after driving to and back is two hours. But since I spent a few hours shopping, it seemed like forever.

My music was blaring through the speakers. I honestly didn't know how the speakers haven't blown a fuse yet. I had the volume all the way up. Skipping through a few of songs, I finally landed on one and it was my fucking jam.

I started to sing along with the words of the song,

I've been looking for somebody, tryna' kick it with somebody.

I need a rude boy to tell me something sweet.

My ponytail swung through the air as I moved my head to the beat. This song was that song, that song which always got me pumped up. No songs usually make me want to dance but this sure as hell does.

I want a boyfriend, so put it on me.

I sang at the top of my lungs to the song. Just when my GPS interrupted the song telling me what I was to do next. I rarely come to Port Angeles, so yes I am still using a GPS system.

Now I was back in Forks, so I turned off the navigation system feature in my car. Out of now where rain started to pour down from the gloomy sky. It beat down strongly onto the roof of the vehicle. I hated driving in rain, especially storms.

Soon after I pulled out onto the highway that was almost empty, my phone started to go off, ringing. I fumbled around to pick it up while trying to focus my main attention on the road. When I answered it before saying hello, a voice chimed in first.

"Hello?" I heard Jakes voice speak across the line. He sounded somewhat worried. "Jake? What is it?" I asked with a very concerned tone in my voice."It's Bella..." His breath was ragged through the phone.

"What about her?" I inhaled a deep breath, "She's missing." My eyes went wide. Oh no, "I'm on my way where are you?" I blurted out the question through the phone. "Outside at Charlies house."

I needed to get as fast as I could, she was my friend. "I'm on my way now." I didn't let him reply and hung up. I'm worried about her, where did she disappear to?

On my way there, my head started to feel dizzy, lightheaded. But why? I ate and everything, I took my medicine. Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I saw a glimpse of long red hair. I tried keeping my focus on driving, as a car came speeding from one of the hidden roads.

I quickly slammed my breaks as hard as I could, but it was already too late. The car hit the passenger side and sent my car down the muddy hill. My car then started to flip, and flip, and flip. It was flipping endlessly, a tear flew from my face when I was upside down again.

It felt like this was never to end. My heart was racing.Was I going to die? Am I going to make it through this? A loud piercing scream escaped my body, the car finally came to a halt slamming against a tree.

My head banged off the steering real as I sobbed in pain. Blood gushed from my head, mixing with my tears. My chest rose up and down heavily.

All my mind could think of right now was Emmett. I knew he couldn't hear my cries for him, but I needed him. "HELP! Please!" I yelled in between sobs. "SOMEBODY! I'M STUCK!" My chest was felt like it was being torn apart, piece by piece.

I thought of Emmett, what is he doing at this moment? Was he at my house waiting for me? I wasn't too sure, or was he looking around for me? He knew I was on my way back from Port Angeles.

"Emmett..." I started to mumble him quietly because of the pain. But I just kept repeating his name. Thinking about him kept me calmer than I should be. Remembering my phone, I looked towards the roof of the car.

Which was below me now, the only thing keeping me from falling was my seatbelt. But it wasn't there, it must have flown out from the impact of crash.

Now what was I supposed to do? I couldn't call for help with a phone or by yelling. The rain started making its way through the broken window. My eyes caught sight of something dripping from the car.

It wasn't rain, but gas. Now I started to really panic, I am definitely going to die here. In the far distance, I could hardly make out the sound of sirens.

They became closer and closer. I started to scream again and hopefully louder. The lights of red and blue were now in my line of vision. I was going to be saved.

"DOWN THERE!" Someone shouted, I made out a faint silhouette of someone pointing towards me. As two others rushed there way carefully down the hill.

I struggled to keep awake and to not lose consciousness. They started pry the door open and they pulled me from the seat. "Girl, we need you to stay awake." My eyes opened and shut, I fought the aching pain of wanting to rest my eyes.

They quickly place me on the emergency carrier and started to haul me up to the ambulance. Two cops, were standing next to the car that ran me off the road.

One was putting his hands behind his back, handcuffing him. "You are under arrest." They were arresting him. He was probably drunk and well, might've killed me.

Pain surged throughout my entire body. My aunt, and uncle, do they know what's happened? Are they on their way to flying here right now?

That was my last thought, before suddenly everything went black.

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