Playing Hard To Get (Van McCa...

By Divine_Ribs

11.8K 216 84

He grins at you, shaking his head slightly. "You know some people might say you're asking for it." You're not... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 9

749 16 5
By Divine_Ribs

It's ridiculous. How can someone satisfy you so completely yet leave you so frustrated at the same time? Is this some sort of elaborate game designed to drive you crazy because if it is it's certainly working.

The first thing you think of when you wake is him, the last thing on your mind as you drift off to sleep is him and well... the dreams...

Maybe you shouldn't overthink things, go with it. Maybe you should just be satisfied with the fact that you're experiencing earth-shattering orgasms and living out your fantasies, but you're not. You want more. Just like Van wants all of you, you want all of him. You want to feel his body shuddering as he gives in to you, you want to see the look on his face when he comes apart at your touch. You want him to lose control. Just once.

Knowing Van he probably won't relent until you're on your knees begging for it...

Mind you, just the thought of that stirs up a twisted kind of desire in you that sends your mind down yet another dark avenue.

So you formulate a plan. No more giving in to him. Just as sure as he's driving you crazy, you're going to give as good as you get. You know what turns him on, how to get under his skin. You'll tease him, taunt him, provoke him in to something. When you're finished with him he'll be the one begging for it...

Mary greets you brightly as usual when you next arrive at work a few days later. You wonder if she'd smile so sweetly at you if she knew what you were getting up to with her son right under her nose whilst you're supposed to be working for her.

This morning you're wearing a little dress which buttons all down the front, and you've chosen your underwear carefully. It seems at the moment you put more thought into what you wear under your clothes each day rather than your actual outfit.

You don't hesitate in making your way straight up to the second floor, even though you have a busy morning and you should be helping with the breakfasts. You're feeling so determined you're not actually thinking of anything else, but as you turn on to the second floor landing and see Van's door standing open you hesitate, a little of your bravery slipping away. How are you going to handle this? Last time you slipped into Van's room planning to seduce him you ended up face down over his knee, and heat radiates through you at the thought.

You feel a mixture of disappointment and relief when you survey the empty room, noting the bedsheets strewn aside, and you're just about to turn and walk away when you hear the sound of running water from the family bathroom which is situated opposite Van's room.

You know that you should turn and leave but the thought of Van in there, naked under the spray, seems like too good an opportunity to pass up. He's even left the door partly open. It's practically an open invitation.

You furtively tip toe to the door, squeezing through the gap. The shower is in the corner so you won't be seen from this point. You inch yourself into the room, peering through the steam, eyes fixed on the form you can just make out through the screen.

Suddenly a hand shoots out against the screen, fingers splayed, and you almost cry out in surprise, giving yourself away. You clamp your hand over your mouth and edge closer, and as you do you become aware of the sounds of deep, urgent breathing and then a very quiet but low moan.

Oh my god he's not, is he?

The thought of finding Van pleasuring himself like this turns you on massively and you're driven to see more. Your heart's racing and a scornful voice in your head is telling you that this blatant invasion of his privacy is a step too far, but you can't help yourself. You'll just have to add voyeurism to your growing list of misdemeanours.

As you inch even closer you're well aware now that you could get caught any second and the thought both scares and excites you. Another step and there he is. You stand, frozen, taking all of him in. His lean, naked body glistening under the spray. The sharp jut of his hips. His head bent down, eyes closed, face contorted in the throes of his pleasure whilst he grips the shaft of his hard cock.

Without warning, his head snaps up and his eyes widen in complete shock. "What the fuck...?"

SHIT! Your eyes lock with Van's but only for a second. You step back, tripping over the mat, which sends you crashing into the far wall, but stumble and right yourself. Then you whirl around, making for the door, ignoring Van calling your name. You don't stop until you've rushed down both flights of stairs and you're in the kitchen, and Mary looks up, taking in your flustered appearance with a puzzled look on her face.

"Whatever's the matter Y/N? You look like you've just had the fright of your life!"

"It's... nothing Mary, I'm just rushing around, that's all," you mumble, putting your head down and stepping over to the kitchen counter.

You busy yourself making the teas and coffees but you can't concentrate at all. Each time Mary tells you the order for the next table you have to ask her to repeat it. All you can see in your mind's eye is the sight you've just witnessed and your apprehension about how Van's going to handle this builds by the second. Every time Mary walks into the kitchen you feel your heart lurching in your chest so you just try to keep your head down and focus on the task in hand.

You don't notice Van's stealthy entrance into the kitchen until you feel large hands around your waist, gripping you firmly. You snatch a breath, your body freezing, a furious blush staining your cheeks.

"Well, well... you're full of surprises."

Van's voice is low, and his head is bent over so he can whisper in your ear. He's pressing his hips into you so you're pinned up against the counter.

"S... sorry..." you stutter the words out. "I... didn't mean to..."

"Don't apologise." He cuts you off gruffly. "You're gonna make it up to me."

You feel him moving his hips forward, pressing into you purposefully as he speaks again. "I want to see you in my room when you've finished this. You understand?"

He tips his head to the side, his lips brushing a spot on your neck which sends a shiver through you, and you know Van feels it too as you feel his lips curve into a smile on your skin.

"I said do you understand?"

"Uh-huh..." you manage.

His lips leave your neck and you feel his fingers sliding down to your hips, digging in, a warning.

"Don't make me come looking for you. Or you will be sorry..."

Then he's gone, leaving you flustered and wondering why you ever thought you could get the upper hand in this. And in any case, would you want to?

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