Part 10

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The anticipation you feel is all too familiar now as you climb the stairs to the second floor, and you can't see yourself ever getting used to this feeling, or actually wanting to for that matter

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The anticipation you feel is all too familiar now as you climb the stairs to the second floor, and you can't see yourself ever getting used to this feeling, or actually wanting to for that matter.

This time nerves are twisting your gut more than usual as you have actually done something bad this time, and you can only guess at Van's reaction, but as for your so-called punishment? Bring it on...

As you linger at the end of the corridor you hesitate as a thought occurs to you. You've spent the past few weeks completely giving in to Van, and weren't you all fired up just this morning about not doing so this time? How about if you ignore his command, find out just how 'sorry' you'll be? I mean, what's he going to do? Hunt you down and drag you up there? Hmm... probably best not to let your thoughts go there...

You turn and swiftly walk back down the stairs, a little thrill running through you at your defiance, knowing he'll be incensed. All of a sudden this game has got infinitely more interesting. You just need to keep some distance between you and Van. Show him that you're not the good girl he seems so keen on moulding you into.

Morning gives way to afternoon and there's been no sign of Van, and thankfully there's been enough to keep you busy downstairs

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Morning gives way to afternoon and there's been no sign of Van, and thankfully there's been enough to keep you busy downstairs. You're just helping Mary finish up in the kitchen when you see his unmistakable tall figure enter the room from your peripheral vision. Your heart's in your mouth. He can't exactly do anything with his mum standing right there though, can he?

You look up and his eyes burn into you as he passes. Without saying a word he slinks outside where he stops to light up a cigarette. From his position leaning against the wall he can clearly see you in the kitchen and every time you glance up his eyes are fixed on you with a sly sort of smile on his lips. It's the sort of look which makes you wonder what's going on in his mind. Maybe he's trying to work out what's going through yours. If only he knew...

Mary interrupts your thoughts just then with a request. "Y/N, would you mind going to fetch the laundry out the tumble dryer please love?" She nods to the laundry basket by the kitchen door. "There's another wash-load to put on too whilst you're down there."

"Yeah sure Mary I'll get right on it..."

You're aware that Van's watching your every move as you stoop down to pick up the basket and step outside, but you don't look at him. You just carefully step past him as if he's not even there, heading down the garden, your heart starting to race as you think of Van challenging you in the laundry room back when this all started.

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