Forever and Always (Sequel to...

By Demixxdevonne

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Watch Max and Demi plan their wedding while taking care of two little ones. How will they deal with the stres... More



533 27 4
By Demixxdevonne

Max's POV

It's been about an hour and Demi still hasn't really said anything and has just been looking out the window. It breaks my heart to see her so broken, but I wish she would talk to me. Soon, the nurse walks in with some papers and says that Demi can leave. She quickly signs the discharge papers before getting dressed back in the clothes she came in last night. The nurse tells Demi to take it easy and rest for the next couple of weeks and no sexual activity for a month. Although, that won't be a problem either way since Demi wanted to do the whole no sex thing until our wedding night. Demi and I soon leave and as I drive back to the house, Demi rests her head back on the seat as she puts her sunglasses on and I sigh. When we make it back to the house, Demi gets out of the car before I can even turn the engine off and walks inside. I sigh loudly and rest my head back on the seat as I take a couple minutes to myself. I then get out of the car and head inside to see Dallas giving me a confused look.

"What's wrong? Demi just blowed right past me and went upstairs." She says and I look around to see both the kids playing in the play room and then back up at Dallas.

"She had a miscarriage." I say and she gasps.

"Oh my god. I didn't even know she was pregnant." She says and I nod.

"She didn't want to tell anyone for awhile. We woke up in the middle of the night last night to blood all over the sheets. Please don't say anything to anyone." I say looking down and I soon feel Dallas wrap her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry." She says and I nod as tears fill my eyes again.

"Demi is really upset right now. She hasn't talked to me all morning." I say pulling away.

"She'll be okay after awhile. Just keep being there for her and make sure she eats and keeps taking her medication." Dallas says and I nod.

"I know, she wouldn't eat at the hospital. So I'm going to make her something right now and bring it up to her." I say and she nods.

"Okay, I can take the kids today. I can take them and Ensley to the zoo or park." She says.

"That would be great. Thank you." I say and she nods.

"Of course. You go and get Demi some food and I'll get them ready and leave." She says and I give her a small smile then walk to the kitchen. I make Demi some toast and eggs then I cut up some fruit to bring upstairs to her. By the time I'm done cooking, Dallas leaves with the kids after I kiss them and then I walk upstairs. When I get into the room I see Demi pulling off the sheets of our bed as clean ones lay on the small couch at the end of our bed.

"Let me do that baby." I say setting her food down then walking up to her as I take the sheets out of her hands. I then grab the clean ones and make the bed before I tell Demi to lay down. "Here, you need to eat." I say handing her the plate of food after she pulls the blankets over her.

"I'm not hungry." She says laying back and I sigh and sit next to her.

"Just eat a little bit Demi. You haven't eaten since dinner last night." I say and she shakes her head. "Demi, eat please. Even if it's just the fruit." I say and she sighs then takes the plate from me. I watch her eat a couple pieces of fruit and a bite of her toast before I stand up and grab the soiled sheets.

"I'm going to bring these down. I'll be back." I say and she doesn't reply so I just walk out of the room. I decide to just throw the sheets out instead of trying to get all the blood out and then I go to the kitchen and grab some left over eggs and make myself some toast before quickly eating. I then head back upstairs and when I get in the room, I see Demi is fast asleep with her plate of food on the nightstand. She only took a couple bites of her toast and ate a few pieces of fruit and I sigh. I take her plate and bring it down stairs and decide to give Batman and Ella her eggs since they're good for dogs anyways. I then rinse off her plate before heading back upstairs and getting in bed next to Demi. I wrap one arm around her and rest my head back. I feel Demi stir against me so I look down to see her eyes open as she looks off to the wall.

"I didn't mean to wake you." I say rubbing her back. She sighs and rolls away from me and turns the other way. "Demi, talk to me please." I say running my hand up her side.

"Stop touching me." She says and I take a deep breath and pull my hand away from her.

"I know you're sad right now, but you can't ignore everyone." I say, but she doesn't reply. I know she's upset and I know she's hurt that we lost the baby, but I'm hurt too. It kills me that we lost our baby and I so badly wish I could change everything but I can't. I decide to roll out of the bed since Demi clearly doesn't want me there and I walk downstairs. I then remember that Demi had to go to Maddie's appointment this morning so I quickly call her.

"Hey Max!" Maddie answers.

"Hey, I know Demi was supposed to go to your appointment this morning but she isn't feeling great right now. You can just bring the envelope of the gender to our house after though." I say. I figure if Demi can't plan that gender reveal party which I'm sure she won't be able to then I will. It can't be that hard.

"Oh okay. We will bring it straight over after the appointment then. I hope she feels better soon." Maddie says.

"Me too." I reply sitting down on the couch. We then say goodbye and I hang up. Batman and Ella then hop on the couch and lay next to me and I bring my hand up to pet them both.

After a couple hours, Maddie arrives and gives me the envelope with the gender and then she leaves since her and Jaylen were going out to lunch. I place the envelope on the kitchen counter before I decide to go upstairs and check on Demi. When I make it up there, she's back asleep so I walk over to her and bend down to lightly kiss her cheek. I whisper an I love you before walking back downstairs.

For the next few days, that's how it went. Demi didn't talk or barely eat or come downstairs. She hasn't even seen the kids and I was starting to get annoyed. I understand that losing the baby was hard, but she still has two other kids that are missing there mom. Thursday morning I woke up to Demi sleeping away from me like every morning since the miscarriage and I sigh and roll over to kiss her head before I get out of bed. Today, we're supposed to go taste cakes for our wedding, but I have a feeling Demi isn't going to want to do it. I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine. When I get out, I see Demi is awake and on her phone.

"Morning baby." I say and she looks up at me and nods.

"Are you done in there?" She asks and I sigh and nod. Every morning I wake up and hope that will be the day Demi gets out of this funk, but every morning I'm disappointed when she barely talks and when she does it's super short. Demi stands up and walks to the bathroom and does her morning routine. Once she's done she goes back to the bed and wraps a blanket around herself.

"Today we have that appointment to taste cakes. What do you want to do?" I ask her.

"You can go by yourself." She says not glancing my way as she scrolls through her phone.

"Demi, I'm not going by myself. This is for our wedding. We're supposed to be doing these things together." I say leaning against the dresser.

"Then cancel it." She says locking her phone and laying back on the bed.

"Okay, I'll call and reschedule." I say but she shakes her head.

"I meant the wedding." She says turning to her side and my heart breaks.

"What?" I ask in disbelief thinking that I might of heard her wrong.

"You heard me." She mumbles. I look down as tears burn at the back of my eyes. I can't believe she just said that. Just days earlier she couldn't stop going on and on about how excited she was to marry me and now she's acting like me or the kids don't even exist. I shake my head and walk out of the room to get the kids since I heard them waking up in the baby monitors and then I walk downstairs with them and get them breakfast. As the kids eat, I start thinking about what to do with Demi. I'm trying to be there for her, but it seems like I may have to be a little more forceful if she doesn't snap out of this soon. Dianna is actually coming over later to get the kids since Demi and I were supposed to taste cakes today and I might have to tell her what's going on.

Dianna soon arrives as I start cleaning the kids up from breakfast and once they're clean, I let them go off and play in the playroom.

"Can I talk to you Dianna?" I ask her as I walk back in the kitchen and she nods.

"Of course! Is everything alright?" She asks and I sigh and slide her a cup a coffee.

"Not really." I say looking down at my own cup of coffee.

"What's going on?" She asks and I look up to see her giving me a worried expression.

"Demi had a miscarriage." I say and I see her eyes go wide. "She found out she was pregnant the day she flew out to Australia and that's when she told me." I tell her.

"When?" She asks her voice cracking.

"A few nights ago. We woke up to blood all over the sheets so I brought her to the hospital and there was no heartbeat. Demi has been really upset and that's understandable, I'm upset too. But she hasn't even walked downstairs, she barely eats or talks, and she hasn't seen the kids at all." I say looking down at the counter. "I don't know what to do anymore. This morning she told me to cancel the wedding." I say looking up at her with tears in my eyes and she sets her coffee down before walking around the counter and bringing me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry." She says and then she pulls away.

"I'm trying to be there for her and I know she's hurt, but I don't think she understands that I'm hurting also and yet I'm still getting up every morning to take care of our kids and now her. I just hate seeing her so sad." I say and she nods.

"Let me talk to her." She says and I nod.

"She's up in our room. I'll make breakfast for her." I say and she nods and walks upstairs.

Dianna's POV

As I walk upstairs I try to think of what to say to Demi. Max was right, Demi needs to snap out of this. Losing a baby is hard, but she still has two other babies that she needs to take care of. When I make it in their room, I see Demi laying in the bed wrapped in the blankets as she looks out the window. I walk up to her and sit on the bed next to her, but she doesn't even flinch. I bring my hand up to her back and I start rubbing up and down.

"Demi, I know this is hard, but you need to talk to someone. Anyone." I say and she doesn't move or reply. "Why don't you get up and take a shower?" I ask and she shakes her head no. I can now see how Max is starting to get frustrated with her. "Get up Demi." I say standing up from the bed. She looks over at me as I glare down at her and she sighs and sits up in the bed. "Look at yourself! You haven't showered in days, you won't talk, you aren't eating, you can't even talk to your husband-to-be and you have two other kids you are abandoning. I know this is hard and I know you're upset, but you losing the baby was not your fault." I say pointing at her and I see her sigh as tears fill her eyes. "Max is down there just as broken as you are and he's still getting up and taking care of your kids." I say and she looks down at her fingers.

"It is my fault." She whispers and I shake my head.

"No it isn't. It is not your fault." I say and she shakes her head as tears fall down her face. I sigh and sit next to her on the bed and wrap my arms around her as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"I never told you this, because I didn't want to tell anyone. The only people that know were the few people involved and Max." She says and I look down at her. "I had an abortion when I was 23." She whispers after a few minutes and I gasp. "I didn't want it though. Wilmer and Phil manipulated me and convinced me that I would be a terrible mother because of my addictions and disorders so they made me get an abortion. That's why Wilmer and I broke up a couple months later." She says crying in my shoulder and I look up to see Max standing by the door with a plate of food for Demi. "I woke up in the hospital when Max was still sleeping and I heard the doctor and nurses talking. They said that they think the reason for my placenta rupturing with Ezra was because of that instead of what Tony did and that's also the reason why I miscarried. So, it is my fault. If I haven't of given in to them then I wouldn't be going through this right now or having so much trouble with pregnancies." She cries in between sobs and I bite my lip in an attempt to stop my tears.

"Demi, you don't know that for sure. They are just assuming that's why, and even if that is the case, it still wasn't your fault. They forced you into that abortion. For now though, you need to get on the phone with your therapist and take a shower and eat. And I mean actually eat, not just a few bites." I say kissing the top of her head and she nods. I nod over to Max to have him come in the room with her food and he hands me her plate and sits down next to Demi, however she doesn't even acknowledge him and I could tell it was breaking Max more and more. "Here, you eat and I'll leave you two alone. I'll be downstairs with the kids." I say and she doesn't reply, but she takes the plate of food.

Max's POV

After Dianna left the room, I look down at Demi as she starts eating.

"Why didn't you tell me what you heard the doctor say?" I ask her after several minutes and she just shrugs. "Demi look at me." I say and she drifts her attention up to me. "Why won't you talk to me? I'm trying here Dem." I say almost desperately and she just looks back down at her plate of food.

"Just leave me alone Max." She mumbles and I take a deep breath before sitting up from the bed.

"You know what? Fine. I'll leave you alone. I'm leaving." I say turning to the closet to get dressed in jeans and a shirt. Once I'm dressed I walk back to the room to see Demi staring at me.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Out." I answer grabbing my wallet and keys.

"Out where?" She asks again and I turn to look at her.

"I'm taking the kids and I out of this depressive environment." I say walking out of the room. I hate to act like this with her, but at this point I'm just beyond frustrated with her. When I walk downstairs, I see Dianna playing with the kids in the playroom.

"How'd it go?" She asks me and I take a deep breath and pick up Ezra when he crawls to me.

"She still isn't talking to me and told me to leave her alone. So, I'm gonna go out with the kids and do something." I say and she nods. I then get the kids ready before we head out, while Dianna stays here to keep an eye on Demi. I hate to leave Demi, but the kids need to get out and do something.

Demi's POV

After I heard the door close downstairs, I knew Max and the kids were gone. I lay back against the bed and let my tears fall. He just left. He actually left.

After crying in bed for God knows how long, I decide to get up and shower. Once I get out, I get dressed in a pair of Max's sweatpants and one of his t shirts. As I brush through my hair, I catch a glimpse of my ring on my finger in the mirror and I start crying all over again. I don't want to cancel our wedding. I want to marry him and I just keep pushing him away. Once I finish my hair, I grab my phone and call Max.

"Are you okay?" He asks answering the phone.

"I'm sorry." I cry out. "I'm sorry for pushing you away, I'm sorry for not considering your feelings, I'm sorry for abandoning the kids, I'm sorry for telling you to cancel the wedding." I tell him in between sobs. "I'm sorry." I weakly say.

"It's okay baby, I'll come home right now and we can talk. Okay?" He says and I nod then I remember he can't see me.

"Okay." I reply sniffling.

"Hey, I love you." He says and I smile for the first time in days.

"I love you too." I reply. We then hang up and I decide to go downstairs and I see my mom still there.

"You're still here?" I ask and she looks up at me and nods.

"Max didn't want you to be alone. I see you got a shower." She says and I nod and sit next to her on the couch.

"I'm sorry." I say laying my head on her shoulder.

"You have nothing to apologize for sweetie. Losing a baby is hard. I never told you girls this, but before Maddie, me and dad really wanted a baby and we tried for years and we had a few miscarriages during that time. But we were eventually blessed with Maddie and it was all worth it in the end." She says and I look up at her.

"You did?" I ask her shocked and she nods.

"We had four miscarriages. It was absolutely heartbreaking every time, and I closed myself up on your dad for awhile there too when all he wanted to do was be there for me and help me. Little did I know, that he was struggling and was hurting just as much as I was." She says and now I really feel bad. I never took into consideration how Max is feeling and I completely closed him out and also abandoned my kids in the meantime.

"I'm a terrible person." I say crying in her shoulder as she rubs my back.

"No you aren't sweetheart." My mom says but I shake my head.

"Max is probably hurting so much right now and I just continue to be a bitch to him and completely forget that I'm already a mom to two babies." I say as I feel her kiss my forehead. "I told him to cancel our wedding this morning. I don't want him to though." I say pulling my face away from her shoulder. "I want to marry him. I want him to be my husband." I say and she nods.

"And he will be. You guys will be married next month." She says and I sigh and wipe my tears away. About ten minutes later, I hear the door open followed by two giggly babies. I smile and pull away from my mom and turn my head to the door to see Max holding both Zara and Ezra.

"Mommy!" Zara gasps when she sees me as she tries to get down from Max's arms. Max eventually puts her down and she immediately runs up to me and I pick her up and sit her in my lap.

"Hi beautiful princess." I say wrapping my arms around her small body as I kiss her head.

"Miss you mama." She says and I nod as tears fill my eyes as the guilt of me not being around my kids ate away at me.

"I missed you too baby girl. So much." I say pulling her head away from my chest so I can look at her and she smiles big. Max then sits near me and Ezra immediately reaches for me, so I move Zara to the side of my lap while I take Ezra in my other arm. I kiss him as he lays his head against my shoulder.

"I'll leave you guys alone. I'll call you later baby girl. I love you." My mom says and I nod as she kisses my forehead as she gets up and soon leaves. I look up at Max as he watches me and the kids with a small smile.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and he locks his eyes with mine and shakes his head.

"We can talk later baby. For now, let's cuddle with our kids until they go down for a nap." He says and I nod with a small smile. I lay back against the couch with Zara and Ezra on either side of me as Max drapes one arm around my shoulder and I feel content again. Losing this baby was hard and I'm still hurting, but I'm going to remain thankful for my two babies I already have and my soon-to-be husband.

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