From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

15.5K 425 447

If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
On Location
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top

Guest Star

754 17 16
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

We have not moved from our spot standing in the kitchen, my arms wrapped around the back of his neck while Dylan's alternate between gripping my sides and sliding up my back to pull me closer against him.

He makes a content little hum noise, pressing his lips onto mine once more before he pulls away just enough to connect his eyes with mine "I don't think I'll ever get used to kissing you like this"

My brow quirks and tilt my head slightly to the side "Is that a bad thing or--"

"Nope, good- it's definitely a good thing" he interrupts, connecting his lips to mine once more quickly before he continues "Kissing you has always been fucking amazing but knowing that it's not for a scene and you're actually kissing me back because you want to is just-"

"I always wanted to kiss you" I interrupt and he pulls me closer with my words, the smile that overcomes his face lighting up the whole room "Right, but I was not aware of that little fact before tonight. So kissing you with that little voice in the back of my head being quiet right now is the best feeling in the world."

"My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, what are you doing to me?" I question and he shakes his head, his eyes moving over my face with the sweetest look on his face "I'm not doing anything different than what I have been doing- miniscule difference is now you know whyI'm looking at you this way."

"Fuck, I love you" I repeat his words from earlier and he chuckles, the noise getting swallowed up and quickly turning into a moan while we move our lips together.

After however much time, that I could care less is passing, passes I press one more kiss to his lips before I run my nose along his "I keep expecting to hear someone call cut"

Dyl smiles and I can feel his fingers lift the hem of my shirt up just enough to set his hands on my skin, sending goosies everywhere as he gently moves his thumbs over my skin "Same here, that's going to hopefully be easy to get used to though"

I smirk up at him "Hopefully-- guess we should, maybe, I dunno- keep trying to get rid of that anticipated feeling"

"Yeah- yeah I think you may be on to something" he smirks, his fingers pressing into my sides more earning me to hum in agreement "I mean, purely for research purposes for the well being of our sanity."

Dyl chuckles and pulls me closer into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist "Stay with me tonight?"

"You want me to?" I question softly, looking up at him and he widens his eyes, standing up straighter with his hands landing on my hips "Yeah of course, just to stay- we don't- we don't have to do- I didn't mean for that to sound like I was- not that I don't want to- because I do- just not- I don't want to rush-" he stammers, breathing out harshly as he looks up to the ceiling "Fucking christ."

I giggle softly, running my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck "I knew what you meant."

He closes his eyes and releases a calming breath before he connects his eyes with mine and leans his forehead against mine "I can't imagine you leaving me after tonight- I just want you with me, wearing my shirt while I cuddle you in my bed."

I smile with his words, feeling warm all over while his hands grip onto my sides a little more "I do not want you to feel rushed or to ever feel like I'm expecting anything. We do this, everything at your pace, Adds. I just got you and I don't want to do anything to push you away- ever."

"You're pretty much stuck with me" I reply with a little shrug and he chuckles softly, his eyes moving between mine quickly "Yeah?"

"Yeah" I smile brightly and he nods his head once "Well good because, and I mean I don't want to scare you but, you're pretty much stuck with me for the long haul, baby."

I can't even help the little swoon noise that sounds in my throat as I lean into him more "I definitely love it when you call me that."

"Good to know" he smiles mischievously, sliding his hands down the back of my thighs and the next thing I know he's lifting me up, guiding my legs around his waist "Come on, baby girl- as cute as you look in your clothes I want you in mine."

Dyl throws a wink at me while I hold on to his shoulders and he walks us down the hall towards his room.

Once we're in the room he sets me down and kisses my cheek quickly earning me to smile even more before he starts moving about the room.

The door to his closet is open and my eyes land on a shirt I recognize, I look at him with a knowing look, slowly moving towards the open door and turning on the light "Dyl?"

"Yeah, baby?" comes his reply and I shake my head already knowing I'm going to regret telling him how much I love when he calls me that.

Instead of embarrassing myself with another noise, I clear my throat and see him appear in the doorway "Exactly how many shirts have you taken from set?"

He pushes his lips out as he mulls my question over, looking between me and the shirts I'm pointing towards "Ah, well see I unfortunately do not think we've been officially a couple long enough for you to know that secret."

Raising a brow at him, I cross my arms over my chest "Holl and Bee would argue we've been a couple since we were filming season 2 but we just weren't aware of it"

Dyl breathes out a laugh, scratching the back of his head "Yeah, Pose and Hoech would argue the same."

I make a face and jerk my head back a little "Wait, what? So has everyone else just known how we felt about each other except for us?"

He clenches his teeth into a slight grimace "Pretty much- Holland was very frustrated with me-"

"I'm sorry, wait-" I interrupt, uncrossing my arms to lift one up in between us "Holl knew how you felt about me?"

He chuckles and nods immediately "Oh yeah, knew it even before I fully admitted it to myself- she failed to mention how you felt about me though"

My mind is running through all her comments that she has made over the years and I can see the lightbulb turn on above my head "Holy shit her comments about locking us up in a trailer make so much more sense now- she knew I wasn't going to get hurt or embarrassed because she knew you felt the same... fuck me."

Dyl laughs softly, closing the space between us to set his hands on my waist "A lot of things that everyone did or said make a lot of sense now- I was an idiot."

I shake my head softly, sliding my hands up his chest as I counter "We were both idiots."

He shrugs once with a playful smile "Maybe, but you're my idiot?"

Laughing with that I nod, smiling even wider as I state "Idiots in love, we are."

"Fucking yes, we could start a band with a name like that!" he chimes in with his excitement and I laugh, my eyes moving over his face and the pure happiness shining in his eyes "You're my favorite, I love you."

"You have no idea, Adds" he murmurs, leaning forward to capture my lips in a sweet kiss.

I smile into the kiss, breathing in through my nose as I push up on my toes to move my lips with his.

After a few seconds I make a noise and pull back, "Don't think you can distract me from my previous question with your sweet kisses."

"I was not trying to distract you from anything" he states, feigning innocence and I throw him a look "So you going to change your mind on the longevity of our relationship being a factor in letting me in on your secret?"

Without missing a beat he answers "I'll think about it."

"I'm standing in your closet" I deadpan and he nods his head once "I'm aware of your location."

I scoff playfully and move my arm in a circle around me to indicate "And I can literally see shirts that I can match with every season- possibly the episodes they go to if I actually think about it."

"Your point being?" he questions, slightly narrowing his eyes at me while he tries not to laugh-- which instantly causes me to throw him a look "You giving me a number so I don't have to count them would be quicker."

He contemplates that for a moment, finally answering "That's an interesting point..."

I snort through a chuckle as I shake my head at him "You have no idea the number of shirts you've bogarted, do you?"

"Not a one" he answers with a bright smile and kisses my cheek, pointing towards two in particular "I did however take those because you wore them."

"You did?" I question softly, that warm feeling bubbling in my chest once more. I look from the shirts and over at him, seeing him almost blushing "Yup, I uh, they smell like you- or well they did... and I wasn't lying that day when I said I loved it."

Smiling with his words I make a noise "Well I showered earlier today so whatever shirt you give me tonight will smell like me."

"Well now you're just on to my master plan" he rolls his eyes dramatically and I lean forward, pressing a kiss to his stubble covered jaw "Great minds, babe"

I hear him release a breathy chuckle before he returns with a kiss to my temple and my eyes land on a shirt hanging near his shoulder "Hey I want this one!"

Dyl turns to the side and sees the shirt I'm pointing to that he wore in the first season and he laughs softly "Your request will be taken into consideration- but for now here," he hands me the softest dark grey t-shirt I've ever felt.

I bring the shirt up to my nose and inhale deeply, seeing Dyl's sparkling eyes looking at me with a mix of amusement and adoration when I lower the shirt "What? Part of helping you get what you want with your clothes smelling like me means I get to bask in them smelling like you while I wear them."

"You're perfect- you know that?" he questions just barely above a whisper and I shake my head "I'm far from perfect- but I'll settle for you thinking I'm a perfect match for you because I feel the same way about you..."

He looks at me for a moment longer before he visibly swallows hard and reaches out to wrap his arms around, pulling me into his chest "Deal."

We get changed and I opt to not keep my leggings on while I sleep, folding them up and placing them with my other clothes on top of his dresser that's to the left of his bed.

Dyl smiles at me when I turn around, nodding his head once in gratitude and I chuckle towards him "What's that look for?"

He moves his eyes over me, like he's committing the image to memory and sighs out dreamily "I've imagined you being here like this countless times but I've got to say my mind failed in comparison to the real thing."

I feel my cheeks warm in a slight blush, earning him to chuckle as he lifts the covers for me to climb in next to him.

He turns off the side light and rolls back towards me, breathing out a preparing breath "Alright, slide your icicles over here let's get those warm."

"Just let me stay over here until they're more warm" I offer and he scoffs, sliding his arm across my stomach before he pulls me across the little space towards him "That's not how this relationship works."

I chuckle with his actions and burrow myself into his side, hesitantly sliding my feet under his legs. He hisses from the cold, however, he tightens his hold around me so I don't even think of moving away from him.

Not that I would want to, I mean sure we've laid together and somewhat cuddled in between scenes but that's absolutely nothing compared to this.

"I love you Dyl, but you do not have to be cold just because my feet are" I offer into the quiet of the room and he chuckles lowly "Adds, you told me you love me- I'll do whatever you need."

"Plus I'll never say no to getting to hold you" he murmurs and places a kiss against the side of my face just below my ear, his deep voice being heard next sending goosies dancing across my skin "Sweet dreams, baby- I love you"


Dylan POV

Addy completing my life and telling me she loves me was Friday night and the rest of the weekend was spent much the same way. We didn't leave the house, just lounged around watching movies and not watching the movies as we made out on the couch.

Every night I got to fall asleep with her in my arms and she's officially ruined sleeping for me, since Monday night she didn't stay with me and I slept horribly without her next to me.

I'm just walking into her house when my phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket while Addy closes the door behind me.

I laugh when I see the FaceTime call from Pose and Adds nods her head towards it before kissing my cheek "Answer it, I'm gonna get something to eat."

Answering the call I follow behind Addy as we walk through the living room and into the open kitchen "Hey man--"

"Babe do you want something to drink?" Adds asks and apparently it was loud enough for the phone to pick up because Pose furrows his brows in his confusion, leaning closer towards the phone like he could at all see around me "I'm sorry, who the fuck is calling you 'babe' and getting you things in a kitchen right now?"

Addy turns around quickly with his words, her eyes wide like we were caught doing something absolutely scandalous and I can't help but laugh at both of their reactions right now.

"Dylpickle, where are you right now?" Pose questions further and I look over at Addy seeing her slowly walk over towards me.

She leans into my arm with a sheepish expression on her face as I slowly pull the phone away from how close it was on my face on the screen and she slowly comes into view.

"Addy!" Pose yells and throws his arms up in celebration "Fucking finally!"

Adds wraps her hands around my arm and laughs, hiding her face in my shoulder earning me to kiss the top of her head.

Pose instantly smiles more, placing his hands under his chin and leaning his elbows onto the table, he's got his phone propped up on, as he leans closer towards the screen "Holy shit, you two are the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen."

"Thanks Ty," she murmurs, setting the side of her head against my arm while I nod towards him "Thanks man."

"So what happened, when did it happen- I've been waiting years for this moment I want to know everything!" he rushes out and we laugh, Addy sitting up a little "Ty you can't say anything to anyone--"

"Oh it's a secret relationship, is it?" he chimes in with a smirk and over dramatic wink like he gets it.

Addy snorts and shakes her head "No- or well I don't know we haven't really talked about that," she looks at me quickly and I shrug before she looks back at the screen "I just meant, I've not gotten to tell Holl yet and--"

"I'm the first to know!" he bellows out in his excitement and she grimaces with her little nose scrunched up "Well not really- I told my mum, so--"

"Whatever she's a different category- I'm first in my category" he beams all proud and we laugh again, Addy lifting her shoulder up "As long as you're happy, Ty."

Pose has not stopped smiling since he saw her and I can't help but love that he's in our life that much more. 

"So come on when exactly did this happen?" he questions once more and I wrap my arm behind her, pulling her into my side more "Friday night"

He smirks towards me "So when you said you were having her over for a movie night-"

"That was all true" I laugh out and he winks "Yeah it was"

"Jesus, Ty I'm right here" Addy chimes in and he doesn't drop the smirk "Yeah you are- look at you two."

"Oh my god" she laughs which causes us all to laugh and he holds his hands up in surrender "I'm kidding, in all seriousness I'm so fucking happy for you two."

I smile at him in my silent thanks before looking over at her and kissing her cheek loudly, hearing him scoff playfully "However if you could stop calling me single in 47 languages that'd be great."

Barking out a laugh I almost drop my phone, hearing him say he's gotta go but we'll plan a night to hang out before I leave for Scorch and we end the call.

Addy's mom walks into the kitchen and the smile that overcomes her face when she sees us reminds me so much of Adds' "Oh you two"

"Mum" Addy warns playfully and gets a hand waved in her face as her mom walks around and hugs me "Oh shush- after seeing what I've seen these past however many years I am allowed to be happy for you two."

I return her hug and laugh when she pulls back and slides her hand down the middle of Addy's face "Stop frowning darling, I've got wonderful news"

Adds responds with her own laugh as she bats her mom's hand away "Alright, jesus I wasn't frowning! What's the news?"

Her mom beams as she looks between us "I just got off the phone with Denise"

I instantly smile and step up behind Adds, setting my hands on her shoulders. She looks up at me and back at her mom "Denise from?"

I shake her a little and her mom laughs "She's the casting director from-"

"Maze Runner- I got Brenda?!" Addy interrupts and we laugh, her mom nodding her head yes and stepping forward to hug her.

Evelyn wraps her hand around my wrist and pulls be closer towards them, earning a laugh to fall from me as I join in the group hug.

We pull apart and Addy turns around to wrap her arms around my middle, while I press a kiss to her temple "I knew it"

She leans back slightly, narrowing her eyes at me "You already knew?"

Wounded look thrown her way, I scoff "Unofficially, I knew the day we read that scene for Denise-"

"They told you that day?" she interrupts and I shake my head "No, their faces said the part was yours, Adds. You blew them away, even I could see that and they're not to supposed to show that."

Evelyn nods and sets her hands on her hips "He's right, that's pretty much what Denise said- they're announcing you joining the film today."

"Did they tell you a date for when we leave?" I question since I haven't heard anything yet and she nods "Yes, end of October you guys are set to start, heading out a week probably before like you did last time to get acclimated to the set and weather."

Her phone rings and she lifts her free hand up towards us "Oh I've got to take this- talk to you guys later."

Once her mom answers the phone and makes her way to the opposite side of the kitchen and disappears down the hallway towards her office, Addy squeals with a little dance of excitement from the news.

I watch her for a second, my heart swelling with so much love for her and I smile even more as I reach out and grab her hand, pulling her into my chest as we dance around the room.


Addy POV

My dad got back into town this morning, kicking off his week at home by taking mum out for an early dinner with drinks out on the town tonight.

Dressed in some dark grey slacks and white button up shirt, sans tie, he walks into the kitchen and smiles as he looks between us "Dylan- we've not seen you around here in a while, how are you?"

Dad opens his arms and hugs him, bringing a smile to my face as Dyl returns the hug "I'm great Mr. Young, how--"

Dad pulls back and groans in frustration- that has me moving my lips between my teeth to not laugh "I swear to christ if you don't stop calling me Mr. Young I will throw a sandwich at your face."

Dylan widens his eyes with a nervous laugh and I throw dad a look as I quip "You're not even eating a sandwich- what kind of threat is that?"

Dad narrows his eyes at me, shrugging a shoulder as he counters "I'll make a sandwich, then I shall have a sandwich to be thrown as I see fit."

"Sounds wasteful" I answer without missing a beat and he just makes a face, nodding his head a few times as he elaborates thoughtfully "Maybe, but it would get my point across that 'Mr. Young' is my father and you should call me Bennett or Ben, hell even Benny would be better, would it not?"

I make a face with that reasoning like he has a point and I look up at Dyl, seeing the corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles down at me. He laughs and nods his head towards dad "With that reasoning you sound just like your daughter, Bennett."

Dad smiles wide, lifting his hands up off the counter in confirmation "Yes, well I taught her everything I know so you can thank me for her sense of humor."

Mum's laugh can be heard from down the hall and dad glares playfully in her direction "Evie, darling, have you shared the good news yet?"

I make a face with that wondering if she didn't tell him about the Scorch role, however, she squashes that thought as she answers back "No and if you even think about it before I get out there, you're going to dinner alone" mum shouts from down the hall earning dad to roll his eyes when I look at him "What good news?"

He throws me a look and nods his head towards the hallway "Dice, did you not just hear your mum-- I'm not about to go to dinner alone, hoping the waiters are going to bet on me being stood up or not and get a free meal out of it."

"Did he just-" Dylan laughs and I nod, smiling over at him "Yup, he binged the whole series this summer and is now obsessed."

Dyl looks between dad and I and smiles, lifting his hand over in his celebration "Dude, that's the best!"

Dad high fives him, looking like a kid again with the smile currently on his face "Yeah it is!"

We laugh with his perfect impersonation of Joey before I bring us back to the previous statement and offer "So take us with you then, what's the good news?"

Dyl snorts beside me while dad contemplates that for a moment, ultimately throwing one more quick look towards the hall before he's leaning across the island towards us "Well we got a-"

"Bennett James Young" we hear instantly.

I share a wide eyed look with dad and not a second later does the sound of mum's heels clicking on the floor sound as she walks into the kitchen with us.

Standing up from his previous lean dad scratches the side of his jaw, lifting his other shoulder up in a little shrug "Ah now darling, no need to full name me- I didn't say anything."

"You thought it" mum quips, lifting the corners of her lips in a knowing smile as she throws a wink at me.

Dad smirks, with a little twinkle in his eye and I already know how he's going to respond "Right... well, my love, I think many things in any given day-"

"Dylan dear?" Mum states, closing her eyes for a moment before she opens them and raises her brows with her question as she turns away from dad.

"Yes?" Dyl questions through a soft chuckle and mum smiles sweetly "Take notes on how not to treat a Young woman would you?"

"Yes ma'am" he replies with a single head nod, attempting not to laugh while I snort and share a look with dad who huffs "Dice, tell your well behaved boyfriend he does not need to be this proper with us- your mum's british not the queen."

Dylan snorts beside me while I chide with a laugh and little shake of my head "Dad..."

Face of pure innocence, dad just shrugs and looks between us "I'm just saying loosen your shoulders and relax around us, Dilly. We've known you for almost 5 years now, we're well aware of your well mannered dreamboat status- which is why you're even allowed to date our daughter"

"Christ, dad really?" I widen my eyes, looking over at mum and nodding my head towards the door "Dinner, weren't you two going to dinner?"

They laugh at the same time that Dylan nudges his elbow into my arm, reminding me "Not before they share the news, Adds."

"Oh right, what's the news?" I look between the pair of them, seeing them just smiling before dad finally informs "Harley on the effects crew from your CW show called and mentioned that one of his other shows was looking for a guest star role and put your name in."

I share a shocked look with Dyl who just smiles more and pulls me into my side as I look back at dad "What? That's amazing, what show?"

When neither of them answer and instead keep their cheeky smiles like they know the best secret on their faces, I throw them a look "Why are you both looking at me like that?"

Mum rolls her eyes, the smile never faltering in the slightest "What would be your other CW dream show to get a guest star role on?"

A shocked gasp falls from me and I can barely hold in my excitement as I rush out "Are you telling me I have an audition to be on the same set as the friggin Winchesters?"

"No-" dad answers straight away and I frown, crossing my arms over my chest as I deadpan "Well asking me to guess was officially the rudest thing you've ever done to me."

Dad snorts through his laugh that he dares to share with Dyl while mum walks closer and sets her hands on my shoulders, shaking me with her next words "Nooo, you don't have an audition- the role's yours if you say yes."

I feel a little dejected by that, shaking my head immediately "I don't want to be handed the part just because we know-"

"You're not" Dad interrupts and mum nods while she elaborates "Your resume and work on The Originals and Teen Wolf is what got you the part sweetheart- plus they need you in a few days which is why there's not a need for an audition."

"Wait seriously?" I have to clarify because this all sounds way too good to be true.

Dad just smiles with a little nod "Harley just put your name in the pot, Dice- your work spoke for itself. Casting called your mum while we were getting ready with the offer."

I look over at her and she nods in confirmation which earns me to release a little shocked breath.

Dyl wraps his arm around my back and pulls me into his side, kissing my temple "Hell yeah baby, that's incredible."

Mum looks over at us, smiling in that way only a mum is able to achieve and I return her smile "How long is filming going to be?"

"They sent over the scripts for the episodes they're in the office. You're filming the two episodes you'll be in back to back for a week and then you'll have enough time to come home and pack before flying out to New Mexico."

"I'm going to be in two episodes?" I question and she smiles even more "You were offered a recurring role, so we're not sure how many episodes it'll be in total as of right now. You've got these two and the next episodes your character is showing up in are later on in this season- tentative schedule is March so you'll be taking a few days to fly up to Vancouver to film those after Wolf starts back up."

"Holy crap" I mutter and Dylan increases his hold on me in another celebratory side hug.

Mum smiles, moving her eyes between us "Big things are going to keep happening for you both, I can just feel it."

We offer our thanks before they finish grabbing their things and head towards the door, muttering their goodnights before they head out for their date night.

"I wasn't prepared to be dating this big of a star" Dylan admits, walking behind me as we head to mum's office for the scripts she said were sent over, "But I'm loving it."

I roll my eyes even though he can't see me, looking over my shoulder at him as we walk over towards mum's desk "That's rich coming from the movie star."

"Hey- you're a movie star right there with me babe" he winks and I make a noise "Not quite yet since we haven't filmed it but you may be on to something."

I grab the scripts and move to walk back out towards the kitchen, however I'm stopped by Dylan setting his hands on my hips, smiling down at me "I'm so proud of you."

Setting the scripts down on the desk, I slide my hands up his chest "I'm proud of you too- have you been paying attention to how well the first one is doing?"

"No- I didn't want to look yet" he shakes his head and I push up on my toes to murmur against his lips "Well take my word for it-- you're crushing it."


"I get to play a moody little shit and I'm loving it" I announce after flipping through the script for the first Supernatural episode I'm going to be in. 

Dylan chuckles and continues running his fingers over my legs that are laying across his lap while he mindlessly watches the pregame show before our Mets start "What's the part for?"

"Castiel's daughter-ish. He finds me in a group home and helps me escape, since he feels bad about taking my actual father away from me, and then I immediately ditch him to go find the guy who is like a father to me, except not because he just uses me to steal for him. Father of the year also offers me up to this loan shark who comes to collect from him but Castiel saves me from dude's advances then Dean kills everyone in the house we're in."

Dylan laughs and looks between me and the script in my hands "That's all in one episode?"

"Yup, look" I hand him the script and he starts flipping through where I've highlighted my scenes "Jesus, you even rob a store- you're my little rebel... I like it."

I snort and look at him out of the corner of my eye, seeing him shrug like he's not ashamed to admit that. I chuckle and lean forward to set the other script and highlighter I was using on the table, seeing him nod towards it "What's in the episode after this one?"

I shrug and lean back against the couch careful not to disrupt his soothing scratches against my legs "Not much, run into a couple and confide in them about my problems but then they use me to lure a trap for Dean- I warn him so he doesn't die and then I leave. There's a cute scene at the end with Castiel though- I hope they let Claire be open to having him in her life since he would be a great surrogate dad for her."

"I can't wait to see you in this part, babe" he smiles over at me and I lean towards him, pressing my lips into his "Thanks, sweets."

The players get set up on the field and I smile at him "You ready to watch our boys?"

Dyl matches my smile, gripping onto my legs in his excitement "Watching our boys with my girl- this is the fucking life."


Addy POV

Landing in Vancouver, I make my way through the airport stopping for a few pictures and chatting with as many people as I can before I'm ushered out into the car that's picking me up and taking me to set.

I'm shown around the set, getting to see the scene they're currently filming and trying not to freak out being in the same space as Jensen, Jared and Misha who are even more pretty in person.

Once they're done with their scene they walk over and introductions are made, all three of them opting to give me hugs that I gratefully accept as I attempt to not smile like a crazy person with actually getting to meet them.

"You're so tiny, I don't think it's going to be a problem believing she's your kid Misha" Jensen states, earning us all to laugh.

I nod and wave my hands towards me "Alright, alright let's get the short jokes out of the way- I figured there were going to be some since you're all basically giants."

"Ah Thumbelina has a sense of humor that's going to fit in great with ours, they did great in picking you" Jensen offers through a laugh and I nod in appreciation with the new nickname before I smile at him "Thanks that's incredible to hear- I've been watching the show since the beginning so I'm mildly freaking out with getting to be here."

"So we have a star of two shows here to guest star on ours, seems a little backwards" Jared chuckles and I shrug towards him "Hey now I'm hardly the star of either show, but I've said it before and I'll say it again- Beacon Hills needs the Winchesters to come and help us out because I'll be honest we're doing okay but we could be doing better."

They laugh and Jensen points over towards me "You're something supernatural though and after meeting you, I'm thinking we don't want to hunt you."

I shake my head immediately "Oh no, no, no you can't hunt me or my werewolf brother or our supernatural friends because we're the good guys-- we need your help with the actual crazy monsters."

"What kind of crazy monsters?" Misha chuckles and I ponder that for a second "Um... well we actually had a wendigo last season though he wasn't so much a threat to us as the assassins were..."

"Assassins?" Jared laughs and I nod "Oh yeah, and before that we had human sacrifices by this dark druid that turned into one of our characters being possessed by an evil fox spirit."

"Holy shit, we really need to watch this show" Jensen states and I laugh, lifting my shoulders a little "We've got some entertaining plot lines and I love the work we've gotten to do."

"So brother is a werewolf what are you?" Jared questions and I look over to him with my answer "A banshee but not like your kind of banshee."

They chuckle and Jensen crosses his arms over his chest "So what does being a banshee in your world entail?"

"I find dead bodies, kind of like a honing device and I also get warnings that I usually have to scream to figure out what they mean before someone is about to die-- well sometimes."

"That's intense" Misha chuckles and I nod while Jared questions "Is it actually you screaming?"

"Yup all me, I trained with a vocal coach and spent the whole day learning how to tweak the pitch and making the end do this awesome wave thing. They dub my scream over the scene though so I'm not ruining my vocal cords with how many takes we usually have."

"Well shit, look at you being all special effects savvy" Jensen laughs and the rest of the time that we're waiting for our scene to be set up is spent laughing and chatting with the guys- hearing about their families and seeing pictures of their kids.

They welcomed me into their world instantly and I could not be more happy for this experience.

Filming the scenes reminds me a lot of the atmosphere on Teen Wolf so it's easy to get into character to film the seriousness of the scene before we're right back to laughing and goofing around.


Dylan POV

Adds has been gone all week and while I've gotten to talk to her a lot every day she's been gone, I still miss her more than ever before- probably because I actually get to be vocal with how much I miss her now.

She landed around noon and since she needed to head to an appointment that her mom had set up for her once she left the airport, I finished getting the last of my things packed for when we leave for New Mexico in two days.

Once she says she's headed over, I order the pizza that she's been craving for dinner and get everything set up for when it gets here.

She calls twenty minutes later and my brows quirk in confusion as I answer the phone "Hey baby-"

"Damn I've missed you calling me that" she drawls over the line and I chuckle "I call you that everytime we talk"

"I know but being in the same state makes it sound even better."

I smile with that, reaching up with my free hand to scratch behind my head "I'm officially getting impatient to see you- when will you be here?"

"So I'm actually here" she admits and I stand up from the couch, heading over towards the door "Why didn't you knock or text me so I could have let you in--"

"Wait before you open the door I have to ask... are you ready?"

Her words cause my hand to freeze on the handle as I chuckle "Ready for what?"

"To see what I've done" she states and I wrap my fingers around the handle once more "What you've done for what?"

"Jesus christ babe are you fucking ready or not?" she laughs and I turn the handle, hearing her laugh not even a second later "You can't open the door until you answer me!"

I groan in frustration and set my forehead against the door, keeping my hand on the turned handle, however not opening the door yet "Yes, I'm fucking ready to see you and not even care what you've done."

"Okay" she whispers and I lift my head up from the door, stepping to the side to open it.

The smile from hearing her voice probably grows twice in size when I actually get to see her and my eyes widen a second later "Oh, holy shit"

"What? Oh holy shit bad?" she asks and we both lower our phones from our ears.

She's sporting a worried expression as my eyes move over her looking beautiful as ever with darker hair and I swallow hard, shoving my phone in my pocket "No- oh holy shit good, hot actually- oh holy shit you look fucking hot, babe."

Adds visibly breathes out a relieved breath and steps closer "You're not just saying that?"

I reach out and set my hands on the sides of her face, smiling at her while I move my thumbs against her cheeks "Um no, see when I told you I loved you that meant I was past the just telling you things to tell you phase- now I'm going to be straight up honest at all times and you have to put up with it because you love me."

"So fucking charming" she rolls her beautiful eyes while attempting not to smile and I lean forward, pressing my lips onto hers and groaning deep in my chest with how much I've missed her.

Keeping my hold on her and my lips connected to hers I walk backwards and close the door, guiding her back to press her into the door.

She laughs and wraps her arms around my shoulders, smiling into the kiss as I continue to move my lips with hers.

I press a few more quick kisses onto her lips before I pull back just enough to look at her. I lift my hand up to run my fingers through her hair, wrapping the ends of the strand I grabbed around my fingers as I look at the lighter brunette color against my skin.

When I connect my eyes with hers, she still looks worried which promotes me to smile at her "I'm serious, I love it Adds. Your eyes are even more blue which I thought was impossible- you look stunning with your blonde hair, but this is a whole new level of stunning."

"So you want me to stay brunette?" she questions, visibly relaxing into my touch and I shake my head "No but I'm loving that I get to see you with both- just confirming my thought that you could make anything look good."

She leans forward and connects our lips once more, both of us jumping a second later when the speaker beeps beside us indicating someone's at the front gate.

I laugh and throw her a wink "Pizza's here."

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