void | tua

By mxxliaa

30.1K 820 429

" it was pretty ironic actually. me, void, stuck in a world of nothingness for years. " her eyes were her mos... More

( zero ) cast call
( zero ) prologue
( one ) the awakening
( two ) the boy
( three ) the funeral
( four ) the family reunion
( five ) the lab
( six ) the necklace
( seven ) the break-in
( nine ) the briefcase

( eight ) the detective

1.5K 57 29
By mxxliaa

' i hope you both die in hell '

Five pushed all the debris out of the way, trying to get to the center of the broken down greenhouse. He was at this for hours, wanting to see if his friend's coffin would still be intact.

When he finally found it, he immediately opened it to see that it was completely empty. "F-Five?"

The boy's eyes widen as he quickly turns around. Reese appears from the shadows, looking sickly and pale. She starts to have a coughing pit, causing Five to quickly rush over to her side and steady her.

"Five, is this really you? Am I dreaming?"

"Yeah, it's really me Reese."

"W-whats going on? What happened?"

"You-you don't remember?" Five asks the girl, she shakes her head as she looks around.

"Is this the academy?" Reese coughs, her hands shooting up to her mouth at the sight of her best friend's corpse. "Diego? What-"

"Reese, look at me, don't look at them," Five says, gently cupping the girl's face and turning her head back to him, "what is the last thing you remember?"

"I was packing up my things to go live with my brother and his family and then-"

"Then what?"

"I... don't remember." Reese says, her eyes falling, a single black tear falling from her cheek. "Did-Did I do this? Was I the cause of all of this?"

"No, theres no way." Five says, wiping away the girl's tear with his thumb as she starts to cough again. "Come on, let's get you away from all this smoke."

"Five," Reese wraps her arms around the boy, stuffing her facing into his chest, "i'm scared."

"Yeah, me too."

"Five, i'm only holding you back. You would be so much farther by now if it weren't for me." Reese says, black tears falling from her face, though it didn't seem to be affecting the boy in front of her.

"No, Reese-"

The girl starts to have a long, painful coughing fit before spitting out a bit of blood. "I'm already dying, Five." Reese says, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

"We'll figure something out."

"That's what you said last year when you found me." Reese says with a sigh, reaching up to her neck. "You may still have a chance to survive and I can't hold you back anymore."

"You're not holding me back, Reese." Five says, making the girl squeeze her eyes shut as she unclasps her necklace. "If anything, you are the only thing keeping me alive."

"Please don't say that, it's only gonna make this harder." Reese says, grabbing the boy's hand. "There's still hope for you, Five. You may even find a way back to the last, but this is the end of the line for me."

"Reese, please don't make me." Five says, looking back at the sobbing girl with glassy eyes. "Please."

"I can't live like this anymore, Five. It hurts so much. I've only lasted this long because the thought of leaving you alone in this world was even more painful than whatever sickness I have." Reese says, "But I can only hold out for so long."

Five moves one of his hands to the back of the girl's head, pushing her forehead against his. "I'm gonna miss you so much, Reese."

"You'll see me again, Five." Reese says with a weak smile. "I know you will." The girl places the necklace into the boy's hand before wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a warm embrace.

Reese places a soft kiss to the boy's cheek before pulling away. She smiles at him before walking a few feet away.

"Hey, Five." Reese says as Five lifts the rifle up, aiming at the girl. "I love you. Always have, always will."

Five looks away as Reese squeezes her eyes shut once again and with one loud bang, the girl was dead.

"I love you too, Reese."

"Number Five, where is he?!"

"Don't... stop... I'm almost there."

The brunette girl cringes, even with a blindfold, she knew what was going on. "Klaus, you sick son of a bitch."

"Is that a-"


"Ah, nothin' like a little strangling to get the blood flowing, am I right?" Klaus says, making Reese snort softly. The man lets out a laugh.

"What is so funny, you asshole?"

"Well for one, you spent the last ten hours beating me and my friend, who you have blinded folded because your scared of her eyes, senseless and you've learned nothing. I mean, no one tells me shit." Klaus says, laughing hysterically. "We're the two people in that house that nobody will notice are gone! You assholes kidnapped the wrong people!"

"Now let us go, you piece of shits."

One of the 'kidnappers', slam Klaus and Reese's heads together, causing them to groan and hiss in pain.

"Ow, i'm sorry, okay?"

"Yeah, we're sorry that you both are stupid assholes, who'll never know where Five is." Reese says, childishly sticking her tongue out.

"Please make them stop talking."

"Let's knock the girl out and waterboard him. I'm tired of this smart-assery."

"No, no. Wait! Klaus-"

"Can't you do something, Reese? Anything? I can't stand it anymore." Klaus says, squeezing his eyes shut as he gives the sickly looking girl a side glance.

"I can't do anything if I can't see shadows and I can't take these two on by myself." Reese gulps, her throat dry and sore. Due to her enhanced healing ability, all her wounds and bruises were already slowly starting to clear up.

Ever since that failed experiment with Reginald, the girl realized that her regeneration abilities weren't as fast as they were before.

She had 'woken up' to one of her kidnapper's stabbing a knife into her thigh. She was trying her hardest not to break down and cry, not wanting to hurt Klaus with her death tears.

"Then cry, Reese. You need to get out of here, you're bleeding out." Klaus says, softly.

"No, I don't care if I bleed out. I'm not gonna let my tears kill you or anyone innocent that may walk by."


"My decision is final, Klaus." Reese snaps, causing the boy to sigh as he reverts to his plan B. Talking to the dead.

Everything was a blur to the girl. Everyone's voices started to muffle as her head started to get all fuzzy.

If she had died right there, she wouldn't really care. The world already that she was dead and the people who know have lived 16 years without her already.

'They'll get over it.' She thought.

Then images of her nieces flash through her mind. Reese and Victorie. Two angels that she had just met and already felt connected to.

She didn't want to leave them so soon, but she knew she couldn't go on much longer.

Klaus starts to scoot closer to the door, letting out muffled screams before starting to slam his face against a table.

The girl was still dazed. "Ben, if you're here, I miss you and can't wait to see you again."

Reese was so trapped in her own mind that she didn't hear the detective walk in and start whispering to the two until her blind fold came off.

"You alright, kid?" Reese just nods her head, tugging at her restraints. Eudora goes to cut them off, only to stop when she heard a creaking noise from the bathroom. "Police!"

Hazel sticks his arm out of the bathroom with his gun in hand, making Reese's eyes go wide. "D-Detective, th-there's two-"

"Just relax, kid. I got it under control." Eudora says, not shifting her gaze off of the man. "Drop the gun, or your going down!"

"I'm coming out, don't shoot!" Hazel drops the gun and steps out of the bathroom.

"Hands behind your head asshole."

"Okay. Just don't shoot."

Time seemed to slow as Reese sees Cha-Cha appear at the door way. She opens her mouth to warn the detective, but it was too late.

Reese let out a shriek as she watches Eudora's body drop to the floor. The two kidnappers start having their own conversation as Reese just stares at the body in horror.

"What do we do with the kid?"

"Shoot her, we don't have time for anymore witnesses." Cha-Cha says, making Hazel gulp.

"I hope you both die in hell." Reese says, turning her head to them. Her eyes were completely black as a single black tear falls from them.

The two trained assassins clutch their chests as back tears start to fall from their own eyes. "What.. the hell."

Cha-Cha shakily pulls out her gun and shoots the weeping girl in her stomach, which seemed to weaken the affects of the girl's tears.

"Let's get out of here."

And they did. Leaving a tied up Reese to bleed out on the chair with a knife in her thigh and a bullet wound.

Reese wakes up with a gasp, clutching her aching head before looking around. "Diego?"

"Great, you're awake." Diego says, his voice hoarse. "I was getting scared that you actually died this time."

Reese lifts up her bloody shirt to see that her stomach and thigh were now wrapped in bandages.

"I took out the knife and bullet, then your body started healing itself again."

"Thank you, Diego." Reese says softly, looking out her window. "The detective, your friend? I'm so sorry. I tried to warn her-"

"They beat you didn't they? The whip wounds and cuts didn't heal fully yet." Diego clenches his jaw as the car comes to a stop. He looks in the rear mirror to see the girl nod her head slightly. "I'm gonna kill those assholes."

Reese leans over to hug her friend from behind his seat. "I thought I was going to die." She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, but she couldn't.

"I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm not losing you again this soon, smalls."

They stay like that for a few minutes, their eyes closed, forgetting about all their worries and just focusing on each other.

"Reese," Diego says, making the girl hum in response, "You smell like ass."

"Yeah, can I borrow some clothes?"

The two slip out of the car and walk into the gym. Reese receives weird looks from everyone, being drenched in blood and all.

Diego storms into his room with a limping Reese holding onto him for balance. "Piece of shit!" He says, moving over to Five after letting Reese grip onto the railing of the stairs. "Do you have any idea what you just did?"

Luther holds Diego back, neither him or Five noticing the girl's presence. "Get your ape hands off of me!"

"I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down." Luther says, sternly, making Diego sigh. "Now, wanna tell us what you're talking about?"

"Our brother's been really busy since he's got back. He was in the middle of the shootout at Griddy's, and then at Grimble Brother's, after the guys in masks attacked the Academy looking for him."

"Which is none of your concern."

"They just killed my friend. Tortured Klaus and Reese. Then proceeded to shoot Reese and almost kill her." Diego says, gesturing to the girl struggling to get down the steps.

Five and Luther's eyes go wide at this new information, looking over to the girl with sad eyes. Diego sighs before moving over to her and helping her down the steps.

"Who are they, Five?" Diego asks, walking the girl over to his dresser.

"They work for my former employer." Five says, not taking his eyes off of the girl. His heart felt heavy at the sight of her all beaten up and defeated. It reminded him of their time together in the future. "A woman called the Handler. She sent them to stop me. Then, soon as Diego's friend got in their way, well, fair game."

"And now theyre my fair game and I'm going to see to it they pay." Diego says, grabbing his jacket from the couch.

"That would be a mistake, Diego. They've killed people far more dangerous than you."

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Diego says, turning to Reese. "Use whatever clothes you want. I'll be back for you."

Reese nods before he places a soft kiss to the top of the girl's head. "Please be careful."

"They'll pay." Is all Diego says before he leaves the room. Reese sighs as she pulls out an outfit from the dresser.

"Can you two um-" Reese says, blushing a bit from embarrassment under the two's intense gazes.

Luther quickly turns around while Five just continued to stare. It wasn't until the blonde yanked the boy that he turned around.

Reese rolls her eyes before quickly stripping off her clothes and sleeping on the black sweats she pulled from Diego's dresser.

She limps over to the bed right as Five starts to tell the story about the Commission.

"So, you were a hit man?"

"Yes." Five says, simply.

"And they still never gave you an actual name?" Reese says, earning a pointed look from Five. "I'm just saying-"

"You had a code, right? You didn't kill just anybody." Luther says as Reese leans back against the wall, resting a hand on the bandaged bullet wound.

"No code. We took out anyone who messed with the time line." Five says, giving Reese a side glance.

"What about innocent people?"

"It's the only way I could get back here. Back to all of you." Five says. Reese meets his gaze for a second before hesitantly looking away and playing with a set of knives near by.

"But that's murder." Luther says, making Reese snort as she twirls a blade between her fingers.

"But thats murder." She mocks.

"Jesus, Luther, grow up. We're not kids anymore. There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people going about their lives. But when the world ends, all those people die. Including our family." Five says, sternly, "Time changes everything."

Luther looks to Reese for help, but the girl shrugs. "Whatever, we should leave soon. I mean, what if the masked hitmen went and attacked again while we were gone?"

"Yeah, no. They're scared shitless of us right now." Reese says, sitting up with a hiss of pain. "Especially after I almost killed that back at the motel."

"You used your tears?" Five asks, surprised, especially after everything he knew about those power's from future Reese.

"Yeah and I would've killed them if they hadn't shot me." Reese says before turning to look at Five with a glare. "I should be mad at you right now."

"What? Why?"

"I let myself get beat for you because I thought you were coming up with a plan or something to save the world, but instead you were getting drunk off your ass." Reese says before picking up Dolores from her spot on the bed. "And poor Dolores, who had to deal with your ass, probably dreaded every second."

Five gives Luther a pointed look, making the man nod his head after a few seconds before walking out of the room.

"Hey, Look. I'm sorry about that Reese. I'm glad Diego found you before it was too late. If I knew, I would've came to find you myself."

"Well you didn't. You didn't know because you were busy doing who knows what for the past two days. I mean, drunk in a library?" Reese scoffs. "I was going to die because of you. No, I was going to die for you."


"And you know what the stupidest part is?" Reese says, looking straight into the boy's eyes. "I'm not even mad, well, not as much as I should be anyways."

"Thank you?"

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