Forever and Always (Sequel to...

By Demixxdevonne

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Watch Max and Demi plan their wedding while taking care of two little ones. How will they deal with the stres... More



565 22 8
By Demixxdevonne

Max's POV

After Dallas leaves, I look over at Zara as she giggles with the rabbits as she lays on her stomach and I smile at her and pull out my phone to take a picture as one of the bunnies hop on her back while the other stays by her face.

"Is that silly princess?" I ask her as she laughs and nods. I decide to step inside the kennel with her and Ezra and I pick up the bunny off her back as she sits up. "You have to name them baby girl? What do you wanna name them?" I ask her and she shrugs and lifts the boy rabbit in her arms and places him on her lap while I place the one I'm holding in Ezra's.

"Don't know." She answers and I smile.

"Well think about it, okay?" I say and she nods. We then play with them for a few more minutes before I put them in their cage so they can drink some water and eat if they need it. I then play with the kids in their play room after I give them some fruit snacks and soon my phone goes off and I look down to see Demi texted me and said she's on her way home. I quickly reply and tell her to drive safe before I look back down at the kids.

"Zara what am I supposed to tell mommy when she gets home?" I ask her and she giggles and shrugs.

"I don't know." She says standing up to walk to the cage as she looks at the two bunnies and I smile at her. About thirty minutes later, I hear Demi pull up so I stand up and tell the kids to stay in the play room. By the time I make it to the door, Demi's already walking in.

"Hi baby." Demi says walking over to peck me lips.

"Hi love. How was the meeting?" I ask her as she takes off her jacket and I take it from her and hang it on the rack nearby as she starts taking off her shoes.

"Good! Zara's dress is so cute! I can't wait for you to see it!" She says holding up a small garment bag that I just now noticed and I smile.

"I can't wait either." I say then I look down and off to the play room before I look back at Demi nervously.

"What's wrong?" She asks. "Where are the kids?" She asks walking to the coat closet as she hangs up Zara's dress.

"They're in the play room." I answer and she nods and starts walking towards there, but I grab her hand. "Wait, I have to tell you something first." I say and she furrows her brows.

"What's wrong?" She asks worriedly.

"I- Umm. I went out with the kids today to get you flowers." I start and she smiles big.

"Aww cute!" She says and I nod and look down.

"We had to wait a little while so I took the kids somewhere else while we waited for the flowers and umm.." I say trailing off.

"Mommy! Bunnies!" Zara says running through the hallway and crashing into Demi's legs.

"What? Bunnies?" She asks picking Zara up as she looks at me and I give her an innocent smile.

"Surprise?" I say and I see her shake her head.

"You got her a bunny? Please tell me it's a stuffed animal." She says.

"Two bunnies and no. They're real." I say hesitantly and she groans.

"Max-" She starts, but I cut her off.

"I know, you're pissed. But at least scold me away from the kids." I say and she sighs and looks down at Zara.

"Look mommy!" Zara says trying to get out of Demi's arms and Demi puts her down as she races off to the play room. Demi soon follows without glancing my way and I follow after her. "See! Bunnies!" Zara says pointing excitedly at the cage when we make it in the play room.

"Yeah, I see princess." Demi says crouching down next to Zara.

"Take out daddy, please." Zara says looking at me and I see Demi glare at me slightly, but I ignore it for now and open the cage to take the bunnies out. I then place them in the kennel and lift up Zara so she can go in there with them. "Look mommy! Hold!" Zara says lifting up one of the bunnies for Demi and she sighs and steps in the fence with her while I hold Ezra and Demi takes the bunny out of her hands.

"I am gonna go make dinner." I say and Demi looks over at me.

"We are talking later." She says and I sigh and hand her Ezra as I walk out and into the kitchen. I know Demi is pissed, but maybe she will lighten up after she realizes how happy Zara is. I start pulling out stuff to make dinner and as I'm about halfway done, I see Demi walking into the kitchen without the kids.

"What in the hell made you think that you should bring home two rabbits?" Demi immediately asks and I sigh and turn the stove off since I know this will be a long conversation.

"I wasn't planning on it Demi. We went to the floral shop to get you flowers and they said it would be thirty minutes so we went next door to the pet store. There's your flowers by the way." I say pointing to her pink and white roses on the island to try and lighten the mood, but she doesn't take her eyes off me. "Look, I'm sorry." I say and she takes a deep breath.

"We don't have time for this Max. The kids are still young, I'm pregnant, we're getting married, and we have a trial coming up. Two rabbits is not what we need." She says and I nod.

"I know that Demi, but you didn't see how happy Zara got when she saw them. You didn't see the excitement on her face when she held them for the first time. You didn't see that look she gave me as she begged me to bring them home. How was I supposed to say no to her?" I say and she sighs and looks to the side then back at me.

"Easy, you say no and that we already have Batman and Ella." She says and I look down.

"It's not that easy Dem. Look, I know you're mad and I know you will be for awhile, but you can't deny her excitement. I haven't seen her this happy and giggly since before Australia." I say and she eventually nods.

"And I agree with that, but you should have at least called me." She says.

"Just for you to say no over the phone and then I have to be the one to break the news to Zara?" I say and she sighs. "You try and say no to her face and tell me how that feels when for the first time in awhile she's truly happy." I say turning back to the stove to start cooking again. "I know your mad, but I'm okay with you being mad at me if it means I get to see Zara happy about those bunnies." I say stirring the food in the pots as I check on the steaks in the oven.

"Why did you have to get two though?" She asks and I turn to her and lean against the counter.

"They're brother and sister and the lady said it's good to get them in pairs so they have a companion." I say shrugging and I see her roll her eyes, but a smile soon breaks out on her face and I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

"You really are wrapped around her little finger." Demi says and I smile.

"She gave me the puppy dog eyes, what was I supposed to do?" I say and she laughs and walks up to me.

"I'm still pissed, but I'm willing to forgive you as long as you're the one cleaning up after them and taking care of them. Zara isn't even two so she won't be able to do it all on her own." She says and I smile big.

"Deal." I say wrapping my arms around her. "I am sorry though. But when you see that look she gave me, then you'll understand." I say and she chuckles.

"I'm sure I will." She says pulling away and I smile down at her. "They are kind of cute." She says and I chuckle.

"Aren't they?" I say and she laughs. "We still need to name them though. I asked Zara what she wanted to name them and she didn't know." I say and she chuckles.

"We can figure it out later." She says and I nod "Thank you for my flowers by the way. They're gorgeous." She continues looking from the flowers to me and I smile.

"Of course baby." I say leaning down to peck her lips. I then finish up dinner and soon Demi brings the kids in the kitchen and we all start eating. After dinner, we bring the kids back to the play room and take the bunnies out since Zara wanted to play with them.

"We have to name them baby girl." Demi says running her fingers through Zara's hair as she plays with them. Zara didn't really know what to name them, so Demi and I through out some names and eventually Zara agreed to name the girl Luna and the boy Jasper. Demi and I then bring the kids upstairs to take a bath then to sleep.

"I'm gonna go take a shower baby." I say kissing Demi's cheek as we walk down the hall and she smiles and nods. I then quickly take a shower before I walk downstairs where I'm assuming Demi is at since she wasn't in the room. I look in the kitchen and living room and didn't see her so I walk through the hall to go outside when I see her in the kids play room.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask walking in and she looks up at me.

"Just going through the kids toys. They have so many that they don't need or have grown out of. I want to donate them." She says and I smile and sit next to her on the floor. "This is so cute, remember getting this for Zara?" Demi asks me showing me a small dog stuffed animal and I smile and take it from her.

"Yeah, she loved this. She would refuse to let go of it for weeks." I say and Demi smiles and rests her head on my shoulder.

"This is kind of sad." Demi says and I look down to see she has tears in her eyes.

"Baby why are you crying?" I ask wrapping my arms around her. 

"I didn't think it would be this hard to get rid of toys." She whines and I chuckle and kiss the top of her head.

"But imagine all those happy kids when they're able to have them." I say and she nods.

"I know." She says and I smile and lift her head up to kiss her. Once we pull away I see Demi drift her attention to the bunnies in their cage.

"I still can't believe you got two bunnies." She says shaking her head and I laugh.

"It's not like I planned it. God, but those eyes. I just couldn't say no." I say and she laughs.

"She has your eyes so its your fault." She says and I smile.

"Does that mean if I ask you for something then you'll always say yes?" I ask raising my brows and she laughs out loud.

"Nope." She answers.

"It was worth a shot." I say shrugging as she giggles. She then stands up and walks towards the bunnies.

"They are cute." She says and I smile as she takes a picture of them.

"I know right." I say standing up and walking towards her and I see her posting the picture on her Instagram.

Liked by maxehrich, sirahsays, maddelagarza and 2,569,450 more
ddlovato: I leave for a few hours and this is what I come home to🤦🏻‍♀️ @maxehrich you're lucky I love you😩
maxehrich: You try saying no to Zara. It's impossible🤷🏻‍♂️
ddlovato: @maxehrich she has you wrapped around her finger🤦🏻‍♀️😂❤️
maddelagarza: OMG!!!! Soooooo cute!!🥺😭
and 15,490 more

Demi's POV

Max and I finish going through a lot of the kids toys and we made a pile of the ones we're keeping and the ones were going to donate. By the time we're done, it's about 11:30 at night so we decide to go upstairs and get ready for bed. After we brush our teeth and wash our faces I change into just one of Max's shirts and then I get into bed while Max strips down to his boxers before getting into bed next to me.

"I have to go to Maddie's appointment tomorrow morning since she wants me to plan the gender reveal party for her." I say looking over at Max as he lays on his side as he props his head up in his hand and looks down at me.

"Okay, I'll stay here with the kids. I might take them to the park or something." He says and I smile.

"Don't bring home any more animals." I say scolding him and he laughs and shakes his head.

"I won't baby." He says leaning down to peck my lips and I sigh softly. "I love you." He says when we pull away and I smile and caress his cheek.

"I love you too honey." I reply and he smiles then moves down to my stomach and lifts up my shirt as he kisses my very small bump.

"I can't wait to see your stomach grow." He says rubbing my stomach lightly and I smile and run my fingers through his hair.

"I still can't believe we're going to have another little baby." I say and he smiles and nods.

"I know. I'm excited though." He says kissing my stomach once more before moving back up to me.

"Me too. Maybe this one will be a girl and she will look like me." I say and he chuckles.

"I feel like this one will be a girl." He says and I raise my brows.

"You do?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, it's a gut feeling. We're going to have another beautiful baby girl with her mommy's eyes and butt chin." He says and I giggle.

"You seem so sure." I say and he smiles and shrugs.

"Like I said, a gut feeling." He says and I smile and lean up to kiss him. After we pull away, he rolls onto his back and brings me into his arms as I lay my head on his chest.

"I love you baby." I say kissing his chest lightly before I let out a yawn.

"I love you too beautiful." He replies and I smile and soon fall asleep.

The next time I woke up was when it was still dark out and I had some slight cramping in my stomach. I shrugged it off since it wasn't bad and I figured it was just because of something I ate. However, after a couple minutes the cramping got worse and I move out of Max's arms and roll onto my back to see if that helps.

"You okay baby?" I hear Max's groggy voice.

"Yeah." I say sighing as I feel Max roll over as he drapes one arm around my stomach and rests his head in neck. I take a deep breath, but soon I can't handle the cramping any more so I push Max's arm off of me and sit up in the bed.

"What's wrong?" I hear Max ask, but I shake my head.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I say taking another deep breath.

"Demi." Max says in a worried voice and I turn to see him staring down at the bed. I follow his gaze and see a puddle of something I can't quite make out in the dark so I turn my lamp on that's on my side of the bed and that's when I see the blood all over the white bed sheets.

"Oh my god." I say covering my mouth with my hand as I feel tears burn at the back of my eyes.

"We have to go to the hospital, come on baby." Max says getting out of bed and quickly putting on clothes before he rushes over to my side of the bed. "Let's get you changed." He says helping me up and walking me to the bathroom. I finally let the tears fall as I sit on the toilet while Max rushes to our closet and comes back with a new pair of underwear and a pair of his grey sweats and one of his black t shirts. He helps me get changed and then practically carries me downstairs.

"I'm going to call Dallas to come watch the kids." Max says bringing his phone up to his ear as I continue crying. Dallas arrives less than ten minutes later since she lives in our neighborhood and Max and I leave.

"We lost the baby." I cry out as I place my hands on my stomach as Max keeps one hand on my thigh.

"You don't know that baby." He says rubbing my thigh up and down as he races to the hospital. I don't reply to him though since I already know we lost the baby. I was cramping and lost a lot of blood. I know what that means and it breaks me.

Max's POV

Seeing that blood all over the bed and on Demi's legs literally shattered me. At first I was frozen, but once I saw Demi break down after she saw all the blood I jumped out of bed and quickly got us both dressed. I was thankful Dallas got to the house fast so Demi and I could get to the hospital as soon as possible. It broke my heart to hear Demi's cries on the way to the hospital, but I had to stay strong for her. It seems like a complete blur, before we're already at the hospital and they took Demi back to a room while they evaluate her. I so badly wanted to follow, but they wouldn't allow me to until they got her situated. I fall into one of the chairs and immediately bring my head in my hands as I let go of the tears I was holding onto.

"Ms. Lovato?" I hear after about ten minutes, which causes me to stand up quick and wipe my tears away as I walk to the doctor.

"Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" I ask quickly.

"Demi is fine right now, we currently don't know the situation on the baby, but we need to do an ultrasound to see." He says and I sigh.

"Am I allowed back?" I ask and he nods. He then turns and nods for me to follow so I do just that. We soon make it into a room and I see Demi laying back on the bed in a hospital gown. I rush over to her and bend down to kiss her forehead and I run my fingers through her hair.

"Is the baby okay? They won't tell me anything." She asks me as her voice cracks.

"I don't know. They have to do an ultrasound." I say and she sighs and closes her eyes as a tear falls down her cheek. I wipe it away and grab her hand in my other hand and intertwine our fingers. Soon a nurse walks in with the ultrasound machine and she has Demi lift up her gown while I lift the blanket up to her waist to cover her exposed lower half. It's completely silent the entire time and soon the nurse places the doppler on Demi's stomach and moves it around as she looks at the monitor. The nurse keeps the monitor faced away from us the whole time as I keep my eyes on Demi as she keeps her eyes closed.

"I'm so sorry you guys. There's no heartbeat." The nurse then says and my heart completely drops to my stomach as I sigh and look down at Demi as she lets out a sob. I bend down to kiss her forehead and a single tear of my own falls.

"No, no." Demi mumbles and I close my eyes and run my fingers through her hair. I don't even know what to say right now since nothing seems like the right thing to do.

"I'll give you guys your privacy. I'm so sorry for your loss." The nurse says and neither Demi or I say anything as I rest my forehead on hers. I hear the door open and close and then Demi releases a louder sob causing my heart to break even more.

"What did I do wrong." Demi cries out and I pull my head away so I can look at her.

"Nothing. You did nothing wrong love." I say wiping her tears away.

"I was just getting excited and accepting the fact that we were actually having another baby and then we lose it." She says in between her sobs and I squeeze my eyes shut as tears start falling rapidly down my cheeks when I remember the conversation we had just hours earlier.

"Everything will be okay, I promise. We will have another baby Dems. Okay?" I say and she shakes her head.

"I wanted this baby." She says and I sigh sadly then move so I can sit on the bed next to her.

"Come here baby." I say laying back on the bed and wrapping my arms around her. "I know this is hard. It breaks me that we lost our baby and it breaks me to see you so upset but everything happens for a reason. Maybe God didn't want us to have this baby because they would be really sick when they were born." I say rubbing her back as she sighs.

"It's not fair." She cries in my chest as her tears soak my shirt.

"I know it's not. I know." I say my voice cracking at the end. Demi soon cries herself to sleep and once she does fall asleep, I let more tears go. I can't believe that just hours earlier I was telling Demi how I have a strong feeling that this baby will be a girl and now the baby is gone. I soon fall asleep myself and don't wake up again until it's the next morning and a nurse walks in.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She says and I shake my head and sit up a little bit.

"You're okay." I say looking down at Demi and I sigh when I see her tear stained face. "Do you know when we can leave?" I ask looking up at the nurse as she checks Demi's blood pressure while she is still sleeping.

"You should be able to leave within the next couple of hours." She says and I nod. I then see Demi start to stir before she opens her eyes and I look down at her and try to give her a small smile, but I didn't do a very good job.

"Morning." I say running my thumb over the back of her hand. Demi however doesn't reply and just looks down as the nurse finishes up then leaves the room. "The nurse said we can leave soon." I say and she nods then lays her head back against her pillows and looks out the window. "How are you feeling?" I ask after a few minutes.

"Like I just lost my baby." She mumbles and I sigh.

"I meant are you in any pain?" I ask and she shakes her head. My phone then starts ringing and I look down to see Dallas calling.

"Hey." I say answering the phone.

"Hey, I texted you last night and you never answered. What's going on?" She asks and I look down at Demi briefly.

"I'll tell you later. How are the kids?" I ask her.

"They're fine. They're eating right now." She says and I nod.

"Okay, we will be home soon." I say and then after a final goodbye we hang up.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Demi and she shakes her head no. "I think you should eat something Dem." I say bringing my hand to her back and she shrugs me off.

"I'm not hungry." She mumbles and I figure I'll just let her be for now and get her to eat something when we get home.

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