Twisted {(Villain Deku x read...

By AugustTheEmoChild

1.6K 26 14

Life was never easy, and for anyone who tried to claim that it was, is full of bullshit. Moving back to... More

Bit of info first!
Chapter 2 (Y/n)
Chapter 3 (Bakugo)
Chapter 4 (Y/n)
Chapter 5 (Y/n)

Chapter 1 (Y/n)

361 6 2
By AugustTheEmoChild

Darkness. Everywhere. You felt as if you were floating, unable to see yourself in front of you. It was so numbing. So lonely. As if everything had swallowed you whole, and you were no longer living. You didn't even own your own body. It was just... silent. No walls. No floor or air or anything. Just endless darkness, and now, you were apart of it.

Or at least that's how all your 'dreams' went until you woke up.

The sun beams began to blind your eyes until they slowly opened. You starred at the window until your eyes hurt from the light, so you flipped over to your other side. There, was your night stand, with the lamp you forgot to turn off. Groaning, you reached over, flicking it off. From under you, you heard a buzz, so you checked your phone in irritation.

It was a message from Bakugo.

Message from: Dip shit >:)

"Are you up yet?"

A small grin lifted on your lips as you typed. "I am now, thanks."


He drove you up the wall sometimes. But still, you couldn't help but break your annoyed expression with a smile. You answered. "Fuck you."

"Wanna go on call later?" he merely ignored. "You know, after you get back into town."

"Sure," you shrugged to your phone. And with that, you shut it off, ready to start the day in a good mood.

Throwing the blankets off, you dressed quickly in your usual attire, heading for the door. You walked into the kitchen, to see your mother already crying as she grabbed you into a tight hug. You heard your spine crack a little.

"Oh (y/n)," she sobbed into your shoulder, "I can't believe your finally going to your dream high school! It seemed only yesterday since you first earned your quirk!"

You nodded along, patting her back as you had no other ideas on how to comfort her. "Mhm."

You let her sob into your shoulder for a bit as she continued. "Now I hope your all packed for the flight, the movers said-"

"I already have my things shipped I know," you finished her sentence, grabbing a piece of toast and jamming it into the toaster. As it popped up, you spread your usual toppings on it, shoving it into your mouth. "But I'm really going to be late Ma!"

She wiped her tears as she stared at you with a blank face. "That's all your eating?"

"I'll be fine until I get to the airport." And with that, you kissed her off and said your goodbyes, which lead to even more tears soaking up your shirt.

"Now sweetie," she smiled to you, "if you ever need someone to call, I always have my cell, okay? Please be safe."

"Thanks Ma," you softened. "Love you."

Your mother watched as you jumped into the cab out side your door. "I love you too."


The trip on the plane wasn't long, as you spent two full hours of messaging Bakugo and watching odd documentaries about birds and All Might. Your heart was racing; you spent weeks geeking out over living with Bakugo and his parents, and going to UA High. It felt like the years of messaging your old friend faded away, and finally you were going to see him again since you were children.

Memories of you, Bakugo and Deku pretending to be pirates in a sand box made you smile as you walked through the last bit of security and waited for your next cab. Laughing to yourself, you were reminded of the times you guys would guess what your quirks would be, and geek about All Might. It was when Bakugo first got his quirk, that you and Deku grew closer when Bakugo wasn't around, because you both were assumed to be quirkless.

When Bakugo would be dragged away from your group to hangout with other friends (which wasn't too frequent), you and Deku would hide out in the woods, close to a clearing. You both pretended to have powers, and you giggled at how much Deku's quirk resembled All Mights. Although you couldn't complain, since your 'fire powers' were just a mere copy of Bakugo's quirk.

Everything was so simple, so fun. Deku always made you smile when you needed it most.

It sucked to hear he jumped off a building, committing suicide back in the beginning of middle school.

You didn't want to think about that.

A yellow cab parking outside the airport caught your attention as you got up, practically racing to get your bags in the trunk and hop into the car. You gave Bakugo's address to the colored woman in the drivers seat, not before complementing her on her earrings of course. The drive was no less than twenty minutes or so, and when you arrived in front of Bakugo's home, a wave of nostalgia clashed against your chest. Your heart was racing faster, to excited to even think.

"Your bags are in the back sweetie," the woman smiled at you.

"Thanks so much," you nodded.

With that, your bags were pulled out of the trunk, and the cab drove off. Grabbing your phone from your pocket with shaky hands, you dialed Bakugo immediately. And without a second ring, he picked up.

"Look outside," you giggled as he hung up on you.

The front door slammed open, and running down the steps was the fierce, blonde haired teen, scooping you up without giving you a chance to breath. He held you in a tight hug up in the air, bouncing you around as if you were a five year old. When he dropped you back down, you saw the massive grin on his face. "Your here."

"I know!" you squealed, before raising a brow. "Holy shit your so tall."

He chuckled. "Haha, short ass."

Before you could snap back, Bakugo's mother came barging out of the door, a grin on her face much like Bakugo's. "You've grown so much," her sweet voice cooed. "It's so nice to see you."

"Thanks," you nodded to her.

"Now let me carry those bags for you sweetie." She turned to Bakugo, her expression and tone taking a one eighty that made you jump back.



You couldn't help but giggle as he chucked your bags into his hands, and began to stomp back up the stairs. His mother turned to you, a smile on her face. "Now don't be afraid to come in, I've got the kettle on boil and I'm sure Katsuki can give you a tour."

"S-sure," you stutter, following her into the house. Your jaw dropped, looking around. It was exactly like it was before, when you were a child. Bakugo's father was sat on the couch, working away at his computer. He looked up, noticing you, and waved with a smile.

"Ah! (Y/n), you've grown so much!"

"So I've been told," you smile, hearing Bakugo stomp back down the stairs again.

"Well," his father smiled. "Make yourself at home."

You thanked him as you felt your arm being tugged, and you were faced with Bakugo's non-ch-lont face. "Wanna see your room?"

Your face lit up, letting him drag you up the stairs by your arm. He didn't tug or anything, even though he may have seemed a little aggressive towards you. You didn't mind though, blinded by the excitement of a new room.

The door to the guest room was just down the hall from Bakugo's (as you remembered), and as he pushed the door open, your eyes widened. The walls were painted a pastel purple, with your fairy lights stung along the walls. A window with beaming light stood next to a white desk, with all your books and figurnes already set up. There were other things, like a book shelf and a two-person bed with dark purple sheets, but none the less you were surprised to the max.

"You did this?" You turn towards Bakugo, your jaw still hanging open as he just shrugged.

"Well your stuff got here early, and it's not like I was gonna make you do it all yourself."

Your face changed to a smug look as his eyes widened in fear and confusion. "You were exicted to see me."

"My mother made me do it, dumbass."

"But you still did all this work."

"Stop looking at me like that, it's weird!" He pushed your face to the side with his hand, but you still chuckled anyway.

"I hate you," you grinned.

"Your fucking welcome," he snarled.

You just laughed at his stupid expression. "But seriously, I really did miss you."

"I can't believe were going to high school together," he smirked.

"You better sit with me at lunch."

"Sit with a nerd like you? Nah. I'll leave you to die in your loneliness."

"Fine. I was gonna make better friends anyways," you swooned, gasping like a woman in those eighty's films.

"Yeah, go find your little nerd squad with out me. I'm not gonna be apart of that."

You whispered. "Dip shit."

"Ass face."

The sounds of the kettle sqeauling cut your conversation short, and his mother could be heard from down stairs. "KATSUKI!! TURN OFF THAT DAMN KETTLE AND GRAB THE TEA BAGS!!"

"I'M COMING ASS WIPE!!" He stomped down the stairs, leaving you giggling in slight fear. Maybe it would be more difficult living here for the school semester if that was going to be the sounds of day to day life. Sighing, you went back down stairs, thinking about what your new life was going to have in store for you.


The day flew by fast after sitting down for tea with Bakugo's family. It wasn't too rowdy, although when Bakugo and his mother started to get snappy with each other, his father would step in calmly to save the situation.

Spending the day with Bakugo was like a dream to you, as he showed you around the neighborhood you once knew, still looking the same as how you remembered it. He took you out for ice cream when the sun was starting to set, and by the time you got back to the house, the sky was dark, and lit by stars.

It was around eight o'clock when you saw Bakugo already in his pajama's, yawning in the front door of your room. "Isn't it a little early to go to bed?" You raised a brow.

He looked at you as though you were the weird one. "We have school in the morning, you think I was gonna wait for you to go to bed around two am?"

"Whatever," you scoffed. "I'm not that bad."

"You are that bad."

"Just shut up and get out."

He rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Okay, goodnight then dumbass."

Before he closed the door, you smiled. "I hate you~"

"I hate you too~"

And with that, he slammed the door, making you jump as you hissed. But still, your smile wouldn't fade, reflecting on the day you had just spent with him. Your heart felt warm, excited for what was to come next.

Although as you flicked off the lights, the whistle of wind from your window made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Turning, you walked to the window, placing your hands on it before stopping in place.

The night was so... quiet.

You stood for a minute, looking out into the dark field of trees, watching them stand still. It set you off, feeling your stomach slowly shift. It wasn't like anything was there. It was just... nothing was moving.

You waited silently, starring. That wasn't until the rustling of a bush caught your attention, and you slammed the window closed. Your body was tense as you drew the curtain, not certain of what you saw. You assured yourself it was nothing, tiptoeing back to bed. You hoped you woke no one up, drawing back the sheets.

Crawling into a ball, you let the silent darkness consume you again, wondering what tomorrow would have in store for you.


Okay real talk. Hi, it's me :)

I've been so nervous to post this, afraid that no one will enjoy because the first chapter is so boring. Although, that's what happened with my last fan fic, and that turned out better than expected :D

If you guys want me to continue this, let me know. I have a few ideas, but you guys really give me the motivation to put things onto a page. So yeah, I hope you like it :)

Have a good day <3

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