By UnderFellGirl13

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What will happen if the Afton's children went into Underfell? Will they perish or survive...or find a new fam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
* BONUS! *

Chapter 14

164 6 15
By UnderFellGirl13

Daniel clutched his best friend: Fredbear. Spot a Save Point, he saved it to keep his multiple lives stay clear. He sighs while thinking about Asriel and the poor human, he can see why Asgore is a real devil...he is just loss in depressed. The Judgement Hall were yellow, very clear and clean. It can reflect his other side on the floor. Then, Daniel stopped once he saw Sans in the middle of the Judgement Hall. Sans was in the shadows, showing his golden tooth while smiling. Daniel hears the bells ringing in the background, he knew this could be something important, something serious. " finally made it. The end of the journey...Heh, you've should be proud of yourself, kid. You really did get through the hard's your little friend, Daniel?" Sans asked, walking over to Daniel. Daniel remembered what Sans has said to them yesterday that night, it shivers him. "No response? It's alright, I can tell you don't know me anymore..." Sans replied, still smiling. Daniel shaken after what he said. "N-No! It is not that! It's just...after what you said to us yesterday, it haunts me, kinda." Daniel replied, rubbing his arms. Sans giggled a bit. "Sorry for scaring ya, I just want you kids to know know how you change me on the inside. It almost likely of being a parent, having responsibilities. I had to agree with you...It sure was least it is over done with. Ever since I was a kid, Dr Gaster was a horrible father, I thought of myself, I would never be a father, hell, I never even want to be one! But then...your mother, Toriel told me about you kids...promising me to protect you kids from any danger and the hands of the king's. You kids were different than what Asgore said about what humans would do, harm monsters without any hesitations. Which sounds too bad to be true, but you are merciful, are you?" Sans asked, tilt his head. Daniel stays silent, thinking what to say in respond. "Y-Yeah..." Daniel replied. Sans smiled, rubbed Daniel's hair which brought giggles to Daniel. "Be determined, kid. Everyone is counting on you..." Sans replied, walking passed Daniel while giving him the wink. Daniel smiled, knowing that Sans still care for him. Sans snap his fingers and disappear into thin air. Daniel look forward, seeing the entrance to the Throne Room, the double door was closed. The simple of Delta Rune, the Kingdom of Monsters. He walks up to the door, knock on the door. Which made the door slightly opened by his fits, he took a deep breath and open the door for him to walk in.

He hears the fire flickered behind him, he closes the door and turn around. He shaken after seeing a pathway to the Throne, where it sits by the Devil: King Asgore Dreemurr. has black hair and a beard, yellow sclerae with red pupils for his narrow devilish eyes, and a red cape with golden pauldrons that cover his dangerous armour. His horns are identical to that of a bull's, his horns are pointed up. His fur is white, but he has longer fangs. He is also a little taller. Daniel barely know if he could even beat Asgore, but with Fredbear, he might have a small chance. He slowly step by step to him, feeling unsafe that will be mattered. Daniel stopped there, just a few feet's away from Asgore. Asgore was staring with the devilish eyes of hatred. Daniel can tell by his gaze, only seeing hatred, anger...Maybe sadness? Asgore begins to speak with a soft voice, but sense of danger. "So, you came, human. But your methods of getting here was unexpected...I do not understand...So, tell me. Why did you not kill?" Asgore asked, sitting there, meanly. Daniel blinked with a shock expression; he couldn't know why he didn't kill. "The monsters. Had no other desires than to bring harm to you. The Royal guards. Hunts you down relentlessly. On top of that. They restrain and beat down any Monsters straying from the norm. The Royal Scientist. She tried to kill you. Toy with you on your journey with her pathetic slave. And then the Sentry. He taunted you. He hated you. He wants to see you broken. He wants to kill you. They are not good people. They are murderous, savage, cruel and hateful. So, why do you not kill them?" Asgore asked. Daniel knew that Papyrus did tried to kill him, including Undyne, the Royal guards, Doctor Alphys, maybe. But he knew that deep down, they never want to hurt him or his siblings. "Is it because the Monsters are desperate creatures? They want freedom, their actions reeks desperation. Am I wrong? Is it because the Royal Guards were too indoctrinated? They were unable to see any other view except the norm, was it? Is it because the Royal Scientist is a drug addict? She takes pills to calm her nerves during and after conducting live experiments on Monsters? Is it because the Sentry wants love?" Asgore asked, the fire flickered in their pots. Daniel never answer back, if he did, consequences will emerge. One thing he knew about Sans what Asgore does not, he already has it, from his brother, Michael, Elizabeth, Flowey maybe, then Daniel. "Is it because you pity them? You see them as a bunch of broken animals left in the wild. Savagely growling at whomever comes close. Is that right, human?" Asgore asked. Daniel does pity them, but not only pity but secure, safe, and felt like home. "This world is not kind. Nor it is fair. It is not worth saving." Suddenly, the candles were flicker out! The room was dark which brought flashbacks of nightmares and his abusive parents. Fredbear on the other hand were calm but confused to find Asgore. Then, they hear a loud, echoed voice behind Daniel while he turns around. "Allow me to show you how this world operates." Asgore responded. Amidst the darkness of the room, he left Asgore's presence everywhere, looming about, just barely able to see him. He feels as if he were watched by the abyss itself. Those two pair of eyes illuminating everywhere he look. He should be quaking in his boots. He should be consumed by fear. But he stood against the void. He is filled with DETERMINATION. "To survive in this world...It's killed—" Then, he strikes out his black trident. "—or be killed." Then, he slices the button of Mercy right up! Leaving no chance for Daniel to spare Asgore. Daniel couldn't barely kill Asgore, he remembers the plan. He took a deep breath and ready to fight Asgore.

Asgore stare down at Daniel as he throw Fredbear aside. He pressed Check to see Asgore's strength and HP. KING ASGORE 350 ATK 500 DEF. The true monster that dons a crown and a cape. "I feel rather generous today. I will allow you to attack first." Asgore allows Daniel to take his first attack. Daniel shook his head as he look for other options other than FIGHT. He decides to refuse to fight. "I refuse!" Daniel called out, feeling so scared inside. "You will not fight? You must." Asgore demanded, holding his trident, tightly. "I made a promise to myself!" Daniel shouted. "You dare spat on my generosity? I will enjoy killing you." Asgore replied as he lifts red poles while targeting at Daniel. Daniel gasp once he knew what it was targeting at. He moved out of the way after it strike pass him, Daniel took a deep breath, knowing it is his turn. He keeps refusing to fight him, avoiding his attacks, having 6HP for now. He knew this was a dangerous turn, but he just needs to keep going. "Refusing? Perhaps you pity me as well. However, your pity is wasted here." Asgore replied, summoning an attack of red smoke bombs. He avoids them very well, pretty much. He ate a Glamburger, increase his HP. "Do you think I desire pitying? Do you believe I need to be spared? Do you have any idea what atrocities I have performed in the past?" Asgore asked before the dark begins to grow darken. Daniel stays focus while waiting for a warning, then he saw Asgore jumped and tried to slice him, he gasps and rolled out of the way as Asgore's target was stuck to the floor. "I will inform you. I allowed the Monsters here to suffer." Asgore replied. Then, Daniel saw a speedy red smoke pass him, he quickly avoids it but got hit at 14HP. He looks at Asgore, looking a bit scared. "I have six human SOULS. Think about it." Asgore replied. Then, the floor begins to lift with fire. Daniel gasp as he climbs on the curtains, getting distracted by the red smoke. He gets hit as his HP is down to 10. He slides down once the fire is gone. "I could have easily used one human SOUL and crossed the barrier. I could have slaughtered millions. Then come back a god and shattered the barrier. I could have freed my people. I could of preventing overcrowding. I could have prevented the resource crisis. I could have let them frolic in the field of tall grass and breath in the fresh air, see and feel the warmth of the sun. But I did not. Because I enjoy watching the peasants suffer." Asgore explained, smiling wildly. Daniel shaken after what he said, he saw a spot of flame beside him. He gasps while he avoids the attacks, he looks at Asgore with fear. "Stop this!" Daniel cried. "It is true. And the Monsters know it. They have rebelled in the past, and well. The carpet leading to my throne is black for some reason. I just love viewing my handy work." Asgore replied. Suddenly, Fredbear begins to move while Daniel begins to avoid Asgore's flames. "Not enough reason to accrue your wrath still? The Royal Guards are, as I said, indoctrinated. I chose to recruit children to be mentally and physically trained for them to obey and do without question. I made them love killing and dominating others to their knees. I do not hesitate to kill one of my guards if disobedience were to be found. No one is allowed to live if they back talk to me. However, there were an exception. I remembered this one fish who ditch their ground. I gouged out her eye with my thumb, then someone bailed her out. Noble, but what is noble good for, and how can it benefit the now fallen?" Asgore asked. Daniel growled while hi HP is down to 8. "It was laughable. She wanted revenage, so she took up killing Monsters to gain LOVE. So she can overthrow me." Then, Asgore begins to laugh, a louder one which terrify Daniel and Fredbear. After Asgore calm down, he looked at Daniel. "She will make a great ruler in my absence." Asgore stood there, waiting for Daniel to fight back. Daniel shook his head, refusing to fight him. "Still? Perhaps my deeds were not directed at you. Your humankind for that matter. You see, the Royal Scientist creates these abominations called the Amalgamates. I gave her the resources and equipment to work on their power of D E T E R M I N A T I O N. I wanted an army. An army of unkillable soldiers that will invade the surface. That army will destroy any mention of your pitiful human existence. Imagine. Every art. Every achievement. Every song. Every story. Every literature. Every idea. Every creation. Everything humankind created. Suddenly were to be eradicated. You no longer exist. You no longer matter. You no longer belong. Is that fear I sense? Or better yet...rage?" Asgore asked, smiling. Fredbear was the one who felt rage, not on Asgore's plan but pain he is spreading on Daniel. "Perhaps some extra details will convince you to loathe me. The Royal Scientist hates her life and hates what she is doing. I forced her to test on living subjects. I forced her to torture them to bring me back results. I cared not how many living Monsters were melted down nor of the great tremendous pain they have felt. I cared not for her sanity nor of her letters of resignation. I cared not for the families and friends robbed. Their lives are meekly pathetic and insignificant. So, it seems they have more in common with you after all." Asgore replied, trying to convince Daniel that Asgore is really is the Real Monster here. Suddenly, Asgore increase his trident into flames, force his way to Daniel, which brought Daniel's HP down to 0. "NO!" Fredbear screamed, jumped on Daniel as it increases his HP back to 20. He suddenly woken up, inhaling. Asgore didn't see due to his cape were in the way. Fredbear move back, letting Daniel know she is here for him. Daniel look at Asgore. "She had tried to find an alternative host for this D E T E R M I N A T I O N. She says something that is neither Human nor Monster. She tried to inject D E T E R M I N A T I O N into a flower. I tolerate no insubordination. I beat her down with my bare hands until she was in tears, scared and trembling. I forced her to fear for her life if she dares wander off task again. I cared not for any alternation. She was on narcotics the next day. I am the king. I want to know every detail of her pathetic, meek, laughable state she is reduced to. It was, and still is hilarious. The mere fact that she calls others pathetic when she herself is the most pathetic of them all! Laughable, is it not?" Asgore asked. He summoned fireballs on Daniel, it was fast as flash, but not fast enough, it did hurt Daniel down to 18HP. "Unsurprisingly she has thoughts of committing suicide. Knowing the pathetic coward she is, she attempted overdosing. The redundant whimpering wench however. She could not even perform a simple task of devouring lethal poison." Asgore replied, looking a bit irritated. He furiously begins to throw the crueller attacked. Which brought Daniel down to 4HP, he ate a Hotdog to fill up his HP. He stands up, staring at the anger eyes. He still refuses to fight him; he knows what is better. "Did you not hear me? I made a sane person into a self-destructive suicidal sociopath! Why are you hesitating to attack!?" Asgore shouted, getting annoyed. He stood there wondering why. Why he did what he did? He has made it this far without killing. But the monster standing before him has caused this world so much pain. This is where his journey ends. He is DETERMINED to see it through. He raises his voice. "I won't hurt you!" Daniel shouted, pulling out his worn dagger, dropping it on the ground, after it hit the ground, it brought an explosion in Asgore's emotions. "I ruined the lives of my people! For no other reason than for my own amusement! Why do you resist the urge to kill the monster before you!?" Asgore shouted, swinging his trident on Daniel while he dodges his sharpness. Then, Asgore's trident accidentally hit Fredbear, causing her to hit the wall. She shook her head, looked at Daniel with worries. Daniel huffed, still refusing. "I desire no redemption! I seek not for forgiveness! Furthermore! I definitely will not be pitied by the likes of you!" Asgore shouted, trying to stab Daniel. Daniel gets a scratch by the trident, right at the cheek, losing 3HP, now at 17. "I won't fight you!" Daniel shouted, resisting to fight. "Fight me!" Asgore demanded as his trident turn brightly red, swinging it while Daniel gets cornered against the wall. He yelps and dodge the trident's attacked. He ran out of the attack, staring at Asgore who ripped his trident out of the walls. "Enough stalling!" Asgore demanded as he smash his trident on Daniel's Item button. He gasps once he knew he cannot have any healing item anymore. He keeps refusing to fight him. "Why? Why!?" Asgore shouted, swinging his trident at Daniet, stepping back from the burning trident. "I'M NOT GOING TO KILL YOU!-" Daniel cried. Suddenly, Asgore's trident turns into a flaming fire. "SILENCE!" Asgore screamed as he roughly destroys Daniel's Act button. Daniel eyes widen, the only button he has is FIGHT. Then, he thought of something, another idea...he pressed FIGHT, seeing the new view. His aim was about to triggered, but he stands there, not doing anything. He keeps doing it until Asgore has spoken. "Why will you not attack?" Asgore asked. Daniel keeps going and going and going. "Why?" Asgore asked. He summoned fireballs at Daniel, trying to kill Daniel already. But Daniel was determined. "What good will come if I live? There is nothing redeemable about me! I live to torment and bring suffering to those I see fit!" Asgore complained, keeps on trying to stop Daniel to spare him. "Stop it." Asgore demanded, summing fireballs at Daniel. Daniel gasp once he moved out of the way, passing the fireballs. Daniel missed his attack, getting in a rage point but refuse to let the emotion show. "STOP IT!" Asgore shouted, getting Daniel into a harder point. He knew it will piss the king mind's off, however, he will resist to harm. Asgore use his trident to hit Daniel to a cornered point. Daniel gets up, having 8HP left. He keeps miss aiming at Asgore. Asgore tighten his fits, holding it in his chest. "Enough. YOU MUST KILL ME NOW OR DIE!" Asgore cried. Daniel sense Asgore's attack went up to infinity. Then, without hesitation, Asgore tried to punch and slice Daniel with his fists and trident. Then, one finale blow on Daniel with a strong punch. Daniel was looms in the air, fallen to the centre of the Throne Room, having a half of HP. Daniel feels blood flow on his head, he whined while he gets up, staring up at Asgore who looms above him. Asgore was shaken his fits, shaking his trident. Then, he suddenly drops his trident on purpose. He fallen to his knees, feeling defeated and weakened. "Why? Why will you not fight back? Why must you refuse to fight, Chara?" Asgore asked, which brought confusion to Daniel. Asgore must've had a memory of Chara that never fight back. "If you were just a little stronger...Perhaps...Perhaps you could of not died from my son..." Asgore replied, shaken down. Then, Fredbear came with pieces of Mercy, he fixes them up together for Daniel to spare. Fredbear nodded as she moves out of the way. "Thanks, Fredbear..." Daniel whispered, smiling a bit. Daniel pressed his hand on the button, processing to Save Asgore. "..? What is this? What are you doing? Stop it." Asgore replied, ignoring what Daniel is doing for him. Daniel keeps trying to save Asgore, keeping him from being drag to Hell. "What made you think there were good in me? There is no good in me. Not after what I have done! I have hurt a lot of people! I have ruined the lives of millions. Is there a point in doing this?" Daniel stays determined to save Asgore. "What do you see that compels you to...To even consider saving a Monster so underserving?" Asgore asked. Daniel keeps going. "What good do you see in me!? I am the true villain of this world! So why are you saving me?" Asgore asked, looking confused, like he doesn't know the meaning of Kindness or the strength of Loyalty and Justices. "I do not understand." Daniel is determined. "I cannot understand!" Asgore cried. Fredbear join in, wanted to save Asgore, pressing the broken button with Daniel. Then, blue tears were dripping from his corner eyes, it nearly made Daniel to cry but he keeps trying to save him. "My actions are unforgivable. My decisions are unforgivable. My persistence on continuing this trail of suffering is unforgivable. So why...Why are you saving me?" Asgore cried, they both pressed Save. "Answer me...Why...? Why continue down this path? Do you not understand this world cares not for your well-being? Instead cares only for the strong and able? You are but a child. And yet you have demonstrated an unheard of quantities of kindness...But do you not understand there are those whom will use your kindness against you? To harm you? And to those whom you cherish most? But after all the horrible deeds I have executed. And of all the sins I now carry upon my back...It is you that refuses to deliver the fitting end...The final judgement for all my crimes against both Monsters and human kind. The end I truly deserve. Thus I will ask again...Why must you save this miserable creature before you?" Asgore asked, look so weak but broken due to the sins he have craved. Daniel was silent, couldn't think a better explanation. "...I wonder the same thing..." Fredbear responded. Daniel blinked while he look at Fredbear who was thinking. "...Someone told him to fight people to survive this weird place...But he never hurt anyone...Why didn't you, Daniel...?" Fredbear asked, looking at Daniel. Daniel never said a word, thinking why he haven't fight anyone, nor on his older brother. Then, he soon realise the reason he has never thought in those days. "I...I have no interest to worsen the suffering of others. I think...Pain and Suffering is already a basic thing in this world. I don't want to participate the rules of "It's Kill or Be Killed" That tradition has already grow long enough. Sometimes, it's easy to cause chaos than being good. But I proven myself that people can change to good, it may not fix the past, but it can change something in the future. If the world gets there, it might not able to go back." Daniel explained. Everyone was silent, knowing Daniel hasn't finish yet. "It scares me what the world would be like. Besides, killing may make you feel better, but will that solve results? If I killed you, it's not gonna solve my problems, my fear, my relationship, and my family bond. What I believe in this world: It's SAVE or BE SAVED!" Daniel explained. Asgore never spoken, seems surprise what Daniel has justify. It was a silent moment, speechless what Daniel has believed. "I am not sure what to say..." Asgore spoken, staying silent for a moment. "I...I would not believe a vile creature such as I deserve to be saved...And yet...I do want to be saved, however...All the horrible things I have done...I can never possibly imagine myself being forgiven. Let alone be saved from it. From the madness that is myself...The madness that was created long ago. My anger, my sorrow, my grievance...The Death of my children..." Asgore silent himself, looking for more letters, but instead, he laugh a bit. "Ha...I remember...I remember my son were always the ill-tempered child he is. Always so brash, confident of his choices...I suppose...As a result, he killed my adopted child." Asgore replied, as soon he said it, tears became a waterfall in his face. "That child was so kind and innocent...Perhaps...I mellowed because of Chara...But when he..." Suddenly, he sob, shaking a lot. "It is all my fault. The day of which Chara died, in anger I...I lashed out at him...Perhaps if I did not, he might not have taken the soul of Chara and ventured out to the Surface. He...He came back...He was brutally beaten and wounded...My poor boy, Asriel...He had one last request before he died. Please...Don't kill the humans." Asgore explained, calming down a bit. "I...I did not know who to blame...I blamed everyone. I blamed my wife. I blamed the humans. I blamed my guards. I blamed my kingdom. But too pathetic to blame myself...The actions I have took from that point on. Justified it with nonsense...Calling myself evil...A tyrant...I just...I just want it to end. Knowing nothing will go back to how it was...Believing there is no meaning in life...Just an endless cycle of the strong taking from the weak...So I embraced it...Even so...Maybe I was fooling myself believing all humans are evil. Denying to myself that Chara is human themselves. I cannot...Cannot undo what I have done. I am too much of a coward to face my regrets. Too much of a coward to acknowledge my conscience. Too much of a coward to fix and undo this norm I put out. This to kill or be killed ideology...It is maddening. But I am just too cowardice to change my ways..." Daniel sadden what Asgore has to go through, he walks up to Asgore and hug him. His arms may not wrap around Asgore but can still give him a hug. "Human...What is your name?" Asgore asked, looking down at Daniel. "Daniel" Daniel responded with a smile. "Daniel...Thank you." Asgore replied, hugging Daniel back, healing Daniel's HP up to 20. "But I do not deserve this. Nor should you. Daniel, please, take my soul and crossed the barrier. I will not allow an innocent child be corrupted by my presence any longer." Asgore replied, letting Daniel to kill him and leave this dreadful place. However, Daniel thought about all the good memories of the underground, getting his arm healed by Sans, which brought tears coming down his cheek. He look at Asgore and shook his head. "No, I won't take your soul, I won't kill you." Daniel replied, denying Asgore's offer while wiping his tears off. Asgore look shocked. "But...But why?" Asgore asked. Daniel smile a bit. "because I am home!" Daniel cheered. "I...I see...This place may not be suitable for a child like you. But I promise you, no harm will not touch a hair upon your head. Please, is there any request you have?" Asgore asked. "No, but...I think, there's someone who might has the last human soul for the barrier." Daniel replied, smiling while looking at Fredbear. Fredbear blinked and look at Asgore as if she were smiling. "...Can we see the barrier...?" Fredbear asked, ignoring the brightness in Asgore's eyes. "Of course! This way." Asgore answered, acting like himself from a long time ago. He led them to a dead garden, seems like flowers never grown here. "I might need to water my garden again." Asgore replied, checking the plants. "Is it alright if I can help?" Daniel asked. "Of course, I would like some help!" Asgore replied, cheerfully adorable. Daniel felt like he just met the older version of Asgore but feeling better after taking a nice nap. "...Where's the souls...?" Fredbear asked, walking into the room where the barrier is. "It's in the Barrier Room, this way." Asgore replied, leading Fredbear to the barrier room. Then, Daniel spot a Save Point, he might as well save it. "Believing that the villain can changed fills you with Determination." Daniel smiled. He felt like a hero, feeling proud of himself to be brave against fear, no, terror, that's the word he was thinking of. He stop once he has his eyes on The Barrier, the incredible force to separate the Surface and the Underground. "This is the Barrier. This what trapped us all in the underground. It is not long now. Are you all ready to continue?" Asgore asked, smiling while look at the barrier. Daniel stare at the barrier, knowing this might be their happy ending to get out of this place. He nodded. Asgore pressed a switch in his pocket, suddenly, 7 empty circulars chambers build up from the ground, no souls were there. Daniel click as realisation, forgotten the plan he has explained to Flowey. "Wha-What!?" Asgore asked, looking shocked as he look of the empty. Before he could turn to Daniel, a struck of a vine with spikes cuts through the king's chest, releasing all the blood out. Daniel trembled after what he saw, Asgore tumbled to his knees, then fallen. There was nothing but black dust across the clothing. "Asgore..." Daniel whispered, his eyes was vibrating. "I did it! I did what you planned!" Flowey cheered, getting the six souls circled around him. Daniel shook his head, trying to talk to Flowey. "Now! You can finally go home! Let me transform! I will become their new ruler!" Flowey was too quick to think twice. "STO—Error-Error-Lost-connection-Restart-Restart-Wattpad-Complete.

(This is fake, don't bother to search it up.)

Daniel open his eyes, seeing darkness all around him. He saw a Save Point in front of him. He pressed it, but suddenly, once a simple touch, it cracked and broken to pieces. Daniel gasp as he fallen back, feeling scared about what was going to happen, till he hears a loud echoed voice. "It's okay, Daniel! I'm here!" It turns out to be Flowey but in a TV screen? "Flowey!?" Daniel asked, stepping back. Then, Flowey's large hands comes down, letting Daniel to walk up. Daniel walk onto his hand, being carried up. Daniel gasp as his eyes widen after seeing what Flowey has become. The Alpha Flowey. "We've did it! We've defeated the villain of the story! You and your siblings can go home! And not only your siblings! I can come with you! I'll grow food! I can use my powers to protect you! I can even find a home for you! We can live happily ever after!" Flowey cheered, thinking way too quick. Daniel looks like he has something to say. "That's...very nice..." Daniel replied, glazing away, looking blue. Flowey stops smiling after seeing Daniel's colour blue. "Is something wrong, Daniel?" Flowey asked, showing his caring. Daniel couldn't speak due to the deal they had before Asgore was saved. "C'mon, you can tell me anything!" Flowey replied as 6 souls flew around Daniel. Daniel groan, thinking what would Asgore say if he had the chance to talk. Traitor? Falsifier? Monster? These thoughts flew around his mind. Flowey waited for his answers but comes out in a different way. "It was about to be a happy ending." Daniel answered, bringing confusion to Flowey while Daniel sat down and hug his knees. "What do you...mean?" Flowey asked. Daniel sighs, thinking the future what it'll be like if he will be able to have a new Family Bond. "What I mean...I've saved did it...I've saved Asgore, I believe that all monsters can be good! I've reach out and found his true colour...It was before he was the villain! Remember...he lost everything...he lost his children, his wife, his bravery, and his mind...he tried everything to info about everything he has done to make things impossible to ever forgiven him, or even save him...not only changed his life, it even change something in my life...I was able to do something brave for once...he was a coward and so was much of a coward to even stand against my nightmarish animatronics! I NEED love! Not from people! From my older brother! He never cared about me! He always bullied me! All he cared about is his toxic friends!" Daniel complains, crying so much. Flowey knows what Daniel is half wrong, his older brother does care for him. "Daniel, he does care about you—" "Then why doesn't he apologise me!? He never say anything apologetic! Only on people he ever met! He cares about our little sister than me before she's the youngest! I'm tired of being the middle! I'm tired of being the victim! I'm tired of all the fears and night terrors I have to face every single morning!" Daniel cried, wiping off the tears. Flowey felt heartbroken, feeling the same way before he was a little flower. He carefully hug Daniel as he held onto Flowey, feeling safe in the strong arms of the Alpha. Flowey thought of this in a long time, knowing this may hurtful or surprise, he can't keep these secrets inside. "Daniel, may I tell you a secret?" Flowey asked, looking nervous. Daniel look at Flowey, listening as Flowey place him down. "Um...I'm not actually what you think...It's either very shocking or hurtful..." Flowey took a deep breath, letting out the truth. " name isn't Flowey..." Flowey answered, bringing confusion to Daniel. "Y-Your name isn't Flowey!? Then, what's your real name...?" Daniel asked, why do you need to keep your real name a secret? Daniel thought. Flowey cover his face, revealing a goat expression with red eyes. "...I've hidden my true name because it was one will ever believe it either..." Flowey replied. "Then tell me, I'll believe you...I've always believed you..." Daniel replied, trustworthy friend: The Secret Keeper. "You wouldn't tell anyone about this...?" Flowey asked. "I won't!" Daniel replied. "Not even Asgore and Toriel...?" Flowey asked, looking worried. Then, Daniel lift his hand, crossing his heart. "Crossing my heart. Promising for a friend." Daniel replied. " goes nothing..." Flowey replied, nearly close to even knowledge Daniel his true name. Daniel sat there, smiling patiently.


Daniel eyes were polled, getting his mind processing. Asriel's relationship with Chara, his commit to kill Chara, his death across the garden, his new body from Dr Alphys, creation of Resets, now down to the Afton's Children. Now, things are making sense now, knowing why Asriel was so blue of hearing the tragic tale of the king. "Why didn't you tell me...?" Daniel asked. Flowey sighs. "Because nothing changed! I feel hopeless! I feel careless! I feel like I wasn't meant to be born! That's when I tried to commit suicide...that's how I start the reset...The save points have multiple lives for me to spare...but I didn't want those...I just want to leave this pathetic world of regrets. Regrets of killing my sibling..." Flowey replied, the tight feeling of doubts. Daniel blinked with sadness, feeling bad for Flowey for living a repeatable life of Reset power. Daniel couldn't think anything else to cheer him up, nothing ever fix a Déjà Vu, but can past that. He tried to speak but he couldn't know what to cheer him up. "I'm sorry for what you're going through. Why did you kill your sibling...?" Daniel asked. Flowey sighs. "Because they get the attention! I never get anything return whatever I tried to be a good boy! It felt so frustrating to even cope...I just want my parents...then, me and Chara has made an idea. If I kill her, she let me take her soul and let me cross the barrier to get more human souls, but I've return her to the bed of flowers, but I didn't fight back cause I was so weak! I was a coward! I wasn't even playing a hero! But the humans never seen me instead of a hero, only a devil from hell...I wish I shouldn't plan that idea..." Flowey explained his story, Daniel can feel the same way for Flowey. He hug Flowey's sharp finger, patting it to comfort Flowey. "It's okay, Asriel. At least you try to help people in the underground, huh?" Daniel asked, look at Flowey. Flowey nodded, wiping his tears from his TV Screen face. Daniel rub Flowey's cheek, comforting him, including the 6 souls were comforting him. "I know you are not weak,'ve done so much more than that! You've protected me and my siblings, does your sibling protect you?" Daniel asked. Flowey never thought of that, he giggled while remembering the memories. "We were like best friends that never parted. They were so...nice! So gentle like a butterfly on the tip of a finger. I thought it was weak for me to spared it after I've found them in the RUIN's. But it change my life after they became my sibling, my only friend." Flowey explained, having good flashbacks, remembering how he has met them. He begins to smile, feeling better after memorizing what he got before it drift away. Daniel begins to have good memories with his older brother, still wondering why he turn his back on him, but remembering the old memories what they've created in those early years. "Michael was like my best friend when we were little too, he's always there for me, always loyal, always look up for me, always love me." Daniel replied, smiling widely. Flowey look down at Daniel, knowing he wasn't alone who lost what they found. Then, Flowey thought of something. Something that could cheer Daniel...No, everyone! Something that he wouldn't agreed if he haven't guided the Afton Children through the underground. "You know...what if I told you that I knew some better way to get to the better ending?" Flowey asked. Daniel blinked, confused what Flowey said. "Huh?" Daniel asked, looked up at Flowey, listening very well. "You did save your Save Point? Well, in a meantime, why not we go and see Dr Alphys? I have a funny feeling we haven't given her credit enough or gain much friendship with her. Why not do that?" Flowey asked, tilt his TV head. "Why would she be the one to gain trust?" Daniel asked. "Who knows, maybe she's the key to our happiness...?" Flowey asked. Daniel blinked after hearing that, she might the key. "I'm going back. I'll tell Asgore that I'm going to attend business, I'll ask him for me to talk to Alphys. Then, I'll talk to my siblings about the plan. Good idea?" Daniel asked. Flowey nodded while the screen went blanked.

Daniel gasp after opening his eyes, appeared in the garden room. His HP was full, his inventory, his cellphone. He knew what exactly to do, before he left, hearing Asgore's concerned voice. "Daniel? Is something wrong?" Asgore asked, looking adorably confused while Fredbear walks up to Daniel. "Oh...? Oh! Uh, I know you are desperate to break open the barrier, but...there's something I had to do." Daniel replied, picking up Fredbear. "Is Dr Alphys on break? I want to talk to her for a few hours." Daniel asked. "Of course, why?" Asgore asked, bit scared. "It's nothing to do with you. I just want to help her." Daniel respond the reason. Asgore can read Daniel's direction, supporting Alphys from suicide thoughts. "I'll call her that she has a day off. For you to have a chance to talk to her." Asgore explained, pulling out his phone. "Thank you, Asgore. I'll be back!" Daniel replied, waving as he ran off. Asgore smiled and wave him.

Daniel ran all down to the elevator back to the Core. He picked up Flowey, carried him in the shoe. "So, Alphys has suicide thoughts, all we have to do is stop her from overdosing?" Flowey asked, seeing Fredbear bit confused, obviously she doesn't know the meaning of suicide or overdosing. "Yeah, that's the plan." Daniel replied, as the elevator's door open, revealing an indignant brother with angsty sister. Daniel stood there, looking nervous, laughing a bit, wasn't helping as much. "Don't play dumb with me! You've freakin' left! My god! Why did you leave us!? We were stuck with that traitor down in the Core!" Michael complained, pointing at the ground while shouting at Daniel in the face. "Oh yeah, about that traitor. Asgore said she has a day off!-" "Wait what. You've talked to Satan!?" Michael asked, looking shocked, including Elizabeth. "You mean Asgore? Oh, uh...actually, he isn't what you thought. Even if what he has done to his kingdom, but he's just a sad monster." Daniel replied. "Did he hurt you!?" Michael asked, checking for Daniel's wounds. "He did but he healed me. I'm fine, Mike. I'm just going to do some business!" Daniel explained with a smile. "Business?!" Michael asked. "We're going to stop Alphys from overdosing!" Daniel replied. "She's FINE! Can we go home now!" Michael complained. "What? No, the barrier isn't open yet!" Daniel replied. "Daniel! This shitty underground isn't a place for children!" Michael complained. "That can change if you give it a chance!" Daniel complained. "Daniel, we don't have time for this." Flowey whispered. "Stay out of this, Flowey!" Michael complained, poked Flowey. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Daniel stepping back while holding him tightly. "Daniel! We don't have time for your stupid caring, lollipop crybaby moment! I don't care about what you gotta do! I want to go somewhere safe!" Michael complained. Daniel was stabbed in his heart, feeling of his brother does not love him. Daniel was broken down to pieces, a wound that never healed. Daniel was done with Michael, he doesn't care how much apology he make after it was too late. Flashbacks of him and his brother, unhealed relationship.

Michael roared loud, scaring Daniel as he begins to cry. Michael laughed as his toxic friends point figures at Daniel while he sob and hug Fredbear.

Michael budge into Daniel's room, grabbing Daniel's hair. "Get the fuck up! We're getting late for school you prick!" Michael shouted in Daniel's ear, causing a bit of hearing damaged.

Daniel cried when Michael was trying to take Fredbear, nearly rip her apart. "LET GO OF HIM!" Daniel shouted, tears was a waterfall. "This little piece of shit!? You deserve nothing but a piece of bread!" Michael laughed. Then, Daniel bite Michael's bite badly, causing Michael to scream of agony. Daniel gasp as he saw Michael's fits strike his face. Daniel groaned, laying in the ground while Michael throw Fredbear at him. "What the fuck was wrong with you!?! Are you a fuckin' animal!?" Michael shouted, seeing Daniel tightly hug Fredbear. "Tch, you don't even fight back, so weak." Michael replied, before walking away, leaving Daniel in his sorrow world.

"Y'know what. Since you're so smart as a stupid teenager! Why not leave without me!? It's not like I'm important to your life!" Daniel complained, pushes Michael and Elizabeth out of his way. "Wha-Daniel!" Michael shouted, grabbing Fredbear's arm. "Let. Go." Daniel demanded, looking at Michael, showing a face: Antagonism of displeasure. "Daniel! No! I can't let you go! You're my brother—" "I SAID LET GO!" Daniel shouted, pulled Fredbear. Then, the arm of Fredbear snap out of her. Silence was speechless, Daniel shaken after Michael drop Daniel's best friend's arm. Flowey was total shocked, scared what Daniel will react. Daniel picked up the arm, it has white fluff inside, he look at Michael with a speechless expression: The frenzy of rage. Michael was too quick to even think. "Daniel. I'm so sorry—" "Not every apology get forgiven, you dick." Daniel replied, fighting his fits, he throw Flowey and Fredbear into the elevator. "Now! Leave me alone!" Daniel complained, walking into the elevator. "No! Daniel! Wait!—" Daniel pulled out his worn dagger, pointing at Michael. "I'm giving you a fuckin' chance to live! Leave me alone or I'll beat the shit out of you!" Daniel shouted. Then, Elizabeth jump up and bite Daniel's arm to get his worn dagger away from Michael. Daniel screamed of agony. He physically punches Elizabeth right at the face, leaving her on the ground, bleeding in her mouth, by the broken teeth. "What the fuck was wrong with you!?! Are you a fuckin' animal!?" Daniel shouted at Elizabeth. "DANIEL!" Michael gasp, never seen Daniel that physical. It was defiantly NOT his brother. "What...? Is that how you treated me like a brother, hmm...?" Daniel asked, pointed at Michael. Michael was stepping back, staying away from Daniel, he couldn't speak. "...I knew you never love just want to get rid of me..." Daniel replied. "Daniel! Please, let me explain! This underground isn't safe for us children! This is insane!" Michael complained. "You think the underground is the only bloody place with pedophiles, rapist, killers, traitors and criminals like there's no good people!? THE WHOLE WORLD WE CALLED "OUR HOME PLANET" IS FULL OF THEM, MICHAEL! NO CHILDREN IS SAFE! ONLY IN GENTLE HANDS! YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I FELT AFTER YOU TREATED ME LIKE SHIT! YOU USED TO TREAT ME LIKE YOUR SON! MICHAEL! WHAT EVEN HAPPEN TO YOU!?" Daniel shouted, crying out. Michael was silent, feeling so stupid of not realising what he has done to Daniel, what he has become. "D-Daniel...I'm sorry..." Michael cried, tears forms his eyes. "It's too late...It's a wound that never heals...goodbye..." Daniel replied, pressing the button, closing the elevator's door shut, seeing Michael's expression of regrets and shame. Daniel turn away, feeling lightheaded after memorising of him punched Elizabeth's face, bleeding out. He was like the reflection of his older brother, memorising what he has become. He sat down, leaning against the wall, feeling his sins crawling on his back. It hurts as much as Elizabeth's punched face. Fredbear grab her arm, looked back at Daniel. She walks up to him, patting Daniel's shoulder. Flowey just lay there on the ground, traumatizes by the violent fight of brother against brother. Daniel started to sob and hiccupping, couldn't cope what he grown into. He tried to wipe the tears off, then thought of a call to his mother: Toriel. He pull out his phone, begins to call her. Sadly, he has to message her.

Toriel was holding the drawing art what Elizabeth draw. She put it in the photograph, remembering the good memories what they made. Till, she has her phone ringing, she knew it was her children, but couldn't bare to hear what they have to say. Until a voice messenger activate. Toriel hears a sorrow cry from the mouth of her darling Angel Face. "Angel Face?" Toriel asked, hearing the voice. "M-Mum!? Please call m-me! I n-need help! I-I-I *hic* had a fight with *hic* my brother and I-I *hic* punched El-Elizabeth in the fa-face! *hic twice* I-I didn't m-mean to hurt th-them! I j-just want a p-perfect h-home! W-We don't h-have ANYTHING i-in the sur-*hic*-surface anymore! P-Please! Please help us, mum! We n-need you! We love yo—" The voice messenger was finished. Toriel was shaken after hearing the poor child has a fight with his siblings. Toriel wishes she would be there for them, so scared of Asgore, so scared of people, so scared of seeing them killed. Her expectations, her responsibility, and her fears has grown wider. What will happen next? Will Daniel and Michael forgive each other or join into the battle of brother against brother?

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