Jasper's Accident •Spankfic•

By Dawn732

10.4K 212 13

What would have happened if Jasper hadn't been restrained when Bella cut her finger? "It only took a fract... More

Fighting For Control
Broken Promises
Family Meeting
A Little Convincing
Learning to Forgive

Edward's Realization

997 18 1
By Dawn732

Edward's POV
One week later

   Everyone had left on a family hunt, that is, except for me and Carlsile. As soon as everyone was out the door he called me into his study. That could only mean one thing, a spanking. Not once had Carlisle called me into his office when we were home alone, and not tanned my hide. It was inevitable, but I sure as hell hoped that, just this once, I was wrong.

   I had, had my fair share of whippings since Carlisle turned me. Mostly for things like disrespect or lying, but I very rarely got into fights. That was Carlisle's biggest rule, no fighting. When you broke that rule, you knew you wouldn't sit for at least a week. Carlisle was a fair man, but when you got into a fight... let's just say the man had zero tolerance.

   What I didn't understand is why Carlisle was giving me the punishment, I wasn't the one who attacked first. I was just defending my mate. Sure I was gonna kill him, but that's besides the point. Major Yeehaw wasn't being punished, so why should I?

God, I was starting to sound like Emmett.

  I knocked harder on his study door than I originally intended. I was just glad it didn't come off its hinges, I was already in enough trouble. My temper was not in complete control. Carlisle must have realized because he gave me a look of warning as I entered. Dad's office was still mostly in boxes. There was a large empty bookcase on the left and right wall, his desk sat in the middle and a leather couch was positioned in front of the desk. That was it for decor, which surprised me because Carlisle was always the first to unpack.

"Edward are you listening?" I realized that Carlisle had been trying to get my attention. He was effectively blocking his thoughts from me, so I couldn't find out what he wanted from me. I really hated when he blocked me, I depended so much on my gift everyday and not being able to use it made me anxious.

"Sorry dad, what did you say?"

"I asked you to take a seat." He pointed at the couch and I sat there hesitantly. He sat on the edge of his tall desk, making me feel small. I knew he did this intentionally, and my temper flaired up once again.

"Edward let's discuss last weeks incident that occurred on Sunday. Okay?" Great we're jumping right into this.

"Sure dad." I grumbled half-heartedly.

"Son would you be so kind to explain to me, in detail, the incident between you and Jasper? Please don't leave anything out." I knew the drill, he wasn't really asking, and if you didn't answer him he'd just swat you until you did. So, I decided to tell him everything. Even though he watched the whole damn thing.

"Jasper lost control and pounced at Bella, I shoved her away and tried to tackle him, to stop him. He jumped over me and threw me into the rest of you." That's what hit you in the head dad. I added in my thoughts, attempting to hide a snicker.

Oh my god, I really was turning into Emmett!

"He got on top of Bella and drank from her! So I pushed him off and tackled him. He wouldn't get back in control of himself so I-I punched him... in the face... four times." My voice got quieter at the end, because Carlisle's disappointed stares cut through me like a knife. "I also - well I-I - I kinda bit him."

"Why would you bite him Edward?" His words where cold, and accusatory.

"He bit Bella!" A rush of adrenaline surged through me. I felt no remorse for what I did, and he knew it.

"So you bit him because, you felt it was fair?" He questioned his strict tone unyielding.

"He deserved it Carlisle!" I snapped at him.

"Watch your tone Edward Anthony!" He watched me with cold eyes, and I found the hard wood floor was all the more appealing to look at. Satisfied that I had submitted for a second, he spoke up once more. "Continue." He sighed. I glared up at him, I was growing tired of this.

"You already know what happened! You're just trying to make me feel bad! Guess what Carlisle, I don't! There is nothing you can do about it!" Carlisle gave me a low growl, and I swear my heart dropped to my feet.

"Do not use that tone with me again Edward! Because if you do, I promise I'll be using my belt."

"I'm sorry sir." I mumbled quietly.
   His jaw was tense and he pinched the bridge of his nose. He let out a long sigh and turned his attention back to me.


I tried to heed his warning, I really did, but I couldn't. I felt so furious and betrayed and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I tried to kill him! Is that what you want to hear Carlisle!" I stood up abruptly and glared down at my father. I was done with this conversation. He had no right to judge me. It hadn't been his mate who was attacked, it was my mate, my Bella! He couldn't understand what I was going through and he certainly shouldn't punish me for it!

"Son, calm down. You're only making this worse for yourself." His words of warning were ignored and I continued to yell at him.

"What were you hoping to accomplish through this Carlisle! Did you think that I would forgive Jasper just like that! I am not sorry for what I've done, and I NEVER will be!" I screamed at him. "Jasper deserves to die over what he did Carlisle! You can't tell me otherwise!"

"Edward Anthony! Sit down!" His tone terrified me. I had crossed a line, and I was going to seriously regret it. I swiftly sat back down and ducked my head. Set down the shovel if you want to get out of the hole, I mentally chastised myself.

"Look at me son." He said his voice still had a trace of anger. I slowly raised my head to meet his golden eyes. "Fighting another family member for any reason, is strictly against the rules. Not only did you fight Jasper, you also attacked Emmett and Alice." My eyes returned to the floor. Carlisle gently tapped his finger under my chin so I would look at him.

   "Not only did you fight Jasper but, you convinced him he didn't belong. Have you realized the effect this has had on our family? On your sister? I realise that you have no remorse for what happened with Jasper, but please son, show Alice some mercy. She has lost her mate through all of this, and she doesn't know if he will come back or not." I did feel bad for Alice, but Jasper's betrayal couldn't be forgiven. No matter the effect it had on her.

"I'm not saying you have to forgive Jasper, or be sorry for that matter. I'm only trying to say that, Jasper is family and no matter what we won't turn our backs on him. I am seriously disappointed in your behavior Edward." My eyes dropped to the floor once again. Carlisle let out a sigh again and stood up.

"Well, let's not put this off any longer." I stood up and waited for his directions, I certainly didn't want to make this worse. "Give me your belt son." My jaw dropped, I was appalled.

"Dad, please don't." I pleaded.

"Edward, you disrespected me time and time again during this discussion. You yelled and you argued. I don't break promises Edward. I don't want to use your belt, but you've left me no choice." I gave my father an apologetic look, but I could tell he wasn't going to change his mind. I hesiantly complied. I fumbled with the buckle for a while, I couldn't get it undone I was too shaky. When it finally slipped out of the last loop, I dropped it into my father's hand. He sat down in the center of the couch.

"Lower your trousers and undergarments." If I had been human my face would have been beet red.

"Pl-please dad." I stammered

"Edward stop arguing, and do as your told." He demanded strictly. I undid the button and dropped my pants and boxers to my thighs.

"Over my lap Edward." I opened my mouth to protest, but instead dad grabbed my wrists and pulled me across his lap. I knew I pushed him to far, he didn't have any patience left. He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other was used to pull down my clothes further.

"Why are you receiving this punishment Edward?"

"I attacked Jasper, Emmett and Alice. I also convinced Jasper that he didn't belong in this coven, and he ran away." Tears threatened to fall, and I hid my face in my folded arms.

"What happened to your family after he left?"

"They're he-heartbroken. Alice hasn't been the s-same since, and it's m-my fault." I stuttered. A venom tear rolled down my cheek at this realization.

"What else?"

"I disobeyed you, I yelled and I argued. You gave me plenty of chances to change my attitude, but I didn't listen." I was growing more and more guilty by the minute.

"That's correct. Prepare yourself son, this won't be pleasant." For either of us. This thought slipped momentarily, but he quickly blocked me once again.

   I tensed my shoulders preparing for the first impact. His hand slammed down on my backside - harder than expected - and I yelped at the surprising pain it left. Another one quickly followed and hit in the same spot.

I was already squirming and it was only the second smack. He was hitting so hard. How bad was this gonna be?

Smack! Smack!

"Oh god." I mumbled.

Smack! Smack!

I gritted my teeth in an attempt to stay quiet.

Carlisle kept a steady rhythm, he was hitting way harder than he usually did. After about two minutes, my ass felt like it was on fire and I was yelping and tears flooded the couch cushion.

Smack! Smack!


Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

"Ah! Oh god! OW!" I howled.

   He aimed his swats to my sit spots and upper thighs. I began to plead for mercy through sobs and screams.

"D-dad...pl-please st-stop. It...I-It hurts!" I wailed.

"Its supposed to hurt son, that's the whole point." He continued his steady rhythm never missing a beat. 

"D-Daddy Pl-pl-please... I'm s-s-sorry." He ignored my cries and began to lecture me.

"What would have happened if you had killed Jasper? Were you prepared to deal with that Edward?" He asked. He was landing harder swats now.

"How would that make Bella feel? Jasper is just as much her brother, as he is yours." My sobbing became louder at that thought. Knowing Bella she would blame herself for his death. Carlisle was right I wouldn't be prepared for that. I would never be able to look my family in the eyes again. Would Bella hate me? Would they kick me out? More awful scenarios filled my head.

"You have to learn to control your temper Edward, especially when it comes to your mate. Your actions have had horrendous effects on your family!"

"I-I'm sorry... d-dad."

Smack! Smack!

"AH!" I yelled at a particularly hard swat.

"Attacking family members is the worst offense in this family, it will not be tolerated Edward. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes...s-sir I'm s-sorry." I sobbed. His hand stopped pummeling my backside. I tried to get up, but he pushed me back down.

"You're almost done son." He rubbed my back trying to comfort me. "I'm giving you five licks with the belt for disrespecting me earlier. I always make good on my promises Edward. You know that."

"Pl-please d-dad... pl-please don't." The belt buckle jingled as Carlisle picked it up. I heard a woosh as Carlisle swung and a painful blow landed on my ass.

"Holy mother- Shit!" I wailed.

"Edward please refrain from swearing. You're almost finished."

Woosh. CRACK!

"AH, OW! Please no m-more!" I gave up and collapsed into a sobbing mess.

Woosh. CRACK!

Woosh. CRACK!

"PLEASE DAD! OW - OH GOD - no more... pl-please! I can't take it!" I begged. He sighed and rubbed my back.

"Shh.. my son. only one more, its okay." He soothed.

Woosh. CRACK!!

"AH!" I screamed. Carlisle lifted me up into an embrace.

"Shhh now, it's okay. It's over Ed, you were so brave. Shh, it's over."

   He held me for a long time. I sobbed uncontrollably into his shirt, soaking it. I would have been embarrassed if I hadn't wanted comfort so badly.

"I'm s-s-so s-sorry." I mumbled

"It's okay buddy, I forgive you."

"I st-still don't really f-forgive J-Jasper... but I f-feel... b-bad for t-trying to k-kill him." I sobbed.

"Oh son, it's okay, you're forgiven." He comforted. He rubbed my back until I calmed down. The tears stopped rolling down my face and I wasn't sobbing anymore.

"Why don't you go lay down in your room Edward? Relax a little before everyone gets home."

"Okay dad." I walked towards the door, but paused before leaving.


"Yes son."

"I know that I feel bad and all for attacking Jazz, but could you not tell the family that. Wouldn't want Bella thinking I've gone soft, and you know how Emmett gets." I snickered.

"Sure thing son." He chuckled.


Jasper's POV

   My phone buzzed in my pocket once again. Alice had been calling me constantly ever since I left. I don't know why she would think I'd answer, I failed her and I didn't deserve to stay with the Cullens. I almost wished Edward had killed me, it would have saved me a lot of misery.

"I think you should answer it, Jasper. Don't you want to hear what she has to say?" Fredrick lay sprawled out on the couch, we had stumbled across a cabin in the woods and decided to stay there for a couple of days. I appreciated being inside, as it had rained nonstop for the past week and I was tired of wearing soaked clothing.

"O' course ah want to, but ah can't, don't you understan' that Fredrick. 'Ah failed her. I failed all o' them and ah can't go back." I cringed at my very obvious southern accent, it was getting harder to control these days. Must be all the stress.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Jas." Mallory chimed in. "Come on answer it!"

"No! I'm not answering the damn phone!" I argued. "Ah kill'd her, I can't go back! No matta' what Alice says ta me, ah can neva' go back!" I stormed out of the house and ran through the forest just wanting to be alone for awhile.

   I knew I was burdening Fredrick and Mallory, but they never said anything. They were too nice. I was always yelling at them, and I knew my thirst had something to do with it. I tried to hunt, but everytime I came close to pouncing I got physically ill. I didn't think it was possible for a vampire to get sick, but apparently I could.

   I was almost hoping they would kick me out of their coven so they could be happy again, but I was afraid of being alone. If I had been alone all this time. I wondered if I would have gone back to let Edward finish the job. I knew these too were sacrificing their own happiness for my sanity. I was guilty for not leaving them, but to cowardly to do anything about it. I was a total mess, but I couldn't help feeling like I deserved this misery, I deserved to suffer.

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