Pregnant With The Alpha's Pups

By MsTurtles

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Sophia was the omega of The Blood Rage pack. She was the outcast of the pack, her parents died in a rouge att... More

Pregnant with the Alpha's pups - Prologue
Where My Life Changes - Chapter 1
The Rejection - Chapter 2
Wait... What?! - Chapter 3
A New Start - Chapter 4
First Ultrasound - Chapter 5
Tough Decisions - Chapter 6
The Truth - Chapter 7
I Want A Job - Chapter 8
Meeting The Pack( Part 1) - Chapter 9
Meeting The Pack (Part 2) - Chapter 10
Labor - Chapter 11
This Wasn't Planned - Chapter 12
Telling Him - Chapter 13
Telling Her - Chapter 14
Getting Settled - Chapter 15
Surprise Chapter!! - Chapter 16
What The Hell!? - Chapter 17
Decisions - Chapter 19
Going Home? - Chapter 20
To Blood Rage Pack - Chapter 21
Get A Doctor - Chapter 22
Accept Her Or Be Exiled - Chapter 23
It's Very Disgusting - Chapter 24
You Are My World - Chapter 25
Do You Have To Go Away? - Chapter 26
First Of All Fuck You! - Chapter 27
I Miss You So Much - Chapter 28

Too Weak - Chapter 18

5.9K 145 14
By MsTurtles

Blake's POV

We rushed Sophia into the ER, and a few nurses came running towards us. I'm guessing they knew about werewolves because doctor Paisley called in and asked for specific nurses to be ready. They rolled Sophia quickly to an operation room and I was being held back by Jake so I couldn't follow them to see what they were doing to my love.

Jake's mate and Shyla stayed behind watching the babies for me, so that I can be here for Sophia and find out why she was bleeding so bad. I just can't think of any possible reason that she would have been bleeding in the first place. I am just so worried, I need her to be fine. Jake and I sat in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to come and tell us some good news.

We made small talk here and there but nothing really ever kept our conversation alive. After a couple of hours Dr.Paisley came walking towards us. I jumped up and gave him a pleading look, hoping for a little good news. "Well Sophia is fine now and we managed to stop the bleeding, but she will have to be on bed rest for a week for her to heal properly." Dr. Paisley informs us. I let out a sigh of relief at the good news. "Thank you for saving her, but why did she bleed in the first place?" I asked needing to know.

"It seems like after the birth of the twins Sophia's body didn't have the strength to heal at all. So with all the pressure she put on her body it became worse. This is a very rare case here but it can happen. She is fine now, but she is sleeping. You can go into her room if you want." Dr.Paisley explained before walking off.

I rushed into Sophia's room, and the first thing I saw was my Soph in a hospital bed with very pale skin, peacefully asleep. I walked to the side of her bed and sat down in the chair holding onto her hand. While I looked at my mate peacefully sleeping in her bed Jake entered the room ending a phone call. "I informed Shyla and Blaire what the doc told us. Shyla said that Nova and Nevaeh were both fine and asleep. They said they'll come and make a visit in the morning and bring you fresh clothing. Do you mind if I go back home to stay with the girls and keep them all safe until you two can get out of the hospital?" Jake asks scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah man, thanks for being here for Soph and I we really appreciate it. You go home and get some rest, because all this happened so late. We'll see you tomorrow." I say shaking his hand goodbye and he leaves.

"Soph, you're in the hospital. Doctors said your body didn't heal at all after the birth of our babies. I just really hope that you can wake up soon. I miss you and I need you. Please don't leave me." I cried with my head laid on our conjoined hands.

Just as those words left my mouth i felt her hand move. I looked up at her face and her eyes started to flutter open. "B...Blake? What happened? Why are you crying? Where are our babies?" She asked one question after the other. "Shh Soph. Everything's fine, you're in the hospital, your body didn't heal after the birth. You were bleeding real bad and we rushed you here. Dr.Paisley acted quickly an saved your life. You are on bed rest though for a week after you get to leave the hospital. Jake just left to help keep an eye on the babies with Shyla and Blaire." I reassured her trying to make her relax.

She relaxed a bit before asking "Why were you crying?" the question caught me off guard, but I was going to answer it nonetheless. "Because I can't imagine my life without you. I don't want to lose you and I don't think I'll be able to raise our twins on my own. I know that I'll be hard on them, and I know that they could handle it but they need you too." I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. When I looked up at Soph she had tears streaming down her cheeks too.

I just got up and hugged her, and when we made contact with each other we both broke. She burst into tears most probably because of me, because I put her through so much shit. All the pressure finally caught up to her and she most probably couldn't  take it anymore. I broke down because I can't cope with what I did to her. I can't lose her. I love her too much to lose her.

When we were done she asked me to lay with her on her bed. I took the offer and cuddled her, being very gentle in the process not wanting to hurt her. She was still very weak when the doctor came back in and checked on her, and explained more things to her. When he left she fell asleep in my arms and I wasn't awake long after either.

The next morning I woke up before Sophia did, and honestly I wasn't surprised. In the middle of the night she woke me up telling me she had a lot of pain and I could actually feel it. I went and got a nurse and she gave Soph a few painkillers. So I'm not surprised that she will be asleep until a little bit later.

I got off the bed and went into the bathroom conjoined to the room. I did my business and when I came out my phone buzzed. It was a message from Shyla asking me if it was fine for them to come and visit already. Visiting hours already started and I gave them the thumbs up asking them to bring me a coffee with them.

A while later they arrived, the first thing I did  was change into my fresh clothing they brought me. I stepped out of the bathroom and picked up both my babies and cuddled them. When Shyla stepped into the room I guess it became too loud even though we were being very quiet, Sophia woke up. When she realized I was holding our children she reached out for them. I walked over to her with them and sat with her as she held them. I trusted her to not drop them because motherly instincts you know, but I just sat there for in case she got too weak. The rest of that day was kind of perfect, despite Soph being in the hospital. She seemed happy that we were all there though, especially her babies.


Heyy guys

Sorry for the really slow updates. Been having struggles with writers block. Hopefully it won't happen as frequently again.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and thank you all for the comments and the votes.

I will try and update again soon.

Love you Guys



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