Three is a CROWD!

By beautifulimperfect1

30.2K 5.8K 1.3K

After so many years away from the country because of past experiences and also for educational reasons, Jessi... More

Honeymoon Phase.
Two Different Worlds.
His Point of View -Lets Level Up.
His Point Of View- It's a BIT costly.
His Point of View- When you love someone.
Her Point of View.
Welcome to the Land of Ozzy.
Family Glue
This Is My Kind Of Family...right?
Lets get Comfortable.
Aunty is Vexed!
I Will Tell Daddy for You!
Basic Ingridents for a terrible day.
Forget Food.
Let's turn that smile upside down.
Hold me.
By the light of the silvery moon.
B for Big break!
Call a friend.
I need some sleep
It's all a charade.
Nobody's smiling
Convention Time.
I aim to please.
Out with the old and in with the new
And the winner is...
Gbas Gbos!
Egungun was not careful.
Cats outta the bag.
Divide and Conquer
Ears and Eyes on the wall.
Fire on the mountain.
The "P" word.
And then there was one.
My friend.
The last straw.
Double wahala
Say what now?
On my own
We gonna be aight!
Then she said...
Ready or not here I come!
In conclusion...
What's on everyone's mind

It is I

452 98 41
By beautifulimperfect1

2 weeks later...

"Good morning, Participants!"

"Good morning!" The sea of participants replied.  

"The art of crafting isn't just a skill, it is a gift! You craftsman are a rare and indispensable asset to our world and that is the major reason this program was created; to not only discover you and your works but to also encourage you to continue to create and inspire those present and those to come.
For the past two weeks, we have brought you various, famous craftsman from across the globe to enlighten you and make you think out of the box, to encourage you to stretch deeper within yourself to reveal your true potentials. My father used to say, you can only get so far when you stand by yourself, working with only the little you have or know but when you stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you, you will be able to see further, dare to dream and you will achieve more than you ever could standing on your own."

"My name is James Karimo Engoebi and I will be your task master," he said.

The once quiet hall was suddenly filled with the sound of the cheering and applause for the speaker.

"Just as we are all special in our own different ways, so are our crafts and our crafts are also timeless! Yes, every craft is a piece of art that is timeless. Yes, It is always breaks language, race and gender barriers. It is not limited by ones disabilities. The gift of crafting is what puts a smile on people face sometimes, it could be that light at the end of the tunnel for that child with Down syndrome in a lonely world or that encouragement to go on, or that work that even inspires a poet or singer or whatever! It could be that work of art that soothes you every time you see it in your bedroom."

"Crafts are invaluable, timeless and most importantly limitless," he added.

He leaned closer to the microphone while opening a cream envelope in his hands, "Today, participants your task is to make crafts that are Timeless. Yes, in fact, you will be traveling back in time to 1800 to create crafts that could be used in such times and you're expected to show they can also be used in this present day and in this country. You will be divided into various groups consisting of all the different categories of craftsmen participating in this contest with five representatives each in every group. For instance, in Group A, there will be four representatives from carpentry, sculpture, there will be blacksmiths, goldsmiths, interior decorators and so on."

"Each group will be given a particular country to focus on and the finances to acquire whatsoever they need, however, bare it in mind that if you exhaust the money given to you, you will not—I repeat—not be able to acquire anymore resources so, spend wisely. The task is to last for 2 weeks and to avoid there being any intentional copying, you all have the liberty to choose where you work."

"Participants will be scored on originality, creativity, the level of teamwork and most importantly the connection to the theme for your task. Every team must pick a team leader, an assistant, secretary and financial adviser from amongst yourselves. An official supervisor will be assigned to each group to check on your progress throughout the designated time for this task," he leaned closer and whispered, "I'm not supposed to tell you this but they'll be quite strict too."

The participants laughed.

"Please participants,  follow rules, guidelines and instructions given to you. At the end, it's a contest so give your best and have as much fun as you can. I wish you all the very best. Good day."

The participants applauded him as he walked down the podium and as Etinosa came on.

"Good morning, Participants," he said.

"Good morning!"

"Since you've already been briefed, I'm here to say that in case there are still things you don't understand please be sure to ask your supervisor and take it from me," he whispered, "James lied, they aren't very strict, just very, very strict."

The crowd laughed.

"Anyway, please all participants should move out to the second hall, your names are already arranged in a list and the ushers will inform you of your name and group," he said, "I wish you the very best, thank you."

They applauded and just as he foretold, the ushers came through directing then to their various groups.

Gillis and the gang ended up in Group C, they met up with the other members of the group and introduced themselves to them. They exchanged numbers and picked their leaders, Adani from Pottery became the head of the group, Samson from weaving became the assistant, Clifford was declared the financial advisor and Olivia from painting became the secretary.

They went on to discuss the location for their work; an abandoned storage facility in town and the time for their meeting. After that Adani concluded the meeting with a word of prayer.


"Gillis!" Someone called in the background interrupting Clifford. The four of them stopped and turned around to see it was Mrs Peju Timothy.

"Oh, guys give me a minute, I'll be right back," he said to them before walking over to Mrs Peju.
"Good afternoon, Mrs Peju. How are you doing this fine day?"

"Oh stop that, I've told you to call me Vivian, that's my real name," she said with a warm smile, "well, I'm doing good and—"

He collected her bags and said, "My mommy taught me to never let elders carry their bags."

"I'm fin—"

"Are you walking down to your car? Let me walk you down, okay?" He said.

She smiled, "You didn't have to but thank you Gillis."

"Oh come on, it's nothing," he chuckled, "I got into Group C today, Mrs Vivian. My group members are really nice and friendly. I guess we had this instant connection in our team and everyone was just flowing with each other, no arguments and everything seemed so organized. I really like my team."

Watching him as he spoke, she felt like she was talking to her own child and it warmed her heart. She said, "Well, that's nice but that was just the meeting. Trust me, the real nature of your teammates will be revealed when the heat of the work starts."

"Hmm," he nodded, "that's true."

"I know, the miner knows what is gold and what isn't, after it has gone through the fire," she said, "you should be very weary of your teammates. You can't trust any of them and you shouldn't be too comfortable around them."

"I understand," he said.

"This is a competition after all," she said, "be careful."

"I will, thank you Mrs Vivian."

"Look, I have only known you for over two weeks yet you make me feel like I was with my own flesh and blood, my own child," she smiled, "I don't usually do this but," she exhaled, "I'm on the board in charge of this entire program and I wouldn't mind helping you win. In fact, I will make sure that by all means you win this competition and don't think of it as cheating but rather see it as a help from a good friend."

He looked at her in the eye and said nothing.

"What do you say?" She quizzed.

He turned away, "Is this your car?"

"Yes but what does that have to do with any—"

"Let me help you in," he handed her bag to the driver, opened the door for her and she entered into the vehicle.

"Mrs Vivian," he started, "thank you for the offer but I would like to decline. Just like the others, I came here for the competition, I came to win yes but I also came to learn. I want to go through the process and I want it to go through me. How can I be weary of the others when I'm the shady one? The one receiving 'help' to sail smoothly through it all."

"Gillis, remember the prize money," she said, "it's not even in dollars but it's in pounds Gillis. Pounds."

"If I win then so be it but if I don't, I won't purposely stand in the way of anyone heading to the top. Let us all have an opportunity, Mrs Vivian. Thank you once again and have a lovely evening," he added closing her door and walking away.

She turned where she sat watching him walk away. She was so shocked that even after he left her view, she was still staring after him.

"Mrs Vivian?" The driver called, "Any problem, Madam?"

"No," she said settling down.

"Where to?"

"Mister Ibukuns office," she said.

"Of course madam."

A smile creased her face as she remembered the words of Gillis. She had met people in this life but there was something about this boy...she couldn't tell exactly what it was but she knew one thing;

"I like that young man," she said.


"Gillis!" Jessica shouted pulling her head away from his hands.

"What happened?" He asked genuinely startled by her.

"Is it wood that your carving? Don't you know it's somebody's head? See how you're poking my scalp with the comb!" She snapped.

"Point of Correction," he said, "I am not poking your head with comb, I am parting—I repeatparting your hair. What you should be complaining about is the thickness of your hair! It's confusing me sef, are you growing hair or mane?"

"Eh Moses, thank you," She snatched the comb from his hand, "don't part my cranium, is not Red Sea."

"You're a funny girl," he said sarcastically, "sit down Jhoor, lemme finish what I started."

"I don't want eh! Thank you, you've done well," she hissed snatching her hair cream bag as well, "be parting hair like your cutting firewood, see your head like porcupine."

"Is not your fault, is me that was doing romantic husband as if they send me message," he replied, "I should've said no when you asked me to help you braid your hair."

"I only asked you because you said you could," she retorted, "but judging by what you're doing, I will be bald and my brain will sticking out by the time you're done."

He laughed, "Drama queen."

"Is your name," she laughed.

She sat down beside him on the couch braiding her hair by herself, while he held the hair cream container up for her.

"Th—" she was interrupted by the echo of a loud clap of thunder accompanied by the sound of heavy rain beating against their roof.

"Honestly Rivers state and rain are like five and six," she complained, "I thought this is dry season, why is it still raining?"

He laughed, "I like how you asked me, like I'm the one who created the heavens and the earth."

She laughed, "leave me alone, Jhoor," she said rising to her feet.

"Where to?" He said pinching her butt.

She playfully kicked him, "Naughty man. I'm going to get a drink, you want one?"

"I'll drink whatever you're having," he aid stretching for the tv remote.

"Aight," she said walking over to the kitchen.


"I'll get it."

"Who is that this night?" Gillis asked.

"It's probably Lucky. He was saying that we needed to get diesel for the generator earlier today but I forgot to give him money for it," she said.


She opened the door but the sight before her wasn't Lucky, it wasn't Lucky at all. She froze at the door staring at the person gaping with her eyes wide open.

Gillis turned to her, "babe who's that?"

She said nothing but kept staring.




Since she wasn't still replying, he hissed rose to his feet and walked to the door, "Jessica, what's going on why are you not—!"

He gasped and there was another loud clap of thunder, "Mother!"

This chapter is dedicated to my two earliest readers and voters, lifeofbisola ....thanks for all the support love 💋 And to pweetyaffy ....I know it is verrrrrrrrry late but Happy birthday 💋 this chapter is for you too. (Let's all wish her a happy birthday in the comment section, fam. Thank you)

😏😏😏Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe 😏😏😏

Drama loading...

Mummy Gillis oyoyoyoyo! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Guess what Ninjas! My first book got nominated as the best Nigerian action novel... Can you'll help me vote for the book to win? It'll be my first award here in wattpad.    ⬅️ that is the link, you'll see OCD by @beautifulimperfect1
Comment '+1' in the comment section please....THANK YOU ☺️

TORRI CORNER <let's talk>
Let's talk about Eye lashes.

Now although, I've never fixed it on before, I do not have a problem with lashes. I personally think, they're cool and note my people...I said eyelashes not HARD BOOK COVER or REFRIGERATOR DOOR or the GATE that some people are fixing on their eyes these days.

Like seriously?!

Why are your lashes so thick? Some people lashes are too just too thick! For crying out loud, your lashes are meant to be that thick!

Oh God almighty, some lady was fluttering eyes at my cousin today when we went out and we rushed over to help her thinking she was having an epileptic fit 😩😩😩😩 the lashes were so thick, it looked like she was having a seizure whenever she blinked.

Please, when you go market buy the light, fine one so that when your fixing it, they can lay it out one by one. That one even looks extremely realistic when it's done right.  That's the one most superstars use.

Please, let them not rush you to pharmacist the way my cousin and I rushed her in, thinking she was dying just for her to tell us she was giving him green light. SMH oh! SMH!

#SayNoToFixingHardBookCoverOnYourEyeLidsInTheNameOfFixingEyeLashes. 🖐🏾😔say No

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