⚔ The Warrior's Princess ⚔

By JaceyLovett

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Sent away...As a child to train to be a warriors mate. She Returns...for an arranged marriage. More

⚔ Chapter 2
⚔ Chapter 3
⚔ Chapter 4
⚔ Chapter 5
⚔ Chapter 6
⚔ Chapter 7
⚔Chapter 8
⚔ Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11

⚔ Chapter 1

754 31 8
By JaceyLovett

 A.D. 1018

She looked out the window at the sweeping vistas that lay around the little house she had grew up in. She never grew tired of windswept beauty that sheltered her in its comforting embrace. She felt the hands that plaited her long mahogany hair that reached her waist when unbound. It made her chest ache with the longing she had learned to live without her mother that she hadn’t known since the days of early childhood. Her mother seemed to have found a more peaceful place, sadly enough it wasn’t with the little girl that adored her.

“Tonight is the night your father brings you home Ran. Tonight is the great meeting where you will be introduced to the tribe of misfits that has been brought together by fate. Your father wants you to show these men of the tribe your strength and abilities we have spent years refining and then you will have a choice from a handful of men your father has chosen to be your life mate. If one does not call to you then you will chose the best warrior for your own.

Ran knew this day was coming, her stomach churned with fear and excitement. She had been forced to live apart from the family and from the tribe so she didn’t know anything about any of them. In these years she had matured into a woman the only family she had was Catharina. She had been the closest thing to a mother that Ran had ever known but to call her mother would be a betrayal of her flesh and blood so she simply called her Aunt. Abbe her personal instructor that had taught her the many things she knew had helped her in so many ways in the absence of her father. There were also a handful of men that guarded the earthen home that sat in the middle vast open mountain tops.  Ran’s father was much like the Vikings of old but she wasn’t sure if all the men and women in the village were the same. Catharina had explained that these warriors, this band of misfits had been dubbed Shadow Walkers. These men in the tribe had the abilities to blend with the shadows of night among other personal abilities depending on the warrior. Some of them drank blood like the ancient ancesters called Vampires. Ran had read stories about them, she had been blessed with a small personal library so she may learn things about the history of the outside world. Catharina told her the sun did not burn them and silver had no special effect if touched unlike the vampires in history. In truth, no one really knew what there were or of where they born. They simply found a place in the mountains that no one dared go to live in peace and harmony as a family tribe. This tribe chose her father as their Chieftain and now it was Ran’s responsibility to choose a warrior from this family and take over for her father. It was what her whole life had been conditioned for.

Abbe told her some of these warriors went on raids at night to kill the other supernatural beings that lurked in the darkness and threatened the humans in the nearby towns. The few people surrounding the tribe that knew of their exsistance, protected the secret of them as the tribe protected them from all things evil.


Ran sat as Catharina placed braids in her hair pulling them back to accent her pale skin and face she twisted her hands in her lap as she fought her fear of her uncertain future. She placed her hand to cover Catharina’s as she placed it on her shoulder to steady her. “Now don’t be fretting this girl, you knew it would come.” Ran nodded and smiled, “Will you at least be coming with me?” She asked in her soft voice that always brought a soothing peace to her family’s hearts to hear.  Catharina smiled and nodded, “No way I would stay here in this God forsaken place when you’re finally going home. I will be coming too. I would not miss this for the world. You have been like my own the past twelve years of your life. What with that crazy father of yours sending his princess off to live alone way out here to learn to be as strong as any warrior.” Catharina made a noise of distaste and went back to preparing Ran for the night.




Ran grew more nervous and jumpy as the horses drew near the land that held her new family and as Catharina had warned her the tribe that was gathering for her and this grand event. She preferred traveling with horses, they were such beautiful creatures. She looked out the carriage window her father had gifted her with for her 17th birthday, the sun warming her face as it slid down behind the tall horizon of trees that were freshly kissed by spring. Such breathtaking beauty that no one really ever slowed down to enjoy passed by her window. The lyrical songs of birds carried her back to the place she would call home. Her eyes fell to the brilliant colors of the wild flowers that reached for the open sky and freedom from their green prison that held them under. She smiled as she understood their need for freedom, the need for the things that nurtured you to grow stronger and more beautiful.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Abbe laid his hand over hers “It will be alright and you will do just fine tonight. Just do as we rehearsed and remember only the man you chose for your own sees this uncertain side of you. You have to appear to be confident in yourself and your abilities.You are a true prize for any man, my girl. Ran smiled and nodded taking a deep breath as Abbe passed her his flank filled with whiskey. She turned it up and took a big swallow for courage. Coughing as she swallowed bringing a chuckle from Abbe and a good swat to him arm from Catharina “Abbe you stop giving that girl that stuff it will rot her brain.” Abbe laughed again, “She needed it for courage.” Catharina snorted and then patted Ran’s hand as they carriage came to a stop.

All too soon her fears became reality as the sound of laughter of people reached her ears. Looking outside her carriage window, she witnessed the large gatherings around a huge outside fire that lay before her. She took a deep breath as the squeak of the wheels stopping reached her ears. Her father, King Rulf opened the door with a wide smile as reached a large hand inside to bring her out into full view of his people. A great quietness came over the crowd as they waited to see the woman that would step out of the fancy carriage to stand at their leader’s side. “It’s okay my daughter, this is what we both have waited for and it’s been too long since you’ve been home. Raise your beautiful face in pride and face this band of misfits as the Princess you were born to be.

Ran smiled at her father’s encouraging words, taking his hand she stepped out as regally as she knew how, trying her best to make her father proud.

“I would like everyone to meet my daughter Ranveig. She has been away from the tribe so that she may prepare for the day that she would choose her mate and my successor.  I have chosen four men that I think worthy of the Princess and proud warriors that should be honored to stand at her side.” He pulled her through the crowd towards the fire. Ran saw where they had held an Archery tournament earlier in the night. Her father pulled her over to stand where many men had stood before her tonight and handed her his own bow that was the finest. Hooking a finger under her chin, he pulled her sparkling green eyes to his. “This side of you is for your husband dear child. I want to see the confident warrior woman that stood before me last week as you showed me your achievements.” Ran smiled her special smile that she usually reserved for family and pulling on her confidence, she raised her father’s bow and breathed slowly as she took aim and released her arrow. Cheers went up as she hit bull’s eye consecutively three times.  Smiling at the gathered tribe Ran lay the bow to the side where she saw her father take it, she turned to her father. She saw a few handsome faces that she thought would be very agreeable to her in her quick appraisal of faces. Still she did not linger on them too long knowing her father still had a say in the matter.

Her father next picked up a sword that he handed his daughter and then choosing another pointed it at a smaller man as he beckoned him forward. “You will spar with my daughter.” He spoke to the man, the man looked over to the leader in shock but it was soon wiped off his face as Ran imagined this to be Abbe she was training with and knocked the man’s sword with her own. “Come now man, surely you are not afraid a girl and the princess no less, will beat you.” Ran taunted the man with a small giggle. There were laughs and shouts of encouragement thrown as the man focused on Ran and started the dance. They were all surprised how she fought with such smooth grace and yet fought well enough to keep her opponent on his toes. As time passed though, Ran could feel her energy waning and decided it was time to bring a halt to this show. So with a quick shuffling of her feet and a few lighting fast advances the man hadn’t expected, she bested the man fighting her and if they had been in real battle the man would have fallen dead. The crowd cheered and Ran laughed as she bowed. She shook hands with the man she had spared with and smiled up at her father as he laid a hand to her waist.

“Now that I have had my daughter give you a sample of her life’s work to be a strong mate for the warriors of our tribe. Surely, there is no question she would be a great reward for a fine warrior. I have chosen these four men to step forward and meet my daughter tonight. You have the rest of the evening to catch her eye and impress her if you will. If any of these warriors do not feel my daughter is good enough to be your bride, well by all means speak up but do not expect advancement in this tribe. I will not have a coward in our family.”

Ran smoothed her face over not liking the implication that the man she chose would use her for advancement. She hoped one of these men would be a gentle, honorable man.  Her father began calling out names and the men stepped forward out of the crowd. First came Agmundr, he was a tall and very muscular man with a full beard that held small braids from his chin. Ran did not think he was a bad looking man just maybe a little too old for her as today was only her twenty-second birthday. Fiak was the second to be called he was much younger and as he stood forward his chest puffed out with a deep breath and she noted this man had much pride. He was quite handsome but he could not take his eyes off her father and never once really looked at her at all. Her disappointment was great, if this was her choices she was doomed to pick a man that would care nothing for her only what came with the title. Gildi was the name called next and as the man stepped slowly forward, you could tell he was reluctant. He looked over at a young woman who stood with her hands to her mouth hiding her horror as he turned his head to smile at her at least this one was genuinely friendly but she could never take a man away from a woman you seemed to have her heart set on him. The last name her father called was Aðalvaldr. This man made her catch her breath, he was tall and very large, his head was shaved on the sides and a thick mane was plaited into more than one braid that hung down his back. He had facial hair around his mouth and chin but it was not a full beard like the first man. He looked at her with electric blue eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. His face gave nothing away of what he thought of being chosen as her possible mate as he stood in place he dropped his head before picking it back up to look at her father. Ran hands grew sweaty as she looked over at Catharina to see a smile and wink shot at her before anyone noticed. She knew what the man saw when he looked at her. She didn’t wear pretty dresses as some of the other women here adorned. Ran was given a low neckline, sleeveless suede top Catharina has sewn pretty beads around the neck to make more feminine, she matched it with loose suede pants as her sword fighting were too difficult to execute in a dress. Ran stood proudly lithe and toned.

Looking down at his daughter, her father smiled with pride, “These are the strongest warriors of the tribe that I thought would possibly best suit you and the new position that comes with it all. You can at any point chose to refuse any of them and there will be no consequences as such if they refuse you.” Ran nodded as she took the slow steps closer to examine her choices. Her breathing grew uneven as she grew frightened by being so close to a man as she had never been before but she held her smile so no one would see the underlining fear. She looked over her first choice Agmundr and stopped before him, “How old are you Sir.” She asked with a smile so her words were not mean or rude merely curious. He smiled down at her as his deep voice replied, “Thirty nine.” She smiled, as she did not react just moved on to the cocky one. “How badly do you want to be the next Leader Sir?” She addressed her biggest concern with each man. Her father might have been cold hearted to send her away but she would not choose a man she did not trust with her family. The man’s cocky smile grew dimmer, “What kind of question is that?” He asked surprised to say the least. “Well Sir when your name was called you looked mighty proud of yourself and I have no doubt in my father’s abilities to choose good men, mind you, but you were so busy being proud of yourself you never once gave me a look. It is a simple question I would think, am I simply a means to my father’s chair?” She blinked up at him an innocent expression to her face when he did not have an answer for her she shook her head and moved on to the sweet man with a girl who desperately loved him it seemed. Looking over his shoulder to the girl, she held out her hand and beckoned the girl forward, then turning the girl to face the man she smiled, “Has this woman stolen your heart already kind Sir.” The man blushed and looked at the woman in question and then back to the Princess with a silent nod. Ran giggled and nodded as she directed the girl to go back to her place and moved on to the one man that stole her breath as she looked up at his handsome face. “What do they call you?” She said a little breathlessly as she allowed him to see a little of the real her that was unsure. She saw the corner of his mouth twitch as if he wanted to smile before his deep rugged voice answered, “Valdr.” Ran gave him her shy smile as she looked down for a moment trying hard not to blush, “Valdr are you opposed to this matching if you were the one I was to choose?” She asked and her green eyes locked with his pale blue ones. He stood staring into her eyes silently as if he tried to find the answer there and then looked past her to her father before he once again focused on her with a look she couldn’t decipher. “I couldn’t possible turn away your attention insulting you when I have been called upon for such an honor.” Ran smiled and reached a hand up, Valdr automatically reaching to receive the slight brush of her fingers over his. It was enough as a chill went through Ran’s body before she broke contact and turned to go back to her father.

Rulf looked down at her and waited to see what she had to say, she smiled over the men and then looking up at her father asked quietly, “May I dismiss two of them now father. One I do not think will suit me and the other that I do not think suits your position.” She said this in a low voice so as no one would hear, her father nodded, “By all means Princess the choice is yours based on what you see.” Ran nodded, “Thank you father.” She smiled as she told him to two she wanted dismissed.

“Fiak you are dismissed as my daughter doesn’t think you are ready for the position that comes with her. You Gildi can also be dismissed as my daughter simply doesn’t feel you suit her.” Fiak was very angry and it was evident as he almost knocked the man over behind him as he turned to stalk off. Gildi on the other hand stepped forward to kiss the hand of the princess that he now knew had honor. He didn’t mean to say she wasn’t beautiful and in another time and place his heart would be in great danger of loving their princess but as it was she saved him from a life he wouldn’t have chosen.

He returned to the others standing by to watch the display with a new respect for their new Princess and kissed the woman’s hand that obviously adored him.

“Don’t think I am unaware what that was about Princess.” Her father said with a chuckle, Ran smiled up at him with her innocent look, her eyes batting at him as she replied, “Of course not father. I would never underestimate you in such a way.” He did laugh then full out causing Ran’s beautiful laughter to join in. This surprised the tribe having never seen such open admiration and joy from their Chieftain.

Ran looked up to see Valdr watching her with the most confusing look in his eyes before he bowed to her and walked away as soon as her father called for the festivities to resume.

“Go sweet child and mingle with the people. Make friends, meet, and talk with the two men remaining. I think I already know which one you have your eye on and let me tell you now it is a very wise choice.” Ran blushed but nodded as she went to join Catharina and they walked through the crowds greeting different people.

The girl that clung to Gildi’s arm walked towards them quickly with a smile dragging the poor man behind her. “I want to thank you so much Princess for what you did for Gild and I tonight.” She made a formal bow to Ran. Ran smiled and touched her arm. “Please do not bow to me as royalty I am not use to such things. What is your name?” Ran asked with genuine curiosity as the girl seemed to be of a good heart. “My name is Rilo, Milady.” Ran giggled as she shook her head. “Call me Ran please. I would very much like to get to know you, maybe later when you have time you could stop by for lunch with my Aunt Catharina and me?” Rilo’s face bloomed in surprise and happiness, “I would love to come anytime.” Ran nodded and with a smile to the couple pulled Catharina away to mingle some more.

“That was very nice of you Ran.” She spoke with motherly pride. “Well I couldn’t very well steal the girl’s heart Catharina. He was already taken as far as I am concerned and I won’t have anything less that a man who wants only me.” Catharina laughed, “I have taught you well Ran or spoiled you one.” They both laughed at that as they walked on. “So I don’t suppose your choices had anything to do with the last man your father chose that you seem so taken with?” Ran blushed and dropped her head as before, pasting a smile and nodding her head at yet another passing greeting. “I cannot say that man did not affect me Auntie Cat.” Catharina knew Ran had now slipped into their comfortable conversation as she used the nickname that only Ran ever used when they were alone.  She simply smiled and patted Ran’s hand that lay on her arm. “I knew it already girl by the look on your face and the way you got lost it seemed when your eyes met his. Mark my words that man was just as taken with you. He might be a tough one though as he doesn’t seem very forthcoming with his feelings.” Ran sighed with a smile still in place. “I saw that too Auntie but it was never said a hard man isn’t worth the journey to find the honorable man that lay dormant inside.” Catharina smiled, “When did you get so wise for such a young girl.” She giggled behind her hand as she looked around to make sure no one had heard, “I had a very wise teacher.”

A man that escaped all notice stood to the side watching, using his shadow walker abilities to cloak his presence and spy on the two newcomers as they walked and chatted as if no one could hear them. A sneer crossed his face as he decided he already did not like the little Princess that has showed up and staked a claim to the chieftain’s chair. She would ruin all the plans that were in place and she would have to be disposed of before she chose one of the warriors or else all would fall into peril. He saw the way the Princess had made eyes at Valdr and if she mated with him, they would all be in trouble. She had to be stopped now.


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