Star Wars- Solo's daughter

By EGvamp24

516 1 0

Elle is an excellent pilot like her father, she's strong with the force like her family but she has this pass... More



47 0 0
By EGvamp24

There was a short circuit and I frowned "It's the motivator." "I got it! Grab me a Harris wrench." Rey and I said then Finn nodded "Check in there." I yelled and Finn handed me the wrench "How bad is it?" Finn asked and I sighed "If we want to live, not good." "They're hunting for us now. We got to get out of this system!" Finn told us and I rolled my eyes.

"BB-8 says the location of the Resistance base is 'need to know.' If I'm taking you there, I need to know." Rey said and I looked to Finn and he showed Rey a tool then tossed it to her "This? You got to tell us where your base is." Finn told us and I turned to BB-8 as he told me no and Finn frowned "I don't speak that." He said and he looked to me "Okay, between us, I'm not with the Resistance, okay?" "No... I just thought you were a nobody in the resistance." I fake gasped and he sighed "I'm just trying to get away from the First Order. But if either of you tell us where the base is, I'll get you there first. Deal?" Finn asked and I looked to BB-8 then back to Finn "Droid, please! Elle, What would Poe do?" "Pilex driver, hurry." Rey said and she turned to us "So, where is your base?" She asked and I stopped "Go on, BB-8, tell her." Finn said and I sighed then nodded to BB-8. "The Ileenium System!" "Yes, the Ileenium System. That's the one. Get us there as fast as you can." Finn said and I sighed. "I'll drop you two at Ponemah Terminal. I need the engine tape, hurry." Rey said and Finn frowned "What about you?" He asked and she sighed "I got to get back to Jakku?" "Back to Jakk... Why does everyone want to go back to Jakku?" Finn questioned and picked up random tools but Rey just pointed to something different "It's not that one." "That place is..." Finn started as he picked up the wrong tool "No. No. The one I'm pointing to. No. No. No!" She yelled and I rolled my eyes "If we don't patches up the propulsion, the tank will overflow and fill up this ship with poisonous gas." Rey yelled and I handed him the bonding tape "This?" "Yes." Rey muttered and he tossed it to her. "Hey, Rey, you're a pilot. You can fly anywhere. Why go back? You got a family? You got a boyfriend? A cute boyfriend?" "None of your business, that's why." Rey said and I smirked but the lights went out and there was rumbling. "That can't be good." "No it can't." I muttered and I started running to the cockpit "Someone's locked on to us." I said turning to them as I saw the ship and Rey tried turning the controls on "All controls are overridden." Rey said and Finn climbed up on the seat but not before placing his hand on Rey's head and she swatted at him "Get off. Get off!" She yelled and I frowned "Do you see anything?" "Oh, no. It's the First order." Finn said and Rey frowned "What do we do? There must be something." She asked and I held my saber in my hands to be prepared "You said poisonous gas." "I fixed that." Rey told Finn and he sighed "Can you unfix it?" Finn asked then we ran to the main deck. We grabbed three mask and I looked at BB-8 "Come on, buddy." "I got him." Finn muttered and grabbed him but fell back with BB-8 on top of him "I'm okay." He muttered and Rey unfixed the motivator. "Do you think this work on the Stormtroopers?" "Yeah, their masks filter out smoke not toxins." Finn said and I looked to see what is happening "Hurry, they're coming." I told them then closed the grate, I put on the mask then suddenly I heard this familiar groan and Finn knocked something over which we looked at him then the floor opened up and we looked up to see Chewie and my father, my eyes widened and so did my fathers. "Elle?" "Dad? Chewie?" I muttered and Finn and Rey looked at each other then me, I pushed off the mask I was wearing. My dad helped us out and he frowned at us "Where's your pilot?" He asked and I scoffed "I am the pilot. You taught me how to fly remember." "It's just us." Rey said and Chewie roared and I rolled my eyes "It's true Buddy, were the only ones on board." I said and Finn frowned "You can understand that thing?" He asked me and I frowned "And 'that thing' can understand you, so watch it." My dad told him and he looked to Rey. "Where'd you get this ship?" "Niima outpost" Rey told him and my dad frowned "Jakku? That junkyard? Told you, we should have double-checked the Western Reaches. Who had it? Ducain?" "I stole it from Unkar Plutt. He stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from Ducain." Rey said and my dad nodded "Who stole it from me. Well, you tell him that Han Solo... just stole back the Millennium Falcon for good." Dad said and Rey smiled big. "This is the Millennium Falcon? You're Han Solo? And you're his daughter, Elle Solo." "I used to be." My dad said and I frowned as he went into the cockpit and I followed him. "This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs?" "Twelve." Me and my dad said and he looked at me and smiled, my smile faded when I remembered that he left. "So... why did you leave?" I asked him and he frowned "uh, hey, some moof-Milker put a compressor on the ignition line." He said walking past me changing the subject and I rolled my eyes "I thought it was a mistake too. Puts too much..." "Stress on the hyperdrive" both Rey and my dad said together and he sighed "Chewie, throw them in a pod. We'll drop them at the nearest inhabited planet." "What? No, dad we need your help" I told him and he frowned " My help?" He asked and I nodded. "This droid and I need to get back to the resistance base as soon as possible! He's carrying a map to Uncle Luke!" I told him and he stopped "You are the Han Solo that fought the Rebellion. You knew him." "Yeah, I knew him. I knew Luke." He said and we heard a clanking. "Don't tell me a Rathtar's gotten loose." "Wait, what?" Finn yelled and we ran out of the Falcon and followed my dad and Chewie "You're not hauling rathtars on this freighter, are you?" "I'm hauling Rathtars." My dad said and I frowned. "Oh, great. It's the Guavian Death Gang. Must have tracked us from Nantoon." My dad said and I rolled my eyes "What's a Rathtar?" "They're big and they're dangerous." My dad told Rey and I nodded "You ever heard of the Trillin Massacre?" I asked and she shook her head "no." "Good." Finn muttered and we followed my dad more into the cargo holder. "I got three of them going to King Prana." "Three! How'd you get them aboard?" Finn asked and he sighed "let's just say I had a bigger crew." He told us and Chewie opened a hatch. "Get below and stay there until I say so... and don even think about taking the Falcon." My dad said and I shook my head "What about BB-8?" "He stays with me until I get rid of the gang... then you can have him back and be on your way." He said and I frowned "If something happens to him..." "Nothing is gonna happen, just get below." He said and Finn sighed. "What about the Rathtars? Where are you keeping them?" He asked and one jumped out from behind us and it was in a port "Well, there's one." He muttered and I glared at him and sighed "What are you gonna do?" "Same thing I always do. Talk my way out of it." He said and Chewie growled "Yes I do, every time! Now, get below now." He told me and Finn helped me and Rey down under the deck.

I looked up through the grate in the floor to see the gang my dad had somehow got involved with and they didn't look too friendly "Han Solo, you are a dead man." "Bala-Tik. What's the problem?" My dad questioned and I frowned "The problem is that we loaned you 50,000 for this job." "Can you see them?" Rey asked and Finn sighed "No." "I heard you also borrowed 50,000 from Kanjiklub." The leader said and we crawled closer to them and I saw them clearly. "You know you can't trust those little freaks. How long we known each other?" "They have blasters." Rey muttered and I reached for my lightsaber "A lot of them." Finn said and I listened in "Not long. We want our money back now." "You think hunting Rathtars is cheap? I spent that money." My dad yelled and I rolled my eyes, all my life I've heard stories about my dad and how he started as a smuggler then he met my uncle and my rescued my mother. "Kanjiklub wants their investment back too." Bala-Tik said and my dad frowned "I never made a deal with Kanjiklub!" "Tell that to Kanjiklub." I heard a door open "Tasu Leech! Good to see you!" My dad yelled and the Kanjiklub leader speaker in a dialect that I wasn't familiar with "Boys! You both're gonna get what I promised. Have I ever not deliver for you before?" "Yeah. Twice." They said and I followed Rey and Finn down the crawl space. "What was the second time?" "Your game is old. There's no one in the galaxy left for you to swindle... That BB unit. The First Order is looking for one just like it. And three fugitives, one of them being your daughter." Bala-Tik said and we stopped then Rey and Finn looked at me. "First time I heard of it." "Search the freighter." We heard and we crawled away and I saw a panel. "Wait, wait, wait..." I said and looked at Rey "If we close the blast doors in that corridor, we can trap those gangs." "Close the blast doors from here?" Finn questioned and I nodded "Resetting the fuses should do it." Rey said and I nodded then she pushed the fuses. I heard banging and weird noises which my eyes widened "I got a bad feeling about this." "Oh, no." Rey said and Finn frowned "Oh no," what?" "Wrong fuses." Rey said and we heard firing then screams, we climbed out of the grates and  "What do they look like?" Rey questioned and we ran around the corner to see a Rathtar "They look like that." I pointed and her eyes widened "This way!" I yelled and they both followed me "Are you sure?" Fine asked and soon he screamed "No! No, no, no." "Finn!" Rey yelled and we tried to run for him but the Rathtar was so fast "Finn!" "REY! ELLE!" Finn yelled and we lost him "Finn!" Rey yelled and I saw a monitor and saw where the Rathtar was going with Finn and I sighed "Rey, I want you to watch the monitor then close the door." "Okay, when?" She asked and I sighed "You'll know." I said and I ran down a corridor and used the force to sense where Finn was. I stopped at a door and I was on the side of the door then I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I heard Finn's screams and then I ignited my lightsaber and soon I sliced my saber through the air and opened to see I cut Finn free and the door closed on the Rathtar trapping it. I helped Finn up and he sighed "It had me! But the door..." "That was lucky." I muttered and Rey came running over to us and then we got to the Falcon where my dad and Chewie was. "I got the door. Cover us!" My dad yelled and Chewie growled then we was shot in the arm "Chewie!" I yelled and I dodged some shots off my lightsaber and it bounced off and hit one of the gang members. "Are you okay?" I asked Chewie and he nodded then my dad pushed us into the Falcon "Come on! Come on!" "Han" Finn muttered and my dad turned to us "You, close the door behind us. You, take care of Chewie!" He said pointing to Finn and I tried to get the Falcon started, I pushed some of the buttons and Rey did too "What are you two doing?" "Unkar Plutt installed a fuel pump, too." Rey said and I nodded "If we don't prime that we're not going anywhere." I added and my dad frowned "I hate that guy." "And you could use a copilot." I told him and he frowned "I got one. He's back there." "And he's injured so, I'm the best you got right now." I told him and I checked the fuel pump. "Watch the thrust. We're going out of here at lightspeed." "From inside the hangar? Is that even possible?" Rey asked and he sighed "I never ask that question til after I've done it." He told us and I looked at Rey with a worried look. "This is not how I thought this day was gonna turn out." "Tell me about." I muttered and a Rathtar leaped onto the ship and we screamed "Angle the shields!" My dad told me and I nodded then I pressed the controls and my dad pulled up on the lever "Come on baby, don't let me down." "Compressor." I muttered and he switched it on and we jumped into hyperspace with lightspeed which teared the Rathtar to pieces.

My dad put auto pilot on and we went to see how Chewie was "You okay, fluff ball." I muttered and Chewie roared and I chuckled "I missed you too, Chewie." I said and Finn sat down by the table and the little game me and my dad used to play turned on "So You're fugitives, huh?" "The First Order wants the map. Finn is with the Resistance, I'm just a scavenger. And as you know Elle is a Jedi." Rey said and I tried to stop her from finishing that sentence but my dad just looked at me surprised. "Oh she is, is she." He said and I sighed "I'm in training, but... mom doesn't know and I didn't think you'd care." "We'll talk about it later, Let's see what you got." He said and BB-8 beeped and looked to me and I nodded "Go ahead, bud." I muttered and he projected a map and I frowned "This map is not complete, it's just a piece." "Ever since Luke disappeared people have been looking for him." My dad said and Rey frowned "Why did he leave?" "He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy, an apprentice, turned against him, destroyed it all." My dad said and I sighed "Luke felt responsible." "He just walked away from everything." I said and they looked at me "Do you know what happened to him? Why didn't he train you?" Rey asked and I smirked "I don't know he left before I could be trained." "A lot of rumors, stories. People who'd knew him best, think he went looking for the first Jedi Temple." My dad told them as he looked at me and I frowned "The Jedi were real?" "I used to wonder about that myself. I thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil, the Dark side and the Light. The crazy thing is... It's true. The Force, the Jedi. All of it. It's all true." Chewie tried to get up but my dad turned to him "No, you rest... You want my help? You're getting it. Going to see an old friend. She'll get your droid home." My dad told us and I frowned. "So are you going to tell me about your training?" My dad said coming up to me and I smirked "You gonna tell me why you left me and mom? We needed you dad, I needed you." I told him and he sighed "It's complicated." "Nothing was complicated, Ben went to the dark side and Uncle Luke and you left. Mom wanted me to never be a Jedi but I ignored her wishes and trained my self. I had some help with my Best Friend Poe but he's a pilot he doesn't get the Force." I told my father and he sighed "I thought you two would see me and be reminded of Ben." He explained and I sighed "Dad, I- I don't blame you for anything, I'm reminded everyday every time I use the force I see Ben, he calls to me everyday and I have to resist talking to him. I needed you and you walked away." I told him and he just stared at me but was cut off by Chewie roaring and he sighed "This is our stop." He said and he went back in the cockpit to land the Falcon.

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