Michael Myers and Linket (my...


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ok so this is new for me to do and this won't have ganondorf in it it will have my new OC in it called Linket... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 🍋
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 🍋
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 🍋
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 🍋
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62)
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 🍋
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85 🍋
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 🍋
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117 ending
Chapter 118 alternate ending

Chapter 75

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A few hours later in the morning

Michael was close to returning back home while Linket gets up grabbing her knife and the fake Michael mask as she gose to nitray As she was in the kitchen sort of having a one person convocation with Jason. While he was just listing to what she is saying and nodes as linket enters the kitchen while nitray sees her and says. what's up. linket replies. I was wondering if you can take me to hell so I see Michael one last time if he is there. nitray thinks and nodes while her orange wings warps around linket as nitray Teleports herself and Linket to hell.

In hell

Nitray and Linket appears in hell in front of Satan which is next to ganondorf cell were cinder is as she had her large wings hiding herself and ganondorf while Satan says. what are you both doing here. linket says. I was wondering if Michael was here. Satan thinks and then talks to a guard in demon Latin while Linket and nitray watches as then Satan says to Linket. turns out he isn't here but he might not be dead or he might be waiting in the spirit realm. linket nodes while Satan continues and says. but I haven't heard of anyone been in the spirit realm. so maybe he is still alive somewhere and might be looking for you somewhere. linket thinks and says. but I saw cinder decapitate Michael right in front of me. Satan replies. you never know he might of put the mask that your holding on someone after crushing there voice box to fake his death. linket thinks and says. that could be a possibility. nitray then says to Satan. but if he did then why didn't he break her out of the slasher sanitarium. Satan replies. that's a good question maybe he didn't want anyone to know he was alive and be sent to the slasher sanitarium. linket nodes agreeing and says. I still feel like I've lost him to death. while she says this she and nitray get teleported back to earth before they were Teleported Satan says. I know how that feels more then you know.

On earth with Michael

Michael was walking through the woods with his knife and cinder helmet making his way to a abandoned hotel for a break as his had ran out of petrol. while he gose through the abandoned hotel he starts feeling even more lonely without linket then he did before as he sits on a old bed and thinks about her wondering were she is.

With linket and nitray

They appears in Michael house while Linket says. I'm going out for a shift to clear my head. nitray nodes understanding while linket gose outside and turns into a wolf and runs off through the woods on her back legs while she kept hold of fake Michael mask and her knife.

(Linket new wolf form)

As she then gose to the mountain were she first turn into her full moon wolf form as she howls a bit. still feeling pain from seen Michael dying in front of her not realising that it was a fake michael as she looks at the fake Michael mask as she then runs off the mountain going somewhere.

With Michael

As Michael was thinking he then heard howling which sounded like pain as he then realised that it's linket. while he then left the abandoned hotel to find her not knowing she already ran by as she was going on a murder rampage.

With linket

She walks in the town as a wolf looking around into she sees Jamie standing in the middle of the road while Linket smirks a bit seen Jamie seems to be pregnant again while Linket sniffs the air around Jamie somehow smelling Michael. which makes Linket confused while she then roars at Jamie and then sees Karen with a gun pointed at her while Linket says in wolf form. how is Allyson by the way Karen replies you don't get to mention my daughter's name bitch. linket just laughs a bit crazily then runs Karen then grabs her gun with her free hand and shoves Karen into the ground knocking her out. while Linket turns around about to run at Jamie but saw she is gone which confused linket as she walks into Karen's house by walking through the door breaking it. while Linket looks around sniffing while she says to herself as walking around the house sounding like she coming up with a song.
I have waited for the day.
To send these greedy humans away.
Now the darkness is my salvation
Gather close in my protection!
She starts walking around the house kicking doors in looking for Allyson and Ray Karen's husband while she continues.
We hold the beauty of nature and all it's glory.
No need to fear the wolves and slashers at the door.
Right here you have me to protect you.
Within these walls of darkness
Forever more!
Michael was secretly watching and following her while she continues after hearing a gasp from the basement.
They have come into our domain
Here to seal our slashers in shame.
But we have held it for generations
This is just a complication.
She trys and open the basement but can't so she starts stabbing it with her knife to break through while she continues.
Trust in me this is for your own good
Don't be afraid darkness is our friend.
All this beauty that surrounds us
Every lovely death designed for bloodlust.
She breaks down the basement door as Allyson throws a knife at linket which missed going into a wall while Allyson continues her song by changing it a bit as ray watches while Linket growls in her wolf form.
Let them come! Just let them try
I'm not about to say goodbye!
These humans will be here throught the ages
Written into the History pages.
Linket growls hearing her song was changed as she grabs Allyson by the throat chocking her while ray shoots linket in the shoulder and left eye making linket growls in pain. then collapse onto the ground letting Allyson go while Linket turns human still keeping hold of fake michael mask and her knife while ray says. go and get your mother and aunty so we can move her to laruie house. Allyson nodes while she gose to find Jamie and Karen while ray watches linket as he starts putting her in chains. while he decided to take the fake michael mask putting it on linket while she had already healed but is blind in her left eye as she kept hold of her knife. while Allyson came back with Karen and Jamie while Freddy was secretly watching in the darkness with springtrap as linket gets taken out of the basement. As she gets taken to a car which starts making linket wake up and Growls lightly while ray starts driving with Allyson in the front with him while Jamie and Karen kept linket still in the chains while they watch her as Karen says to Linket. you know you and Michael are quite the same as laruie Siad. but it seems after Michael death you have turn into him. linket clench her knife thinking of a plan as ray didn't know that Michael was following them in another car behind them.

A few hours later at laruie fortress

Ray had gotten to laruie fortress while they let Allyson go in first to keep her away from linket while Jamie and Karen take Linket in next. while she is still in chains as they take her inside and out her in a room locking it with roller doors while ray stays outside keeping a look out. As Michael had already gotten in and hid the car while he grabs some of the hanging bells and warps them around rays neck choking him making him shoot the gun which alerts Jamie and Karen. while they runs to the door seen that Michael is somehow still alive which puts them in shock and Linket heard a gun shot which confused her as she gets out of her chains and gose over to the door of the room she is contained in. while Michael snaps rays neck with the bells and turns around looking at door seen Jamie and Karen as he smirks under his mask and gose over to the door while Jamie runs off from the door hiding in the kitchen. while Karen hides near the door in its blind spot while Michael shoves his hand through the flyscreen door and the glass window of the door and grabs Karen by the throat pulling her against the door as she then bites his hand making him drop her. as she runs off hiding with Jamie while Michael takes of the metal pole and opens the door walking in and then walks through the house looking for Jamie and Karen as they were hiding in the bunker under the kitchen while Michael walks through the kitchen. while Karen and Jamie keep quite while he was listening for them while Allyson was hiding in the laurie room keeping quite into linket decided to break the window of the room she was in to escape which Michael heard and gose to thinking it's Allyson. As then Linket jumps out the window hitting the ground a bit hard making her grunts as she stands fixing up the fake Michael mask as she grabs her knife and escapes going through the woods to escape.

With Michael

Michael makes his way upstairs to were he heard glass breaking and saw a barricade door and saw no one in the room while he thinks that who was in the room escaped. so he thinks and then gose leaving the house and then follows the footsteps leading to the woods while he grabs his knife out of his pocket as he continues following the footsteps.

With linket

Linket runs through the woods then trips over a log she didn't see and face plants into the ground as she gets up listening to hear if anyone was behind her. while she starts walking continuing listening for any noise behind her while she continues walking through the woods back to Michael house.

A few hours later

Linket was having a rest against a tree as she takes off the mask resting it near her and on her knife as then she heard a stick breaking which makes her stand grabbing her knife poniting it to were she heard the stick breaking as she stares at the spot were she heard the stick breaking. while she didn't know it was Michael while she growled lightly and grabs the mask walking over to the spot seen no one there which confused her. while she turns around looking around while she didn't see Michael as he was standing in her blind spot as she says. just beacuse I can't see out of one eye doesn't mean I can't hear you. she still looks around and saw a knife in someone hand sort of remembering it from somewhere which makes her says. threatening me is a bad idea at the moment. Michael then moves into her vision as she sees him which puts her in shock from seen him alive as she stands there not moving as he starts walking to her as she then walks to him as she says as she almost starts crying. I thought you were killed by cinder. Michael takes his mask off reveling his face as he kisses her on the lips while he shows her a peice of paper he wrote on as she reads it which Siad. "I faked my death so I wouldn't be taken to that slasher sanitarium. but I was going to come back for you when I got there you already escaped." linket nodes understanding as he strokes the left side of her face seen she is blind in her left eye while she says to him. I missed you I felt a peice of me was missing and it was you. Michael lifts her up while she warps her legs around his waist While Linket whispers. I missed you more then anything. he grins a bit and kisses her on the lips while to says he missed her as well. while he then grabs her knife putting it in his pocket with with his knife. As he puts his mask back on and grabs the copy of his mask as he gose off taking her somewhere while carrying her as she wondering were there going.

A hour later (🍋)

Michael carry linket to the mountain were she first turn into her full moon wolf form while she blushed a bit seen a half moon while Linket says. you do know that this is were I first turn into a full moon werewolf. he nodes and then takes his mask off while he sits on the ground holding her and nuzzling her as he grabs his knife carving into the ground were she sees as he carves. "what happened to your eye." linket replies. ray Karen husband shot me in the shoulder and eye. he nodes understanding while he kisses her left cheek making her blushes as then they starts making out. as he pins her to the ground a little rough but not to rough while she whispers in the kiss. please don't leave me again. he nodes lightly promising not to while he then starts by taking off her shirt while she then takes off his navy blue boilersuit off half way while he grins a bit while he then takes her tights off while she warps her legs around his waist as he kisses her neck. As he takes his shoes and the rest off his boilersuit off while he then insert himself into her a little roughly as he kisses her neck while she moans lightly as he starts thrusting into her while they starts making out again.

A hour later (still 🍋)

Michael and Linket were still making out while he is still thrusting into her as she had orgasm a few times while he was getting close. while she had her hands resting on his back while they make out still while he then release into her making her moans lightly while he then starts kissing her neck a bit while he then lays next to her kissing her a bit. while she then rest her head on his chest while she dozed off as he warps his arm around her while he had put his boilersuit back in to his waist while she has a nap on his chest while he strokes her hair a bit.

(End of 🍋 by the way)

At Michael house

Springtrap and Freddy had returned while Springtrap gose to check on lea as she was resting still as Freddy decided to watch over lea while springtrap gose to watch tv with Jason and nitray and Ghostface while Hannibal and Candyman were making dinner and tiffany and Chucky and Pennywise were having a nap in there room. as nitray was starting to wonder were linket is as nitray was a bit worried about linket for not coming back while springtrap could tell as he says. don't worry linket will be fine she properly on her way back now. nitray nodes agreeing while she then puts something else one which was a movie called the invisible man while they starts watching it.

A hour later

With linket and Michael

Linket had woken back up as she had put her clothes on as Michael had put the rest of his clothes on and then put his mask back on while he grabs his and her knife putting them in his pocket. As he grabs the copy of his mask while both him and Linket starts heading back to his house while he warps a arm around her shoulder while they walks back together which she didn't mind.

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