The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats...

By kate8800

312K 6.1K 1K

Destiny Lilac has been through a lot of stuff but when her best friend, Leo Dooley, gets a step-dad, her life... More

A/N: Before Jumping In
Creating Lab Rat D
Surprise Training
Weird Upgrade
Splitting of the Davenports Part 1
Splitting of the Davenports part 2
Mission Creek High
Dooley Leo Dooley
Birthday Movie Night
Re-meeting Donald
Meet Destiny Lilac/Dooley-Davenport
Thanks (little fake extra chapter)
Crush Chop & Burn
Commando App
Rats on a Train
Smart And Smarter
Exoskeleton vs. Grandma
Bionic Birthday Fail
A/N: Lent Holdup
A/N: Guess Who's Back?!
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow the Helicopter?
Back From The Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab?
Air Leo
The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Book 2!!

Leo's Jam

8.3K 187 21
By kate8800

January 2015

~Edited July 8, 2015~

----Desinty's POV----

We were at school and the dance was coming up. Trent kept asking me again and again but I declined every time. I was standing with Adam, Chase, and Leo and Leo was staring at Danielle.

"Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out." Leo said to the boys.

"Oh, great. Do you know a guy who can teach us." Adam asked.

"Maybe me 'cause I'm an actual girl who has seen the world before?" I look at them. Adam thinks about it and replies with a 'maybe.'

"ME!" Leo interrupts us. "You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams-" Leo starts.

"Destiny?" Chase interrupts Leo. Leo and I both look at each other and pretend to gag.

"Ewww." We both say in unison. "He's talking about Danielle!" I tell him.

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class?" Chase asks him.

"Where is she going to put her feet on? The floor??" Leo asks him.

"Like a normal person around here? Yes!" I answer him. He ignores me and starts walking a little bit towards her.

"Open your notebooks, boys. 'Cause this class is in session!" Leo says.

"Ha, I already see her denying him." I say to the boys.

"Hello Danielle, do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice!" Leo jokes, "I'm Leo Dooley."

"Aren't you the one who sent me 87 emails?" She asks him.

"Desperate much?" I mumble towards Adam and Chase which make them laugh.

"Yeah, that was a slow day." He answered.

"Okay,well, see you later, Lenny." She quickly says as she leaves Leo.

"It's Leo by the way!" He tried to tell her before she left.

"So Leo....What should I write down in my notebook other than DENIED!" Chase joked. We laughed and Adam decided to tag along.

"You can cheat off of me. I have, 'she's not going to the dance with Lenny.'"

"I also have, 'Desperate.'" I say.

"Are you guys talking about the dance too? Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it?" Bree asks looking at us.

"Nobody's asked you yet, have they?" I ask her. "No!! I really want to go with that guy!" She says as she points to a guy, "his name is Ethan. We sit next to each other in Chemistry. Coincidence? I think not! Chemistry!! What should I do?"

"Here let me help" Chase suggests. He brushes his hair away from his ear and listens to Ethan's conversation. While he did that I went into Ethan's mind and looked through it. Bree's lucky.

"He's coming over here right now to ask you to the dance!" I hear Chase say.

"What?? No! Now? Why? Really?" She hurriedly asked Chase. I turn her into the direction where Ethan was and patted her shoulders.

"How's it going?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan! What a huge surprise! To see you here, for reasons we do not know!" Chase blurted. I hit him on the shoulder and glared at him to stop blowing our cover.

"Hey, Ethan." Bree screamed at him. She really likes ", you know we,um, decided...What is that over there?" She stuttered. Ethan looked to where she pointed and she super speeded out of the school.

"Where'd she go?" He asked after he turned back around.

"More importantly, what is that over there?" Adam lied. Ethan looked at where he pointed and the boys ran.

"Why do people keep running from me?" Ethan asked me.

"I don't friends are weird like that." I answer. He nods as I walk towards the direction Bree ran off to.


The next morning, I saw Adam, texting, underneath a bunch of lockers and Leo shoo-ing some guys who wanted to help Adam.

"What's going on?" I ask Chase who was watching the two guys.

"We found a plan to help Leo get Danielle to the dance!"

"This is how you planned it out??" I ask as Chase turned around.

"Yes...They're coming! Commence phase one of operation 'Lady for Leo.'" Chase said to Leo and Adam.

"Really?" "Got a problem?" "Oh!" Chase and I silently fought.

"Oh no! This man is trapped! He looks like he needs a hero to save him! I will take charge and heroically do just that!" Leo said with a stilled delivery. I look at Danielle and she was buying it. I face palm myself thinking that most of these students are dumb, like Ethan and Danielle.

"Oh no! We're running out of time. Save me before the alligator comes and-" "Wrong rescue." Adam said before Leo interrupted him by kicking the lockers that were on top of him.

"I will lift these lockers! One...Two...Three!" Adam pushed the lockers with his super strength but it looked like Leo pushed it off of him. "So heavy!" Leo said pretending to be casual. Adam stood up near Leo and said, "You're a true heroic take-charge hero!"

"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe that just happened!" Danielle said surprised. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Can't wait till it fails." I mumble to Chase. "It won't." He mumbled back. "Wanna bet?" He nods.

"You know, it take a big man to do something like-" Leo said but Danielle moved over to Adam.

"How are you not hurt? You must be so strong!" Danielle said to Adam. I place my hand forwards and Chase gave me 10 bucks.

"Wait. What? No! He's not the strong one; I'm the strong one! Hellooo...Hero??" He tried to get Danielle's attention to him.

"Maybe I should walk you to the nurses' office." Danielle said ignoring Leo.

"What about Leo?" Adam asked Danielle.

"He's not hurt."

"Look at me! I'm an open wound!" Leo screamed at her.

"Really, I'm fine." Adam assured Danielle.

"Okay, good, 'cause the dance is saturday, and I love dancing. Maybe we can hang out?" Danielle asked Adam.

"Great plan, Chase." Leo thanked Chase sarcastically.

"What are you talking about? That didn't go at all like we thought it would!" Adam told Leo. Time to talk to Bree.


I walked into the school with Bree and we saw the boys near the trophies.

"Well, if it isn't little miss flash and scram." Chase made fun of Bree.

'Well, if it isn't Mr. plan and fail." I come back at Chase. Bree and I high-fived each other and faced the boys again.

"I think I scared Ethan away." Bree said.

"You think?" Leo started, "you left skid marks in the hallway."

"Well, I think there's only one way to fix this, I have to ask him to the dance."

"Well here's you chance."Chase started. "He's near his locker." I finish. Bree walked over to Ethan but after a few seconds she super speeded up the lockers. I help her down and we went back to the house.


"Hey, Bree. Hey, Destiny. How's it going?" Tasha asked us. Before I could answer Bree talked.

"Horrible. Ethan was gonna ask me to the dance, but I got nervous and ran away. Every time I see him, I panic and act like a total..."

"Dork monster?" "Glitch monster?" Tasha and I say at the same time.

"Huge dork-glitch monster."

"Look, you are not the first girl to act weird around a boy she likes."

"I flew across the room and jumped on top of the lockers."

"Yeah, that's probably a first." Tasha gave up.

"Whenever he's around, I get all flustered and glitchy, and I just want to eat my face so I don't say something stupid."

"Now you're just sounding like Spike." I tell her.

"Honey, next time you see him, just breathe! Stay in the moment, and your jitters will go away. Or wear high heals. That way if you run away, you'll fall down like a downhill skier." Tasha said. Moments later I re-enter the living room and I see Leo and Chase dancing weirdly.


Bree and I enter the room with our dresses on. I had a pink dress that ended a little bit below my knees and had a golden big bracelet on my left wrist. I had white flats while Bree had blue heels that matched her dress.

"Hello, boys!" I say to them. I walk past them but Bree was sometimes slipping because of her heels.

"Okay, if you're gonna dance in those shoes, I suggest wearing a helmet." Leo told Bree. Bree walked over to Ethan who showed her how to dance. Unfortunately she super speeded while spinning Ethan. Danielle came up to us and asked Chase to dance with her.

"Actually, I'm feeling a bit famished. I think it's time for the refrigerator." Chase said as he did something with Leo.

"Do your thing, Big Boy." Chase then started doing the dance I saw him doing when I re-entered the living room. Danielle stopped him while he was apparently 'swinging an invisible pickle (of epicness!! My friend made me do that XD). She then started dancing with Adam but he threw her up to the air. She was covered in streamers and balloon string. Leo handed me a CD and told me to play this. I went to the DJ stand and told him that his car was missing. He left the stand leaving me to use the stand. Leo came out of the door along with his Aunt and her book club.

"Cue it up, D!" He said as he raised his sunglasses. I put the CD on and he started dancing with his Aunt and her book club. Everyone seemed to enjoy his performance except Adam and Chase.

"All right, everyone, give it up for my Aunt Janice and her book club!" Leo said. Danielle started to dance with Leo while Adam and Chase sat in a corner eating a food plater. I joined them and Adam slapped Chase's hand away from the plater but let me eat some. Leo apologized to Adam and Chase and made an agreement to not fight over a girl. They saw one walk by and agreed on starting the deal tomorrow.

"Cue it up, D!" I set up the music and joined them in the dance floor. We danced the night away and it was fun! Best dance I ever had!


Sorry for the short chapter! Hope you guys are okay! Also I've been obsessed with this song and it's good to me. It's called Brave by Josh Groban and it's really inspiring! I keep replaying it so much! I even sometimes sing it in school! Anyways I have a song for Lab Rat! It's Heroes by Alesso featuring Tove Lo. I think it really fits for Lab Rats! Check those two songs out and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry, again, because it's short! This is probably the shortest episode chapter I have written. Thank you guys for reading and have a great day/night!! Bai!!!

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