✔ Lily Luna Potter First Year

By Mangocats16

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We've all heard the story of Harry Potter but what about his youngest daughter? This is Lily's first year of... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

147 6 2
By Mangocats16

Hey y'all! 

I know it's been a longer wait than usual but I'm an extremely lazy person soooo...

Anyways sorry about that again but let's just get on with the chapter!



Lily quietly crept up the stairs to the girls dormitory. She finally saw a door that said first years. She opened it but flinched when it creaked. She froze and listened carefully to make sure that she hadn't woken anyone up. When no one stirred, she quietly sighed and crept into the room. 

She looked at all the sleeping figures and found Nina's bed. Right next to her bed was a little side table that had two drawers. Lily carefully opened both drawers to check if the diary was in any one of them. She couldn't find it. She searched the room quietly but didn't find anything. 

Defeated, Lily turned around and was about to leave when Nina turned over. Lily froze and turned around but Nina was still asleep. Peeking out from under her blanket was a corner of a black book. Lily inwardly groaned. This was going to be hard. 

She tiptoed over next to Nina's bed and reached for the diary. She gently pulled but found that Nina's hand was around it. Lily took a deep breath and slowly grabbed Nina's wrist and pulled it up and with her other hand she grabbed the diary. She gently lowered Nina's wrist back onto the bed. 

Lily held the diary close to her chest and walked out of the room. As soon as she shut the door, Lily jumped in excitement. She quickly regained her posture and crept down the stairs and back to the Common Room. When she got there, all the boys were staring at her expectantly.

"Well did you get it?" James asked her quietly. Lily held up the diary and Scorpius grinned while Lev and James fist bumped.

"Now let's get out of here!" Lily hissed. The boys quickly stood up and Lily threw the cloak over herself, Scorpius and James while Lev performed the disillusionment charm again. The 4 of them crept out of the room and were on their way back to their houses. 

Lily took the cloak off James but while doing so she accidentally dropped the walkie talkie which shattered to pieces. The 4 first years froze. They heard Filch's footsteps coming nearer and nearer so Lily did the only thing she could think of.

"Here take this and run!" Lily said as she stuffed the diary into Lev's chest. He still had the disillusionment charm on him so when he touched the diary it became invisible too. Lily also threw the cloak into the general direction that she knew Lev was in and he caught it. She didn't want Filch to find it and confiscate it.

"Oh and no matter what happens, don't lose the diary or open it and don't tell anyone about the cloak, okay?" Lily added. Lev whispered a yes and then ran. He felt bad that he had to leave his friends behind but they didn't have enough time to cover themselves up properly with the cloak. Just as Lev had left, Filch came running into the room and was met by the sight of three guilty looking first years.

"Aha! I found ya! Oh am I excited to see what detention is in stock for you!" Filch said wickedly. Scorpius gulped while Lily looked at her feet and James stared at Filch in fear.

The three of them quietly followed Filch back to his office. When they got there he made them sit in the three seats in front of his desk and he spent a few seconds studying them with a large smirk on his face.

"Well well well, what shall I do with the three of you?" Filch asked in a gleeful tone. His eyes flickered to the chains that he kept next to his desk and then went back to them.

"I suppose I should let Snape deal with you two and Mcgonagall deal with you," he spat out at them. James relaxed a little. Professor Mcgonagall was strict but she wasn't as bad as Filch. Lily and Scorpius on the other hand were very uncomfortable. Though Snape may favor Lily, she still knew that the man took his job very siriusly. Filch stood up and walked to the door. He then turned back to look at them.

"Stay here and DON'T move!" he said before turning and leaving his office. Once he left, the three kids sat there in silence when finally Lily spoke.

"I say we run," she whispered.

"We can't, who knows what Filch will do to us if he finds us tomorrow," Scorpius whispered back.

"Double the detention probably," James whispered bitterly. Lily sighed. She really didn't want to get into even more trouble. Filch came in a second later followed by Mcgonagall and Snape. Snape had his usual cold look on his face and Mcgonagall had an amused expression which was also a bit stern. James shrunk under her gaze.

"Thank you for telling us Argus, you may now leave," Mcgonagall said to him. Filch's grin slipped off his face as he looked disbelievingly at Mcgonagall. James, Scorpius, and Lily did all they could to hide their laughter. Finally Filch huffed and left the room muttering something about how he doesn't get any credit. Lily, James, and Scorpius' amused mood turned into dread as soon as Snape and Mcgonagall turned their gazes back to them.

"Now may I ask what you were doing wandering around at this time of night?" Professor Mcgonagall asked in a stern voice. Lily and James were both having trouble forming words so Scorpius took over.

"We had heard about how our parents snuck out in their first year so we wanted to try it too!" Scorpius exclaimed suddenly. Lily and James looked at him bewildered.

"Yes, I suppose Potter and his friends would've been bad influences," Snape spat.

"Even so, what you three did will not go unpunished. You three will have detention every night for a week and I will be taking 15 house points each from the three of you," Mcgonagall added.

"Yes professor," Lily and James said glumly in unison. Scorpius just nodded his head. With that the three of them were dismissed and Scorpius and Lily were escorted back to the dungeons by Snape while Mcgonagall escorted James back to the Gryffindor tower. 

As soon as they got in, Snape watched them both to make sure that they didn't socialize and went straight to their dorms. Lily and Scorpius waved goodbye and went up to their dorms silently. As soon as she got in, Madelyn bombarded her with questions.

"Lily what happened!? I was trying to get through to you but you weren't responding! What took you so long!?" Madelyn whisper yelled.

"We got caught," Lily whispered back. Madelyn cursed under her breath.

"Did they get the diary?" Madelyn asked. Lily shook her head no and told Madelyn about how she'd sent Lev off with the diary and the cloak.

"Are you sure it was smart to send Lev back with them? I mean we don't even know him that well," Madelyn said. Lily just shook her head.

"I don't know Mads, I just kinda did it without thinking, hopefully he'll do as I asked," she said. With that, both girls decided that they should get some sleep.

The next morning Madelyn was wide awake and getting ready while Lily could barely keep her eyes open. She swore that Madelyn had some sort of time turner that she used to go back in time and get more sleep. 

Finally, the girls were ready and they headed down to the Common Room to find a tired Scorpius waiting for them. The three exchanged greetings and then walked down to the Great Hall. When they got there, they saw Lev and James waiting outside the doors. Lily was relieved to see Lev holding the cloak and the diary.

"Hey guys, I heard you got detention," Lev said. Lily and Scorpius nodded glumly. Lev handed the cloak and diary over to Madelyn who gratefully took them. She muttered a spell and the cloak and diary vanished. Everyone looked at her in alarm.

"Madelyn, what did \you do to the diary!?" Scorpius exclaimed. Madelyn rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe she was friends with such dimwits.

"Relax guys, I just transported them to my dorm," she said. They all visibly relaxed and went inside the Great Hall to have breakfast. As soon as she walked in, Lily could feel the burning stare of Nina's eyes on her back but she chose to ignore it. Nina knew that Lily must've done something overnight, when she couldn't find the diary anywhere. She just couldn't prove it. 

On one hand, Nina was grateful that the diary was gone but on the other hand, she was longing to have it back but she didn't want to do what Lily and her friends had done to get the diary. Over the next few days, everything was calm and peaceful at Hogwarts. Slytherin had won their match against Ravenclaw the other day and everything was how it should be. 


 Lily avoided going near the diary that was sitting in her dorm. She let Madelyn keep it because Madelyn had better restraint than she did. The attacks had stopped happening but Lily had a bad feeling that something worse was about to come. It's like they say, it always gets worse before it gets better. 

Lily voiced her concerns to Madelyn and Scorpius but they just told her that she was being paranoid. James and Lev didn't dare say a word about their part in any of this which the Slytherin trio was very grateful for. Lily's friends were wrong for not listening to Lily when sheold them that something bad was going to happen though. 

It was 11pm and Lily and Scorpius were walking back from both of their detentions. James had already left. Scorpius was currently watching over the diary and it was hidden in his robes. They walked in silence until they heard a loud shriek. 

Now, normal people would've ran as far away from that sound as possible and just went back to their common rooms. But of course, Lily and Scorpius weren't those types of people. They looked at each other in panic before sprinting in the direction of the sound. 

When they got there they hid behind a pillar to see what the matter was. Madam Sprout was staring at a wall in horror. The other Professors came running in to see what the fuss was about. When they got there, they too froze and looked at the wall. 

Lily and Scorpius couldn't get a good look at what was written though. They saw Professor Mcgonagall whisper something to each head of house and they all dispersed only to come back a few minutes later. Lily and Scorpius inched a little closer and finally saw the writing on the wall.

HER SKELETON WILL LIE IN THE CHAMBER FOREVER. Lily stifled a gasp and turned to Scorpius to see a similar expression of shock and panic on his face.

"It's the same thing that was written last time," Madam Pomfrey whispered in horror. She then turned to Professor Mcgongall.

"Minerva, who has been taken into the chamber this time?" She asked quietly. Professor Mcgonagall sighed heavily.

"Nina, Nina Louis,".


Dun dun dunnnnnnn

I feel like that was kind of predictable though...

Oh well!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys hopefully soon in the next one!!



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