Wanted By His Diana

By sweetchoclate9

1.3M 62.8K 8.6K

It was almost over between them. Nothing was remaining. Everything was broken into pieces. At least that is w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter- 7
Chapter 10
Author's Note
The Possessive Duke


38.7K 2K 331
By sweetchoclate9


-To save the girl you love, you sacrificed your love

Note: A little warning before you start. Grab you tissues and do tell me what you think after reading! The cast of Diana is fixed. I want Diana to be someone simple and homely. Not someone hot or beautiful. She beautiful in Martin's eyes. The cast name is Venessa Hessler. you can google her or you can also imagine someone your own for Diana.

Play the song if possible as you read the chapter.

Diana Thomas's POV

"What do you mean we broke up? I don't remember any of it. I don't have any memory of us talking about it. Do I not remember it?"

Martin stays silent as he looks at me.

"I-I mean if we did break up, why are you still here? Why did you buy the company that I was working in? Why did you become my boss and why do you have a picture-no pictures of us in your house?!" I feel like smoke might come out of my ears any minute now. "If we actually broke up, why do you care about me?" My voice came out almost as a whisper. Mom and Micheal left us alone. It's only us both.

"I was so scared." He says looking down at my fingers that he is holding. He kisses my hand before looking up. "I was scared that something might happen to you... if I am with you." Oh not this again!

"Martin, we talked about this before too."

"I know. No matter how much we talk about it, it doesn't change the fact that I am a bad luck and bring danger. I don't want you to be in any danger. I can't see that." The sincerity is clear in his eyes. But why doesn't he understand that our love is more important?!

"When did we break up? Did we talk about it? I wouldn't have let him break up over this thing!

"No. When I saw you in the hospital after the accident..." He stops speaking and looks away from me. It's like he can't speak about it. He looks back at my IV attached hand. He caresses it gently. "For the first time in my life I was scared. I don't want to see you like that I again. Never! Not because of me." He shakes his head. He holds my hand with both of his. "So, I decided to not tell you truth about us being in a relationship. I told Mrs. Thomas to not tell and she thought if we are going to break up, telling you about the past would only hurt you."

"So, that's how we broke up?" I am confused.


"How is that a break up, Martin? You decided to walk away and you call that a break up?! It's my choice! Does my feelings mean nothing to you?!" Tears cloud my vision. They start flowing down freely and I don't stop them.

"They do. That's why we didn't tell you anything. It would hurt you."

"So, it doesn't hurt you?! Are you happy breaking up with me? Are you happy acting like we weren't in a relationship while I was working with you?!"

"Cara Mi-"

"Don't!" I pull my hand away from his hold. I am so angry. So angry! "How could you just..." I can't even complete the sentence. I feel like my throat is clogged with pain. I bite my lip to stop it from trembling. "How could you just decide that?" A sob leaves my mouth. I wipe my tears as they don't stop falling.

"Diana." He sits and the bed and takes me in my arms. I hit his chest.

"How could you?!" I hit his arm" How could you?!" I keep hitting his chest with my fists. He doesn't even flinch.

"Hit me. Hit me as much as you want. I know I am wrong." He says. I look at him.

"I hate you!" I hit him harder. But I know it's even like a fly biting him. It doesn't have any impact on him. I keep hitting him on his chest. "I hate you!"

"Oh Diana!" He quickly pulls me in for a hug and I sob into his chest. "I am sorry." He kisses the crown of my head. "I am so sorry."

"I hate you!" I say between my sobs. I bawl my eyes out. Oh what am I to do with this man?

"I know." He holds me tightly. I put my arms around him. "I love you too, Cara Mia." He rubs my back as I cry. "I missed you. I missed you every minute. I wanted to hold you like this! I wanted to take you home and into our room and not let you go from there. I wanted you safe." He holds me tighter and I do the same. Oh I wanted the same thing! I wanted to hug him many times!

"I feel the safest when I am with you." I confess. There is nothing more safe and comfortable than being in his arms. I lift my head up once I am done crying. There are tears in his too. "That is not a break up Martin. One person walking away from a relationship is not called a breaking up. If you call that a break up, do I deserve such kind of break up. Would my boyfriend doesn't even give me the respect to tell me that we are breaking up?"

"No! You know that's not why I did it." He holds my face in his arms.

"I am so angry with you."

"I understand." He leans forward and gives me a kiss on my forehead. I nearly melt at it. He hugs me again. "Diana." He whispers for no reason. I am in his loving arms and he is calling my name with love. I want nothing more.

"Martin." I whisper back kissing his chest over his shirt and resting my face against it closing my eyes for a second to enjoy this. I have missed this and longed for it even when I didn't know he was my boyfriend. I then remember something. I take his hand that's having the ring I have given him. I look at him who looks confused. Taking the ring out knowing all well what's inside, I see take a look at it.

I love you. It is engraved inside, just like I had a vision when I was in his arms at the office. I look back at him.

"According to you, we have broken up right?" I look at him as I ask.

"Diana," He says knowing all too well what's about to come up. The tension is clear on his face.

"Then why are you wearing this?" I don't give the ring back.

"No." He reaches for it.

"You don't need this." I pull away from him. "I gave it to a guy who would do anything to be with me. I gave it to my boyfriend who is not a coward." He stares at me and I stare back. "But you are not the guy or the boyfriend." My voice almost becomes a whisper and breaks as I say the next words. "We-"


"We broke up, right?"

"No. Cara-" He reaches to take the ring from my hand. I still don't give it to him.

"Then you don't need it."

Tears start forming in his eyes.

"You walked away from me, remember? You walked away from this relationship. You gave up on... us." My voice breaks again. I think of all the moments we shared. "You know, if anyone asks, what are the happiest moments of my life, I would have said every moment I spent with you. Even if they are painful, they still my happiest memories because I spent them with you and with you, every minute is magic."

The tears in his eyes look like they might drop down his cheek every minute.

"Why am I telling my ex-boyfriend all this?" I laugh at myself with no humor.

"Diana." He whispers my name like he is pleading me to stop.

"To save the girl you love, you sacrificed your love. Sounds good like a movie. Maybe a good story line too. So, you are the hero here? You are the big guy?!" He shakes his head.


"What about the girl? What about her choice? How can he decide for both of them? He sacrificed and left. But the girl is stuck in her love, waiting for him to come back. To... Come back to her. He left her behind. If he really loves her, he should stay back shouldn't he?"

"If she can live and start a new happy life without him-" He tries to defend.

"He is her happiness!" I want t shout. I want to scream. I want him to understand. "You are my happiness Martin." The words leave out of my mouth like a whisper.

"And you are mine." His hand caresses my cheek. A tear rolls down his handsome face. I reach up and wipe it. I don't want to see tears in his eyes.

"Then why are you complicating it? I love you, you love me and I don't care about how long I live as long as we are together. Nothing else matters."

He leans his forehead against mine. We close our eyes. I feel happy together. Doesn't he feel this? I am sure he does!

"How can you hide everything from me? How did you keep it all to yourself?" I open my eyes and pull away. "I guess it didn't affect you much to stay away from me-"

"Don't say that. You don't know how hard it is to have the woman you love in front of you every day and for her to not recognize you. It was hard. Every day I wanted to tell you everything and take you home. Every day I have to hold back that urge. It was not easy."

"Then why didn't you just tell me?!"

"I was about to tell you everything on the New Year's Eve. Remember I told you I would answer all your questions?" I nod my head. The six days. I guess it's not needed anymore.

"You did all this just because you thought you might bring me danger if you are near me?" I can't help but ask as I pull away.

He looks away. Tears are still pooled in his eyes. He just doesn't let them out. I hug him tightly. He doesn't hug me.

"You know what's the biggest danger to me?" I ask not pulling away.


"You leaving me. Because then I would lose my way to life." He hugs me tightly, tighter than before.

"Diana." He whispers. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"I have to do this, for the sake of my peace that you will be happy without me."

"Martin. You can't." I pull away and look at him. "After all this, you still..." I can't finish the sentence.

"You know, I just came from Venice." Venice? My mind goes back the beautiful memories of Martin and me. "I was near the pool, you remember?" He asks. I nod my head with a smile. I remember. But I am still confused, not understanding where he is going with all this. "I was thinking of telling you the truth and for a moment..." He trails off and looks at me deeply. The love and affection is clear in eyes.

Why does it have to be like this?

"I thought of us being together once I tell you the truth." My heart soars with happiness at his words. "A few minutes later I got the call from William saying you fainted in my house." He holds me tightly. "Even if a thought of us being together crossed my mind, you are in the hospital. If we are together again-"

"You are afraid I might di-"

"Don't say it." He stops me and pulls away.

He kisses my forehead. "I am sorry. I want you to live a long life."

He gets up leaving me on the bed. As I understand what he is about to do, I lose my sanity. "You can't. You can't!" I hit him on his chest again. "Don't be foolish! I will kill you!"

He holds my fists and kisses each hand. He opens the fist in which I has the ring that I took off his finger. He takes it and places it on his ring finger again and looks at it like that's where it belong. He leans down and gives me a tender kiss on my lips. "I have to do this." With that he gives me a hug and I am so in shock that I don't hug him back.

"No." I realize what he is doing. He can't be doing this again! "No!" He pulls away and goes to the door to leave. He opens it and stares back at me.

"I love you." He says and before I know he is gone.

"No! Come back! You idiot!"

The room is empty and silent. The only sounds that can be heard are the beeping sound from the monitor and my loud sobs. The heavy reality settles in me and I just can't stop sobbing. The door opens and mom come in along with Micheal.

"Sweetie!" She looks surprised and scared.

"Mom! He left! He left again!" I hug her and cry. Tears don't stop coming out.

Before I know it, I feel the earth moving and feel like I am fainting. There is only one thought in my mind as I faint.



Hey my cute dumplings!

Am I the only one crying? My heart felt heavy as I wrote. Martin and Diana! Don't you just love them?! Made for each other. and their love for one another. love them! 


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