Ice Queen - Benny Weir

By Star_Wars_Nerd10

12K 279 21

Famous actor and musician, Madelyn Julia Wilson aka Ice Queen, is getting a chance to go to a normal school... More

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Blood Drive
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Los Angeles Pt.2
Los Angeles Pt.3
Los Angeles Pt.4
Doug the Vampire Hunter
Guys and Dolls
The Brewed
Die, Pod!
Jilly Putty

First Day of School

2.7K 40 12
By Star_Wars_Nerd10


It was my first time going to a normal school for once. It's going to be difficult considering I have to wear gloves to hide my powers. But that's okay as long as I keep the gloves on everything would be okay. I have control over them but when I get over come with emotion they tend to get out of control.

But anyways last week I had secretly move into the town White Chapel. But now is my first day of school and I'm strangely not nervous or scared. I'm rather excited, even though it would probably be a nightmare. I started my day like any other, breakfast, shower, get dressed, and make up. I hop onto my motorbike and ride off towards my new school.

What if I have to leave because it's too much? No way right? Yeah yeah

As I pull up to the school and rev my engine, just for the hell of it, before getting off. I notice everyone's eyes were on me. I start my walk to the front doors without taking off my helmet to help me out on getting into the school. I hear everybody whispering about me as I walk by.

" Who is this?"

" I didn't hear about a new student."

I heard that and anything similar to that. As soon as I walk in the doors everyone's head snapped towards me. I take off my helmet and everyone's eye widen. " OH MY GOD IT'S THE ICE QUEEN." I heard a girl yell. I just smirk and continue my walk to the front office. Everyone's eyes were on me, I look at everyone but one guy catches my eye. He was standing with who I assume was his friend, he looked like a geek but that doesn't matter, he was really cute. Walking by him I held eye contact with him, I looked him up and down checking him out. Before I had to look away I wink at him and he goes red, which I giggle at.

I walk down to the office so I can get my schedule. In and the front desk lady looks at me and back at her computer. " Hey sweetie, how can I help ya?" She asks.

" Hello, I'm Madelyn Wilson and I'm here to pick up my schedule." I say to her.

" Ah okay, I have your file right here." She says reaching under her desk and pulls out a file." Here you go. Everything's there, schedule, locker number and combination, all you need for the school year. Except for books, that would be provided by your teacher." She smiles and hands me the folder.

" Thank you Miss." I say opening the folder and pulling out my locker number and my schedule.

" Sure thing sweetie, oh I almost forgot you have welcome buddy. Oh Sarah, come here please." She says, then a girl come out from a separate room.

" Hey, I'm Sarah. I'm here to help you around the school and with any school work." She says introducing herself. She sticks her hand out for me to shake which I gladly accept.

" Hey I'm Madel-" I say but she cuts me off.

" Madelyn Julia Wilson." She says excitedly. " Sorry I just really love your music and your movies."

" It's okay. I love that you enjoy my work. Also you can call me MJ." I say to her.

" Okay then... MJ what would you like to do first. I could give you a tour or could go to your locker."  She says starting to ramble a bit.

" Let's go to my locker. I need some where to put my helmet." I say cutting her off.

" Okay then I'll take you there what's your number?" she asks.

I glance at my paper to find the number. " It's 147."

" Okay follow me." I follow her out the door. While walking to my locker she was simultaneously giving me tour. It was kind of hard to pay attention because everyone was asking for my signature on something. Which I tried my best to sign everything people showed me while keeping up with Sarah. I sadly missed some people but we finally stopped at my locker. I look to see it was the cute guy and his friend I saw earlier, my locker was next to their. Nice. " So here is your locker. I'm sorry I've got to meet up with my friend. Come find me if you need anything."

" It's alright. Here." I pull rip a section of one of my papers off and pull out a pen. " To make it easier for me to find you, here's my personal phone number. I'm pretty sure if you text me on my public number I would never find you. You don't have to use it just for school, you can use it just to contact me if you need help with anything." I hand her the piece of paper, she smiles and puts the paper in her pocket.

" Okay I will see you later. By the way love the blue hair" She says pointing at my hair.

" Oh thank you. I was very iffy on have it blue." I say playing with the ends of it.

" Well it works for you, you look great. Bye!" She say turns and walking down the hall. I open my locker and put my helmet in. I start to sort things around to my liking.

" Hey." I hear some one say on the other side my locker door. I close it to see it was the boy from earlier and his friends. " I'm Benny, and this is my friends Ethan."

" Hey guys." I say cheerfully.

" We were wondering if you needed help with anything." He said leaning against the lockers and his friends nervously behind him.

" Um, yeah, I'm wondering if you could show me where the ELA room is." I say.

" What's your teacher?" Benny asks.

" Umm," I look at my schedule. " It's Mrs. Allen."

" Okay follow us." I walk with them through the halls.

" Hey, um, we really like your Harley Quinn." Ethan says nervously, Benny nods in agreement.

" Thanks. It is definitely my favorite role I've play so far." I say look over to see he is looks very nervous. " By the way don't be so nervous around me and you can ask me about my work, I'm really just an average person."

" That acts in movies and releases awesome music." Benny says with some over exaggerated movements. " What was it like playing Harley Quinn?"

" Oh, It was awesome. I loved doing her accent. She definitely has some of the best lines. I love the stunts and fight scene I did. It was honestly really fun , playing a psychopath and all." I realized I was rambling about my own character. " Sorry I'm rambling about my own character."

" It's alright. Wait so you did all of your own stunts?" Ethan asks.

" Yeah. People have tried to convince me to not to and use a stunt double. But, I don't know why, it just bother me and I don't feel like I did a good job." I say to them.

" Even if you did have a stunt double, your acting would still be amazing." Benny says.

" Thanks Benny. I'm really hoping they bring her back for another movie. I don't care I'm in it for just 2 minutes, I just want to experience playing her again." I say getting excited.

" Well this is your stop." Benny says stopping in front of a door.

" Okay, well, thank you guys so much. I really enjoyed talking to you guys and I hope to see you around."  I say opening the door.

" It's no problem. We hope to see you again too." Benny said. we wave bye to each other and I walk into class.

~Time Skip~

I went through my first few classes easily. It was a bit weird because everyone was staring at me. But now it was lunch. I really hope to see Benny and Ethan, or Sarah again. First I wanted to stop by the library to pick up some books. I then walk into the lunch room to see Sarah storming out of the lunch room. I caught her before she could pass by. " Hey what happened?"

" Some dork spilt their sloppy joe all over my shirt." She said angrily.

" Here go to my locker I have an extra shirt in there." I hand her my locker combination.

" Are you sure?" She ask worried.

" Yeah of course. I wouldn't offer if I wasn't sure." I say.

" Thank you so much you're a lifesaver ." She then takes the code and walks away. I then walk to an open table and pull out one of books I checked out and started reading it. I read quickly, specifically 13,000 words per minute. I was really deep into my story, I didn't even notice Benny and Ethan.

" Do you really read that fast?" Benny asks. I jump a bit because he startled me. " Oh sorry for scaring you."

" Oh it's fine. And yes I do." I say.

" Wait you're the Ice Queen?! Harley Quinn?!" the blonde guy next to then realized.

" Why yes I am puddin', how's it goin' ? " I say in my Harley Quinn accent. They all smile and sit in front of me.

" Awesome." They all say in unison, I chuckle at their amazement. A few of my fellow students tapped me on the shoulder

" Hey can you sign these and can we get a few pictures?" One of them asks.

" Yeah of course!" I say. I take a sharpie out of my pocket and sign then things they gave me. We snapped a few photos and they walked off. I sat back down with the guys. " So how's it been since I last saw you guys. It's been what 3 hours?" I joke.

" It's been good." Ethan and Benny said.

" So Miss Ice Queen," The blonde guys started.

" Please call me MJ, it's what my friends call me." I say interrupting him. Then another person taps me on the shoulder and I turn around.

" Hi I'm working for the school newspaper and I'm wondering if it is okay if I ask you a few question for an article." The girl asks.

" Of course. Fire away." I say smiling at her. Wow I get to be featured in a school newspaper! I know a lame thing to be excited about but the last time I was actually in a school was when I was in third grade. And they didn't exist in elementary school.

" Okay first, when was the last time you were in an actual school?"

" When I was 9, so about third grade."

" What was the first movie you were in?"

" I was in the thriller movie, The Darkest Dream. I played the daughter of the serial killer."

" When did you start music?"

" To specify make music or release music?"

" Both." She said cheerily. She'd been taking down notes of everything I was saying.

" I started writing music when I was 7 as a stress reliever, it wasn't that great considering I was seven. But when I was 13 I decided to release my music that I thought people would enjoy."

" How are you 15 and have a successful music career and a successful acting career?"

" Well, it was hard work. It constant picking and choosing. Because when I was just about to start the music career, I was getting offers left and right for movie role. And the role I was offered were main character roles, and it was that or music. Of course, I chose the music. But if my music career fail, that could have been my down fall." I say to her.

" Okay, last question." I nod. " Why do you always wear those gloves?"

I start getting nervous and trying to quickly come up with a lie. I feel my hands get colder and I look at then to see mist coming from them. I subtly hide them behind my back. " W-well, I-I, um, it's more for a personal reason." I stuttered.

" Okay thank you so much." She says walking away. I quickly collect myself and turnback the boys. They looked at me suspicious but didn't push the matter.

" So what were you going to ask?" I ask the blonde kid. " And sorry I didn't quite catch you name."

" Oh I'm Rory and I was wondering what type of accent is Harley Quinn's?" He asks me.

" It's a thick Brooklyn accent. It took a lot of practice but I eventually got it perfect." I say, I then see Sarah walk through the cafeteria door and I feel I should go to her. " Sorry boys but I need to go." I then stand up and walk over to Sarah.

" Hey Sarah, you good?" I ask walking beside her.

" Yes, thanks to you. You just saved me from seriously embarrassing hour." She says.

" It's no problem what are friends for." I say chuckling. We walk over to a table with a dorky looking blonde girl, she looks nice. She was watching Dusk on her computer.

" Sarah!" she says excited. " Where have you been? I've been texting you all morning. Oh, you're in a different shirt, why are you in a different shirt?"

" Ugh don't ask." She says looking down at her now blue shirt. " This morning I was helping the new student out." She then pulls me to stand next to her. " This MJ Wilson."

" OMG you're Ice Queen, I heard you were at this school but I didn't believe them because it sounded so outlandish." She says shaking my hand.

" Yeah, it is lovely to meet you...?" I say, I didn't exactly get her name.

" Erica, My name is Erica." She informs me.

" Well, then it is lovely to meet you Erica." We sit down and she starts talking about this Dusk screening and how it is a week away. I lose focus and start thinking about my new music. I have an idea for it but I need to be at my house to work on it.

" You skipped math today, were you with Jesse?" Erica said, now I am interested.

" Ooo, who's Jesse?" I question.

" My boyfriend." She say. I smirk at her and raise my eyebrow, she just laughs and shove my shoulder a bit.

" Well, yes, I was with him." She says defeated.

" If I had a cute boyfriend, I'd totally skip class too." We give her a 'really?' look. " What I totally would. Do you think you're the only one who's allowed to break the rules?"

" No but you're a good girl." Sarah states.

" And so are you." I say. She then gives me an 'are you serious?' look. " What it's true they wouldn't have chosen you to be my guide if they didn't trust you. And they trust because you are a student that cause no trouble and has good grades." they look at me confused. " What? I read people well."

" I don't know anymore." Sarah says confused.

" Well, MJ is right. You are a straight A student, you're nice to everyone. Trust us, you are. Anyways, I saved you two seats. Jesse is coming right?" Erica asks excited. Honestly it's not that I don't like Dusk, it's okay. It's just I don't like the cast. They were all really stuck up and dumb.

" No, he's not a real Dusk fan." Sarah says. Wow first person I've heard of that doesn't like Dusk other than myself.

" What? How can you date someone who doesn't like Dusk?" Erica said dumb founded. " The second book changed my life."

" Yeah, sure sound like it did." I joke, getting a laugh out of Sarah. They continued talking about Erica's Dusk obsession. I just dazed off again studying my surroundings. I look to the direction of the boys and they were look right at us. When they noticed I saw them they all look away and some what ducked down, I giggle at their goofiness and turn back to the girls.

I continue talking with the girls about Dusk. I may not like it but I pay attention enough to keep up with people's conversations. Someone then sits down next to me and Erica and Sarah gives him a judgy look, I turn to see it is Benny and just smile at him. " Hi, there. Are you by any chance babysitting the Morgan's tonight?" he asks Erica.

" Yeah, Why do you know their kids?" Erica ask intrigued.

" Yeah, one of them is my buddy sitting right over... There." He turns and we all follow his gaze to Ethan. Ethan was hunched over hiding his face from our view. " He's a bit shy. See you around."

" Bye Benny." I say he turns and I smile.

" Bye MJ." He says. He gets up and walks back to his table. I watch him until he sits down and I then turn back to the girls.

" You like him don't you." Erica said.

" What? No, I just met him." I say flabbergasted. I don't like him do I?

" Yeah you totally do." Sarah says. I smack her in the shoulder and her and Erica chuckle. " Come on let's get to class." We all stand up and head to our next classes. I turn and give Benny one last look before leaving.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Some people asked for pictures and signatures, but other than that it went as a normal school day should go. When I left my final class, I shove my books in my backpack and go to my locker. I take my helmet and walk out of the building. As soon as i got out a few news reporter and reporters for magazines surrounded me. they were asking me question about, why I'm here. Why I am going back to school. But I just ignored them and pushed past them. I get on my bike and put my helmet on. thank god for the tint, if I saw anymore of the flashes I would be blind.

I rev the engine and they all jump back. I pull out of the parking lot and start to ride back home. When I get home I immediately start my homework. It is weird to say this, but I honestly loved doing homework. I don't know why but it made me feel normal.

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