Bubbling over (Editing)

By bangtan_crackhouse

4.5K 214 42

Kim Taehyung is a young man who desperately wants to save his laundromat. Y/N is a lawyer with a dark past... More

60 (Finale)
Ending Note


94 6 1
By bangtan_crackhouse


"Thank you, Mr.Kim. That is all the time we have for today. I'll relay this information to our drafter to construct your contract with us. It will take about a week, considering our office is quite small. In our next meeting, our drafter will present you with the contract and if there are no concerns, you will finalize the contract by signing and paying upfront. Before you leave, please schedule our meeting with Mr.Park in the lobby. Any questions?" I probe.

"No, thank you so much Ms.Y/L/N. Have a nice day," He says as he rose from his seat and bowed. I stood up and I led Mr.Kim out of my office. Once he was out of the common shared office space I scan my employees, who were all staring at me.

But why though? Are they that bored? I'll have to scold them later.

I go back to my office to continue my work. When it was time for my employees to clock out I halt them from doing so. I tell them to stay in the office for a little and go to the staff meeting room that is just on the left of the common shared office space. Everyone seems very surprised, including Jimin who usually could read the room within seconds.

Y'all know what y'all did.

"So what was up with you all earlier?" I start once everyone is sitting. They all look at each other in confusion. Yoongi was the first to reply.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh please, I have eyes too. Do you really think that I wouldn't notice you all staring holes into Mr.Kim and I's heads? Explain." Their expressions change to knowing ones.

"We were just surprised to see Mr.Kim back here again. You were initially going to say no, he arrived with you after lunch, and he didn't have an appointment -- regardless of the fact you didn't have any other appointments at the moment." Eunjung reasons.

"Not to mention he's a handsome young man who looks the same age as us. We're curious to know if our chief had a certain feeling towards him." Jin suggests.

"That's impossible. Earlier in the lobby, I was messing with the chief in front of him, thinking he was a companion. She denied it and he looked as if he was going to as well. They both looked genuine. Not to mention she went out to lunch with Namjoon before coming back with Taehyung. She obviously has her sights set on Namjoon, the tall silver-haired gentleman that returned her documents." Jimin informs everyone. Yoongi, Jin, and Eunjung's mouths hang agape and I facepalm.

He talks far too much for my liking. He's lucky that we're friends.

Yoongi, who at first wasn't interested in gossip, speaks.

"How do you know she went to eat lunch with Namjoon?"

"On lunch break, I made my way to the elevator to eat with everyone else on the third floor as usual. At the same time, Y/N passed me in the lobby and said something while looking at her phone. This is what I heard: 'Namjoon was right, I don't know where this restaurant is'. I just put two and two together." Jimin proudly remarks. They all look at me, waiting for an answer.

I mean, there isn't a reason I should hide it.

I simply nod, confirming their supposition. They all gasp.

"So you're seeing each other?" Jin inquires.

"No, he's my newest friend. We share much in common. He proposed that we should have lunch together once a week and I agreed. The man is exceedingly intelligent, and yes I admit highly attractive. However, I don't have those intentions towards him." I assure him. They all nod in understanding.

"Now that we have that situated, let's get back on topic. Mr.Kim was immensely uncomfortable with you staring at us when we arrived. I even had to turn on the glass projection. We want to welcome all of our clients with a nice demeanor, not as if they are mythical creatures. Despite your fiery interest in him, from now on you all must refrain from staring so hard. Clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." They all say in unison.

"Good, you may all go home now. Have a good evening." I permit them.


When I arrive home I drop my keys on the coffee table and my purse on the couch.

"Hey, Y/N. How was your day?" Seolhee asks from a seat on the kitchen's island counter. She already has food ordered; pizza, cheesy breadsticks, and chicken wings. In the midst of all the food stood a tall bottle of Coca-cola.

My favorite.

"It was pretty good Seol though, my employees are too nosy for their own good sometimes," I answered. I quickly go to the bathroom to wash my hands. I came back and sat down beside her. We continue our conversation over our dinner.

"So, how did Mr.Kim take the rejection?" I put my slice of pepperoni pizza down.

"You see the thing is," I nervously laugh and looks away, "I didn't decline his case"

"Wait, Wait. So you're telling me I helped you make a pros and cons list for no reason. Such a waste of time." She sighs.

"That's not true! I really was going to do it but then, something happened. While on my way back from lunch with Namjoon, I saw-"

"YOU HAD LUNCH WITH NAMJOON?? WHO IS HE?? WHY WASN'T I INFORMED??!!" she exclaims, seeming offended.

"He's the man that returned my documents to me when they fell in the parking lot a few weeks ago. I knew you'd drag me about it. I've had to explain too many times already that we're just friends." I defend myself.

"Fine, you get a pass. Continue." She grants.

"I saw Mr.Kim walking across the street. I wanted to catch up to him so I could reject him over coffee before going back to the office. I followed him to an alley and overheard his conversation on the phone with his father. The reason he is running his part of the partnership of the laundromat with his uncle is that his dad is injured. His dad was originally Partner A of the building but it was passed down to Taehyung at what I assume a young age. He could end up on the streets, him and his dad. I don't want to be one who turns a blind eye. Also, I understand what it's like not to have anyone who believes your side of the story."

"Wahhh, look at pro Y/N. I must say I am a proud friend." I smile at these words. "Now, back to Namjoon. What does he look like? How was your first time eating with him?"

"Technically, it's our second time eating together. He's tall, well dressed, and has broad shoulders. His face is a kind one, calm brown eyes, dimples, and a stellar smile. The first time we ate together was a week ago, it was a meal to show my gratitude. A few questions here and there. We talked about basic things like our jobs. He had to go in the middle of it and said he'd like to schedule another meal without interruptions. I obliged and we set it up for today. We dove a little more into our interests; exclusively books. It was refreshing and the food was good. In the end, he asked if we could make this a weekly thing and I agreed."

"Hmmm, I ship it! He sounds like a man that suits you!" She squeal. I roll my eyes.

"Just eat your food."


Taehyung is sitting in front of me with a pen in his hand. He's reading over the contract that Jin wrote up for us that allows me to work for him. His eyebrows are furrowed in a state of pure concentration. I look down at my lap waiting for him to finish.

"Ms.Y/L/N, I'm done reading." I look up and give a small smile.

"Okay. Can please sign-on all the dotted lines if you agree to the terms." I respond. I cross my legs and sit back in my black leather spinning chair. Once I hear the pen being placed on the table I sit back up.

"Finished. So, do I need to make my first payment now?" He asks, reaching into his back pocket.

"No no, that won't be necessary," I say, picking up the papers looking through them. I'm checking that he signed every line. You would be shocked at how many people forget to do so. "Someone called ahead of the meeting and paid." I put the papers down. I open my desk drawer and get a manila folder. When I sit up, Taehyung looks confused.


"Someone already called. I don't really remember his name. Seo something." I close my eyes and try to remember. " Seosoon? No. Seoroon? No that not it."

"Seojoon?" He sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, that was it," I affirm. " Well, that's everything that needs to be done here. Jimin will contact you to schedule a meeting." I put the papers in the folder.

"Okay cool, have a nice day Ms.Y/L/N." He says standing up. He smiles as he walks out the door, but he still looks kind of confused when he leaves.


"Come on Seolhee! You don't need to fix your makeup, you look fine." I tell her through the car window. We are at the restaurant, but Soelhee isn't leaving the car. I waited outside the window trying not to look suspicious. I look around making sure no one is watching me and then I bang on the window again.

"Soelhee, get the hell out of the car." She continues to put on lipstick in the mirror and fluff her hair. Right when I am reaching for her door handle, she pushes the door open and swings her legs around. We start walking to the restaurant.

She looks the same from when she got in the car. I really had to wait five minutes for this.

"Seol, I don't even understand why you did that. Who are you trying to impress? It's not like Hoseok's here." I ask and look over at her. She turns and scoffs at me.

"Listen Y/N, some people like to keep their appearance top notch. Unlike you, I can't go out just looking decent, I must be beautiful." She answers, smiling. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ears.

"Yeah, okay." I sigh and open the door to the restaurant. "May we have a booth for two." The hostess nods.

"One second please." she says and checks the computer in front of her. Please wait ten minutes mam." I nod and go sit next to Seolhee. I was about to ask her something when someone familiar walked in the door.


"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks. I point at Seolhee.

"I'm out eating with a friend. Who are you here with?" I raise my eyebrow.

"This is my mother, we are out celebrating her birthday today."

"Oh, that's ni-"

"Namjoon, honey who is this?" I look to the side and see an elderly lady.

She's beautiful.

"Mother, this Y/N, she's a lawyer I know." Namjoon answers and looks down at her. He looks very similar to his mother. He has the same small eyes and the same dimples as her. Her skin isn't as tan as his and she has her white-black hair in a slick ponytail. She is wearing a white pantsuit with an ivory shirt underneath. There's a white broach right in the center of it. She looks up at me and smiles at me with her red painted lips.

"OOh, so you must be the reason my Joonie has been so happy lately." She giggles. I look at Namjoon and smirk.

"Joonie?" He scowls at me and looks back at his mother.

"Mother, you are embarrassing me." His cheeks are as red as cherries. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Seolhee.

"Hi ma'am, it's really nice to meet you." I finally say and bow. "This is my best friend Seolhee." She mutters a greeting and bows as well. I hear the hostess call my name signaling our table is ready. "Well if you'll excuse-"

"No, wait." I hear his mother say as I turn around. "Would you please eat dinner with us today? I've never met one of Namjoon's friends."

"I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want to intru-" I start.

"Of course, we'll join dinner with you." I turn to look at my silent best friend who has now decided to be vocal. I turn to her wide-eyed and shake my head. She puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. "Ma'am it would be our absolute pleasure. We'll follow you and your son to the table." She smiles. Ms.Kim and Namjoon start walking to the table and I yank Seolhee's hand off of my shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?" I glare at her. She grabs my arm and starts dragging me after them.

"Listen Y/N, I finally get to meet your mystery man in person and you think I'm going to pass up meeting him? No!" She harshly whispers. We finally made it to the table and sat down on the opposite side of them. I push away my anger and irritation with a smile.

It is her birthday. I can't just ruin this day for her.

"Good evening folk, welcome to Red Lobster. I will be your server today." Our waiter comes and gives us our menus. "Any drinks I can start you off with?" Everyone orders sparkling water except for Ms.Kim who orders cranberry juice. The waiter leaves and we sit back to look at the menu.

"So Y/N, how did you and my son meet?" Ms.Kim asks.

"Well I'm a lawyer and I was in a rush one morning and lost my papers at a convenient store. Namjoon graciously brought the papers to my office and returned them to me." I smile up at her and she is beaming.

"That's my sweet boy, always helping others!" She pinches Namjoon's already red cheeks. "And such a gentleman." She looks at me. "So Y/N, please tell me about yourself if you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind." I put down my menu. I already know what I'm ordering anyway, fried shrimp and french fries. "Well, as I said earlier I'm a lawyer. I work hard to make sure they feel like what they paid me was worth it. I hate knowing I haven't done my job to the fullest of my ability. I also enjoy going to art museums with Seolhee. She has the art bug and it kind of bit me too." His mother chuckles and puts down her menu.

"Oh, you don't say. Namjoon is just like that. When he takes interest in a topic it is because he feels it has a deeper meaning than what meets the eyes and he can learn from it. Don't you son?" Namjoons ears perk up.

"Yes, mom," he says and peaks at me over the menu. He turns and whispers something to his mother. Seolhee pulls my shirt towards her. She hides our face behind her menu

"Omg, I was right. You two are perfect for each other. I ship it even harder now. I bet you didn't even know he was staring at you this whole time." Seolhee whispers. I raise my eyes and sit back up.

He was staring at me, really?

I looked towards Namjoon and sure enough, Seolhee was right. I look back and smile. He continues to stare at me making my heart rate speed up a little.

What's going on with me.

"So, how long have you and my son been dating for Y/N?"

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