Emberly Johnsonn | A Love Sto...

Da klarohunter

544 8 2

When a human girl falls for a vampire how will her life change? How will her life change? Will it become bett... Altro

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Three

34 0 0
Da klarohunter

I walked over to the desk and sat down; his eyes followed me as I sat down. "Is there a reason you are staring at me?" I shyly asked. "No." He spoke blankly, my hands were fidgeting while grabbing my book from my bag. I quickly turned my attention to the teacher.

Though, his presence made me not able to focus; all I could think of was his golden eyes watching me. This person just made me a nervous wreck and I didn't know what to do with myself.

Right as the bell rang, I gathered my things and stood up to go to my locker. I rechecked my classes on my schedule; next was Biology. Once again, I struggled to find what my next class was, how embarrassing.

Two girls were standing by the lockers snickering at me, one of them being the blonde from this morning."Look at her, already trying to get into one of the Cullen's pants, pathetic." She spoke loud enough for the entire hall of people to hear.

Trying my best to ignore her snarky remarks, I looked for my next class. Soon I successfully found the room and stepped inside. "Take a seat anywhere that is free." The teacher said, after handing me a biology book.

I nodded in thanks, and looked for an empty seat; noticing the only one available was at the very back by that rude blonde. After that class of agony because of that girl, I went to my next class before lunch time.

Opening up my locker, I sat my things inside and grabbed my lunch that I brought today. School lunch wasn't really my favorite thing in the world, like at all.

If I was given the choice to eat school lunch of road kill, chances are I would go for the road kill as gross as that sounds. That is how much I despise school food; so much I would eat dead animals over it. When I walked into the cafeteria, my eyes scanned for a place to sit.

There was a table of jocks, the stuck-up girls, the geeks, and who I assumed to be - Honestly, I'm not quite sure; let's just call it, where that hot guy sits. Ultimately, I wandered over to this corner table away from the crowd and sat there.

Unzipping my lunch bag, I pulled out some orange slices and pretzels and a drink of water to drink. Ever since Italy, I started eating a bit healthy but also much less than I probably should. But if I ate a lot then people would shame me for my body weight, and that terrified me.

Suddenly an object came flying towards me and hit me in the face. I knew it was that girl, who declared she'd make life hell for me. Yet, we just barely even met one another and she already decides to hate me.

It's so amazing what great luck that I'm having at this new high school already. Not only do people already try to push me around, they think I want to get into that guys pants.

Not that I wouldn't mind it, but I wouldn't try to and besides I'm not ready for that kind of thing. That stuff made me scared, because someone tried to rape me before, and that day made me close myself off.

While I was looking down at my phone someone ran up to the table. "Hey girly!" I looked up towards the voice and it was a guy, with short black hair and black eyes.

Before I had a chance to speak he spoke again, "I'm Eric, why don't you come sit with us?" He gestured towards the table of his friends. "It's ok-" Eric grabbed my hand anyways and pulled me up, dragging me over to the table.

"Hey ya'll! This is the other new girl Emberly." Wait what, how'd he know my name?

"Hey I'm Angela, that's Jessica, Bella, and that's Mike." They stopped chatting to look at me; Jessica lifted her hand as a hi. I nodded in response, "You don't talk much do you?" Mike asked.

"I guess not?" Replying nonchalantly as Eric pulled a chair over for me and made me sit.

"You too huh?" Jessica motioned towards the table where that guy was at. "What?" My brows furrowed in confusion. "The Cullen's, you know those incredibly good looking people over there?"

She waved her hands while talking. "What about them?" She looked at me like I was stupid.

"Girl, Emmett hasn't looked away from you since you walked in the doors." Her face said 'do you really not notice his gaze on you?' "Who are the Cullen's, and what do you mean me too?"

Angela shook her head,"Oh no, now you've got her started." She pulled out her camera and snapped a picture of me; I thought nothing of it.

"For one, Bella has a thing for Edward, I think? And she'd only been here since yesterday. They always stares at her and she stares back and it's honestly weird."

I nodded for her to continue, "And now you show up a day after she does and Emmett seems to have the hots for you." I looked towards their table and caught Emmett's eyes for a moment, before I looked away. "That's my point exactly." She exclaimed in annoyance.

"Okay..But who are the rest of them?" Mike hit his head on the table, mumbling 'stop asking her' She started on again, "Well you see the guy who looks like he's in pain? That's Jasper, and the girl next to him is Alice. She's weird."

She paused for a moment, "Then the blonde girl is Rosalie and the boy sitting next to her is Ashton. Then there is Edward who is sitting by Emmett." I nodded a thanks for the information.

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