AvNeil - A Special Bond of De...

By words_byme

14.7K 1.3K 208

Two people on a quest for love.. Fate brought them together.. Are they meant to be each others? Will destiny... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Hello ๐Ÿ˜Š
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Hello Again ๐Ÿ˜Š
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Thank You โค
Chapter 11 - Part 1
Chapter 11 - Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter - 13
Hello ๐Ÿ˜€
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20

Chapter - 7

523 60 7
By words_byme

Back with another update😃 thank you for your constant love and encouragement ❤
Wishing Every one of my readers a very Happy Friendship Day 💞
Hope you enjoy the update.

The next day, Avni joined Neil at the dining table. He had already prepared some toast with butter. She sat sipping the coffee at regular intervals, while she chewed on the toast. She was looking at Neil who had a very serious expression on his face, like as though he was deep in thought, contemplating about something. "What is going on in that scheming evil mind of yours?", she asked facing him. "Well..That's none of your business" he bit back. "How rude are you? I mean I let you stay with me in this house and this is what I get in return. You call me ungrateful, but do you realize that you are not any better?", she replied vexed with his reply. "You should be the last person to be talking about being ungrateful here. I helped you out twice – once from the goons and then from having that nasty fall yesterday. Not even a single word of appreciation or gratitude from you.", said Neil rolling his eyes. "Whatever!" she muttered under her breath. "Well if you are that curious to know, I do not have anything on my mind right now. I just thought that I shall spare them for this one last week. Let them enjoy their last weekend at peace, because everything is going to change from the next week.", he said smirking. Avni in spite of hearing what he had to say, acted like she hadn't heard a word about whatever he had to say. Meanwhile they both heard the sound of the gates open. As Vidyut pulled out the car, Juhi sat beside him and they drove off towards their destination. Avni and Neil both rushed to the window to get one last glimpse of their respective partners before they left for the weekend.


On reaching the location, Juhi stepped outside the car, and jumped up in in joy. It was a scenic resort with a beautiful landscape and a view of the beach. She hugged Vidyut tightly saying "Thank You. This place is so beautiful indeed. This was a lovely surprise Vidyut. I sure am going to love it here." He smiled on seeing her happiness. They checked into their cottage and ventured out towards the beach to enjoy their day.


Soon it was evening and darkness engulfed after the setting sun made its way below the horizon. Neil walked into the house to see Avni sitting on the couch, immersed in reading. He walked towards her and sat beside her. She slowly shifted to the opposite side and continued to read her book. He advanced closer to her, slightly pushed her book downwards looking into her eyes and raised her chin with the tip of his finger, forcing her to make eye-contact with him. "Hey Avni. How would you like to have some fun this evening?", he asked winking with a naughty gleam in his eyes. Her eyes widened in shock listening to him. "Whaa...? Just whaaat do you mean by that?", she replied stammering anxiously, as she dropped her book and closed her shrug with both her hands. By her actions, Neil realized what was going on in her mind. "Oh hello madam..Why do you always misconstrue whatever I say? Also, why do you think of yourself as Cleopatra. I was thinking about sneaking into Juhi and Vidyut's house. The house is empty and nobody is there. Our only chance to look around and maybe land on something important that might be useful to us in our mission.", he replied, removing his finger from below her chin. "Alright, that sounds like a good plan. Let's go!" she said happily, agreeing to his idea. "I know I always make good plans" he said holding up his collar, to which Avni rolled her eyes in response. The two of them entered the house in the same manner that they had earlier. Neil unscrewed the window with the screwdriver and jumped into the room. He helped Avni get into the room and they started wandering about the house from room to room, scanning for any details they could get hold of. Neil entered the kitchen and pulled the fridge door to drink some cold water. His eyes fell on a crater of beer bottles inside. He pulled out three bottles and placed them on the kitchen counter. He opened one and started taking sips at intervals. Meanwhile Avni came in search of him. "What the hell are you doing? How can you have their stuff? What if they get to know?" asked Avni panicking. "Relax Avni. Like as though they will sit and count how many beer bottles are missing. Trust me, they wont even realize. Would you like to have one?" he asked handing out a bottle towards her. She grabbed it from his hand and started to sip on it. "Oh, so you do drink. I was of the opinion that miss-goody-two-shoes Avni here doesn't drink" he said in a sarcastic tone. "How typically judgemental of you Neil.", snapped back Avni. "Okay I'm sorry baba. I was just kidding!" said Neil in a low tone. She gulped down the entire bottle in a few quaffs and pulled the second one from the table. Neil's eyes widened in surprise. He had hardly finished half way through the first, and here she had managed to not only gulp down the first one but also head for the second. Seeing her gait, he realized the alcohol was already having its effect on her. She held the bottle and roamed through the house till she reached their bedroom. The effect of the alcohol was slowly getting to her. With the second beer making its way into her, she was experiencing a slight buzz and was in state of euphoria. She opened Juhi's cupboard and her eyes fell on a beautiful royal blue gown. It was an off-shoulder dress with a lengthy slit from below the waist. She pulled it out and stared at it with dreamy eyes. She immediately discarded her clothes and slipped into it. She put on the first pair of heels she could spot in the room and slowly walked out of the room, still sipping on the beer bottle that was in her hand. She was grinning as she swayed left and right, and walked towards Neil. On sensing her heels click, he turned and looked at her to check if she was alright. The sight in front of him left him mesmerized. He was rendered speechless by her beauty. Either it was the alcohol having its effect on him or she actually indeed was looking extremely ravishing in that gown. Her creamy shoulders with a slight hint of cleavage, was wreaking havoc to his senses. Her soft silky well-toned legs, extending well beneath the slit were doing no good to him either. His desires were arousing him. He wanted to touch and feel her, but his regained his sanity and realized that this girl was a mere stranger to him and reminded him of their purpose. He shook his head vigorously to rid himself of the random lusty thoughts that were entering his mind. He placed the beer aside, fearing that the more intoxicated he would get, the more were the chances of him ending up doing something silly. It was already doing enough damage to his brain. She walked closer to him, and encircled her arms around his head. "How do I look?", she asked him in a seductive tone, moving her face closer to him. Her proximity was testing every ounce of his self-control. He was trying hard to push away the frivolous thoughts that were making their way into his mind at that moment. "You look stunning", he whispered out in a low tone, enough to be audible to her. "You are the best" she said smiling and then hugging him tightly. She broke out of the hug and placed a soft gentle kiss on her left cheek. He gulped, while she rested her forehead on his, their breaths intermingling. Their lips were just a few millimetres apart. If either of them made the slightest move, their lips would brush against each other. Neil realized that Avni was not in her senses and hence had no idea what she was doing, but still her closeness was beginning to affect him. Still not having reeled out of her effect, he asked, "What about the other cheek?" "What?" asked a perplexed Avni as she couldn't hear what he said. "Oh, never mind. It was nothing" he said disappointed. She continued to hug him and placed her head on his chest. 'Why does her proximity affect me so bad? Why am I unable to control myself in her vicinity? It's almost as though she has me under her spell. This is so wrong but it also feels so right' he chided to himself. He pulled out of the hug and sat on the couch nearby. She followed suit and sat beside him. She tried to reach out for another beer that was on the table in front of them. Almost instantly, he pulled the bottle away from her reach. She yelled at him saying "Neil give it to me. I want that." He stood up holding the bottle further higher ensuring she cannot reach it. "Avni, no way! You are already very high, I am not letting you have another beer", he said chiding her. A frustrated Avni started jumping to try and catch hold of the bottle, but each time Neil pushed it way higher than she could reach. She grabbed him tightly by his collar and shoved her face closer to him. They stared intensely at each other for few seconds, after which she began to wail in a loud shrill tone. "You are so mean. You are not letting me have my beer" she sobbed loudly. He immediately placed the can on the table and closed her mouth shut with his palm, fearing that her loud wail would be overheard by the people in the neighborhood. Sensing her opportunity, she pushed him by the chest making him fall backwards on the couch. Even before he could get back on his feet, she grabbed the bottle on the table and ran with it to the nearest room and shut the door. She chugged down the beer in few gulps. She stepped outside the room, fully intoxicated, as she almost stumbled on her way to reach Neil. He immediately ran towards her, anxious that she may fall down in her inebriated state. "I won..I won! I had that beer that you were not letting me have. You loser.." she said jubilantly and then fainted on his chest. He gripped her arms tightly to prevent her from falling. "Stupid girl" he muttered to himself, smiling at her cuteness. He lifted her up in his arms, took her into the bedroom and bolted the door.


Avni was awakened the next morning by the strong sun-rays falling on her face. She slowly opened her eyes to adjust to the sunlight. Her head was throbbing with pain. She slowly sat up holding her head, resting against the headboard of the bed. She realized that she was back in her house and on her bed. She slowly turned to her left and the sight before her shocked her, rendering her eyes and mouth, both wide open. Neil lay sleeping next to her peacefully, in a black shirt which was half unbuttoned and a grey track pant. Her heart now started beating fast, and involuntarily her palms clasped her mouth in a tight grip. Her sudden movement awakened him, as he stirred and slowly opened his eyes, letting out a long yawn and sat up stretching his arms out wide. "How dare you? What the hell are you doing next to me? How dare you sleep on the same bed beside me Neil?" shouted Avni. "Relax darling. Shhh..This is sooo not fair! You were the one who dragged and pulled me into your bed and now you ask me what I am doing here lying down beside you. Such an opportunist you are. Neil held Avni's face and teased her saying, "You needed me only until we ....", blushing as to indicate that he could not complete the rest of his statement. She pulled his hands off her face, and removed the blanket down slowly, when she realized that she was dressed in only one long white shirt which hardly reached her knees. She also had a black sweater on her. "Hawwww" she gasped in shock as she held her chest with her hand. "Ahem darling..You don't have any pants on!" said Neil unbothered with a straight face. "What nonsense is this?" she snapped back at him. "Hey Avni. Let me be very honest with you. Last night you took me through the most amazing pleasure ride I ever have had. After experiencing that sweet heaven, I have no regrets about dying right now, right here at this very moment. Even though it was pretty dark and I could hardly see a thing, I can say the moment was perfect and mind blowing." He said huskily, stroking her shoulders softly. She shoved his hand away angrily, and held him tightly by the collar. "Neil. Mind your language. Stop playing with me. Please tell me the truth. What the hell happened last night between us?" she said, slightly panic-stricken now. "Dear Miss Avni, how many times do I have to remind you that you aren't princess Cleopatra for me to come flitting behind you like a butterfly. I had nothing to do with it. Whatever happened, was only done by you. You are responsible for it. You dragged me in here forcefully. You didn't even give me a chance to escape.", he said making a sad face. "But now I have no regrets. Last night was the most amazing night of my life. Thanks a lot sweetheart. I will never forget this experience.", he added patting her cheeks gently winking at her. On hearing that, she immediately let go of his collar and started biting her nails vigorously in stress. She was trying hard to recollect what had chanced the previous night but in vain- She could not remember anything. "May I add that that beauty spot of yours.." he whispered as he leaned towards her slowly. Her eyes widened further and she immediately gasped in response, as she held her waist at the back. "Oh yes.. that's the one sweetheart. On your lower back slightly below the waist...Mwwaaahh" he said as he blew a chef's kiss at her. Avni was growing extremely anxious listening to him. Her heart was pounding in fear. She grabbed the pillow behind her and thrust it at him, beating him left and right. "Stop lying to me. Stop messing with me." she said in a tone laced with panic. "Avni darling. You think I would lie about this? What will I gain by lying? If you want me to deny it, I can do that and lie, just for your satisfaction, but how long can you hide it? What if...you know what I mean?..Now that can't be a lie too, can it?" he asked her making a puppy-dog face. Her heart was now racing. "Huhhh..Neil..Noooo this can't be happening" she screeched, holding his shirt tightly. "Yessss Avni..It's all done and dusted now. Whatever was not supposed to happen, has also happened. We can't change what has happened, but please don't tell anyone about us. After all it's a matter of my reputation you see. I will also be tight-lipped about it.", he said dramatically. Avni let go of him as she dug her face in her palms – tears threatening to fall any moment. Neil looked at his phone, glancing at the time, he said "It's high time we got up. It's already past 11:00 AM. Had to sleep in late. You hardly let me sleep last night. Also, that sweater on you is mine sweetheart. So, would you be kind enough to hand it back to me?", he said playfully tugging at her sweater. She grabbed his hand and thrust it backwards. "Don't touch me" she warned him pointing a finger at him. She wrapped the bed-sheet around her and got up, trying to move out of the bed gradually. "Hey Avni. Can I have another look at that lovely beauty-spot of yours?", he asked her teasingly as he winked at her. "Idiot" she muttered and ran away into the washroom with the bed-sheet wrapped around her. 'Oh my God..!! I didn't know that it was this easy to fool her. How could she be so naive? She actually believed my words. It was fun to see her reactions, but I guess I took it a bit too far. I need to put an end to her misconception. I will tell her the truth soon.', thought Neil to himself, as he got up from the bed and moved to the couch in the hall.  


So, how did you find it? Drop in your thoughts. Where do you think Avneil are headed? Would love to hear from you😃

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