Ellie's pregnancy

By whofan19766

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a sequel to Amy's pregnancy, but this time it's Ellie's turn More

Chapter 1:Ellie's appointment with Rose
Chapter 2 :telling Amy
Chapter 3: Ellie meets Danielle
Chapter 4 :making Danielle's nursery
Chapter 5:Ellie and Danielle talk to each other
Chapter 6: Rose helps Ellie about her pregnancy
Chapter 7:transported to the Big Bang Theroy show part I
Chapter 8:Transported to the Big Bang Theroy show part II
Chapter 9:Transported to the Big Bang Theory show part III
Chapter 10:Ellie's in her first month of pregnancy
Chapter 12 :Angel Allergies
Chapter 13: Padme 2nd birthday part I
Chapter 14 :Padme 2nd birthday part II
Chapter 15:Ellie and Amy's night out
Chapter 16:Amber comforts Ali
Chapter 17:Danielle visits Ellie in the Men of Letters bunker
Chapter 18:Dakota and Kate goes clothes shopping part I
Chapter 19:Dakota and Kate goes clothes shopping part II
Chapter 20:hearing Danielle's heartbeat for the first time
Chapter 21: Danielle's thanksgiving visit
Chapter 22:Bedrest for Ellie
Chapter 23:Ellie and Amy's Christmas gifts
Chapter 24:Danielle's birth part I
Chapter 25:Danielle's birth part II

Chapter 11: Ellie talks to Danielle

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By whofan19766

Ellie is in Danielle's room as she looked at her watch and it's 6:00 in the evening as she check on she is missing or what else that Danielle needs in her room as she sees a trash can and sees stuff animals that her and Amy brought for Danielle as she puts a stuff bunny in Danielle's crib as she feels a hand on her shoulder as she turned to see Danielle.

"hi Danielle." Ellie said.

"hi Mom." Danielle also said.

"what you need?" Ellie asked her.

"nothing, but I just thought that you need company." Danielle answered.

"thanks Danielle." Ellie said to her future daughter.

"your welcome." Danielle also said.

"so, did any of the Big Bang Therory characters tried to find out who you really are?" Ellie wondered.

"no, and they still think I'm Penny from the show Mom and I'm fearful that either Sheldon will figure out who I'm really am." Danielle said with a worried look on her face.

"it be all right Danielle and tell him that he is wrong." Ellie assured Danielle.

"you sure Mom?" Danielle asked her.

"I'm pretty much sure Danielle." Ellie answered.

Danielle smiled and kissed Ellie's cheek as Ellie smiled.

"thanks Danielle." Ellie said.

"your welcome Mom." Danielle also said.

"so what you think of your room so far?" Ellie asked her.

"not bad, but why you paint my room green?" Danielle wondered.

"I thought that this color will be great and I hope you like it?' Ellie asked her.

"I do Mom." Danielle answered.

Ellie smiled as Danielle looked around her room.

"where's your room Mom?" Danielle asked her.

"it is across from our bedroom and if you need your diaper change or anything Danielle." Ellie answered.

"ok." Danielle said.

Ellie smiled at Danielle and kissed Danielle's cheek as Danielle smiled.

"thanks Mom." Danielle said.

"your welcome Danielle." Ellie also said.

"why you put a stuff bunny in my crib?" Danielle asked.

"just because sweetheart." Ellie answered.

"and is the stuff bunny is for me?" Danielle wondered.

"it is Danielle." Ellie told her.

"thanks." Danielle said.

"again your welcome Danielle." Ellie also said.

"so, where's Amy?" Danielle asked her.

"she's at the store with your grandparents." Ellie answered.

"for what?" Danielle asked Ellie.

"to get a couple of groceries and also add something to the home theater." Ellie said.

"wait, we have a home theater and it's inside the bunker?" Danielle wondered.

"we do and since Sam and Dean including Mary our family guardian angel gave this family the Men of Letters bunker, your grandfather and your grandmother decided that the Men of Letters bunker will be the headquarters of this chapter for the Torchwood branch." Ellie explained it to Danielle.

"I was wondering that the Men of Letters is the same thing like Torchwood?" Danielle wondered about that.

"no, Torchwood and the Men of Letters are two totally different organisations, Torchwood was founded in the late 19th century, Men of Letters founded in the early 30's." Ellie told Danielle.

"I just thought those two are the same." Danielle said.

"Danielle, you have to know one favorite rule for our family." Ellie said.

"and what's that rule Mom?" Danielle wondered.

"that rule is, rule #51:sometimes your wrong." Ellie said.

"why is it a favorite rule for my family?" Danielle asked.

"it just is." Ellie answered.

"who gave you this rule?" Danielle wondered.

"your grandfather's friend and your uncle Gibbs and Aunt Shannon." Ellie said.

"oh." Danielle said.

"you want to know why your grandfather's friend call uncle Gibbs and his wife Aunt Shannon?" Ellie asked Danielle.

"no, why?" Danielle wondered.

"a long time ago, your grandfather and his mother or your great -grandmother, her name is Kate by the way and both of them joined NCIS, your grandfather was a marine and he just joined the police department and your great -grandmother was in the secret service protecting the president at the time and this is around 2003 and what happened was there something happened in Air Force One and I won't go over there, but your uncle Gibbs offered both your grandfather and your great -grandmother a job over at NCIS." Ellie told Danielle.

"they been there ever since?" Danielle asked.

"no, your great -grandmother was and let me underline Was killed by our friend's brother and almost a year ago and it was Christmas that she came back to your grandfather thanks to our family's guardian angel." Ellie said.

"her name is Mary right?" Danielle asked her.

"right." Ellie answered.

"I have so much history to learn about my family." Danielle said.

"you will know soon." Ellie also said.

"you sure Mom?" Danielle wondered.

"yes, I am sure." Ellie said.

"when you going to finshed up my room?" Danielle asked.

"well, I am going to contune to paint the walls in your room, then I will get your crib situated and place the rocking chair at this side of the wall and your room will be finshed and it will be set up after your birth." Ellie told Danielle.

"that's a lot of work Mom." Danielle said.

"yes and I have help from your grandma Rose and one of your twin cousins and maybe one of your Aunts." Ellie also said.

"I'm happy that year will have help." Danielle told her.

"so do I Danielle and I could not be very greatly appreciated that your family members are help me out." Ellie said.

"I have to get going and you know how Sheldon gets and I know you seen the show." Danielle said.

"I do and please keep up on not telling who you really are." Ellie reminded Danielle.

"again Mom, it's hard to keep it a secret." Danielle told Ellie.

"I know and just don't tell ok?" Ellie asked her.

"ok Mom." Danielle reply.

"bye Danielle." Ellie said to her future daughter.

"bye Mom." Danielle also said.

Ellie gets back to work as she again checked her watch as it now said 7:00 at night as Ellie smiled and shook her head.

"I can't believe that I talked to Danielle over an hour." Ellie said to herself.

Chapter 12 soon.

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