By KaiWuLin

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Description When an S-class elite assassin-raised captain of a special ops suicide squad comes home from a hi... More

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By KaiWuLin

Beauty and the Bodyguard - Chapter 857

Chapter 858: Guan Xin Is Engaged?!

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Guan Xin Is Engaged?!

“Okay, please you first…” Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t pinpoint Kang Zhaoming’s purpose for holding this meeting. Nevertheless, he was from House Kang and they were both in the same line of business. His company and House Kang frequently worked together so he didn’t dare to upset Kang Zhaoming.

Once they entered the study room, Guan Xiaoxiang sat on the couch, while Kang Zhaoming remained in his wheelchair. Guan Xiaoxiang thought it was time to drop the formalities as he asked the person standing by Kang Zhaoming, “You are?”

“Uncle Guan, no need to pay attention to him. He is just my friend, he’s just here to help me move around,” Kang Zhaoming waved his hand nonchalantly.

“Okay, well why did you come for a visit?” Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t figure out the reason for the unexpected visit. How did Kang Zhaoming know that he would be here? Was it just a coincidence? Even though he was suspicious, he didn’t mention it at all, he had to hear what Kang Zhaoming would say first.

“Uncle Guan, the reason for this visit… I feel slightly embarrassed to say the reason why…” Kang Zhaoming purposely scratched his head, “I didn’t come here to represent my grandfather nor Miracle Doctor Kang’s medical company. It is for myself…”

“Oh?” Guan Xiaoxiang frowned. He just sounded suspicious, but didn’t ask any questions.

“Haha… Uncle Guan, I didn’t want to bother you so suddenly, but I have a reason for it! So… remember when I told you that I broke my leg, I went to the hospital to have it treated. That was where I met miss Guan Xin. She patiently took care of it until I was able to leave the hospital early! Miss Guan Xin is a beautiful and kind lady, and moved my heart! Girls like her are hard to find, so I really respect miss Guan Xin. I came here wanting to befriend her, so I was hoping Uncle wouldn’t reject us…”

“Beautiful and kind girls are hard to find? So you mean you just want to be friends with Guan Xin?” Guan Xin ‘s brows were in a cluster from frowning so much.

“Ah, it is indeed close to that, Uncle Guan. I don’t mean to befriend Guan Xin immediately. I just wish for an opportunity from you, if we aren’t a match, then I will know when to give up!” Kang Zhaoming tried his best to sound as pathetic as he could so that he could earn the most empathy points. His terms were to ask for an opportunity of a union from which both sides of the Houses could benefit from. It would be unfathomable for Guan Xiaoxiang to reject the terms since it would mean disrespecting House Kang! Once he was finished his side of the story, he was expecting Guan Xiaoxiang to agree. However, what followed was rejection!

“I’m very sorry, but I can’t agree to your request,” Guan Xiaoxiang replied after hearing the request. He undoubtedly heard the full request and he calmly rejected it, without giving any care for Kang Zhaoming’s pride!

Kang Zhaoming’s request was straightforward, with polite intention, but a sloppy execution. It gave off the feeling that he didn’t have any bad intentions! The reason for this was because the dialogue had been scripted with Wang Shubin’s assistance. This way, his performance is smooth and uninterrupted, which would appeal to Guan Xiaoxiang’s feelings. However, he didn’t expect that Guan Xiaoxiang would directly reject him, which stunned Kang Zhaoming as he wasn’t prepared for this scenario!

“Ah… Well…” Kang Zhaoming couldn’t handle the shock. Why? He had planned his words carefully. He was just asking for an opportunity, he didn’t ask to be with her. Even that is not possible? Thinking up to this point, Kang Zhaoming was starting to get heated up, but he refrained from an emotional outburst. He just asked, “Uncle Guan, may I know the reason why? Guan Xin isn’t young anymore, she is close to the age where she should be marrying. As for my qualities, is there anything that Uncle Guan doesn’t like about me? If there is anything bothering you, I can try changing if it is possible,”

“Oh, this has nothing to do with you!” Guan Xiaoxiang waved his hands, “It is as you said, you are Miracle Doctor Kang’s grandson! As an Elder, I should give you an opportunity, but I cannot do that as it is out of my powers! The reason is because Xinxin has had an arranged marriage since she was young. It’s the type of arranged marriage that was predestined many years ago. It is not that I have any bad feelings toward you, but that Guan Xin has a fiance already. So how can I give my approval knowingly? It is just unrealistic!”

“She has a fiance already?” Kang Zhaoming’s expression turned sour! He thought that Guan Xiaoxiang had heard negative rumors about his name, so he was rejected. He didn’t think that it was because of another reason! He thought that as long as he could work hard on resolving the problem then he could talk his way through with no problem. But how can he talk his way through this? Guan Xiaoxiang had clearly stated his stance on this issue. Guan Xin already had a fiance, even if he worked hard, it wouldn’t change that fact.

Guan Xin and Guan Xiaoxiang already had their own stances, and no matter what Kang Zhaoming said it wouldn’t change a thing. He couldn’t change Guan Xiaoxiang’s opinion!

Kang Zhaoming didn’t think it was possible that Guan Xiaoxiang was lying to him. There was no reason for him to lie. With Guan Xiaoxiang’s status, if he wanted to reject the offer then he had the final say. As of right now, House Kang wasn’t a noble house, so Guan Xiaoxiang had no reason to give face!

With Guan Xiaoxiang’s word, Kang Zhaoming had to give up completely! If she already had a fiance, then no matter how good their relationship became, it would never be marriage material. Kang Zhaoming sighed, without any other reason to stay, he said, “Well if it’s like that, then I shouldn’t bother Uncle Guan anymore…”

“Kang Zhaoming, you are Miracle Doctor Kang’s grandson, that is a very exceptional quality. You don’t have to focus on a tree to give up the whole forest. Xinxin has an arranged marriage already and that can’t be changed. I hope you are able to grow positively from this experience!” Guan Xiaoxiang tried to offer words of encouragement. In the end, this kid was Miracle Doctor Kang’s grandson, Guan Xiaoxiang had to give him some face.

Kang Zhaoming heard the words of comfort, even if he believed in Guan Xiaoxiang’s words, he was still heated from the outcome. He was so angry that he wanted to have the last word. He curiously asked, “I heard that Guan Xin was getting familiar with a person called Lin Yi recently. Could that person be Guan Xin’s fiance?”

Kang Zhaoming knew that Lin Yi was definitely not Guan Xin’s fiance, but he purposely let that slip out as provocation.

“Oh? Lin Yi?” Guan Xiaoxiang had a slight unpleasant look. This Lin Yi again? Could it be that there is something going on between Lin Yi and Guan Xin? However, in front of Kang Zhaoming, Guan Xiaoxiang didn’t add anything about the issue. He plainly replied, “Oh, you don’t need to worry too much about that.”

Kang Zhaoming sneered in his heart. Oh Lin Yi, it is because you had insulted me that I won’t let you win her over. You can forget about it! Ha! Without giving his inner feelings away, Kang Zhaoming held his poker face on and said, “Well Uncle Guan, since that is the case, then I will take my leave!”

“Then take your time,” Guan Xiaoxiang knew of the purpose behind his visit so he didn’t bother to continue trying to build a connection with Kang Zhaoming.

Meanwhile, Guan Xin saw that her father and Kang Zhaoming entered the study room. She had been worried about what Kang Zhaoming would say to her father so she waited until they had entered into the study room before lightly creeping her way to the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Chapter 857: Kang Zhaoming Paying Respects

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Kang Zhaoming Paying Respects

“Oh right, that sounds correct!” Kang Zhaoming was reminded by Wang Shubin’s words. “According to that then, could that man be Guan Xin’s father?”

“That should be right, if not it would be her father’s driver!” Wang Shubin nodded. “Master Zhaoming, I just thought of this! If you paid respects to her father, Guan Xiaoxiang, then perhaps it would have an even better effect than a visit to Guan Xuemin!”

“Oh? What should I say?” Kang Zhaoming quickly added.

“Master Zhaoming, your House has Miracle Doctor Kang’s Pharmaceutical Company, and they work with many hospitals right? People’s First and People’s Second Hospital’s are just one of many hospitals you have worked with. As for Guan Xiaoxiang’s company, it doesn’t amount to much in comparison?” Zhu Xiaozhang interrupted, “Even so, Guan Xiaoxiang would still want to maintain a good working relationship with House Kang, he wouldn’t offend you straight to your face. As long as he agrees to allow you to be in contact with Guan Xin, then it is your win!”

“Right, that is sound logic. Let’s go, we should tail him to see where they go!” Kang Zhaoming agreed.

Guan Xiaoxiang hadn’t learned any investigation and anti-reconnaissance tactics as there was no need for him to. So he didn’t notice a Porsche Cayenne driving slowly right behind his car. He was nonchalantly chatting away with Guan Xin in the car, “Xinxin, How was work? Are you tired?”

“It was okay, there were moments where I felt tired, but I really enjoy my job,” Guan Xin nodded.

“If you feel tired, then you should come and help daddy? You can’t work as a nurse for life!” Guan Xiaoxiang laughed. He had always wanted Guan Xin to work at his company, but Guan Xin was very stubborn.

“No, I want to stay here to accompany grandfather,” Guan Xin shook her head.

Guan Xiaoxiang sighed. He didn’t want to continue on the topic, so he asked “How’s his health?”

“It’s not bad, it’s just that grandfather is starting his own company, so he is quite excited about it,”

“Company? You need to pay close attention to your grandfather. He has never done business before, so don’t let him fall into any scandals. He will have to pay more than just fees, it will behis reputation too!” Guan Xiaoxiang had personally experienced it before when he was young and naive. He wanted to be an entrepreneur and tried to borrow his father’s name to establish a foothold in the industry. “Who is this Lin Yi, he is so young, so how can he be accomplished. Why did you let grandfather fall for his tricks?”

This was what Guan Xiaoxiang had thought, he was rejected by his father when he was younger. It was because his father thought that he was being tricked by his friends and that will tread the House’s name through mud. Later on, it was due to angel investors that helped jumpstart his business. Then, it was through his own effort that he was able to marry Guan Xin’s mother!

At first, Guan Xin’s mother’s House was extremely opposed to the marriage. Every time Guan Xiaoxiang recalls this memory, it is like a thorn to his heart. Even though it had been many years, Guan Xiaoxiang’s relationship with his father hadn’t gotten any better.

“No way, Lin Yi is a very nice person. He wouldn’t trick grandfather,” Guan Xin rebutted. She unconsciously defended Lin Yi without thinking about her position, and she immediately flushed. with embarrassment.

From her daughter’s look, Guan Xiaoxiang raised his eyebrows and wondered if his daughter had fallen for Lin Yi?

Guan Xiaoxiang didn’t want to confront his daughter into a definitive yes or no situation, but they were close to their destination. Carefully, Guan Xiaoxiang drove into the place – Songshan Medical University 松山市医科医药大学. Guan Xiaoxiang parked at the entrance of his father’s villa. Even if the father-son relationship wasn’t on good terms, Guan Xiaoxiang would still visit his dad whenever he was back in the city.

Guan Xiaoxiang and Guan Xuemin’s relationship had been like this for the longest time ever, and they had gotten used to it. When Guan Xuemin saw his son’s return, he just nodded in acknowledgement. Without saying much, Guan Xuemin walked back to his study room.

Guan Xiaoxiang sat in the living room sofa and started chatting with Guan Xin about hospital works.


Kang Zhaoming was tailing the car from behind, all the way to Guan Xuemin’s villa. For the sake of pursuing Guan Xin, he purposely purchase a fake Medical University Pass so he can pass through security easily.

“Master Zhaoming, from the looks of it, it seems that person is Guan Xin’s father. If it was the driver, they usually don’t enter the villa. Should we pay our respects now?” Wang Shubin asked.

“Yea, but let’s buy some gifts first. Then we will come back to pay respects,” Kang Zhaoming was able to calmly reply after he was reassured that the mystery man was her father.


Kang Zhaoming returned with brand name alcohol and Cigarettes recommended by Wang Shubin. He walked up and rang Guan Xuemin’s doorbell.

Zhu Xiaozhang was stationed inside of the car. His personality was not suited to be brought inside.

Caretaker Liu opened up the door to find Kang Zhaoming in a wheelchair and Wang Shubin pushing him. She was caught off guard by the sudden patient visit. She asked “Excuse me, are you here for Doctor Guan for a checkup?”

“No, I am Kang Zhaoming, I am Miracle Doctor Kang’s second grandson. I came here to pay respects to CEO Guan Xiaoxiang,” Kang Zhaoming said clearly.

“Oh, please wait here while I notify him,” Caretaker Liu nodded. She didn’t open the exterior steel door to let the strangers in, and turned around and went to the living room.

“Mrs. Liu, who is it?” Guan Xiaoxiang asked since she didn’t bring anyone in after answering the door.

“Mister Guan, there is someone claiming to be Miracle Doctor Kuan’s second grandson. He said his name is Kang Zhaoming, and he wants to pay respect to. What is your answer?” Caretaker Liu responded.

“Hmm? People from House Kang?” Guan Xiaoxiang was shocked by the unexpected visit, “Let me take a look,” he responded.

Guan Xin’s facial expression changed, she didn’t expect Kang Zhaoming to stalked her all the way home. What is he planning? She was about to tell her father to not go, but since he had gotten up, it might be better for him to reject Kang’s advances.

Guan Xiaoxiang and caretaker Liu walked up to the doorway and saw Kang Zhaoming sitting in his wheelchair. He had never met Kang Zhaoming before, but it was unexpected to see him in a wheelchair. He asked “Hi, you are Kang Zhaoming? How come you are like this?”

“Uncle Guan, how are you? I am Kang Zhaoming!” Kang Zhaoming quickly self introduced, “Oh, this is just a normal bone fracture that happened a few days ago, I’ll be up and running in no time!”

“Ah…” Guan Xiaoxiang didn’t want to continue prying. He opened up the exterior steel door to let them into the villa, “Kang Zhaoming, do you mind if I called you that?”

“Oh Uncle Guan, you can call me Zhaoming!” Kang Zhaoming respectfully said. He needed to leave a very good impression of a young adult to Guan Xiaoxiang.

Guan Xiaoxiang nodded, “Kang Zhaoming, you are here to pay respects to me? Can I ask why? Are you representing your grandfather or…?”

“Hm, Uncle Guan, it might be better if we went to the study room to talk about this?” Kang Zhaoming was afraid that Guan Xin will rebut what he had to say so he suggested for a change of place.

Chapter 858: Guan Xin Is Engaged?!

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Guan Xin Is Engaged?!

“Okay, please you first…” Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t pinpoint Kang Zhaoming’s purpose for holding this meeting. Nevertheless, he was from House Kang and they were both in the same line of business. His company and House Kang frequently worked together so he didn’t dare to upset Kang Zhaoming.

Once they entered the study room, Guan Xiaoxiang sat on the couch, while Kang Zhaoming remained in his wheelchair. Guan Xiaoxiang thought it was time to drop the formalities as he asked the person standing by Kang Zhaoming, “You are?”

“Uncle Guan, no need to pay attention to him. He is just my friend, he’s just here to help me move around,” Kang Zhaoming waved his hand nonchalantly.

“Okay, well why did you come for a visit?” Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t figure out the reason for the unexpected visit. How did Kang Zhaoming know that he would be here? Was it just a coincidence? Even though he was suspicious, he didn’t mention it at all, he had to hear what Kang Zhaoming would say first.

“Uncle Guan, the reason for this visit… I feel slightly embarrassed to say the reason why…” Kang Zhaoming purposely scratched his head, “I didn’t come here to represent my grandfather nor Miracle Doctor Kang’s medical company. It is for myself…”

“Oh?” Guan Xiaoxiang frowned. He just sounded suspicious, but didn’t ask any questions.

“Haha… Uncle Guan, I didn’t want to bother you so suddenly, but I have a reason for it! So… remember when I told you that I broke my leg, I went to the hospital to have it treated. That was where I met miss Guan Xin. She patiently took care of it until I was able to leave the hospital early! Miss Guan Xin is a beautiful and kind lady, and moved my heart! Girls like her are hard to find, so I really respect miss Guan Xin. I came here wanting to befriend her, so I was hoping Uncle wouldn’t reject us…”

“Beautiful and kind girls are hard to find? So you mean you just want to be friends with Guan Xin?” Guan Xin ‘s brows were in a cluster from frowning so much.

“Ah, it is indeed close to that, Uncle Guan. I don’t mean to befriend Guan Xin immediately. I just wish for an opportunity from you, if we aren’t a match, then I will know when to give up!” Kang Zhaoming tried his best to sound as pathetic as he could so that he could earn the most empathy points. His terms were to ask for an opportunity of a union from which both sides of the Houses could benefit from. It would be unfathomable for Guan Xiaoxiang to reject the terms since it would mean disrespecting House Kang! Once he was finished his side of the story, he was expecting Guan Xiaoxiang to agree. However, what followed was rejection!

“I’m very sorry, but I can’t agree to your request,” Guan Xiaoxiang replied after hearing the request. He undoubtedly heard the full request and he calmly rejected it, without giving any care for Kang Zhaoming’s pride!

Kang Zhaoming’s request was straightforward, with polite intention, but a sloppy execution. It gave off the feeling that he didn’t have any bad intentions! The reason for this was because the dialogue had been scripted with Wang Shubin’s assistance. This way, his performance is smooth and uninterrupted, which would appeal to Guan Xiaoxiang’s feelings. However, he didn’t expect that Guan Xiaoxiang would directly reject him, which stunned Kang Zhaoming as he wasn’t prepared for this scenario!

“Ah… Well…” Kang Zhaoming couldn’t handle the shock. Why? He had planned his words carefully. He was just asking for an opportunity, he didn’t ask to be with her. Even that is not possible? Thinking up to this point, Kang Zhaoming was starting to get heated up, but he refrained from an emotional outburst. He just asked, “Uncle Guan, may I know the reason why? Guan Xin isn’t young anymore, she is close to the age where she should be marrying. As for my qualities, is there anything that Uncle Guan doesn’t like about me? If there is anything bothering you, I can try changing if it is possible,”

“Oh, this has nothing to do with you!” Guan Xiaoxiang waved his hands, “It is as you said, you are Miracle Doctor Kang’s grandson! As an Elder, I should give you an opportunity, but I cannot do that as it is out of my powers! The reason is because Xinxin has had an arranged marriage since she was young. It’s the type of arranged marriage that was predestined many years ago. It is not that I have any bad feelings toward you, but that Guan Xin has a fiance already. So how can I give my approval knowingly? It is just unrealistic!”

“She has a fiance already?” Kang Zhaoming’s expression turned sour! He thought that Guan Xiaoxiang had heard negative rumors about his name, so he was rejected. He didn’t think that it was because of another reason! He thought that as long as he could work hard on resolving the problem then he could talk his way through with no problem. But how can he talk his way through this? Guan Xiaoxiang had clearly stated his stance on this issue. Guan Xin already had a fiance, even if he worked hard, it wouldn’t change that fact.

Guan Xin and Guan Xiaoxiang already had their own stances, and no matter what Kang Zhaoming said it wouldn’t change a thing. He couldn’t change Guan Xiaoxiang’s opinion!

Kang Zhaoming didn’t think it was possible that Guan Xiaoxiang was lying to him. There was no reason for him to lie. With Guan Xiaoxiang’s status, if he wanted to reject the offer then he had the final say. As of right now, House Kang wasn’t a noble house, so Guan Xiaoxiang had no reason to give face!

With Guan Xiaoxiang’s word, Kang Zhaoming had to give up completely! If she already had a fiance, then no matter how good their relationship became, it would never be marriage material. Kang Zhaoming sighed, without any other reason to stay, he said, “Well if it’s like that, then I shouldn’t bother Uncle Guan anymore…”

“Kang Zhaoming, you are Miracle Doctor Kang’s grandson, that is a very exceptional quality. You don’t have to focus on a tree to give up the whole forest. Xinxin has an arranged marriage already and that can’t be changed. I hope you are able to grow positively from this experience!” Guan Xiaoxiang tried to offer words of encouragement. In the end, this kid was Miracle Doctor Kang’s grandson, Guan Xiaoxiang had to give him some face.

Kang Zhaoming heard the words of comfort, even if he believed in Guan Xiaoxiang’s words, he was still heated from the outcome. He was so angry that he wanted to have the last word. He curiously asked, “I heard that Guan Xin was getting familiar with a person called Lin Yi recently. Could that person be Guan Xin’s fiance?”

Kang Zhaoming knew that Lin Yi was definitely not Guan Xin’s fiance, but he purposely let that slip out as provocation.

“Oh? Lin Yi?” Guan Xiaoxiang had a slight unpleasant look. This Lin Yi again? Could it be that there is something going on between Lin Yi and Guan Xin? However, in front of Kang Zhaoming, Guan Xiaoxiang didn’t add anything about the issue. He plainly replied, “Oh, you don’t need to worry too much about that.”

Kang Zhaoming sneered in his heart. Oh Lin Yi, it is because you had insulted me that I won’t let you win her over. You can forget about it! Ha! Without giving his inner feelings away, Kang Zhaoming held his poker face on and said, “Well Uncle Guan, since that is the case, then I will take my leave!”

“Then take your time,” Guan Xiaoxiang knew of the purpose behind his visit so he didn’t bother to continue trying to build a connection with Kang Zhaoming.

Meanwhile, Guan Xin saw that her father and Kang Zhaoming entered the study room. She had been worried about what Kang Zhaoming would say to her father so she waited until they had entered into the study room before lightly creeping her way to the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Chapter 859: You’re Marrying Him No Matter What

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

You’re Marrying Him No Matter What

As for Nanny Liu, she usually spends her time with Guan Xin and Guan Xuemin. Although she was close with Guan XiaoXiang in his childhood years, their relationship has become strained over the years. This was the other reason why she turned a blind eye at Guan Xin’s eavesdropping behaviour.

When Guan Xin heard Kang Zhaoming telling her father that he wanted to date her, her heart almost stopped. She was really scared about her father mistaking Kang Zhaoming as a young man with talent and agreeing to him dating her. Fortunately for her, her father was still wise and rejected his request.

It’s just that the reason her father gave was really weird. He told him that she had a fiance and that the fiance was there for prenatal purposes. Is this still a thing in today’s society? Isn’t that a bit too strange?

She never expected her old fashioned father to have this witty side to him, which she found to be quite interesting.

But what made her happy was when Kang Zhaoming took her father’s words seriously and actually decided to give up on her. What a dumbass.

But in reality, it was Guan Xin who was wrong. For big families like Kang Zhaoming’s, marriages arranged by parents were regarded as unalterable principles, just like the marriage between her brother and Wang Xinyan from the Xiao family which was decided by the elders as well. And after the decision was made, it could not be changed by the younger generation. That’s why Kang Zhaoming thought Guan Xin’s situation must’ve been the same where the decision couldn’t be changed no matter what he did so the only thing he could do was give up.

When Guan Xin heard Kang Zhaoming come out, she quickly moved to the couch nearby and pretended to watch TV as if nothing happened.

Kang Zhaoming opened the study room door with Wang Shubin pushing him out from behind. Feeling dejected, he glanced at Guan Xin who sat on the couch watching TV and sighed helplessly. He knew the personality of girls like Guan Xin who were born into wealthy families. Now that she already had a fiance, there would be no way she would go out with him.

Because of this he wasn’t even bothered to talk to her anymore. To him, no matter how pretty the girl was, there was no point if he couldn’t have her. That’s why he just let Wang Shubin push him out of Guan Xuemin’s mansion and left the place crestfallen.

However when Guan Xin saw her father walk out of the study room, her face reddened at the fact that she had been eavesdropping on them. Although it was nothing serious, it still wasn’t something honourable.

She started getting embarrassed when she noticed her father watching her. She’s never done anything bad before so she just admitted what she had done, “Hey Dad, that Kang Zhaoming was actually lying about what he was saying, I’ve never cared for him in that way before…”

“Oh really? You heard everything?” Guan Xiaoxiang never expected his daughter to eavesdrop, but nodded his head understandingly after seeing her reddened face, “this guy doesn’t seem like a good person, so don’t talk to him anymore.”

“I know that, I don’t talk to him anymore,” Guan Xin said, “he was always the one nagging me…”

“Alright. Oh and the one called Lin Yi or something, stay away from him too, don’t get too close to him. You’re a good girl so you need to maintain that image,” Guan Xiaoxiang added when he remembered Lin Yi. He’s always had a biased view towards Lin Yi and disliked him ever since he formed the company with Guan Xuemin.

“Wait what? Lin Yi’s really nice though, he’s different from Kang Zhaoming, he’s not a bad guy…” Guan Xin paused at her father’s words and shook her head, confused as to why her father just wouldn’t leave Lin Yi alone.

“As I already said, you are a girl. You should be watching out for your actions,” Guan Xiaoxiang said strictly, “And you already have a fiance, if rumours start spreading now it’s not good for your image as well.”

It’s the first time that Guan Xiaoxiang had spoken to Guan Xin in this strict and undoubting tone.

“What!” Guan Xin looked at her father stunned and slightly confused, “Dad what do you mean by ‘fiance’? Wasn’t that a lie you told Kang Zhaoming to get him to give up on me? How did I get a fiance?”

“That’s not an excuse”, Guan Xiaoxiang said while dismissing her with a wave, “Xin Xin, you’re a big girl now so I should tell you this. The thing is, before you were born your mother and I arranged a marriage for you. Now that you’ve grown up, I guess it’s fine that you know about this now…”

“Wait how can you do this?” Guan Xin was overwhelmed by what her father had said, it was just a bit too much for her. She never even had the thought that she was betrothed to someone, and now out pops a fiance from literally nowhere.

“What do you mean how? It’s been arranged by your parents, an unalterable principle, it has always been like this!” Guan Xiaoxiang never thought his daughter, who had always been meek, would question him. With that he frowned even harder and wondered if there’s actually anything going on between his daughter and Lin Yi.

“Dad, do you realise what year we’re in right now? Why are you still arranging my marriage? I’ve never even met the person you’re talking about, how can I just marry him like that? Also how can it still count when it’s been so long already? Can you push it off for me?” This whole situation was too unimaginable and unthinkable for Guan Xin, she just couldn’t accept this.

“What do you mean push it off? That’s impossible!” Guan Xiaoxiang didn’t allow room for any reasoning, “You must marry that boy, no one can change this!”

“I’m not marrying him!” As obedient as she had always been, it was the first time Guan Xin reacted this strongly against her father’s decision. This would impact her future, how can she succumb to this?

“You! You’re marrying him no matter what!” Guan Xiaoxiang huffed a bit, he was starting to feel annoyed as well, “I’m not changing my mind no matter what you say.”

“Why should I? I’ve never even seen that guy before and I have no idea what he’s like and what he does, and you’re telling me to marry him?” Guan Xin frowned and grumbled stubbornly.

“Well who do you like then?” Guan Xiaoxiang retorted.

“I like… I just don’t like him!” Guan Xin blushed and stopped herself when she realised she almost gave herself away.

“Do you like that Lin Yi?” as if Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t tell what his own daughter was thinking, “you better stop talking with him now, otherwise I’ll get someone to bash him up! Your marriage was decided by both your mother and I. I owe that person a favour, my success in my business is all thanks to his elders. I, Guan Xiaoxiang, is not someone who goes back on his words, if you eventually accept it, that would be good, but even if you haven’t, you will still be marrying him!”

After that Guan Xiaoxiang turned his back on Guan Xin, and strode out the mansion.

Guan Xin on the other hand burst into tears. She just couldn’t get it, how could her father be so stubborn and oppressive, forcing her to marry someone she didn’t like. Even though her father owed a favour to his elders, couldn’t he just repay it another way, why did he have to force her to marry him?

Chapter 859: You’re Marrying Him No Matter What

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

You’re Marrying Him No Matter What

As for Nanny Liu, she usually spends her time with Guan Xin and Guan Xuemin. Although she was close with Guan XiaoXiang in his childhood years, their relationship has become strained over the years. This was the other reason why she turned a blind eye at Guan Xin’s eavesdropping behaviour.

When Guan Xin heard Kang Zhaoming telling her father that he wanted to date her, her heart almost stopped. She was really scared about her father mistaking Kang Zhaoming as a young man with talent and agreeing to him dating her. Fortunately for her, her father was still wise and rejected his request.

It’s just that the reason her father gave was really weird. He told him that she had a fiance and that the fiance was there for prenatal purposes. Is this still a thing in today’s society? Isn’t that a bit too strange?

She never expected her old fashioned father to have this witty side to him, which she found to be quite interesting.

But what made her happy was when Kang Zhaoming took her father’s words seriously and actually decided to give up on her. What a dumbass.

But in reality, it was Guan Xin who was wrong. For big families like Kang Zhaoming’s, marriages arranged by parents were regarded as unalterable principles, just like the marriage between her brother and Wang Xinyan from the Xiao family which was decided by the elders as well. And after the decision was made, it could not be changed by the younger generation. That’s why Kang Zhaoming thought Guan Xin’s situation must’ve been the same where the decision couldn’t be changed no matter what he did so the only thing he could do was give up.

When Guan Xin heard Kang Zhaoming come out, she quickly moved to the couch nearby and pretended to watch TV as if nothing happened.

Kang Zhaoming opened the study room door with Wang Shubin pushing him out from behind. Feeling dejected, he glanced at Guan Xin who sat on the couch watching TV and sighed helplessly. He knew the personality of girls like Guan Xin who were born into wealthy families. Now that she already had a fiance, there would be no way she would go out with him.

Because of this he wasn’t even bothered to talk to her anymore. To him, no matter how pretty the girl was, there was no point if he couldn’t have her. That’s why he just let Wang Shubin push him out of Guan Xuemin’s mansion and left the place crestfallen.

However when Guan Xin saw her father walk out of the study room, her face reddened at the fact that she had been eavesdropping on them. Although it was nothing serious, it still wasn’t something honourable.

She started getting embarrassed when she noticed her father watching her. She’s never done anything bad before so she just admitted what she had done, “Hey Dad, that Kang Zhaoming was actually lying about what he was saying, I’ve never cared for him in that way before…”

“Oh really? You heard everything?” Guan Xiaoxiang never expected his daughter to eavesdrop, but nodded his head understandingly after seeing her reddened face, “this guy doesn’t seem like a good person, so don’t talk to him anymore.”

“I know that, I don’t talk to him anymore,” Guan Xin said, “he was always the one nagging me…”

“Alright. Oh and the one called Lin Yi or something, stay away from him too, don’t get too close to him. You’re a good girl so you need to maintain that image,” Guan Xiaoxiang added when he remembered Lin Yi. He’s always had a biased view towards Lin Yi and disliked him ever since he formed the company with Guan Xuemin.

“Wait what? Lin Yi’s really nice though, he’s different from Kang Zhaoming, he’s not a bad guy…” Guan Xin paused at her father’s words and shook her head, confused as to why her father just wouldn’t leave Lin Yi alone.

“As I already said, you are a girl. You should be watching out for your actions,” Guan Xiaoxiang said strictly, “And you already have a fiance, if rumours start spreading now it’s not good for your image as well.”

It’s the first time that Guan Xiaoxiang had spoken to Guan Xin in this strict and undoubting tone.

“What!” Guan Xin looked at her father stunned and slightly confused, “Dad what do you mean by ‘fiance’? Wasn’t that a lie you told Kang Zhaoming to get him to give up on me? How did I get a fiance?”

“That’s not an excuse”, Guan Xiaoxiang said while dismissing her with a wave, “Xin Xin, you’re a big girl now so I should tell you this. The thing is, before you were born your mother and I arranged a marriage for you. Now that you’ve grown up, I guess it’s fine that you know about this now…”

“Wait how can you do this?” Guan Xin was overwhelmed by what her father had said, it was just a bit too much for her. She never even had the thought that she was betrothed to someone, and now out pops a fiance from literally nowhere.

“What do you mean how? It’s been arranged by your parents, an unalterable principle, it has always been like this!” Guan Xiaoxiang never thought his daughter, who had always been meek, would question him. With that he frowned even harder and wondered if there’s actually anything going on between his daughter and Lin Yi.

“Dad, do you realise what year we’re in right now? Why are you still arranging my marriage? I’ve never even met the person you’re talking about, how can I just marry him like that? Also how can it still count when it’s been so long already? Can you push it off for me?” This whole situation was too unimaginable and unthinkable for Guan Xin, she just couldn’t accept this.

“What do you mean push it off? That’s impossible!” Guan Xiaoxiang didn’t allow room for any reasoning, “You must marry that boy, no one can change this!”

“I’m not marrying him!” As obedient as she had always been, it was the first time Guan Xin reacted this strongly against her father’s decision. This would impact her future, how can she succumb to this?

“You! You’re marrying him no matter what!” Guan Xiaoxiang huffed a bit, he was starting to feel annoyed as well, “I’m not changing my mind no matter what you say.”

“Why should I? I’ve never even seen that guy before and I have no idea what he’s like and what he does, and you’re telling me to marry him?” Guan Xin frowned and grumbled stubbornly.

“Well who do you like then?” Guan Xiaoxiang retorted.

“I like… I just don’t like him!” Guan Xin blushed and stopped herself when she realised she almost gave herself away.

“Do you like that Lin Yi?” as if Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t tell what his own daughter was thinking, “you better stop talking with him now, otherwise I’ll get someone to bash him up! Your marriage was decided by both your mother and I. I owe that person a favour, my success in my business is all thanks to his elders. I, Guan Xiaoxiang, is not someone who goes back on his words, if you eventually accept it, that would be good, but even if you haven’t, you will still be marrying him!”

After that Guan Xiaoxiang turned his back on Guan Xin, and strode out the mansion.

Guan Xin on the other hand burst into tears. She just couldn’t get it, how could her father be so stubborn and oppressive, forcing her to marry someone she didn’t like. Even though her father owed a favour to his elders, couldn’t he just repay it another way, why did he have to force her to marry him?

Chapter 860: The Dominating Guan Xuemin

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

The Dominating Guan Xuemin

The problem is, Guan Xin was afraid that her father would hurt Lin Yi out of anger, which made her uneasy. She doesn’t know what to do now. This had nothing to do with Lin Yi but now he’s getting involved in it as well…

Guan Xuemin heard the quarrel downstairs and came down to check it out. He saw Guan Xin crying on the couch and paused before asking her worriedly, “Xin Xin what’s wrong? Why are you crying down here? Where’s your dad?”

“Grandpa…” Guan Xin saw her grandpa and cried even harder. She had never felt such a grievance. She just didn’t understand. How can her father control her marriage, forcing her to marry someone she doesn’t even know?

“There there. Dry your tears now. Tell Grandpa what happened first, what else is there that can’t be solved? Why are you crying so hard?” Guan Xuemin didn’t know what happened to Guan Xin. He walked over to the sofa and sat down, patting his granddaughter’s shoulder while comforting her.

“Grandpa, dad said that he had arranged a marriage for me when I was little. He wants me to marry someone I’ve never met before…” Guan Xin sobbed as she explained the story to her grandfather.

“Rubbish!” Guan Xuemin slammed his fist on the table in anger, “Guan Xiaoxiang’s getting more and more unreasonable. How can he just casually decide on something like this? Don’t worry Xin Xin, Grandpa will help you with this. Without my permission, no one can do anything. I’m giving your dad a call right now!”

Guan Xueming was angry. Although he was a righteous man, he was not narrow-minded. So, when he heard about Guan Xiaoxiang arranging Guan Xin’s marriage, he felt a wave of anger. Also, his preferred son-in-law was Lin Yi. Of course, he couldn’t let Guan Xiaoxiang just marry Guan Xin off like that.

“You bastard what did you say to Xin Xin?” Guan Xuemin berated through the phone. “Because of you, my beloved granddaughter’s now crying her eyes out! Do you think you’re so grown up now you brat? Arranging marriages now huh? You better cancel this arrangement right now and don’t even think about it again!”

Guan Xiaoxiang was stunned at the scolding. The last time his father yelled at him like this was back when they argued about the formation of his own company. It gave him the feeling he had back when he got in trouble as a kid. He was somewhat fearful of disobeying his father’s wishes…

However, he did not have a say in the matter his father had mentioned. He had decided on this marriage along with his wife and an important figure. How could he one-sidedly go back on this promise? Looking back at how the person had helped him back then, it was a huge favor. Had he not received the investment and had those connections, he would never have made the achievements he has now, nor would he have gotten the recognition from his family in law.

Guan Xiaoxiang was not an ungrateful person, so at that moment he felt uneasy. After giving each other the silent treatment for so many years, Guan Xiaoxiang knew his father losing his temper today for Guan Xin was a turning point for their relationship. Therefore, if he could compromise, then his relationship with his father would improve.

The thing is, could he compromise? It was a promise between him and that person, he couldn’t just break it. Unless that person broke it first, Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t force himself to do such an ungrateful thing.

At this point, he could only force a smile. He couldn’t be both loyal and filial, so what could he do? He didn’t want to anger his father further, especially when there was a chance for their relationship to improve. Yet, he just couldn’t decide to cancel the arrangement.

“Look, dad… I can listen to you for any other thing, but for this, I really can’t change anything. I had arranged this with that person back then, you know him too…” He sighed before continuing, “how could I cancel this?”

“But did you ever consider Xin Xin’s happiness? In this case, when that person comes just tell him to come to me! Just say I’m the one who canceled this arrangement!” Guan Xuemin couldn’t help but smirk at the excuse, “sure he helped you, I even helped treat his wife’s leg! If he’s unhappy about it, just tell him to come to me. If you still force Xin Xin into that marriage, I’ll tell her to emancipate from you and give you the silent treatment like you did to me back then!”

With that, Guan Xuemin hung up, ignoring whatever else Guan Xiaoxiang had to say.

Guan Xiaoxiang, on the other hand, stood there holding the phone unsure whether to laugh or to cry. He didn’t even know what to say anymore. His father used the same actions he had taken to threaten him. However, at least his father took on the matter himself and promised that if anything happened, the person can go to him directly. Although relieved some of the pressure on Guan Xiaoxiang, he still didn’t want to go back on his words.

As for this matter, Guan Xiaoxiang would have to slowly convince his father who, at that moment, was already in an awful mood. If he called back again to discuss that topic, then he’d strain their already strained relationship even more. It wasn’t something Guan Xiaoxiang would have wanted to see.

On this end, Guan Xuemin had hung up and next to him, Guan Xin was also smiling through her tears. After she saw her grandfather fighting for her in such an unyielding manner. She was sure her father would compromise. Yeah, that’s right, if worse comes to worst, she would just give him the silent treatment. What else could he do to her?

As long as she doesn’t want to marry, he wouldn’t be able to force her.

“Xin Xin, are you feeling happier now? Grandpa is on your side for this so don’t worry, as long as I don’t nod my head to this, no one can force you into marriage!” Guan Xuemin could at least still have a say in this matter.

“Thank you, Grandpa,” Guan Xin smiled happily.

“Why are you thanking me? Come on now, go wash your face. Nanny Liu’s almost finished preparing our meal, let’s go eat something,” Guan Xuemin nodded and smiled back.

Guan Xin went off merrily to wash her face, completely unaware of her father’s plans.

Meanwhile, after Kang Zhaoming left Guan Xin’s house, he sullenly got in his car with a depressed look on his face. Zhu Xiaozhang, who was waiting in the car, saw his melancholic expression and found it quite strange. “What’s the matter, Young Master Ming?” He questioned, “Does Guan Xin’s father object to you two dating?”

“Oh my gosh, don’t talk about it anymore. It’s a long story,” Kang Zhaoming felt that all that time and banknotes had been wasted. The worst thing was he gave Xiaofen a few hundred thousand dollars for free. What a waste!

“Let me answer this,” explained Wang Shubin while looking at Zhu Xiaozhang. “Guan Xin already has an in-law and this can’t be changed. Therefore there’s no way that Guan Xiaoxiang would allow Young Master Ming here to visit Guan Xin. With this arranged marriage, Guan Xin can’t even go out with Young Master Ming or do anything that would ruin her imager for the sake of it. So there’s no hope for him with Guan Xin.”

Wang Shubin had entered the mansion along with Kang Zhaoming so his words were based on what he witnessed. Zhu Xiaozhang listened to his explanation and stopped questioning Kang Zhaoming. He merely pondered sulkily, “so basically we put so much effort in for nothing?”

Chapter 860: The Dominating Guan Xuemin

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

The Dominating Guan Xuemin

The problem is, Guan Xin was afraid that her father would hurt Lin Yi out of anger, which made her uneasy. She doesn’t know what to do now. This had nothing to do with Lin Yi but now he’s getting involved in it as well…

Guan Xuemin heard the quarrel downstairs and came down to check it out. He saw Guan Xin crying on the couch and paused before asking her worriedly, “Xin Xin what’s wrong? Why are you crying down here? Where’s your dad?”

“Grandpa…” Guan Xin saw her grandpa and cried even harder. She had never felt such a grievance. She just didn’t understand. How can her father control her marriage, forcing her to marry someone she doesn’t even know?

“There there. Dry your tears now. Tell Grandpa what happened first, what else is there that can’t be solved? Why are you crying so hard?” Guan Xuemin didn’t know what happened to Guan Xin. He walked over to the sofa and sat down, patting his granddaughter’s shoulder while comforting her.

“Grandpa, dad said that he had arranged a marriage for me when I was little. He wants me to marry someone I’ve never met before…” Guan Xin sobbed as she explained the story to her grandfather.

“Rubbish!” Guan Xuemin slammed his fist on the table in anger, “Guan Xiaoxiang’s getting more and more unreasonable. How can he just casually decide on something like this? Don’t worry Xin Xin, Grandpa will help you with this. Without my permission, no one can do anything. I’m giving your dad a call right now!”

Guan Xueming was angry. Although he was a righteous man, he was not narrow-minded. So, when he heard about Guan Xiaoxiang arranging Guan Xin’s marriage, he felt a wave of anger. Also, his preferred son-in-law was Lin Yi. Of course, he couldn’t let Guan Xiaoxiang just marry Guan Xin off like that.

“You bastard what did you say to Xin Xin?” Guan Xuemin berated through the phone. “Because of you, my beloved granddaughter’s now crying her eyes out! Do you think you’re so grown up now you brat? Arranging marriages now huh? You better cancel this arrangement right now and don’t even think about it again!”

Guan Xiaoxiang was stunned at the scolding. The last time his father yelled at him like this was back when they argued about the formation of his own company. It gave him the feeling he had back when he got in trouble as a kid. He was somewhat fearful of disobeying his father’s wishes…

However, he did not have a say in the matter his father had mentioned. He had decided on this marriage along with his wife and an important figure. How could he one-sidedly go back on this promise? Looking back at how the person had helped him back then, it was a huge favor. Had he not received the investment and had those connections, he would never have made the achievements he has now, nor would he have gotten the recognition from his family in law.

Guan Xiaoxiang was not an ungrateful person, so at that moment he felt uneasy. After giving each other the silent treatment for so many years, Guan Xiaoxiang knew his father losing his temper today for Guan Xin was a turning point for their relationship. Therefore, if he could compromise, then his relationship with his father would improve.

The thing is, could he compromise? It was a promise between him and that person, he couldn’t just break it. Unless that person broke it first, Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t force himself to do such an ungrateful thing.

At this point, he could only force a smile. He couldn’t be both loyal and filial, so what could he do? He didn’t want to anger his father further, especially when there was a chance for their relationship to improve. Yet, he just couldn’t decide to cancel the arrangement.

“Look, dad… I can listen to you for any other thing, but for this, I really can’t change anything. I had arranged this with that person back then, you know him too…” He sighed before continuing, “how could I cancel this?”

“But did you ever consider Xin Xin’s happiness? In this case, when that person comes just tell him to come to me! Just say I’m the one who canceled this arrangement!” Guan Xuemin couldn’t help but smirk at the excuse, “sure he helped you, I even helped treat his wife’s leg! If he’s unhappy about it, just tell him to come to me. If you still force Xin Xin into that marriage, I’ll tell her to emancipate from you and give you the silent treatment like you did to me back then!”

With that, Guan Xuemin hung up, ignoring whatever else Guan Xiaoxiang had to say.

Guan Xiaoxiang, on the other hand, stood there holding the phone unsure whether to laugh or to cry. He didn’t even know what to say anymore. His father used the same actions he had taken to threaten him. However, at least his father took on the matter himself and promised that if anything happened, the person can go to him directly. Although relieved some of the pressure on Guan Xiaoxiang, he still didn’t want to go back on his words.

As for this matter, Guan Xiaoxiang would have to slowly convince his father who, at that moment, was already in an awful mood. If he called back again to discuss that topic, then he’d strain their already strained relationship even more. It wasn’t something Guan Xiaoxiang would have wanted to see.

On this end, Guan Xuemin had hung up and next to him, Guan Xin was also smiling through her tears. After she saw her grandfather fighting for her in such an unyielding manner. She was sure her father would compromise. Yeah, that’s right, if worse comes to worst, she would just give him the silent treatment. What else could he do to her?

As long as she doesn’t want to marry, he wouldn’t be able to force her.

“Xin Xin, are you feeling happier now? Grandpa is on your side for this so don’t worry, as long as I don’t nod my head to this, no one can force you into marriage!” Guan Xuemin could at least still have a say in this matter.

“Thank you, Grandpa,” Guan Xin smiled happily.

“Why are you thanking me? Come on now, go wash your face. Nanny Liu’s almost finished preparing our meal, let’s go eat something,” Guan Xuemin nodded and smiled back.

Guan Xin went off merrily to wash her face, completely unaware of her father’s plans.

Meanwhile, after Kang Zhaoming left Guan Xin’s house, he sullenly got in his car with a depressed look on his face. Zhu Xiaozhang, who was waiting in the car, saw his melancholic expression and found it quite strange. “What’s the matter, Young Master Ming?” He questioned, “Does Guan Xin’s father object to you two dating?”

“Oh my gosh, don’t talk about it anymore. It’s a long story,” Kang Zhaoming felt that all that time and banknotes had been wasted. The worst thing was he gave Xiaofen a few hundred thousand dollars for free. What a waste!

“Let me answer this,” explained Wang Shubin while looking at Zhu Xiaozhang. “Guan Xin already has an in-law and this can’t be changed. Therefore there’s no way that Guan Xiaoxiang would allow Young Master Ming here to visit Guan Xin. With this arranged marriage, Guan Xin can’t even go out with Young Master Ming or do anything that would ruin her imager for the sake of it. So there’s no hope for him with Guan Xin.”

Wang Shubin had entered the mansion along with Kang Zhaoming so his words were based on what he witnessed. Zhu Xiaozhang listened to his explanation and stopped questioning Kang Zhaoming. He merely pondered sulkily, “so basically we put so much effort in for nothing?”

Chapter 861: The Encounter Outside The School Gates

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“Of course it was a waste!” said Kang Zhaoming. He waved his hands, slightly annoyed. “It’s already bad enough like this, but what’s worse is I can’t get the prescription if I can’t get Guan Xin. My family’s already pestering me about this and now my plan has failed too…”

Kang Zhaoming was very worried about losing his position within the Kang family. Would his family blame him for the outcome if he told them? It wasn’t as though he didn’t try, but the situation was out of his control. Guan Xin already has a fiance. Even if Kang Zhaoming was a god reborn to earth, she couldn’t possibly cancel the arrangement just to date him right?

Yet what Kang Zhaoming was afraid of was the fact that even though he wasn’t the main person to be blamed for this outcome, he did, fail to investigate thoroughly in this matter. Had he found out about Guan Xin’s arranged marriage earlier, he wouldn’t have to waste so much effort in pursuing her. The whole thing was just a waste of time.

As someone working under Kang Zhaoming, Wang Shubin was naturally worried about this as well. It was just like the saying “sticking together through thick and thin”. He knew this well, how could something exist without its basis? If Kang Zhaoming lost his position within the family and lost power, the two of them, working under him, wouldn’t be any better off.

That was why helping Kang Zhaoming with his problems had become part of Wang Shubin’s duties. After hearing Guan Xiaoxiang reject Kang Zhaoming, he had already begun to plan the ways forward: “Young Master Ming, since this method wouldn’t work, then let’s stop here.”

“Stop here? Then how will I face my family? I was fully confident that I would get Guan Xin!” Kang Zhaoming grumbled. “But who knew she already had a fiance? I can’t even face my family anymore, they’re gonna think I’m useless.”

“That’s not it,” said Wang Shubin waving his hand, “Young Master Ming, you need to consider this from another perspective, it would be so much simpler. The thing is, you pursuing Guan Xin wasn’t even your main objective. Your main objective was to obtain the prescription. Even if you don’t get Guan Xin, but manage to get hold of the prescription, that counts as completing the mission too doesn’t it? It seems what Doctor Kang cares about is the prescription and not Guan Xin.”

“Mm, you’re right. But if I don’t get my hands on Guan Xin, where do I get the prescription?” Kang Zhaoming can see where Wang Shubin was coming from but still felt quite confused.

“There are many ways to obtain that prescription; stealing, threatening and so on. You don’t need to start with Guan Xin, we can also go from other people from Doctor Guan’s medical center,” explained Wang Shubin, “from what I heard, your younger brother Guan Xiaobo, isn’t he some sort of a vice president in the medical center?”

“Yeah, he is! Every time someone mentions him, I get angry. Kang Xiaobo managed to become a vice president, he’s even better than me. It pisses me off so much. He’s just a relative and he’s better off than me!” grumbled Kang Zhaoming indignantly when he remembered Kang Xiaobo.

The fact that Kang Xiaobo became a vice president in Doctor Kang’s medical center wasn’t a secret as the center had already announced it to the media.

“Young Master Ming, you know the saying ‘—————’,” said Wang Shubin, “think about it. You and Kang Xiaobin are cousins. Even though he’s the vice president, he hasn’t had any income so far right? I think you can go to Kang Xiaobo because, ultimately, he’s still part of the Kang family. Reason with him and work him emotionally to get the prescription out of him. That shouldn’t be too hard.”

“He knows the prescription to the medicine for prolonging life? Nah that’s impossible. Even though he’s the vice president, I’m pretty sure only Guan Xuemin and those executive board members like Fatso Lai know,” said Kang Zhaoming shaking his head. At least he wasn’t that stupid.

“Young Master Ming, what you need to do now isn’t trying to find that prescription, that thing can wait. Did you forget about that new task given to you by Master Kang Zhaolong? He told you to get Doctor Guan’s medicine formula and the route he uses to ship the materials,” reminded Wang Shubin, “If you can get a hold of the information for that, it’s still an achievement! As for the prescription, we can think of other ideas for that in the meantime.”

“Ah… you’re right. The ointment isn’t that important, Kang Xiaobo should also know the formula and the shipping route,” said Kang Zhaoming nodding his head, “sounds like an idea if you put it this way. I’ll find him tomorrow and have a nice chat with him. Hopefully, I can get something out of him.”

“Young Master Ming, you’ll need to remember two things, playing the family card—you must make him know that the rise and fall of the Kang family is the duty of every family member. You can give him some benefits, such as giving him some shares of the medical center after you take over the Kang family. All this is just idle talk anyway. We don’t even know when you’ll take over the family,” reminded Wang Shubin, “the other thing is, you need to give him some benefits for the time being. Didn’t you already give Xiaofen a small sum of money? You can just say you gave her on the behalf of Kang Zhaoming. This time, give Kang Zhaoming some more money or else I’m afraid he won’t cooperate if he doesn’t see the existing benefits.”

“Mm, that makes sense,” said Kang Zhaoming nodding his head, “I understand now. Shubin, it’s no doubt you’re the brainpower. I thought there was no other way and was getting ready to slink home and get scolded. I never knew you still had this many ideas!”

“Haha, it’s my duty to give you advice,” Wang Shubin smirked, feeling slightly proud.

The next day at noon, Kang Zhaoming went to see Kang Xiaobo, carrying a black leather case containing three hundred thousand dollars.

Every afternoon, Kang Xiaobo would go to Doctor Kang’s Medical Centre to do practical work. He already notified the headteacher, Mr. Liu, who saw he had the potential and didn’t stop him.

What was the point of going to university? Wasn’t it just to learn some skills to find a good job? Now Kang Xiaobo had already passed this step and found a stable job right away, of course, Mr. Liu wouldn’t say anything.

Kang Zhaoming had already figured out Kang Xiaobo’s daily routine. The moment Kang Xiaobo left the school at noon, Kang Zhaoming popped his head from the rear window of the cayenne Porsche cayenne, “Hey bro! Over here!”

At first, Kang Xiaobo didn’t think the voice was calling for him. Although it sounded familiar, who would come to the front of his school and call him “bro”? Therefore he took no notice.

However, the voice called out again, “Xiaobo! Over here!”

That was when Kang Xiaobo took notice and looked up. When he saw that it was Kang Zhaoming. He paused abruptly and his expression immediately became uneasy. Last time at Xiaofen’s place, he had scammed Kang Zhaoming along with Lin Yi but was unsure if Kang Zhaoming had picked up anything. Since it was him and Lin Yi, Kang Xiaobo subconsciously assumed that Kang Zhaoming came to question him about it.

Chapter 861: The Encounter Outside The School Gates

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“Of course it was a waste!” said Kang Zhaoming. He waved his hands, slightly annoyed. “It’s already bad enough like this, but what’s worse is I can’t get the prescription if I can’t get Guan Xin. My family’s already pestering me about this and now my plan has failed too…”

Kang Zhaoming was very worried about losing his position within the Kang family. Would his family blame him for the outcome if he told them? It wasn’t as though he didn’t try, but the situation was out of his control. Guan Xin already has a fiance. Even if Kang Zhaoming was a god reborn to earth, she couldn’t possibly cancel the arrangement just to date him right?

Yet what Kang Zhaoming was afraid of was the fact that even though he wasn’t the main person to be blamed for this outcome, he did, fail to investigate thoroughly in this matter. Had he found out about Guan Xin’s arranged marriage earlier, he wouldn’t have to waste so much effort in pursuing her. The whole thing was just a waste of time.

As someone working under Kang Zhaoming, Wang Shubin was naturally worried about this as well. It was just like the saying “sticking together through thick and thin”. He knew this well, how could something exist without its basis? If Kang Zhaoming lost his position within the family and lost power, the two of them, working under him, wouldn’t be any better off.

That was why helping Kang Zhaoming with his problems had become part of Wang Shubin’s duties. After hearing Guan Xiaoxiang reject Kang Zhaoming, he had already begun to plan the ways forward: “Young Master Ming, since this method wouldn’t work, then let’s stop here.”

“Stop here? Then how will I face my family? I was fully confident that I would get Guan Xin!” Kang Zhaoming grumbled. “But who knew she already had a fiance? I can’t even face my family anymore, they’re gonna think I’m useless.”

“That’s not it,” said Wang Shubin waving his hand, “Young Master Ming, you need to consider this from another perspective, it would be so much simpler. The thing is, you pursuing Guan Xin wasn’t even your main objective. Your main objective was to obtain the prescription. Even if you don’t get Guan Xin, but manage to get hold of the prescription, that counts as completing the mission too doesn’t it? It seems what Doctor Kang cares about is the prescription and not Guan Xin.”

“Mm, you’re right. But if I don’t get my hands on Guan Xin, where do I get the prescription?” Kang Zhaoming can see where Wang Shubin was coming from but still felt quite confused.

“There are many ways to obtain that prescription; stealing, threatening and so on. You don’t need to start with Guan Xin, we can also go from other people from Doctor Guan’s medical center,” explained Wang Shubin, “from what I heard, your younger brother Guan Xiaobo, isn’t he some sort of a vice president in the medical center?”

“Yeah, he is! Every time someone mentions him, I get angry. Kang Xiaobo managed to become a vice president, he’s even better than me. It pisses me off so much. He’s just a relative and he’s better off than me!” grumbled Kang Zhaoming indignantly when he remembered Kang Xiaobo.

The fact that Kang Xiaobo became a vice president in Doctor Kang’s medical center wasn’t a secret as the center had already announced it to the media.

“Young Master Ming, you know the saying ‘—————’,” said Wang Shubin, “think about it. You and Kang Xiaobin are cousins. Even though he’s the vice president, he hasn’t had any income so far right? I think you can go to Kang Xiaobo because, ultimately, he’s still part of the Kang family. Reason with him and work him emotionally to get the prescription out of him. That shouldn’t be too hard.”

“He knows the prescription to the medicine for prolonging life? Nah that’s impossible. Even though he’s the vice president, I’m pretty sure only Guan Xuemin and those executive board members like Fatso Lai know,” said Kang Zhaoming shaking his head. At least he wasn’t that stupid.

“Young Master Ming, what you need to do now isn’t trying to find that prescription, that thing can wait. Did you forget about that new task given to you by Master Kang Zhaolong? He told you to get Doctor Guan’s medicine formula and the route he uses to ship the materials,” reminded Wang Shubin, “If you can get a hold of the information for that, it’s still an achievement! As for the prescription, we can think of other ideas for that in the meantime.”

“Ah… you’re right. The ointment isn’t that important, Kang Xiaobo should also know the formula and the shipping route,” said Kang Zhaoming nodding his head, “sounds like an idea if you put it this way. I’ll find him tomorrow and have a nice chat with him. Hopefully, I can get something out of him.”

“Young Master Ming, you’ll need to remember two things, playing the family card—you must make him know that the rise and fall of the Kang family is the duty of every family member. You can give him some benefits, such as giving him some shares of the medical center after you take over the Kang family. All this is just idle talk anyway. We don’t even know when you’ll take over the family,” reminded Wang Shubin, “the other thing is, you need to give him some benefits for the time being. Didn’t you already give Xiaofen a small sum of money? You can just say you gave her on the behalf of Kang Zhaoming. This time, give Kang Zhaoming some more money or else I’m afraid he won’t cooperate if he doesn’t see the existing benefits.”

“Mm, that makes sense,” said Kang Zhaoming nodding his head, “I understand now. Shubin, it’s no doubt you’re the brainpower. I thought there was no other way and was getting ready to slink home and get scolded. I never knew you still had this many ideas!”

“Haha, it’s my duty to give you advice,” Wang Shubin smirked, feeling slightly proud.

The next day at noon, Kang Zhaoming went to see Kang Xiaobo, carrying a black leather case containing three hundred thousand dollars.

Every afternoon, Kang Xiaobo would go to Doctor Kang’s Medical Centre to do practical work. He already notified the headteacher, Mr. Liu, who saw he had the potential and didn’t stop him.

What was the point of going to university? Wasn’t it just to learn some skills to find a good job? Now Kang Xiaobo had already passed this step and found a stable job right away, of course, Mr. Liu wouldn’t say anything.

Kang Zhaoming had already figured out Kang Xiaobo’s daily routine. The moment Kang Xiaobo left the school at noon, Kang Zhaoming popped his head from the rear window of the cayenne Porsche cayenne, “Hey bro! Over here!”

At first, Kang Xiaobo didn’t think the voice was calling for him. Although it sounded familiar, who would come to the front of his school and call him “bro”? Therefore he took no notice.

However, the voice called out again, “Xiaobo! Over here!”

That was when Kang Xiaobo took notice and looked up. When he saw that it was Kang Zhaoming. He paused abruptly and his expression immediately became uneasy. Last time at Xiaofen’s place, he had scammed Kang Zhaoming along with Lin Yi but was unsure if Kang Zhaoming had picked up anything. Since it was him and Lin Yi, Kang Xiaobo subconsciously assumed that Kang Zhaoming came to question him about it.

Chapter 862: Omnipresent Lin Yi

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Omnipresent Lin Yi

“Kang Zhaoming… do you need something?” Kang Xiaobo asked. He assumed the two of them had severed all personal relationships during that day of the Birthday celebration party. From the looks of it, outsiders would assume they had made up. Kang Xiaobo also called Kang Zhaoming by his full name.

“Oi, bro, you sound so formal by calling me by my full name, you should be calling me second brother!” Kang Zhaoming smiled boldly.

“Oh?” Kang Xiaobo was a little shocked by what he had said. He was more stunned than anything. What is this Kang Zhaoming scheming for? Did he injure his head too much?

“Come on brother, why are you just standing around idly? Get in the car! We brothers haven’t seen each other for a long time?” Kang Zhaoming motioned his hand for Kang Xiaobo to get into the car. Kang Zhaoming purposely allowed Zhu Xiaozhang to drive the car, while Wang Shubin sat in the shotgun seat. This was all planned out so that Kang Xiaobo will sit in the passenger seat with him.

“Kang Zhaoming, what do you want?” Kang Xiaobo frowned, what could he have meant that they haven’t seen each other for so long? Wasn’t it was just a few days ago that he went to deliver money to Yu Xiaofen?

“Xiaobo, are you still weary of your cousin! Haha, the reason I’m here is so I can apologize to you. I’m a changed man, I’m no longer the young naive man I was. I won’t do things that make others feel disgusted, so I was hoping that I have your forgiveness!” Kang Zhaoming knew what to say to appeal to the ears of others.

It was at this time when Lin Yi and Tang Yun walked out of the school gates with their hands tightly held together. He saw Kang Xiaobo and Kang Zhaoming talking with each other. He felt that it was strange so Lin Yi spoke up “Xiaobo, what are you doing?”

“Boss!” Kang Xiaobo was so glad to have seen Lin Yi. He didn’t notice him until his name was called out since he had no idea what game Kang Xiaoming was playing at. He really had no reason to continue chatting with Kang Zhaoming! From years of how badly Kang Zhaoming had treated Kang Xiaobo, it was not forgotten. But, they were blood relatives, in the end. He even played with Yu Xiaofen, Kang Xiaobo could only restrain himself.

Kang Zhaoming didn’t know that Lin Yi was the mastermind behind Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company. Until now, people from House Kang still believed that Guan Xuemin was the chief executive behind Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company. As for Lin Yi, he was just a useless bystander.

As for why Kang Xiaobo was able to enter into Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company, it must have been because Kang Xiaobo had given the formula for Kang’s Golden Creation medicine. This is how Kang Xiaobo had upgraded his position as Vice CEO! As for Lin Yi’s contribution, it was nonexistent.

In reality, that was the image Lin Yi wanted to project. He wanted to appear harmless and omnipresent, but at the same time, no one would know of his existence. This is why Kang Zhaoming had never paid attention to Lin Yi. Whatever he had planned, he didn’t bother to scrutinize him. So Kang Zhaoming rushed, “Xiaobo, hurry up and get in the car already! Did you eat yet? Should we find a place to eat dinner?”

“Boss, this…” Kang Xiaobo obeyed Lin Yi very much. He always held Lin Yi in great regard, if Lin YI hadn’t come the moment when he did, then he would’ve left. Now that Lin Yi had arrived, he could ask for his opinion.

“Ah, Kang Zhaoming is treating, we should all go if he is treating!” Lin Yi nodded. He was also curious as to what Kang Zhaoming had in stored.

“Boss, you will come with me?” Kang Xiaobo hesitantly asked.

“Well, that is up to your cousin—if he agrees to it or not?” Lin Yi smiled.

Kang Xiaobo and Lin Yi’s conversation was easily overheard by Kang Zhaoming. Everything they had said was acknowledged by Kang Zhaoming. Kang Zhaoming felt so much pressure from his family that he was rushed to take any action necessary. He realized that Kang Xiaobo was very obedient to Lin Yi so he decided to take Lin Yi along too.

The last time they met, when Yu Xiaofen had accepted his compensation money, Lin Yi was also present. From the feeling during their last meeting, Kang Zhaoming sensed that Lin Yi wasn’t a righteous person; he was very greedy. So if money could solve the problem, then there was no need for him to avoid Lin Yi.

Without even waiting for Kang Xiaobo to ask, Kang Zhaoming rushed “Lin Yi right? We can be called friends. We’ve met several times already. So join us for food?”

Kang Zhaoming wasn’t pursuing Guan Xin anymore, so he didn’t hate Lin Yi as much. On top of that, he had tattle taled to Guan Xiaoxiang about Lin Yi already, which was very satisfying to Kang Zhaoming’s ego. In his head, the both of them don’t have any conflict of interest, so Kang Zhaoming didn’t mind Lin Yi joining.

“You guys can go, I don’t need to be there…” Tang Yun sensed that Lin Yi would be busy so she let go of Lin Yi’s hand.

“Oh it’s nothing big, let’s all go together,” Lin Yi looked at Kang Zhaoming as he said “Have one of your henchmen get off the front seat and follow us in a taxi. That way us three can sit in the back!”

Kang Zhaoming clenched his teeth in bitter frustration. Weren’t they being too much of a bully? He was inviting them to eat, but demands that one of them leave their seats? If it wasn’t for the sake of finding out who the raw material procurement method and formula, he would’ve shouted in anguish.

Kang Zhaoming held in his fury and said to Wang Shubin “Shubin, you can call a taxi to follow us!”

Now Kang Zhaoming sat in the shotgun seat, while Lin Yi, Tang Yun and Kang Xiaobo sat in the passenger seats. Zhu Xiaozhang had found a better hotel restaurant than last time, and they booked a private room.

With Lin Yi by his side, Kang Xiaobo felt at peace. He didn’t need to worry about any schemes that Kang Zhaoming might have planned. They were going to go along with the mindset that they will meet whatever adversary with open minds. They were planning to order a whole bunch of expensive food at Kang Zhaoming’s expense, but Kang Zhaoming was planning to treat them to Kang Xiaobo to good food to appeal to his good side.

“Xiaobo, I heard that you are Miracle Doctor Guan’s vice CEO now?” Kang Zhaoming asked after he had finished ordering the food; Kang Zhaoming had the waiters leave the room, while he discussed business.

“Yes,” Kang Xiaobo didn’t know what Kang Zhaoming was planning, so he answered plainly.

Lin Yi and Tang Yun were bystanders. They acted like they weren’t even paying attention to the discussion. Lin Yi snatched the teapot out from under Kang Zhaoming’s hands, and poured a cup for Tang Yun while asking her “Do you want tea?”

Tang Yun was very nervous. She didn’t find it comforting to sit with Kang Zhaoming. She was reminded of the painful expressions from Yu Xiaofen. However, Lin Yi was there so Tang Yun was at ease.

“Mhm…: Tang Yun picked up her cup and sipped on it little by little. That was when she saw Lin Yi stare at her without blinking, so she blushed with embarrassment.

Lin Yi watched Tang Yun drink the tea, He was reminded of those romantic novels. So young, romantic. He felt the warmth on his skin as reminisce on how his life up to now—it was a beautiful and satisfying lifestyle.

Chapter 862: Omnipresent Lin Yi

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Omnipresent Lin Yi

“Kang Zhaoming… do you need something?” Kang Xiaobo asked. He assumed the two of them had severed all personal relationships during that day of the Birthday celebration party. From the looks of it, outsiders would assume they had made up. Kang Xiaobo also called Kang Zhaoming by his full name.

“Oi, bro, you sound so formal by calling me by my full name, you should be calling me second brother!” Kang Zhaoming smiled boldly.

“Oh?” Kang Xiaobo was a little shocked by what he had said. He was more stunned than anything. What is this Kang Zhaoming scheming for? Did he injure his head too much?

“Come on brother, why are you just standing around idly? Get in the car! We brothers haven’t seen each other for a long time?” Kang Zhaoming motioned his hand for Kang Xiaobo to get into the car. Kang Zhaoming purposely allowed Zhu Xiaozhang to drive the car, while Wang Shubin sat in the shotgun seat. This was all planned out so that Kang Xiaobo will sit in the passenger seat with him.

“Kang Zhaoming, what do you want?” Kang Xiaobo frowned, what could he have meant that they haven’t seen each other for so long? Wasn’t it was just a few days ago that he went to deliver money to Yu Xiaofen?

“Xiaobo, are you still weary of your cousin! Haha, the reason I’m here is so I can apologize to you. I’m a changed man, I’m no longer the young naive man I was. I won’t do things that make others feel disgusted, so I was hoping that I have your forgiveness!” Kang Zhaoming knew what to say to appeal to the ears of others.

It was at this time when Lin Yi and Tang Yun walked out of the school gates with their hands tightly held together. He saw Kang Xiaobo and Kang Zhaoming talking with each other. He felt that it was strange so Lin Yi spoke up “Xiaobo, what are you doing?”

“Boss!” Kang Xiaobo was so glad to have seen Lin Yi. He didn’t notice him until his name was called out since he had no idea what game Kang Xiaoming was playing at. He really had no reason to continue chatting with Kang Zhaoming! From years of how badly Kang Zhaoming had treated Kang Xiaobo, it was not forgotten. But, they were blood relatives, in the end. He even played with Yu Xiaofen, Kang Xiaobo could only restrain himself.

Kang Zhaoming didn’t know that Lin Yi was the mastermind behind Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company. Until now, people from House Kang still believed that Guan Xuemin was the chief executive behind Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company. As for Lin Yi, he was just a useless bystander.

As for why Kang Xiaobo was able to enter into Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company, it must have been because Kang Xiaobo had given the formula for Kang’s Golden Creation medicine. This is how Kang Xiaobo had upgraded his position as Vice CEO! As for Lin Yi’s contribution, it was nonexistent.

In reality, that was the image Lin Yi wanted to project. He wanted to appear harmless and omnipresent, but at the same time, no one would know of his existence. This is why Kang Zhaoming had never paid attention to Lin Yi. Whatever he had planned, he didn’t bother to scrutinize him. So Kang Zhaoming rushed, “Xiaobo, hurry up and get in the car already! Did you eat yet? Should we find a place to eat dinner?”

“Boss, this…” Kang Xiaobo obeyed Lin Yi very much. He always held Lin Yi in great regard, if Lin YI hadn’t come the moment when he did, then he would’ve left. Now that Lin Yi had arrived, he could ask for his opinion.

“Ah, Kang Zhaoming is treating, we should all go if he is treating!” Lin Yi nodded. He was also curious as to what Kang Zhaoming had in stored.

“Boss, you will come with me?” Kang Xiaobo hesitantly asked.

“Well, that is up to your cousin—if he agrees to it or not?” Lin Yi smiled.

Kang Xiaobo and Lin Yi’s conversation was easily overheard by Kang Zhaoming. Everything they had said was acknowledged by Kang Zhaoming. Kang Zhaoming felt so much pressure from his family that he was rushed to take any action necessary. He realized that Kang Xiaobo was very obedient to Lin Yi so he decided to take Lin Yi along too.

The last time they met, when Yu Xiaofen had accepted his compensation money, Lin Yi was also present. From the feeling during their last meeting, Kang Zhaoming sensed that Lin Yi wasn’t a righteous person; he was very greedy. So if money could solve the problem, then there was no need for him to avoid Lin Yi.

Without even waiting for Kang Xiaobo to ask, Kang Zhaoming rushed “Lin Yi right? We can be called friends. We’ve met several times already. So join us for food?”

Kang Zhaoming wasn’t pursuing Guan Xin anymore, so he didn’t hate Lin Yi as much. On top of that, he had tattle taled to Guan Xiaoxiang about Lin Yi already, which was very satisfying to Kang Zhaoming’s ego. In his head, the both of them don’t have any conflict of interest, so Kang Zhaoming didn’t mind Lin Yi joining.

“You guys can go, I don’t need to be there…” Tang Yun sensed that Lin Yi would be busy so she let go of Lin Yi’s hand.

“Oh it’s nothing big, let’s all go together,” Lin Yi looked at Kang Zhaoming as he said “Have one of your henchmen get off the front seat and follow us in a taxi. That way us three can sit in the back!”

Kang Zhaoming clenched his teeth in bitter frustration. Weren’t they being too much of a bully? He was inviting them to eat, but demands that one of them leave their seats? If it wasn’t for the sake of finding out who the raw material procurement method and formula, he would’ve shouted in anguish.

Kang Zhaoming held in his fury and said to Wang Shubin “Shubin, you can call a taxi to follow us!”

Now Kang Zhaoming sat in the shotgun seat, while Lin Yi, Tang Yun and Kang Xiaobo sat in the passenger seats. Zhu Xiaozhang had found a better hotel restaurant than last time, and they booked a private room.

With Lin Yi by his side, Kang Xiaobo felt at peace. He didn’t need to worry about any schemes that Kang Zhaoming might have planned. They were going to go along with the mindset that they will meet whatever adversary with open minds. They were planning to order a whole bunch of expensive food at Kang Zhaoming’s expense, but Kang Zhaoming was planning to treat them to Kang Xiaobo to good food to appeal to his good side.

“Xiaobo, I heard that you are Miracle Doctor Guan’s vice CEO now?” Kang Zhaoming asked after he had finished ordering the food; Kang Zhaoming had the waiters leave the room, while he discussed business.

“Yes,” Kang Xiaobo didn’t know what Kang Zhaoming was planning, so he answered plainly.

Lin Yi and Tang Yun were bystanders. They acted like they weren’t even paying attention to the discussion. Lin Yi snatched the teapot out from under Kang Zhaoming’s hands, and poured a cup for Tang Yun while asking her “Do you want tea?”

Tang Yun was very nervous. She didn’t find it comforting to sit with Kang Zhaoming. She was reminded of the painful expressions from Yu Xiaofen. However, Lin Yi was there so Tang Yun was at ease.

“Mhm…: Tang Yun picked up her cup and sipped on it little by little. That was when she saw Lin Yi stare at her without blinking, so she blushed with embarrassment.

Lin Yi watched Tang Yun drink the tea, He was reminded of those romantic novels. So young, romantic. He felt the warmth on his skin as reminisce on how his life up to now—it was a beautiful and satisfying lifestyle.

Chapter 863: Strange Dinner Meeting

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Lin Yi thought that his days were so laid back compared to the relatively exhaustive days from his earlier years.

He wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad omen—was it a peaceful calm or was it the calm before the storm.

From the looks of it, he thought that the latter might have had a higher possibility. Yukun was disabled, and House Yu wouldn’t sit around knowing that. They must be brewing up a plan.

As for other people, wasn’t it why Kang Zhaoming showed up

Lin Yi didn’t believe that a shoddy person like him could become a virtuous person without a big change. Without any opportunity for change, was it possible that he came to the realization himself? Kang Zhaoming was such a case of spontaneous behavior change. It was so suspicious that Lin Yi felt that he has an ulterior agenda.

Thus, Lin Yi didn’t bother paying attention to him during the dinner; He did things his way so that Kang Zhaoming would blow his cover.

Kang Zhaoming wasn’t able to grab the teapot in time, he could only bitterly retract his hand back. His legs still weren’t listening to his commands. He couldn’t stand up to get it because the teapot was placed far far away from him.

“Well, Xiaobo, you are still a part of House Kang. As members of House Kang, we have our own medical company. If you wanted to be the Vice CEO of a company, you should at least come to our Miracle Doctor Kang’s medical company. Why would you go to another person’s company to be their Vice CEO? People will gossip about it, How will House Kang retain their pride if that was to happen?” Kang Zhaoming coughed to gain attention.

“Oh? House Kang?” Kang Xiaobo coldly chuckled. “What does House Kang have to do with me? Aside from my surname, when have you thought about my behalf? Do you mean to tell me that this visit is to hand over the Vice CEO position at Kang’s medical company?”

“Well… haha, even if it isn’t the Vice CEO position, giving you stocks wouldn’t be a problem!” Kang Zhaoming chuckled. “Right now grandfather has the authority. Wait until I hold power. I will give you his share of the stocks. That way you will be a shareholder of our House’s medical company! In the end, you are a part of House Kang. How could we bear to let you suffer?”

“Oh, then I must thank you. You invited me over to discuss just this matter?” Kang Xiaobo didn’t believe a single word Kang Zhaoming had promised. Unless the sun rose from the west, it was a complete bullshit story that Kang Zhaoming had created about giving stocks away.

“Ah, let’s eat dinner first…” Kang Zhaoming laughed a little then he acted like everything was normal. He turned to Zhu Xiaozhang and said “Go check why it is taking so long for the dishes to be served,”

Right as his sentence had ended, the waiters came walking in with the entrees. It didn’t take long for the table to be lined up with dishes. Service at this hotel restaurant was top notch.

Lin Yi didn’t give any respect to the host—Kang Zhaoming and his henchmen, Zhu Xiaozhang and Wang Shubin. The moment the plate of food was laid on the table, Lin Yi started reaching for the plates. He served himself and Tang Yun, a little serving from each dish.

Lin Yi didn’t mind, but Tang Yun still felt slightly embarrassed. In the end, she was a well mannered young lady, and she was in the presence of others she wasn’t familiar with.

Lin Yi’s actions didn’t go unnoticed by Kang Zhaoming. A crease started forming on Kang Zhaoming’s brows; he didn’t like the disrespect at all but didn’t speak up. He was hoping that Lin Yi would help him in his cause with persuading Kang Xiaobo, which was why he didn’t speak up about the disrespect.

“Xiaobo, are the rumors true? I’ve heard that Miracle Doctor Guan’s product has something similar to Golden Creation? Does it have the same medicinal effect as Kang’s Golden Creation?” Kang Zhaoming acted nonchalantly as he asked.

“Yes, that would be Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine,” Kang Xiaobo still didn’t know what Kang Zhaoming had in store. Whatever was asked, Kang Xiaobo answered briefly. He didn’t want to talk more than necessary. He could answer honestly since he didn’t need to hide anything. He didn’t know any corporate secrets after all.

“Well, the effectiveness, should be the same as Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation?” Kang Zhaoming continued to ask.

“Yeah, should be,” Kang Xiaobo continued.

“Ahh, so it’s like that. Would you happen to know where Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine formula came from? Haha, you would know right?” Kang Zhaoming was slowly achieving his point.

Kang Xiaobo wasn’t exactly ignorant of the situation. When he had heard of Kang Zhaoming’s words, he felt disgusted. Those words directed at him signified that Guan’s Injury Medicine was obtained from Kang Xiaobo!

It was at that moment that Kang Xiaobo understood the purpose of this dinner meeting. Kang Zhaoming’s purpose was to find out if Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine was given by him! What a farce! He had never even seen his own grandfather’s medical formula, so how could he give away something he had never seen?

Kang Xiaobo calmly replied “well, why would I know?”

“Ha, well if you don’t know then you don’t know, but don’t get angry!” Kang Zhaoming quickly added.

“Me angry?” Kang Xiaobo calmly spoke, he glanced at Lin Yi to see if there were any hints. He only saw Lin Yi happily eating away. Kang Xiaobo felt more at ease knowing that.

“Forget it, Xiaobo, we are both from House Kang. I will be straightforward with you with what I want. For a brother, can you get me Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine Formula?” Kang Zhaoming felt like he was walking in circles with Kang Xiaobo, even sweet talk was ineffective. So he took a risk on coming forth with his true purpose.

“Guan’s Injury Medicine formula? What would you do with that?” Kang Xiaobo was shocked. “Don’t you have Miracle Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation formula already?

“Haha, just think about my request!” Kang Zhaoming chuckled. “So as a Vice CEO of Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company, you can easily get this formula right? Even if we aren’t blood-related brothers, I can’t have you do this without getting compensation! Shubin…”

Wang Shubin stood up and pulled out a black suitcase. He placed it on the table and opened it up…

It was neatly lined with wads of cash. It gave people a dazzling feeling! Kang Zhaoming didn’t use a credit card, but his choice to use cash was to stimulate the human sense of greed. He wanted Kang Xiaobo to rush on a decision and take the suitcase of cash!

“So what is the meaning of this?” Kang Xiaobo frowned. With so much money in front of him, it would be a lie to say that his heart wasn’t moved, but Kang Xiaobo was still a man of principle. He couldn’t sell out the company for a small amount of benefit! To top if off, Lin Yi was sitting right next to him. If it wasn’t for Lin Yi, nothing would’ve been possible. Seems like Kang Zhaoming really miscalculated this time!

“Here is three hundred thousand yuan. If you can help me with the task of finding out the formula for Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine and raw material supplier, then this suitcase will belong to you!” Kang Zhaoming patted on the suitcase. “There is three hundred thousand yuan here, I don’t think you can earn that amount by working in Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company?”

Chapter 863: Strange Dinner Meeting

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Lin Yi thought that his days were so laid back compared to the relatively exhaustive days from his earlier years.

He wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad omen—was it a peaceful calm or was it the calm before the storm.

From the looks of it, he thought that the latter might have had a higher possibility. Yukun was disabled, and House Yu wouldn’t sit around knowing that. They must be brewing up a plan.

As for other people, wasn’t it why Kang Zhaoming showed up

Lin Yi didn’t believe that a shoddy person like him could become a virtuous person without a big change. Without any opportunity for change, was it possible that he came to the realization himself? Kang Zhaoming was such a case of spontaneous behavior change. It was so suspicious that Lin Yi felt that he has an ulterior agenda.

Thus, Lin Yi didn’t bother paying attention to him during the dinner; He did things his way so that Kang Zhaoming would blow his cover.

Kang Zhaoming wasn’t able to grab the teapot in time, he could only bitterly retract his hand back. His legs still weren’t listening to his commands. He couldn’t stand up to get it because the teapot was placed far far away from him.

“Well, Xiaobo, you are still a part of House Kang. As members of House Kang, we have our own medical company. If you wanted to be the Vice CEO of a company, you should at least come to our Miracle Doctor Kang’s medical company. Why would you go to another person’s company to be their Vice CEO? People will gossip about it, How will House Kang retain their pride if that was to happen?” Kang Zhaoming coughed to gain attention.

“Oh? House Kang?” Kang Xiaobo coldly chuckled. “What does House Kang have to do with me? Aside from my surname, when have you thought about my behalf? Do you mean to tell me that this visit is to hand over the Vice CEO position at Kang’s medical company?”

“Well… haha, even if it isn’t the Vice CEO position, giving you stocks wouldn’t be a problem!” Kang Zhaoming chuckled. “Right now grandfather has the authority. Wait until I hold power. I will give you his share of the stocks. That way you will be a shareholder of our House’s medical company! In the end, you are a part of House Kang. How could we bear to let you suffer?”

“Oh, then I must thank you. You invited me over to discuss just this matter?” Kang Xiaobo didn’t believe a single word Kang Zhaoming had promised. Unless the sun rose from the west, it was a complete bullshit story that Kang Zhaoming had created about giving stocks away.

“Ah, let’s eat dinner first…” Kang Zhaoming laughed a little then he acted like everything was normal. He turned to Zhu Xiaozhang and said “Go check why it is taking so long for the dishes to be served,”

Right as his sentence had ended, the waiters came walking in with the entrees. It didn’t take long for the table to be lined up with dishes. Service at this hotel restaurant was top notch.

Lin Yi didn’t give any respect to the host—Kang Zhaoming and his henchmen, Zhu Xiaozhang and Wang Shubin. The moment the plate of food was laid on the table, Lin Yi started reaching for the plates. He served himself and Tang Yun, a little serving from each dish.

Lin Yi didn’t mind, but Tang Yun still felt slightly embarrassed. In the end, she was a well mannered young lady, and she was in the presence of others she wasn’t familiar with.

Lin Yi’s actions didn’t go unnoticed by Kang Zhaoming. A crease started forming on Kang Zhaoming’s brows; he didn’t like the disrespect at all but didn’t speak up. He was hoping that Lin Yi would help him in his cause with persuading Kang Xiaobo, which was why he didn’t speak up about the disrespect.

“Xiaobo, are the rumors true? I’ve heard that Miracle Doctor Guan’s product has something similar to Golden Creation? Does it have the same medicinal effect as Kang’s Golden Creation?” Kang Zhaoming acted nonchalantly as he asked.

“Yes, that would be Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine,” Kang Xiaobo still didn’t know what Kang Zhaoming had in store. Whatever was asked, Kang Xiaobo answered briefly. He didn’t want to talk more than necessary. He could answer honestly since he didn’t need to hide anything. He didn’t know any corporate secrets after all.

“Well, the effectiveness, should be the same as Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation?” Kang Zhaoming continued to ask.

“Yeah, should be,” Kang Xiaobo continued.

“Ahh, so it’s like that. Would you happen to know where Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine formula came from? Haha, you would know right?” Kang Zhaoming was slowly achieving his point.

Kang Xiaobo wasn’t exactly ignorant of the situation. When he had heard of Kang Zhaoming’s words, he felt disgusted. Those words directed at him signified that Guan’s Injury Medicine was obtained from Kang Xiaobo!

It was at that moment that Kang Xiaobo understood the purpose of this dinner meeting. Kang Zhaoming’s purpose was to find out if Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine was given by him! What a farce! He had never even seen his own grandfather’s medical formula, so how could he give away something he had never seen?

Kang Xiaobo calmly replied “well, why would I know?”

“Ha, well if you don’t know then you don’t know, but don’t get angry!” Kang Zhaoming quickly added.

“Me angry?” Kang Xiaobo calmly spoke, he glanced at Lin Yi to see if there were any hints. He only saw Lin Yi happily eating away. Kang Xiaobo felt more at ease knowing that.

“Forget it, Xiaobo, we are both from House Kang. I will be straightforward with you with what I want. For a brother, can you get me Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine Formula?” Kang Zhaoming felt like he was walking in circles with Kang Xiaobo, even sweet talk was ineffective. So he took a risk on coming forth with his true purpose.

“Guan’s Injury Medicine formula? What would you do with that?” Kang Xiaobo was shocked. “Don’t you have Miracle Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation formula already?

“Haha, just think about my request!” Kang Zhaoming chuckled. “So as a Vice CEO of Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company, you can easily get this formula right? Even if we aren’t blood-related brothers, I can’t have you do this without getting compensation! Shubin…”

Wang Shubin stood up and pulled out a black suitcase. He placed it on the table and opened it up…

It was neatly lined with wads of cash. It gave people a dazzling feeling! Kang Zhaoming didn’t use a credit card, but his choice to use cash was to stimulate the human sense of greed. He wanted Kang Xiaobo to rush on a decision and take the suitcase of cash!

“So what is the meaning of this?” Kang Xiaobo frowned. With so much money in front of him, it would be a lie to say that his heart wasn’t moved, but Kang Xiaobo was still a man of principle. He couldn’t sell out the company for a small amount of benefit! To top if off, Lin Yi was sitting right next to him. If it wasn’t for Lin Yi, nothing would’ve been possible. Seems like Kang Zhaoming really miscalculated this time!

“Here is three hundred thousand yuan. If you can help me with the task of finding out the formula for Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine and raw material supplier, then this suitcase will belong to you!” Kang Zhaoming patted on the suitcase. “There is three hundred thousand yuan here, I don’t think you can earn that amount by working in Miracle Doctor Guan’s medical company?”

Chapter 864: Messed With Once Again

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

As Kang Xiaobo was about to open his mouth to reject the offer, Lin Yi spoke up first.

“Three hundred thousand yuan, Xiaobo take the money. It is a gift from your cousin. There is no reason for you to reject his kind offer!” Lin Yi said as he got up to take the suitcase.

Kang Zhaoming was very happy. He was thinking that this Lin Yi wasn’t so unlikeable after all. At the moment of need, he came through to aid his cause. Lin Yi was definitely a greedy person, but that quality would make him predictable and easy to manipulate. Kang Zhaoming was also a greedy person. With Lin Yi as Kang Xiaobo’s boss, it made things a lot easier to negotiate!

“Yeah! It is as brother Lin has said. With this much money, there is no reason to reject it!” Kang Zhaoming smiled evilly. There was a second part to Kang Zhaoming’s sentence that he didn’t mention at all, it was that if you take the money of others then you have to help them solve their problems.

Kang Xiaobo was shocked by Lin Yi’s actions. Why would Lin Yi allow him to take the money? Wouldn’t that mean handing over the formula over to Kang Zhaoming? Kang Xiaobo was hesitating with his actions. He wanted to speak up and ask, but was even more afraid of screwing up Lin Yi’s plans.

“Xiaobo, it is just some formula? As Vice CEO, you should’ve had the chance to read memos on corporate secrets. Then you can just hand the formula over to your cousin, wouldn’t that work?” Lin Yi glanced at Kang Xiaobo. Then he continued to speak “As for the procurement of the raw material, I think that would be hard, but you should try anyway!”

“Yes, that is exactly it. Get me the formula first!” Kang Zhaoming insisted. As long as he had some sort of leverage, he could use it as evidence to report Kang Xiaobo for bribery charges. Once it got to that point, he could demand whatever information he wanted.

“Ah, formula? That wouldn’t be a problem!” Lin Yi promised with a fist to his chest. “Right, Kang Xiaobo?”

“That… wouldn’t be impossible…” Kang Xiaobo agreed, once he saw that Lin Yi had promised. What use would it be for him to reject? Even if he didn’t know Lin Yi’s intentions, he went along with the plan.

Kang Zhaoming didn’t think that his agenda would be reached so easily. After all the effort he had spent, he was so happy that he can just ask of it from Kang Xiaobo. After the dinner was over, they agreed to meet on a later date to meet when Kang Xiaobo had the formula in hand.

Upon leaving the restaurant, Kang Zhaoming and his henchmen left first. As for Kang Xiaobo, he was carrying a suitcase of money. Kang Xiaobo asked “Boss, what is the meaning of this? They want the formula, do we just give them the formula?”

“Oh, of course, we give it to them. Otherwise, they wasted three hundred thousand yuan for it,” Lin Yi smiled. “You don’t need to steal anything, I’ll just write it for you,”

The moment Lin Yi finished speaking, he went back into the restaurant to get a menu as a notepad to write on. On the empty white spaces of the menu, he wrote Kang Xiaobo the formula. Then he said “Here you go, just phone Kang Zhaoming whenever you want”

“Oh? Is this the real formula?” Kang Xiaobo thought that it was unfathomable to have authentic Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine formula. To his knowledge, the formula was different from the one that Miracle Doctor Kang owned. Miracle Doctor Guan’s formula was cheaper to make and had better healing effects than Miracle Doctor Kang’s formula. How could Lin Yi just hand the formula over to Kang Zhaoming? Isn’t that the exact same thing as giving up the benefits to others?

“This is the real formula,” Lin Yi nodded while still smiling. “However, this formula is the House Kang’s Golden Creation formula. Weren’t they just suspecting of you knowing their formula? It is the perfect time to use this formula to mess with them.”

“Miracle Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation formula? Boss, how do you have it?” Kang Xiaobo had to repeat himself to make sure that he didn’t mishear it.

“I’ve seen Miracle Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation. It’s outdated because it uses a lot of rare and expensive raw materials to make. The expenses outweigh the cost of selling it, so I’ve improved the formula. My new formula is a lot cheaper and more effective,” Lin Yi shrugged. “I’m not giving them my new and improved formula, I’m just giving them back the formula that they already have, but they bought it for three hundred thousand. Isn’t that worth it?”

“It is very worth it!” Kang Xiaobo finally understood Lin Yi’s game plan. “Boss, you are so awesome! You easily gained three hundred thousand yuan from Kang Zhaoming! Very cool!”

Kang Xiaobo hated his cousin, Kang Zhaoming, and it was not a feeling that was formed overnight. If Lin Yi wasn’t there today, he wouldn’t even have sat at the same table with Kang Zhaoming! Kang Xiaobo knew that Lin Yi had a plan in mind, so he chose to follow along.

“I didn’t plan on tricking him, I just wanted to follow along to see what tricks he had up his sleeves,” Lin Yi bitterly smiled. “But, he couldn’t resist giving away three hundred thousand yuan, so there was no reason for me to reject his kindness”

“That is right! You just scared me. For a minute there, I thought that you really wanted to sell your formula away for three hundred thousand yuan. My heart nearly exploded!” Kang Xiaobo sighed in relief. “Boss, this money belongs to you. I have to go to shantytown to pick up Xiaofen to take her back to the company,”

These few weeks, Kang Xiaobo had been going back to the company to learn from Fatty Lai and Fatty Lai’s friends. During this time, Kang Xiaobo had absorbed a lot of theoretical knowledge; he didn’t have any opportunity to use it in practice. Kang Xiaobo treasured this valuable learning period, but he was looking forward to when he could put it to good use.

It was the same situation for Yu Xiaofen. Even if she couldn’t move around easily, she would accompany Kang Xiaobo every day. Yu Xiaofen’s house was demolished, and their new apartment wasn’t ready, so they rented an interim apartment nearby.

“This money, you can keep it. Get yourself a driver’s license and buy a car. That way you can drive Xiaofen around more conveniently and buy appliances for Xiaofen’s house,” Lin Yi didn’t care for the money in the suitcase. He didn’t feel like carrying a suitcase of cash back to the school.

“How… could I do that?” Kang Xiaobo said in a surprised tone. He never thought about taking the money. He was one of Lin Yi’s followers, but Kang Xiaobo was very self-conscious. The thought never crossed his mind, he was going to hand the suitcase back over before leaving for the company.

“It’s nothing big, just hold onto the money,” Lin Yi gave a solid pat on Kang Xiaobo’s shoulders.

Lin Yi was a clear-cut person, he treated his friends generously and his enemies poorly. So whenever his enemies approached him, he would burn them whenever he had the opportunity. Just like before, when Kang Zhaoming handed away the free money—three hundred thousand yuans.

Kang Xiaobo didn’t help Lin Yi with anything at all, but Lin Yi didn’t mind. Ever since Zhong Pinliang’s attack had been thwarted by Kang Xiaobo, Lin Yi knew that their friendship was worth more than gold. Friendship was not about asking each other for benefits, and Lin Yi wasn’t such a heartless person to forget about him.

“In that case… then I will graciously accept it! Thank you Boss!” Kang Xiaobo heard Lin Yi’s words and nodded as he clenched the heavy suitcase even tighter in his grasp.

Chapter 864: Messed With Once Again

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

As Kang Xiaobo was about to open his mouth to reject the offer, Lin Yi spoke up first.

“Three hundred thousand yuan, Xiaobo take the money. It is a gift from your cousin. There is no reason for you to reject his kind offer!” Lin Yi said as he got up to take the suitcase.

Kang Zhaoming was very happy. He was thinking that this Lin Yi wasn’t so unlikeable after all. At the moment of need, he came through to aid his cause. Lin Yi was definitely a greedy person, but that quality would make him predictable and easy to manipulate. Kang Zhaoming was also a greedy person. With Lin Yi as Kang Xiaobo’s boss, it made things a lot easier to negotiate!

“Yeah! It is as brother Lin has said. With this much money, there is no reason to reject it!” Kang Zhaoming smiled evilly. There was a second part to Kang Zhaoming’s sentence that he didn’t mention at all, it was that if you take the money of others then you have to help them solve their problems.

Kang Xiaobo was shocked by Lin Yi’s actions. Why would Lin Yi allow him to take the money? Wouldn’t that mean handing over the formula over to Kang Zhaoming? Kang Xiaobo was hesitating with his actions. He wanted to speak up and ask, but was even more afraid of screwing up Lin Yi’s plans.

“Xiaobo, it is just some formula? As Vice CEO, you should’ve had the chance to read memos on corporate secrets. Then you can just hand the formula over to your cousin, wouldn’t that work?” Lin Yi glanced at Kang Xiaobo. Then he continued to speak “As for the procurement of the raw material, I think that would be hard, but you should try anyway!”

“Yes, that is exactly it. Get me the formula first!” Kang Zhaoming insisted. As long as he had some sort of leverage, he could use it as evidence to report Kang Xiaobo for bribery charges. Once it got to that point, he could demand whatever information he wanted.

“Ah, formula? That wouldn’t be a problem!” Lin Yi promised with a fist to his chest. “Right, Kang Xiaobo?”

“That… wouldn’t be impossible…” Kang Xiaobo agreed, once he saw that Lin Yi had promised. What use would it be for him to reject? Even if he didn’t know Lin Yi’s intentions, he went along with the plan.

Kang Zhaoming didn’t think that his agenda would be reached so easily. After all the effort he had spent, he was so happy that he can just ask of it from Kang Xiaobo. After the dinner was over, they agreed to meet on a later date to meet when Kang Xiaobo had the formula in hand.

Upon leaving the restaurant, Kang Zhaoming and his henchmen left first. As for Kang Xiaobo, he was carrying a suitcase of money. Kang Xiaobo asked “Boss, what is the meaning of this? They want the formula, do we just give them the formula?”

“Oh, of course, we give it to them. Otherwise, they wasted three hundred thousand yuan for it,” Lin Yi smiled. “You don’t need to steal anything, I’ll just write it for you,”

The moment Lin Yi finished speaking, he went back into the restaurant to get a menu as a notepad to write on. On the empty white spaces of the menu, he wrote Kang Xiaobo the formula. Then he said “Here you go, just phone Kang Zhaoming whenever you want”

“Oh? Is this the real formula?” Kang Xiaobo thought that it was unfathomable to have authentic Miracle Doctor Guan’s Injury Medicine formula. To his knowledge, the formula was different from the one that Miracle Doctor Kang owned. Miracle Doctor Guan’s formula was cheaper to make and had better healing effects than Miracle Doctor Kang’s formula. How could Lin Yi just hand the formula over to Kang Zhaoming? Isn’t that the exact same thing as giving up the benefits to others?

“This is the real formula,” Lin Yi nodded while still smiling. “However, this formula is the House Kang’s Golden Creation formula. Weren’t they just suspecting of you knowing their formula? It is the perfect time to use this formula to mess with them.”

“Miracle Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation formula? Boss, how do you have it?” Kang Xiaobo had to repeat himself to make sure that he didn’t mishear it.

“I’ve seen Miracle Doctor Kang’s Golden Creation. It’s outdated because it uses a lot of rare and expensive raw materials to make. The expenses outweigh the cost of selling it, so I’ve improved the formula. My new formula is a lot cheaper and more effective,” Lin Yi shrugged. “I’m not giving them my new and improved formula, I’m just giving them back the formula that they already have, but they bought it for three hundred thousand. Isn’t that worth it?”

“It is very worth it!” Kang Xiaobo finally understood Lin Yi’s game plan. “Boss, you are so awesome! You easily gained three hundred thousand yuan from Kang Zhaoming! Very cool!”

Kang Xiaobo hated his cousin, Kang Zhaoming, and it was not a feeling that was formed overnight. If Lin Yi wasn’t there today, he wouldn’t even have sat at the same table with Kang Zhaoming! Kang Xiaobo knew that Lin Yi had a plan in mind, so he chose to follow along.

“I didn’t plan on tricking him, I just wanted to follow along to see what tricks he had up his sleeves,” Lin Yi bitterly smiled. “But, he couldn’t resist giving away three hundred thousand yuan, so there was no reason for me to reject his kindness”

“That is right! You just scared me. For a minute there, I thought that you really wanted to sell your formula away for three hundred thousand yuan. My heart nearly exploded!” Kang Xiaobo sighed in relief. “Boss, this money belongs to you. I have to go to shantytown to pick up Xiaofen to take her back to the company,”

These few weeks, Kang Xiaobo had been going back to the company to learn from Fatty Lai and Fatty Lai’s friends. During this time, Kang Xiaobo had absorbed a lot of theoretical knowledge; he didn’t have any opportunity to use it in practice. Kang Xiaobo treasured this valuable learning period, but he was looking forward to when he could put it to good use.

It was the same situation for Yu Xiaofen. Even if she couldn’t move around easily, she would accompany Kang Xiaobo every day. Yu Xiaofen’s house was demolished, and their new apartment wasn’t ready, so they rented an interim apartment nearby.

“This money, you can keep it. Get yourself a driver’s license and buy a car. That way you can drive Xiaofen around more conveniently and buy appliances for Xiaofen’s house,” Lin Yi didn’t care for the money in the suitcase. He didn’t feel like carrying a suitcase of cash back to the school.

“How… could I do that?” Kang Xiaobo said in a surprised tone. He never thought about taking the money. He was one of Lin Yi’s followers, but Kang Xiaobo was very self-conscious. The thought never crossed his mind, he was going to hand the suitcase back over before leaving for the company.

“It’s nothing big, just hold onto the money,” Lin Yi gave a solid pat on Kang Xiaobo’s shoulders.

Lin Yi was a clear-cut person, he treated his friends generously and his enemies poorly. So whenever his enemies approached him, he would burn them whenever he had the opportunity. Just like before, when Kang Zhaoming handed away the free money—three hundred thousand yuans.

Kang Xiaobo didn’t help Lin Yi with anything at all, but Lin Yi didn’t mind. Ever since Zhong Pinliang’s attack had been thwarted by Kang Xiaobo, Lin Yi knew that their friendship was worth more than gold. Friendship was not about asking each other for benefits, and Lin Yi wasn’t such a heartless person to forget about him.

“In that case… then I will graciously accept it! Thank you Boss!” Kang Xiaobo heard Lin Yi’s words and nodded as he clenched the heavy suitcase even tighter in his grasp.

Chapter 865: Sick Again After Recovering

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Sick Again After Recovering

Zhen Dazhou burned money during this time and he spent more than ten million for Yaowang to treat Zhen Yingjun’s condition. Although his mouth was no longer crooked and he wasn’t crippled, the condition transferred on his hands and ears were also healed, but new conditions appeared on Zhen Yingjun!


After Zhen Yingjun healed his hands and ears, Zhen Dazhou took him to a bath center to wash off bad luck and to celebrate his recovery. Out of sudden interest, he asked for a prostitute during his massage but found out that he became a living eunuch!

He took a few pills in a row yet nothing happened, Zhen Yingjun panicked and staggered to his father’s room next door!

How could Zhen Dazhou watch from the side after Zhen Yingjun asked for ‘special service’? He immediately asked for a girl and began to have fun with her. He heard the sudden knocking and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

This bath center was Li Cihua’s territory and Li Cihua was the one who introduced them here. It was safe according to him. Zhen Dazhou didn’t imagine that he would be disturbed so soon! Zhen Dazhou swore as he put on his bathrobe and opened the door, “Who is it!”

“Dad, it’s me, Yingjun!” Zhen Yingjun knocked on the door hurriedly.

Zhen Dazhou was nervous he thought it was the police performing a check, or a rival had found their way here. As soon as he heard it was his son knocking on the door, he immediately roared, “What the hell are you doing?! You almost made me lose my erection! What are you knocking for?”

“Huh?” Zhen Yingjun froze and cried in horror, “Dad, are you impotent too? No way!”

“That’s your fault for scaring me!” Zhen Dazhou frowned but suddenly realized something, “What do you mean by ‘too’?” You are impotent too?”

“Yes, Dad, I have an erectile problem! What do I do?” Zhen Yingjun almost cried, “I took three pills but nothing happened, it just suddenly became like this!”

Zhen Dazhou jumped back and lost interest in the woman as his sexual desire disappeared. He immediately opened the door and let Yingjun in, “Really? What on earth happened?”

“I don’t know, it just won’t…” Zhen Yingjun scowled miserably as if his father was dead, “Dad, would I become disabled?”

Zhen Dazhou only had one son and relied on him to continue the bloodline, he heard Zhen Yingjun’s words and asked, “Don’t panic. Are you sure you about this?”

“Yes, I’m sure…” Zhen Yingjun nodded, “Look, this is what it’s like now…”

Zhen Yingjun didn’t care that there was a prostitute in the room. He took off his bathrobe for Zhen Yingjun to check.

Zhen Dazhou began to panic and pointed at the girl in the room, “Leave first, this is your money! Don’t you dare go and spread this!”

As he spoke, he passed a large pile of money to her.

The girl knew that something big happened to them and didn’t dare to speak. She took the money and quickly left the room.

“Yingjun, when did it start? Were there any signs?” Zhen Dazhou asked carefully.

“No, Dad, you know that I’ve been sick this time, right? Nor did I touch any women! I came here today and I found out that something was wrong…” Zhen Yingjue said, “It was fine before. Before we came to Songshan, I went to meet a lover of mine…”

“So something went wrong after you got sick? It can’t be a residual effect, can it?” It was the only possibility Zhen Dazhou could think of.

“Perhaps. Dad, let’s go see Yaowang. He can bring a dead person back to life. He will know what to do!” Zhen Yingjun heard his father’s analysis and thought that it was the only possibility. Other than the residual effects, there were no other possibilities he could think of.

The two of them pondered and quickly changed their clothes, left the bath center and rushed towards Floating Clouds.

Sitting in Floating Clouds, Zhao Qibing looked at the list of incoming earnings and was extremely delighted, “Hahahaha, I’m a genius for coming up with this idea! I didn’t imagine that stupid Zhen Yingjun would give me ten million in a few days! It’s so easy to earn money!”

“Of course!” Li Cihua flattered, “Master Bing’s idea is great! Of course, this couldn’t be done without Yaowang!”

“I just did my job. If Master Bing didn’t think of the idea to temper with different sickness again and again, I wouldn’t be able to ask for so much money no matter how skilled I am!”

“Mhm, that’s right. Yaowang, there’s no need to be so modest. You contributed the most this time and I will talk to my father about you!” Zhao Qibing didn’t take all the credit himself. He was good at winning people’s hearts and knew how to make these people work loyally for him.

People like Zhong Fabai were all extremely loyal to him. Zhao Qibing only had to show them some kindness and in exchange, he would receive a group of loyal followers under him, so why not? And he knew that although Yaowang was the greatest contributor, House Zhao’s people would know that he was the mastermind behind it. No matter how well Yaowang did, he wouldn’t be able to take the creditor from him, the planner.

“Thank you, Master Bing!” Yaowang appreciated.

Yaowang began to learn medicine since he was three and he traveled around. At the time, he played the same tricks—making the patient worse, but he offended a wealthy family and he was almost beaten to death after getting caught. If it wasn’t for House Zhao’s owner, Zhao Qibing, he wouldn’t be who he ws today!

Hence, Yaowang appreciated House Zhao and thought that his life was given by them. No matter what House Zhao asked him, he would naturally support him diligently.

He never sought anything in return as he stayed in House Zhao with a heart to repay their kindness. Now that Zhao Qibing was going to acknowledge him, how could he not be touched? Although he didn’t care, he wished that House Zhao could value him.

“However, House Zhen is definitely wealth. Ten million, tsk tsk, not too much. We haven’t gotten the most out of them yet! It’ll be nice if we can get a bit more from them!” Zhao Qibing replied regretfully.

“Don’t worry, Master Bing. I did something to Zhen Yingjun and I believe they will be here soon. After that, more money will fall into your pocket!” Yaowang smiled.

Chapter 865: Sick Again After Recovering

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Sick Again After Recovering

Zhen Dazhou burned money during this time and he spent more than ten million for Yaowang to treat Zhen Yingjun’s condition. Although his mouth was no longer crooked and he wasn’t crippled, the condition transferred on his hands and ears were also healed, but new conditions appeared on Zhen Yingjun!


After Zhen Yingjun healed his hands and ears, Zhen Dazhou took him to a bath center to wash off bad luck and to celebrate his recovery. Out of sudden interest, he asked for a prostitute during his massage but found out that he became a living eunuch!

He took a few pills in a row yet nothing happened, Zhen Yingjun panicked and staggered to his father’s room next door!

How could Zhen Dazhou watch from the side after Zhen Yingjun asked for ‘special service’? He immediately asked for a girl and began to have fun with her. He heard the sudden knocking and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

This bath center was Li Cihua’s territory and Li Cihua was the one who introduced them here. It was safe according to him. Zhen Dazhou didn’t imagine that he would be disturbed so soon! Zhen Dazhou swore as he put on his bathrobe and opened the door, “Who is it!”

“Dad, it’s me, Yingjun!” Zhen Yingjun knocked on the door hurriedly.

Zhen Dazhou was nervous he thought it was the police performing a check, or a rival had found their way here. As soon as he heard it was his son knocking on the door, he immediately roared, “What the hell are you doing?! You almost made me lose my erection! What are you knocking for?”

“Huh?” Zhen Yingjun froze and cried in horror, “Dad, are you impotent too? No way!”

“That’s your fault for scaring me!” Zhen Dazhou frowned but suddenly realized something, “What do you mean by ‘too’?” You are impotent too?”

“Yes, Dad, I have an erectile problem! What do I do?” Zhen Yingjun almost cried, “I took three pills but nothing happened, it just suddenly became like this!”

Zhen Dazhou jumped back and lost interest in the woman as his sexual desire disappeared. He immediately opened the door and let Yingjun in, “Really? What on earth happened?”

“I don’t know, it just won’t…” Zhen Yingjun scowled miserably as if his father was dead, “Dad, would I become disabled?”

Zhen Dazhou only had one son and relied on him to continue the bloodline, he heard Zhen Yingjun’s words and asked, “Don’t panic. Are you sure you about this?”

“Yes, I’m sure…” Zhen Yingjun nodded, “Look, this is what it’s like now…”

Zhen Yingjun didn’t care that there was a prostitute in the room. He took off his bathrobe for Zhen Yingjun to check.

Zhen Dazhou began to panic and pointed at the girl in the room, “Leave first, this is your money! Don’t you dare go and spread this!”

As he spoke, he passed a large pile of money to her.

The girl knew that something big happened to them and didn’t dare to speak. She took the money and quickly left the room.

“Yingjun, when did it start? Were there any signs?” Zhen Dazhou asked carefully.

“No, Dad, you know that I’ve been sick this time, right? Nor did I touch any women! I came here today and I found out that something was wrong…” Zhen Yingjue said, “It was fine before. Before we came to Songshan, I went to meet a lover of mine…”

“So something went wrong after you got sick? It can’t be a residual effect, can it?” It was the only possibility Zhen Dazhou could think of.

“Perhaps. Dad, let’s go see Yaowang. He can bring a dead person back to life. He will know what to do!” Zhen Yingjun heard his father’s analysis and thought that it was the only possibility. Other than the residual effects, there were no other possibilities he could think of.

The two of them pondered and quickly changed their clothes, left the bath center and rushed towards Floating Clouds.

Sitting in Floating Clouds, Zhao Qibing looked at the list of incoming earnings and was extremely delighted, “Hahahaha, I’m a genius for coming up with this idea! I didn’t imagine that stupid Zhen Yingjun would give me ten million in a few days! It’s so easy to earn money!”

“Of course!” Li Cihua flattered, “Master Bing’s idea is great! Of course, this couldn’t be done without Yaowang!”

“I just did my job. If Master Bing didn’t think of the idea to temper with different sickness again and again, I wouldn’t be able to ask for so much money no matter how skilled I am!”

“Mhm, that’s right. Yaowang, there’s no need to be so modest. You contributed the most this time and I will talk to my father about you!” Zhao Qibing didn’t take all the credit himself. He was good at winning people’s hearts and knew how to make these people work loyally for him.

People like Zhong Fabai were all extremely loyal to him. Zhao Qibing only had to show them some kindness and in exchange, he would receive a group of loyal followers under him, so why not? And he knew that although Yaowang was the greatest contributor, House Zhao’s people would know that he was the mastermind behind it. No matter how well Yaowang did, he wouldn’t be able to take the creditor from him, the planner.

“Thank you, Master Bing!” Yaowang appreciated.

Yaowang began to learn medicine since he was three and he traveled around. At the time, he played the same tricks—making the patient worse, but he offended a wealthy family and he was almost beaten to death after getting caught. If it wasn’t for House Zhao’s owner, Zhao Qibing, he wouldn’t be who he ws today!

Hence, Yaowang appreciated House Zhao and thought that his life was given by them. No matter what House Zhao asked him, he would naturally support him diligently.

He never sought anything in return as he stayed in House Zhao with a heart to repay their kindness. Now that Zhao Qibing was going to acknowledge him, how could he not be touched? Although he didn’t care, he wished that House Zhao could value him.

“However, House Zhen is definitely wealth. Ten million, tsk tsk, not too much. We haven’t gotten the most out of them yet! It’ll be nice if we can get a bit more from them!” Zhao Qibing replied regretfully.

“Don’t worry, Master Bing. I did something to Zhen Yingjun and I believe they will be here soon. After that, more money will fall into your pocket!” Yaowang smiled.

Chapter 866: Putting Blame on Lin Yi

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Putting Blame on Lin Yi

“Oh, really? But if we do that, will they suspect it?” Zhao Qibing wasn’t stupid. Although he was greedy, he didn’t want to ruin his reputation because of it, “We want long term benefits, not Zhen Yingjun’s money only! It will be bad if they suspect us for it…”

“They won’t. I did it subtly and they aren’t smart enough to discover that,” Yaowang waved his hands confidently, “They won’t be able to find out even if they go to the hospital!”

“That’s good, it’s fine as long as it doesn’t drag us into is,” Zhao Qibing nodded in satisfaction.

“Of course not! It won’t only not drag us into it, but they will send us money again!” Yaowang laughed coldly, “Master Bing, wait for my show!”

“Good, good. I’ll wait for that idiot to come and give me money!” Zhao Qibing nodded happily.

Yaowang was right, Su Jiaoran ran inside and informed, “Master Bing, Zhen Yingjun and his father came back, asking to see Yaowang!”

“Let them in,” Zhao Qibing couldn’t wait. The quicker he earned money, the more he wanted.

Su Jiaonang quickly brought Zhen Dazhou, Zhen Yingjun and his father to the back room. As soon as Zhen Dazhou came in, he roared, “Yaowang, what on earth did you do? Why is it getting worse? There’s something wrong with the places that were fine before!”

Although Zhen Dazhou was a vulgar person, he was sensitive in some way. He knew that he couldn’t blame it all on the residual effects of the previous conditions. In order for him to spend less money on Yaowang to heal his son, he could only cry about it first.

“Zhen Dazhou, be careful with what you say! Is this where you can act so arrogant? Even if we are on your territory, don’t be so ruthless in front of me!” Zhao Qibing frowned unhappily yet his heart beat faster. Did Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Yingjun found out about it?

Zhen Dazhou froze. Indeed, he only thought of asking Yaowang to treat his son’s body and ignored the fact that he was in Zhao Qibing’s territory! He didn’t dare to offend Zhao Qibing; the influence that Zhao Qibing had could easily destroy his family. His dull face immediately turned into smiles filled face, “Master Bing, don’t be angry…”

“Humph, talk nicely! Don’t you dare think that you are the God just because you paid for Yaowang to look at your son! Here, none of our customers is God!” Zhao Qibing twitched his lips and sneered coldly after seeing that Zhen Dazhou no longer dared to make a scene, “We don’t even take in ordinary people who wish to see Yaowang!”

“Yes, yes!” Zhen Dazhou didn’t dare to say much after seeing how domineering Zhao Qibing was. He laughed bitterly, “Master Bing, Yaowang, please help me having a look at Yingjun…”

“Didn’t I heal Zhen Yingjun? What else?” Yaowang pretended to be confused and asked.

“No, he’s still sick!” Zhen Dazhou quickly replied.

“He’s still sick? I can’t see it! His mouth isn’t crooked nor is his ear, his hands and feet are also fine. He’s a handsome boy, how is he sick?” Yaowang studied Zhen Yingjun closely.

“No, not on the surface!” Zhen Dazhou replied, “Yingjun is impotent!”

“Impotent?” Yaowang froze. Zhao Qibing and Li Cihua who were watching on the side also pretended to widen their mouth in shock, stared at Zhen Yingjun in shock, “How? Since when did you find out that you are impotent?”

“Just then!” Zhen Yingjun panicked, “My Dad took me to the bath center that was under Cihua bro, so I was thinking that I should bathe to wash off bad luck. I then asked for a miss, but nothing happened even after I took three pills!”

“Were you like this before?” Yaowang frowned and asked.

“No! Why would I ask for a miss if I knew?” Zhen Yingjun quickly shook his head, “I can’t possibly offend Lin Yi just for those two girls!”

“If you aren’t sick, why did you take so many pills?” Yaowang coldly laughed silently. You weren’t sick before, but too much yin energy in your kidney! This was the information he found out previously.

“Well…” Zhen Yingjun was embarrassed and laughed dryly, “I’m not that long-lasting…”

Yaowang nodded and looked at Zhen Yingjun carefully, “Fine. Give me your hand and let me feel your pulse.”

“Okay!” Zhen Yingjun quickly gave his hand to Yaowang and Yaowang pretended to check his pulse. In fact, he was the one who caused Zhen Yingjun’s problem and there was no need to check, he was merely doing it for Zhen Yingjun and his father.

After a moment, Yaowang frowned. He didn’t speak but closed his eyes, lost in thoughts. Zhen Yingjun and his father were horrified was there something wrong?

Zhen Dazhou counted on Zhen Yingjun to continue the bloodline, how should he do now that Zhen Yingjun was disabled? Wouldn’t he lose his bloodline?

Zhen Yingjun didn’t think as far as that, but he was also afraid that he wouldn’t be able to play with women in the future. He will lose the biggest hobby in life.

“You aren’t sick,” Yaowang finally spoke after a long time of silence.

“Not sick?” Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Yingjun both widened their eyes in shock and stared at Yaowang in disbelief. Zhen Yingjun screamed, “How can I not be sick? That’s the truth! Yaowang, if you don’t believe me, I’ll take off my pants and show you!”

“There’s no need to do that,” Yaowang waved his hands, “I said that you are fine because you are indeed not sick. But you said that you are impotent, it exists.”

“Oh? How does that go?” Zhen Yingjun was confused.

“You are not impotent from a sickness, but someone did something to you!” Yaowang sighed and looked at Zhen Yingjun sympathetically, “I didn’t imagine Lin Yi to be so evil! He didn’t only make some symptoms on the surface, but secretly made you disabled! He truly is insidious!”

“Huh? Lin Yi again?” Zhen Yingjun heard that it was because of Lin Yi and immediately raged, “Dad, this Lin Yi is too evil! I’m going to kill him!”

Zhen Dazhou was also furious. He didn’t think that Lin Yi was bad enough to leave his son with an incurable disease, “Yingjun, don’t worry, I will get him back for this!”

“Alright, enough. Do you want to fight Lin Yi first or cure your son first?” Yaowang frowned and pretended to be unhappy while laughing inside.

Chapter 866: Putting Blame on Lin Yi

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Putting Blame on Lin Yi

“Oh, really? But if we do that, will they suspect it?” Zhao Qibing wasn’t stupid. Although he was greedy, he didn’t want to ruin his reputation because of it, “We want long term benefits, not Zhen Yingjun’s money only! It will be bad if they suspect us for it…”

“They won’t. I did it subtly and they aren’t smart enough to discover that,” Yaowang waved his hands confidently, “They won’t be able to find out even if they go to the hospital!”

“That’s good, it’s fine as long as it doesn’t drag us into is,” Zhao Qibing nodded in satisfaction.

“Of course not! It won’t only not drag us into it, but they will send us money again!” Yaowang laughed coldly, “Master Bing, wait for my show!”

“Good, good. I’ll wait for that idiot to come and give me money!” Zhao Qibing nodded happily.

Yaowang was right, Su Jiaoran ran inside and informed, “Master Bing, Zhen Yingjun and his father came back, asking to see Yaowang!”

“Let them in,” Zhao Qibing couldn’t wait. The quicker he earned money, the more he wanted.

Su Jiaonang quickly brought Zhen Dazhou, Zhen Yingjun and his father to the back room. As soon as Zhen Dazhou came in, he roared, “Yaowang, what on earth did you do? Why is it getting worse? There’s something wrong with the places that were fine before!”

Although Zhen Dazhou was a vulgar person, he was sensitive in some way. He knew that he couldn’t blame it all on the residual effects of the previous conditions. In order for him to spend less money on Yaowang to heal his son, he could only cry about it first.

“Zhen Dazhou, be careful with what you say! Is this where you can act so arrogant? Even if we are on your territory, don’t be so ruthless in front of me!” Zhao Qibing frowned unhappily yet his heart beat faster. Did Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Yingjun found out about it?

Zhen Dazhou froze. Indeed, he only thought of asking Yaowang to treat his son’s body and ignored the fact that he was in Zhao Qibing’s territory! He didn’t dare to offend Zhao Qibing; the influence that Zhao Qibing had could easily destroy his family. His dull face immediately turned into smiles filled face, “Master Bing, don’t be angry…”

“Humph, talk nicely! Don’t you dare think that you are the God just because you paid for Yaowang to look at your son! Here, none of our customers is God!” Zhao Qibing twitched his lips and sneered coldly after seeing that Zhen Dazhou no longer dared to make a scene, “We don’t even take in ordinary people who wish to see Yaowang!”

“Yes, yes!” Zhen Dazhou didn’t dare to say much after seeing how domineering Zhao Qibing was. He laughed bitterly, “Master Bing, Yaowang, please help me having a look at Yingjun…”

“Didn’t I heal Zhen Yingjun? What else?” Yaowang pretended to be confused and asked.

“No, he’s still sick!” Zhen Dazhou quickly replied.

“He’s still sick? I can’t see it! His mouth isn’t crooked nor is his ear, his hands and feet are also fine. He’s a handsome boy, how is he sick?” Yaowang studied Zhen Yingjun closely.

“No, not on the surface!” Zhen Dazhou replied, “Yingjun is impotent!”

“Impotent?” Yaowang froze. Zhao Qibing and Li Cihua who were watching on the side also pretended to widen their mouth in shock, stared at Zhen Yingjun in shock, “How? Since when did you find out that you are impotent?”

“Just then!” Zhen Yingjun panicked, “My Dad took me to the bath center that was under Cihua bro, so I was thinking that I should bathe to wash off bad luck. I then asked for a miss, but nothing happened even after I took three pills!”

“Were you like this before?” Yaowang frowned and asked.

“No! Why would I ask for a miss if I knew?” Zhen Yingjun quickly shook his head, “I can’t possibly offend Lin Yi just for those two girls!”

“If you aren’t sick, why did you take so many pills?” Yaowang coldly laughed silently. You weren’t sick before, but too much yin energy in your kidney! This was the information he found out previously.

“Well…” Zhen Yingjun was embarrassed and laughed dryly, “I’m not that long-lasting…”

Yaowang nodded and looked at Zhen Yingjun carefully, “Fine. Give me your hand and let me feel your pulse.”

“Okay!” Zhen Yingjun quickly gave his hand to Yaowang and Yaowang pretended to check his pulse. In fact, he was the one who caused Zhen Yingjun’s problem and there was no need to check, he was merely doing it for Zhen Yingjun and his father.

After a moment, Yaowang frowned. He didn’t speak but closed his eyes, lost in thoughts. Zhen Yingjun and his father were horrified was there something wrong?

Zhen Dazhou counted on Zhen Yingjun to continue the bloodline, how should he do now that Zhen Yingjun was disabled? Wouldn’t he lose his bloodline?

Zhen Yingjun didn’t think as far as that, but he was also afraid that he wouldn’t be able to play with women in the future. He will lose the biggest hobby in life.

“You aren’t sick,” Yaowang finally spoke after a long time of silence.

“Not sick?” Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Yingjun both widened their eyes in shock and stared at Yaowang in disbelief. Zhen Yingjun screamed, “How can I not be sick? That’s the truth! Yaowang, if you don’t believe me, I’ll take off my pants and show you!”

“There’s no need to do that,” Yaowang waved his hands, “I said that you are fine because you are indeed not sick. But you said that you are impotent, it exists.”

“Oh? How does that go?” Zhen Yingjun was confused.

“You are not impotent from a sickness, but someone did something to you!” Yaowang sighed and looked at Zhen Yingjun sympathetically, “I didn’t imagine Lin Yi to be so evil! He didn’t only make some symptoms on the surface, but secretly made you disabled! He truly is insidious!”

“Huh? Lin Yi again?” Zhen Yingjun heard that it was because of Lin Yi and immediately raged, “Dad, this Lin Yi is too evil! I’m going to kill him!”

Zhen Dazhou was also furious. He didn’t think that Lin Yi was bad enough to leave his son with an incurable disease, “Yingjun, don’t worry, I will get him back for this!”

“Alright, enough. Do you want to fight Lin Yi first or cure your son first?” Yaowang frowned and pretended to be unhappy while laughing inside.

Chapter 867: Price Is Too Low

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Price Is Too Low

Zhao Qibing held grudges against Lin Yi. If he could shift that onto Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Yingjun, wouldn’t he be hitting two birds with one stone if he made those two fight Lin Yi? Yaowang thought his idea was great and Master Bing would complement him again.

“Treat him, of course, we should treat me first!” Zhen Yingjun quickly replied, “Yaowang, can you fix my problem?”

“Yes, I can, but it’s difficult!” Yaowang sighed, “To me, there is nothing I can’t cure. However, there are different difficulties. I wasted too much pure energy when I treated you previously. This isn’t a small problem either; I need a lot of pure energy for it…”

“Yaowang, don’t worry, I will pay you enough. How much do you want, tell me!” Zhen Dazhou heard that his son could be cured and quickly offered.

“Well, you have to ask Master Bing about that. If I use all my pure energy on you, I won’t be able to save others who come to me in the future. When that time comes, I will lose a lot!” Yaowang made it more difficult for them, “I’ll treat Yingjun after I gain my energy back fully, how about that? It’ll be cheaper then!”

“But… How long do I have to wait?” Zhen Dazhou didn’t have much money left. He brought fifty million to Songshan to invest in the gambling cruise but he already spent more than ten million to treat his son’s illness.

From Yaowang’s words, he would have to pay much more than before to treat his son. He hesitated; if it will be cheaper after he waited for a while, so why not do that?

“Three to five years,” Yaowang replied indifferently.

“Huh?” Zhen Yingjun and Zhen Dazhou froze as they stared at each other. Three to five years? Zhen Dazhou thought that the wait was a few days to at most a month, how did they expect it to be a few years? Wasn’t that too long?

Zhen Yingjun couldn’t wait for that long. If something else happened then or if he couldn’t find Yaowang, wouldn’t he stay a eunuch for his entire life? Zhen Yingjun couldn’t help but look at Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Dazhou obviously thought of the same thing. How could they wait? If they kept waiting and a new problem occurred, his House Zhen would have no inheritor!

Zhen Dazhou clenched his teeth, “Master Bing, money isn’t a problem, as long as you can heal my son, money isn’t a problem!”

“Well…” Master Bing hesitated, “Well, it’s not that I don’t want to, but life has a price, yet pure energy is priceless!”

Zhen Dazhou wanted to swear upon hearing Master Bing’s words. What kind of logic was that? Life has a price, but pure energy is priceless? However, Zhen Dazhou didn’t dare to rage and retained his anger, “It’s fine, tell me how much.”

“Thirty million, at least…” Zhao Qibing replied indifferently.

“Huh?” Zhen Dazhou was dumbfounded at the price. Although he predicted that it won’t be cheap, he didn’t think it would be that much! Thirty million, he earned this money little by little in Donghai and it will be gone like this?

“Master Bing, the price…” Yaowang heard the price but he hesitated.

Zhen Dazhou heard Yaowang’s words and was delighted. It looked like Yaowang thought that the price was too high as well and he wanted to talk for him? Yaowang surely is a great person! He quickly followed, “Yes, yes, the price, it’s really…”

“It’s too low!” Yaowang continued, “My pure energy is priceless!”

Zhen Dazhou heard Yaowang’s words and almost spat out blood. So Yaowang thought that the price was too low, not too high? He was stupid enough to follow his words, he was an idiot!

“Oh? Zhen Dazhou, do you also think so? It looks like I’m too kind to give such a low price!” Zhao Qibing mocked himself and shook his head, “If you think so, you can add more money…”

“Well… Hehe, haha, I’m rather tight with money these days, thirty million, thirty million it is…” Zhen Dazhou rubbed his scalp awkwardly as he agreed to thirty million. How could he not? Perhaps it would become forty million soon.

“Mhm. Thirty million it is then. Since I already said it, what do you think, Yaowang?” Zhao Qibing looked at Yaowang and asked.

“Okay. Whatever Master Bing says,” Yaowang nodded.

“Thank you, Master Bing, I shall go and get the money ready…” Zhen Dazhou said, “I will leave with Yingjun first. We will come back when we get enough money!”

“Dad, why don’t you go get the money and I stay here for the treatment?” Zhen Yingjun didn’t understand why his father made him leave too.

“How can we do that? How can Yaowang treat you without money? How immature!” Zhen Dazhou glared at Zhen Yingjun and scolded.

Zhen Yingjun had no other way but to follow his father out of the bar. He asked strangely, “Dad, why did you drag me out? Isn’t better for me to treat it first to avoid further problems?”

“We came here in a hurry, thinking that it was residual effects from before, but it looks like it’s not the case at all. So I was thinking that we go to the hospital first? What if they can heal it? We won’t have to spend this money in vain!” Zhen Dazhou wasn’t stupid.

“That’s true. I panicked too much!” Zhen Yingjun heard it and agreed as he quickly nodded, “true. We can use this money on anything. We shouldn’t use it all on this!”

They talked and caught a taxi to the hospital. However, they went to People’s First Hospital and others like Specialised Hospital for Men, none of them could figure out what was wrong with him. Yaowang was correct, he wasn’t sick; how could the hospitals figure it out?

It was completely Yaowang’s doing, they needed him to solve the problem. How could anyone else do it?

After they left the hospitals, they completely believed what Yaowang said. Zhen Dazhou sighed, “It looks like you really isn’t sick. It’s that Lin Yi who did that to you. Even these big hospitals said you aren’t sick, it looks like only Yaowang will be able to cure you!”

“Lin Yi, I’m going to cut you into pieces!” Zhen Yingjun clenched his teeth. He only kicked an old lady whom he had never seen before, but who she to Lin Yi for making Lin Yi do such terrible things to him? What grudges did he have against Lin YI to make him do that?

Chapter 867: Price Is Too Low

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Price Is Too Low

Zhao Qibing held grudges against Lin Yi. If he could shift that onto Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Yingjun, wouldn’t he be hitting two birds with one stone if he made those two fight Lin Yi? Yaowang thought his idea was great and Master Bing would complement him again.

“Treat him, of course, we should treat me first!” Zhen Yingjun quickly replied, “Yaowang, can you fix my problem?”

“Yes, I can, but it’s difficult!” Yaowang sighed, “To me, there is nothing I can’t cure. However, there are different difficulties. I wasted too much pure energy when I treated you previously. This isn’t a small problem either; I need a lot of pure energy for it…”

“Yaowang, don’t worry, I will pay you enough. How much do you want, tell me!” Zhen Dazhou heard that his son could be cured and quickly offered.

“Well, you have to ask Master Bing about that. If I use all my pure energy on you, I won’t be able to save others who come to me in the future. When that time comes, I will lose a lot!” Yaowang made it more difficult for them, “I’ll treat Yingjun after I gain my energy back fully, how about that? It’ll be cheaper then!”

“But… How long do I have to wait?” Zhen Dazhou didn’t have much money left. He brought fifty million to Songshan to invest in the gambling cruise but he already spent more than ten million to treat his son’s illness.

From Yaowang’s words, he would have to pay much more than before to treat his son. He hesitated; if it will be cheaper after he waited for a while, so why not do that?

“Three to five years,” Yaowang replied indifferently.

“Huh?” Zhen Yingjun and Zhen Dazhou froze as they stared at each other. Three to five years? Zhen Dazhou thought that the wait was a few days to at most a month, how did they expect it to be a few years? Wasn’t that too long?

Zhen Yingjun couldn’t wait for that long. If something else happened then or if he couldn’t find Yaowang, wouldn’t he stay a eunuch for his entire life? Zhen Yingjun couldn’t help but look at Zhen Dazhou and Zhen Dazhou obviously thought of the same thing. How could they wait? If they kept waiting and a new problem occurred, his House Zhen would have no inheritor!

Zhen Dazhou clenched his teeth, “Master Bing, money isn’t a problem, as long as you can heal my son, money isn’t a problem!”

“Well…” Master Bing hesitated, “Well, it’s not that I don’t want to, but life has a price, yet pure energy is priceless!”

Zhen Dazhou wanted to swear upon hearing Master Bing’s words. What kind of logic was that? Life has a price, but pure energy is priceless? However, Zhen Dazhou didn’t dare to rage and retained his anger, “It’s fine, tell me how much.”

“Thirty million, at least…” Zhao Qibing replied indifferently.

“Huh?” Zhen Dazhou was dumbfounded at the price. Although he predicted that it won’t be cheap, he didn’t think it would be that much! Thirty million, he earned this money little by little in Donghai and it will be gone like this?

“Master Bing, the price…” Yaowang heard the price but he hesitated.

Zhen Dazhou heard Yaowang’s words and was delighted. It looked like Yaowang thought that the price was too high as well and he wanted to talk for him? Yaowang surely is a great person! He quickly followed, “Yes, yes, the price, it’s really…”

“It’s too low!” Yaowang continued, “My pure energy is priceless!”

Zhen Dazhou heard Yaowang’s words and almost spat out blood. So Yaowang thought that the price was too low, not too high? He was stupid enough to follow his words, he was an idiot!

“Oh? Zhen Dazhou, do you also think so? It looks like I’m too kind to give such a low price!” Zhao Qibing mocked himself and shook his head, “If you think so, you can add more money…”

“Well… Hehe, haha, I’m rather tight with money these days, thirty million, thirty million it is…” Zhen Dazhou rubbed his scalp awkwardly as he agreed to thirty million. How could he not? Perhaps it would become forty million soon.

“Mhm. Thirty million it is then. Since I already said it, what do you think, Yaowang?” Zhao Qibing looked at Yaowang and asked.

“Okay. Whatever Master Bing says,” Yaowang nodded.

“Thank you, Master Bing, I shall go and get the money ready…” Zhen Dazhou said, “I will leave with Yingjun first. We will come back when we get enough money!”

“Dad, why don’t you go get the money and I stay here for the treatment?” Zhen Yingjun didn’t understand why his father made him leave too.

“How can we do that? How can Yaowang treat you without money? How immature!” Zhen Dazhou glared at Zhen Yingjun and scolded.

Zhen Yingjun had no other way but to follow his father out of the bar. He asked strangely, “Dad, why did you drag me out? Isn’t better for me to treat it first to avoid further problems?”

“We came here in a hurry, thinking that it was residual effects from before, but it looks like it’s not the case at all. So I was thinking that we go to the hospital first? What if they can heal it? We won’t have to spend this money in vain!” Zhen Dazhou wasn’t stupid.

“That’s true. I panicked too much!” Zhen Yingjun heard it and agreed as he quickly nodded, “true. We can use this money on anything. We shouldn’t use it all on this!”

They talked and caught a taxi to the hospital. However, they went to People’s First Hospital and others like Specialised Hospital for Men, none of them could figure out what was wrong with him. Yaowang was correct, he wasn’t sick; how could the hospitals figure it out?

It was completely Yaowang’s doing, they needed him to solve the problem. How could anyone else do it?

After they left the hospitals, they completely believed what Yaowang said. Zhen Dazhou sighed, “It looks like you really isn’t sick. It’s that Lin Yi who did that to you. Even these big hospitals said you aren’t sick, it looks like only Yaowang will be able to cure you!”

“Lin Yi, I’m going to cut you into pieces!” Zhen Yingjun clenched his teeth. He only kicked an old lady whom he had never seen before, but who she to Lin Yi for making Lin Yi do such terrible things to him? What grudges did he have against Lin YI to make him do that?

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