Snow Flower (TAEUN)

By Slowmmo334

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Eighteen-year-old Naeun never thought that life could be like a roller-coaster: exhilarating but also terrify... More

The Beginning of Everything
A Very Unexpected Introduction
A Different Point of View
Starlight Resort
To the Snowy Mountains
A Proper Introduction
Mystery Misery
A Day To Remember
Blooming Feelings
Game On
Closer Than Ever
Heartfelt Reality
Golden Confession
Forgotten Nightmare
"I Remember..."
"Thank You..."
What You Mean To Me
Day of Judgement

Change of Plans

198 8 0
By Slowmmo334

Taemin cursed.

Kai had beaten him to the bathroom and took forever to finish showering. The only thing that prompted him to hurry up was when Taemin had to mention his "outing" with Naeun.

"First of all, ouch for not inviting us, and second of all, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO SOONER?!" Kai exclaimed as he exited the bathroom. It wasn't that Taemin didn't want Kai and Key to tag along. He just wanted some quality time with the girl, and could you really blame the guy? He admitted his feelings for Naeun are far more than the typical "I like her as a sister", or "I like her as a friend", but this was the first time he felt that way. He hoped to spend a day with her alone could help resolve his feelings for her but that wouldn't happen if he reached the bus station late! Fortunately, the bus was still there and relief washed over him when he saw Naeun with...L?

What the, his mind started racing as he power-walked towards them.

"Yah! Let go of me!" Naeun yelled. Anger burned inside Taemin's chest. Within seconds, he reached the two students and broke L's grip from Naeun's.


His icy glare met L's, "Back off," he growled.

"Finders keepers, Taemin," L shot back. The fire in Taemin's chest threatened to explode. A crowd of students had circled them, some recording the scene. He simmered down the burning inferno. Exploding in front of an audience would only feed L's hunger for attention and entertainment. He wasn't about to make a scene for the brat and definitely not in front of Naeun.

"She's not some toy for you to keep."

L scoffed, his patience wearing thin. "Gee Taemin," he said, "Do you really think that lowly of me?"

"Yes." Taemin's blunt answer triggered the crack in the dam. "You little piece of-"

"What is going on here?!" A familiar voice bellowed outside the circle of students. They made way for the approaching figure; it was the school's discipline mistress, Ms. Lou.

"I leave you out of my sight for a few days and already you are causing a ruckus at a tourist area. You should be ashamed of yourselves," she reprimanded the two boys.

"Myungsoo, don't make the bus captain wait and get into the vehicle now." L glared back at her, "Tsk, you're not the boss of me, you old hag."

Her nostrils flared, "Unless you want me to drag your sorry butt back to Seoul myself Mr.Kim, I suggest you do as I say." The said boy scoffed one last time picking up his snowboard and boarded the bus. Ms. Lou turned to face Naeun and Taemin, "As for the two of you, I suggest you go to the mountains another day." She then addressed the crowd of students, "If I or any of the staff members find your videos posted on any social platform, I promise you there will be some dire consequences. Am I clear students?"

Some sighed while others nodded solemnly. "Yes, Ms. Lou," everyone said in unison before they dispersed to do their own activities. Ms. Lou entered the hotel, possibly to apologize to the manager for her students' behavior. Naeun and Taemin were the only ones left standing at the bus station.

"Kwenchana?" Taemin asked, his cold expression gone, replaced by one of concern. Naeun gave him a reassuring smile, "Eung." His eyes caught the scarf that laid tucked in her coat. He couldn't but smile at the sight of it."You wore it," he said. She touched the scarf, "You wanted to see me wear it, remember?" she winked at him, but Taemin's smile had turned into a frown.

"Mianhae," he said, "If I'd come earlier, none of this would've happened." Naeun shook her head, "None of that would've happened if L hadn't forced me to go with him. You saved me, again. Thank you...again."

Taemin chuckled, "Guess you owe me twice now, huh?"

Guess she did.


"Aigoo, I wished I had been there. I would've clawed out that puny mouth of his and have it sent off to Santa Barbara!"

Krystal and the others had gathered around the fireplace in the lobby where Taemin and Naeun informed them about the little incident that happened.

"Like you have the guts to," Kai teased. She scoffed at him, "Please, I can take him with my eyes closed! Honestly, that d**k's been ruining everyone's life ever since he joined our school!" The boys stared at her, bewildered. Krystal always came off as a cheerful, friendly type of person. They never expected such colorful words to come out of her mouth.

"Woah, mind your profanities there Kriss," Key exclaimed as he fanned her face with his hand.

"You haven't heard the worst she's got," Eunji responded, her head resting on her hand.

"So, now what do we do?" Naeun asked. With her and Taemin's suspension from the mountains, her whole plan was ruined. Taemin had suggested the amusement park, but Krystal told him that most of the rides were closed due to bad weather. They weren't keen to go ice skating again either.

Krystal stood up from her seat, "You know what, we've all had a pretty rough morning, so why not we just do stuff together right here in the hotel?" Kai raised his eyebrows, "Like what?" She shrugged, "I don't know, what do you boys normally do during slumber parties?"

"Video games," the three boys replied in unison. Krystal sighed in defeat and sat back down. Just then, an idea popped in Naeun's mind. "I've got it! Christmas is the day after tomorrow, right? Why don't we prepare for a Secret Santa?" she suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Krystal applauded. She grabbed a pen and tore a piece of paper into six small pieces. "We'll write our names down here, put them in my beanie, and each of us will pick one out from it." Everyone nodded in agreement. Once all names were in Krystal's beanie, she shook it vigorously before each person picked a paper out of it. They peeked at their respective paper simultaneously. Nobody made any reaction. They agreed to meet back at the same spot in an hour.

"Disperse!" Krystal shouted before everybody went their separate ways (technically, they didn't since the hotel had only two exit doors).


Naeun had swarmed through stores after stores, but couldn't find the perfect gift for her Secret Santa. When she entered her eighth store, she bumped into Taemin.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey yourself," she greeted back, "Have you found a gift for your Secret Santa yet?"

Taemin showed her his empty hands. Guess she wasn't the only one having trouble finding the perfect gift. They walked through two more stores before deciding to take a breather at a nearby bench, sipping hot cocoa. "Who would've thought gift hunting could be so tiring," Naeun giggled as Taemin nodded in agreement.

"Well, what does your Secret Santa like?" he asked. Naeun shrugged.

"Who did you get?" she asked. "Nah-ah, no can do kitty. My lips are sealed." She pouted at his response. After constantly poking at Taemin for a hint, he finally gave in and hinted that his Secret Santa had long hair which was a lame hint considering all three girls had long hair. At least she knew his Secret Santa was one of them.

"How about we help each other out?" Taemin gave her a confused look.

"I tell you what we like and you tell me what you and the boys like."


Naeun explained how Krystal adored anything fluffy and colorful such as a fleece blanket, or a fluffy pair of sandals that had all the colors of a rainbow. Eunji loved photography and things that were vintage like a leather journal, or an old-fashioned British tea set. Before Naeun could explain her likes, Taemin had quickly guessed arts and crafts. He was right, but she would cherish the gift more if she could keep it forever. Art materials would run out within weeks, and painted canvases would eventually be sold. She wanted her gift to be permanent.

"Your turn," she said excitedly.

Taemin explained that although Kai loved sports, he was a complete bookworm. He could finish a trilogy series in three days - maybe less if the story was intriguing. As for Key, like Naeun, he loved Art with all his heart but he also had a hobby for cooking and baking. He's crazy for hats and loved the idea of being multilingual - he wanted to travel all over the world one day.

"As for me, I love music and pretty much everything about it. I love how every melody can go well together so long as you're hitting them at the right time; how the melodies help you express yourself, letting out the emotions kept inside - joy, love, anger, sadness, fear. It helped me go through a lot of tough times in the past. With music, I". He turned to look at Naeun who had a sympathetic look on her face.


Naeun immediately shook her head. "Nothing, it's just, you must've gone through a lot."

"It's all behind me now. I'm in a much better position," he replied with a smile on his face.

"Art is kinda similar to music," Naeun said, "The day my father left us, I was only eight. My sister was barely a year old. Growing up, we struggled financially. It was hard enough taking care of a child, let alone a newborn," she chuckled as her childhood memories came flooding back in.

"When my dad could no longer handle the strain, he up and left us without a word. He didn't even write a letter or stick a note that announced he was leaving for good. I was only eight, yet I remember my tiny body being filled with so much hate and anger. My art teacher told us how art is a form of expression, so, I've been drawing and painting to let the emotions out of my system. It worked, and with time and luck, mom got back up on her own two feet. It took a while, but she was finally able to support us on her own with her then growing restaurant. Things also got better when I met Krystal and Eunji. Life became better but I never stopped art; it became a habit that soon turned into a passion and my refuge."

She heard Taemin scoff, "Look at us acting all emotional and sentimental." She reached out a hand to his. It startled him at first but subsequently, he relaxed. He wore no gloves, yet they were as warm as the fire burning in a hearth.

"I know we've only known each other for a while, but I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

How is it that I had not known you all this time, he wondered.

"It's funny how you say we barely know each other, yet I feel the happiest and most comfortable around you." Naeun was caught off guard by his sudden confession. "Besides Key and Kai, of course," he added.

Of course, she thought. Somehow, that small statement sunk her heart a little.

Once they had finished their hot cocoa, they continued searching for their gift, separately this time; they didn't want to see what the other planned to buy just in case they happened to be each other's Secret Santa.

Repeating what Naeun said in his head, Taemin finally found the perfect gift.

I hope she'll like it.


The gang took longer than expected to find their gift.

Key returned first and not long after, the rest did as well. Naeun tried peeking at the gift Taemin had bought but was unsuccessful when he clutched the small bag closely to his chest.

"No peeking," he lightly scolded, which earned Taemin another pout from her innocent face. After promising to one another not to take a peek at the gifts they purchased, and placing them in their rooms, Krystal suggested they go for a spa break before going out for lunch. Naeun was hesitant at first; the price was way off her daily budget, especially after purchasing her Secret Santa gift, but she desperately needed a moment of relaxation. A moment where L would keep springing out of nowhere. Her mother did tell her to have fun. Maybe she would cover both eyes just this once.

She was glad she did it. Naeun felt like a new person. She opted for a full body massage and aromatherapy bath. The aches from previous nights were nearly gone and she smelled of lavender and vanilla - a perfect combination she must say. She made a checklist in her mind to buy lavender and vanilla scented candles once she returned to Seoul.

The group had to be careful walking to the restaurant as thin layers of black ice had formed on the surface roads. Taemin nearly fell on top of Kai when the two started playing roughly despite Key's warning.

"Would've been an Instagram-worthy moment, if you ask me," Eunji whispered. They realized they still had plenty of daylight to kill despite their long conversations with one another in the restaurant after they had finished their lunch.

"Guess we're back to square one, huh?" Taemin asked, "Got any ideas, geography girl?" but Krystal was already in the middle of rummaging her brain for ideas. Her face made a rather painful-looking expression."Don't hurt yourself," he chuckled.

Krystal's eye lit up like a bulb, "I've got it! You guys are gonna love this one."

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