Something about 1%

By urjitasheth

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"There is no possibility for me to fall in love with a ruthless business man like you Mr. Jacob Miller there... More

Author's note
1. The one where everyone is clueless
2. The deal is sealed
3. Strictly business relationship
4. Past catching up
5. Just the way you are
6. A treasured memory
7. Stay by my side
8. The night of confessions
9. Life of my dreams
10. Two steps back
11. My perfectly not so perfect fit
12. Broken trust and broken heart
13. The world of money and selfishness
14. Follow me until the end?
15. Love worth fighting for
16. 'Bad guys need angels the most'

17. Its time to say goodbye!

115 1 0
By urjitasheth

Mia's pov:

Amy and Austin are now sitting inside my house. I did not ever wish to invite Amy but Austin has been nothing but nice to me.
"Look Mia, I can take her away if you want, you don't have to do this, besides Jacob is going to kill me anyway." I don't say anything in return and stare at Amy.

A minute later she finally speaks, "I am sorry Mia for doing something terrible to you, please forgive me and ask Jacob to drop the charges." I scoff at her fake apology. She has no remorse, she's not even 1% guilty for putting me through all this, she's just worried about the legal case.

"I know whatever I did was wrong... but you're not even hurt, I mean I am apologizing here, so can we just forget about all this?" She's the worst... no remorse... no guilt and now I feel whatever Jacob is doing, is right because she deserves it. Austin stares at me with embarrassment and regrets brining her here.

"Sorry... my foot Amy... you're not sorry, you're just upset that it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. Hurt? Yes, I am fuckin hurt because after that incident... I can't sleep, I can't walk alone on the streets, I keep thinking how easy it is for people as affluent as you to do all this... to hand me over to some guy... so he could have done something to me." She looks away and doesn't say anything.

"You're a girl yourself, how are you capable enough to be so cruel to another girl? You handed me over to someone else so he could.... I mean... a simple apology doesn't make everything ok Amy." I yell at her.

"What do you want me to do? Beg?...I know I crossed my line but please stop Jacob, he's about to destroy my entire family."

"You have known Jacob more than I have... as I told you before, do you think he will do something just because someone told him to." Seconds later Jacob enters inside my house, he had saved his fingerprint on the door lock as well... I totally forgot about it and stare at him with guilt inside me.

He's angry... more than he has ever been... he stares from Austin to me and then Amy. "Get out... or I will call the police." He yells at Amy and then gives a death stare to Austin who looks down and gets uncomfortable.

"You.... Mia, are you dumb or stupid? Why would you let her even sit here?" I now stand up and hold him from his shoulders to make him calm.

I stare at him intently and whisper its ok to him and he takes a sigh of breath as if he's relived to see me.
"I forgive you Amy but I will not forget whatever you did but I don't wanna create drama and get the law involved. Just get out and get away from us."

She whispers thank you to me and tries to leave in a hurry but Jacob stops her, "I have testimonials and recordings from the kidnappers you gave money to, I even have photographs of you meeting them up... go away quietly or I'll do something worst to you. Your father is anyways in a big trouble but if you wanna be saved, never try and come close to me or Mia ever again or the case will be open." Jacob threatens her, he reminds of the Jacob I met the very first time.

She leaves in a hurry and Austin too leaves behind her to escape the angry side of Jacob. Jacob stares at me with anger at first but engulfs me into his arms, "I don't know if I should be proud of you or call you stupid for being so nice." I hug him and then raise my head to look at him, "I saved myself, I don't want my parents or even you to get involved into all this, I am pretty sure this threat is enough for her to know her place." He sighs and kisses me on my forehead.

"Are you sure about being here?" I roll my eyes at him.
"I have made my peace with Amy, I can call Annie anytime I feel weird... so don't worry ok?" I reassure him and he does take it in well instead of forcing me to go to his house again.

"Can I stay here for sometime before returning to work? There's just so much that's been happening, I want to just be in our world for sometime instead of going out there." He tells me with embarrassment but it immediately melts my heart. I hold his hand and take him inside my room.

Both of us just cuddle up and hug each other tightly. For sometime we just stay like that and I feel all his anger, his coldness and that tight feeling leaving his body. He now feels like himself again... I am glad I ended this Amy chapter from my side and did not drag it... Karma will take care of her.

We could have stayed like this all day but as usual his phone starts to ring... he just gives me a peck on the lips and leaves. I smile at him and let him go back to his world again. As I see him leave from my balcony, I turn back and decide to rest for sometime... when my eyes land on my calendar. We are in the mid August... beginning of September... its time for us to go on our separate ways.

House break-in, kidnapping... dangerous bomb threats... all of this has made me realize how he's right on his place for not letting this get any ahead... Jacob was not the wrong person... he's the right person born in a wrong place... if Jacob even with his angry personality would have approached me as someone from a simple background, I would have asked him to marry me but his world is out of my reach and for that very reason we have to let each other go.

That evening I call him and ask him if we can go for a picnic at a park this weekend and he readily agrees.  I want to do everything I can in this last 1 month so I don't have any regrets.

Saturday arrives and we are now sitting at a park, there are many other couples doing what we are doing. Spending some sweet time with each other, playing badminton with each other and some are even making out.

I stare at Jacob who looks absolutely handsome in his white shirt, jeans and sunglasses and is reading a love story suggested by me. My head is on his lap and I am reading an inspiring book on how to build your business. I yawn and give him secret glances from time to time.
"I can see you, I am wearing sunglasses not blind glasses, you're bored already? Also your book is really cheesy and ridiculous." Both of us laugh and keep our books down.
I sit up besides him and he takes my hand and kisses it, "So, everything is sorted at the company now? I read a few articles about the stock manipulation."

"Yeah, the bomb threat and the robbery were all done by Kyle and Amy's father." I widen my eyes in shock, Kyle's father is Jacob's uncle... how can your own family think of doing something like that?

"But Kyle is nice, we have started to hangout to play football now once in a while. It's refreshing and nice." I smile and get happy that he has one more person to rely on.... once we part ways.

We spend a nice and peaceful day and make the best of memories with each other.

Jacob's pov:
My grandfather also announced my training period which starts next month, 3 months later I am scheduled to take over the company. My mom is over joyed but before I could do that... I want to finish my last 3 deals for our hotel, spend all my free time with Mia before bidding a final goodbye to each other.

We have 30 more days with each other and I want to spend each and every day with her and do everything that we wanted to do on our dates.

As we begin to prepare for the final stage of all my hotel deals, the weekend approaches faster. I and Mia have talked on phone calls every night and even met for a simple ice creams dates throughout the week. Because it is her vacation, she specially stays up for me every night and we now video call each other and sleep after we see each other's face every night.

Last weekend I had the best date with Mia in a park, to do nothing but read and talk and make memories.

As another Saturday approches, she invites me over to her house and cooks for me, I hug her from behind and see her making my favorite mac and cheese and cookies. We are now seated on her bar stool table outside her kitchen. I am eating her delicious mac and cheese and she's writing down things she wants to do in these last few days.

Both of us are surpassing the pain that is gonna come later and just decide to do everything that we wanted.

Most of the things in the list are from Mia but one is from me. 'A full day trip on our last day', as she reads the word 'last day', for a split second I see sadness take over her face but she quickly covers it with happiness, "I am so satisfied with this list, I always wanted to do all this on dates." I ruffle her hair lovingly. "You should get a puppy." I laugh at her irritated expression.

We decide to watch a horror movie as per her wish and I decide stay over at her house. Although none of us talk about that night, both of us are way more comfortable with each other now. She did not protest even once like before when I asked her if I could stay over.
We are now sitting on her bed and she decided to put 'The Conjuring'... I never really had time to see all this or catch up on movies or shows, I have never really seen horror movies but it wouldn't big a huge deal right?

I spoke too early, as I see the mother of the kids playing and hearing the claps from the closet, I shriek a little, I stare at Mia who's eating popcorn and watching the movie like she's chill with these ghosts. As the movie move forward, I start to feel a little scared, I decide to look elsewhere than the television... Mia catches me and starts to laugh loudly. She keeps the popcorn bowl on her bedside table and shifts closer to me. "Don't worry! I will protect you." She laughs one more time and holds my hand tightly. I roll my eyes at her but smile.

As the movie gets over, Mia laughs at my horrified expression. I decide to scare her instead and push her below me, I am now on her and smirk in triumph. Instead of getting scared, she kisses me instead with full passion... Mia sure has changed. As we stop to take some breath, "Both of us have changed, I now make the first move." She giggles and I start to kiss her once more and without any hesitation we take it ahead and have an eventful yet beautiful night. As they say... once you start... its hard to stop.

Time has suddenly gotten faster and quicker and days are now rushing. We are able to go on a few more dates, we went for a couple dancing class, she was really impressed with my dancing skills.
We also went for a art a therapy class and although both of us weren't that great, it turned out really calming and really soothing.

We go for drives almost every night to try the delicious desserts, we listen to two very contrasting music tastes of each other but still enjoy it. Since all the eating would make us unfit, I even took her for jogging couple of times in the morning.

Before we know, the last week of our contract approaches... we are both talking on our usual video call right now... I can't believe that a week later... we won't get to see each other like this anymore and we have to forget about each other completely.
"Jacob? Why are you zoning out?"
"Our last day of the contract is this week." She looks down and tries to hide the pain that she's feeling.
"Where do you want to go?" She asks me.
"Can we go and hike at one of my favorite place." She smiles and agrees without any more questions.

Saturday, I pick her up from her house at 5 in the morning. She's yawning a lot and instantly sleeps while we are driving. I gently wake her up as we have to take the ferry to go there. I have personally booked a ferry for us, I wanted the 2.5 hour to be comfortable, romantic and personal. The ferry has a private room inside it.

"You should probably rest because its gonna be tiring later today." I tell her honestly as I see her standing and staring the beautiful view from the private room.
She drags me there and asks me to give her a back hug, I laugh and do what she says. We stay like that for sometime. She gets her phone out and clicks our picture together. We also click one where I am kissing her on her cheek.

As we have to hike, I am carrying a bag with essentials for both of us. I have something I want to give her but maybe later when we finish the hike.
We get something light as breakfast on board, talk here and there and just enjoy the view when 2.5 hours later we finally arrive.

We reach at the Mount Rainer National Park and begin the hike at my most favorite place, the Skyline hike.
"Why did you choose to do this?" She asks me curiously.
"This place is only allowed for people who are extremely close to me. My dad showed me this place, its the time I cherished the most from my childhood. My family was normal, my mom loved me, my dad was with us. When he first took me here, I realized how small the world is when you go higher... I did not realize it would be lonely as well. I did not realize I'll lose people on the way." She doesn't say anything but just holds my hand in assurance.

Mia's pov:
I feel precious and treasured when he tells me he only gets people special to him here. We go upwards hand in hand with him taking care of me and never letting me get hurt.
We finish the 5 mile trail in 4 hours, a little slow because I wanted to soak in each minute of the beautiful place with pictures and memories. We sit on the peak and Jacob gives me food he brought for us.
We stare at the beautiful mountains and feel refreshed and alive, "Do you think there's a lot we couldn't do or haven't known about each other?" I ask while looking at the beautiful mountains.
"Maybe!" He replies.
"What do you plan on doing once we... breakup and part ways?"
"I want to meet someone good...a good man." I tell him but with guilt in my heart... its not like I'll forget about him in a snap... I just want him to move on because he expects me to do the same.

I continue, "I want to meet a person who buys a gift for a child whose crying, helps a child get back after he trips and cheer them up, a person who's considerate towards his family, protective towards his loved ones and is hardworking and amazing." I tell him, describing each of his traits and I remember each incident from our date that made me fall in love with him.

He suddenly pouts and feels a little dejected, "You want someone really different than me." I laugh and think what an idiot he is for not realizing he is the person I am talking about. My kind and loving Jacob... and I realize not mine anymore and feel sad about it.

He takes out something from his bag, gets up and puts it on my neck. Its a necklace with a diamond on it, "It looks good on you." He smiles after putting it up on me.
A tear drops from my eye but I hide it and look elsewhere.
"The world really does look tiny from up here." I tell him.
"My dad cheated on my mom and destroyed my whole family. For years I kept blaming both my parents for abandoning me but this place gave me strength, helped me forgive my parents and reach at the top. I wanted to show you this place on our last day to tell you that... please hold good memories about us but also forget about us and move on... you deserve the best Mia. You made me believe in impossible things and changed me as a person... I am so thankful to have known you in last 6 months." A tear drop falls on his cheek, so does with me and we just hug each other without anything more.

After sometime he asks me, "Should we head back?" as we don't want to get down in dark, I nod and we begin to get down again, this time faster and in lesser time. I wanted the time to be slow but its faster than it has ever been.... we reach at the ferry boat and we head back to Seattle.

After returning, he drops me to my house in car, "Can I stay over for sometime."
I smile a little, "we are supposed to break up Jacob but I think a few hours wouldn't do anything bad." Just as we are about to head in, his phone starts to ring... it was silent for too long.

He picks it up and gets a terrifying expression on his face. He keeps the call quickly and informs me, "Sorry, I can't stay." He tells me nervously but he also insists on walking me till my doorstep.

We reach there and my back is facing him, I turn back and stare at him and all the pain that was surpassing, no longer stays hidden... it all comes out.
"Thanks for helping Kevin with his contract to all the money that you spent behind the school and the orphanage." I say that and stay quiet before I confess something out of pain.
"Is that all you have to say?" He asks me with disappointment on his face.
"I can't say anything more even if I wanted to.... although I am sad but I will definitely get over it since we agreed not to fall for one another." I tell him honestly.

"Did you not fall for me even a little?" He asks me suddenly.
"Did you?" I ask him back.
"I did my best.... not to."
"I am thankful to you for doing that."

He slowly hugs me and tears start to come out quickly, "Please meet a good guy, fall in love and settle well... you deserve the best."
"I know that!" I whisper while crying.
"The guy will be lucky to have you."
"I can't say the same for you... a workaholic husband working day and night... sounds terrible."
"I am sorry for not taking this any ahead that this."'we hug each other tightly, I cry some more and minutes later rush to my apartment without any more goodbye speeches.

I rush to my bed and cry myself to sleep that night.

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